Obama orders hospitals to grant same-sex couples visitation rights

you draw the line at not allowing your personal prejudices to discriminate against people for being different from you.

Do I need to point this out again?

I am not opposed to hospitals allowing same sex couples visitation rights

Where, pray tell, am I allowing my personal prejudices to discriminate against people for being different from me?

I said I am all for same sex couples having visitation rights. What I also said, is that it is not the Federal Government's place to mandate political correctness.


yea but I think another poster had a good point that many times the gov has to step in to stop discrimination with the example of blacks in the past

It was a good point. I agree and there are times that we need to establish laws to prevent discrimination and this may in fact be one of those times... however, is that something the Federal Government should do or is something that the individual states should do?

That is the point I was trying to make last night.

President Obama is, IMHO, overstepping the bounds of the Federal Government here and that is only MY opinion. I am sure there are people who disagree with that assessment.

This thread really points out the hack trolls of this forum, cause only a heartless bastard would be against giving gay couples the right to be with their dying or sick loved one

No, asshole.. it is not about wanting the same treatment of gay couples.. it is about a politician ruffling his feathers over something that is not what he is supposed to be doing... it is grandstanding, showboating, and nothing more

It most certainly is....but, you see, if you argue from that angle, you look cruel and heartless....so, you deflect.


I have long argued in favor of Civil Unions for all couples. I have long argued that the government should not be in the marriage business at all and that it should treat all couples with the same respect by setting up contractual agreement for both straight and same sex.

I have long argued that this (visitation) rights should be extended to same sex couples.

However, I do not believe that President Obama is authorized by the Constitution to do this.

Face it...the Righties posting here are very very upset that Gay Americans are allowed to see their loved ones in the hospital. They do not want Obama or anyone to right THAT wrong.

Yup, and they try to pretend they aren't close minded bigots by making up completely stupid reasons why they don't agree. I'd probably have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like homosexuals and stop trying to bullshit and dance around their ignorance with intellectual dishonest arguments

You realize this is a total deal breaker for Obama....SOOOOOO many people will not vote for him in 2014 because he lets us visit our loved ones in the hospital.... :doubt:

You realize this is a total deal breaker for Obama....SOOOOOO many people will not vote for him in 2014 because he lets us visit our loved ones in the hospital.... :doubt:

No one will vote for him in 2014.

If you click your heels three times while saying that, it will come true :lol:

Um you guys? In case no one has mentioned it after these two posts. The next Presidential election is in 2012 and there will not be one in 2014. His only hope of getting votes in 2014 is if he loses in 2012 and has to run for something in 2014.

Although, I am not opposed to hospitals allowing same sex couples visitation rights, this is just one more attempt of politicians to enforce compliance of political correctness.

Obama has no right to demand this... once again he is overstepping his bounds.


everyone person has a right to bee seen. and it shouldn't matter if they gay striaght or if there green or orange. so i don't see what the fuck you disagree this is wrong end of story.

obama has the right to do this end of story you moron

Guess you can't read Moron!

I am for their right to visitation. I believe Obama over-stepped the functions of the President as stated in the Constitution... end of story.

Although, I am not opposed to hospitals allowing same sex couples visitation rights, this is just one more attempt of politicians to enforce compliance of political correctness.

Obama has no right to demand this... once again he is overstepping his bounds.



Obama extends health care rights to gay partners - Yahoo! News

The designated visitors should have the same rights that immediate family members now enjoy, Obama's instructions said. It said Medicare-Medicaid hospitals, which include most of the nation's facilities, may not deny visitation and consultation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.

So it's damn well within his rights.

Check please.

The President claims he has authority. That does not make it so.

Although, I am not opposed to hospitals allowing same sex couples visitation rights, this is just one more attempt of politicians to enforce compliance of political correctness.

Obama has no right to demand this... once again he is overstepping his bounds.


everyone person has a right to bee seen. and it shouldn't matter if they gay striaght or if there green or orange. so i don't see what the fuck you disagree this is wrong end of story.

obama has the right to do this end of story you moron

Guess you can't read Moron!

I am for their right to visitation. I believe Obama over-stepped the functions of the President as stated in the Constitution... end of story.


believe whatever you want, doesn't make it so, and the facts disagree
The President claims he has authority. That does not make it so.


The President has the authority. These places are receiving federal government funds, they might as well be following federal government guidelines.

Or do you have a problem with that?
Although, I am not opposed to hospitals allowing same sex couples visitation rights, this is just one more attempt of politicians to enforce compliance of political correctness.

Obama has no right to demand this... once again he is overstepping his bounds.


Actually, as POTUS, he does. If you read the article, then you know he did this within his power as POTUS and chief administrator of medicare and medicaid.
The President claims he has authority. That does not make it so.


The President has the authority. These places are receiving federal government funds, they might as well be following federal government guidelines.

Or do you have a problem with that?

The concern is if it was implemented within the law. If obama did this regarding an agency that required Legislative action then I would be denouncing what he did even though I'm in full agreement for equal rights.
He didn't overstep his authority so you basically have two choices.....stop pretending you are informed on DHHS Policy Protocol or get informed and argue your position from an educated perch instead of an anchor of assumptions.

Too bad presidents from the past didn't realize they had this power, they could have just granted the right to vote to women, why pass a silly amendment? Why have a congress? Why have state governments? I didn't see the DHHS do a damn thing, only Obama.

I tried to be nice but it was wasted so pay attention you dumfuk.

"This was the only department of the U.S. government to be created through presidential reorganization authority, in which the president was allowed to create or reorganize bureaucracies as long as neither house of Congress passed a legislative veto. This power to create new departments was removed after 1962, and in the early 1980s the Supreme Court declared legislative vetoes unconstitutional."

Just as the Prez has the authority to hire and fire US Attorneys the Prez can institute Policies in HHS. You may not like it, and I think it should be restructured, but you can't claim he abused his power when it was legal.

Perhaps you could point out just where in this BS it says that the President can tell a Hospital what their visitation policy is?
everyone person has a right to bee seen. and it shouldn't matter if they gay striaght or if there green or orange. so i don't see what the fuck you disagree this is wrong end of story.

obama has the right to do this end of story you moron

Guess you can't read Moron!

I am for their right to visitation. I believe Obama over-stepped the functions of the President as stated in the Constitution... end of story.


believe whatever you want, doesn't make it so, and the facts disagree

The President claims he has authority. That does not make it so.


The President has the authority. These places are receiving federal government funds, they might as well be following federal government guidelines.

Or do you have a problem with that?

Although, I am not opposed to hospitals allowing same sex couples visitation rights, this is just one more attempt of politicians to enforce compliance of political correctness.

Obama has no right to demand this... once again he is overstepping his bounds.


Actually, as POTUS, he does. If you read the article, then you know he did this within his power as POTUS and chief administrator of medicare and medicaid.

I accept that the three of you view this part of the issue differently than I do.

I do not believe that the Constitution gives that authority.

I do believe that throughout the years, Presidents have usurped authority that they are not entitled to and that being the case, it is possible that SCOTUS will allow this to stand.

I also believe that as a customer of the hospitals, the government has the right to spend its money in places that it deems acceptable. So, if the President were to issue an order that said, "No hospital that does not comply with my wishes will be authorized to perform services on Medicare/Medicaid patients or receive funds from Medicare/Medicaid", that would be one thing. Of course, that would not be the politically correct thing to do and he might find himself out of a job in 2012, if he did such a thing.

So instead, He chose to force political correctness on the entire medical community.


Although, I am not opposed to hospitals allowing same sex couples visitation rights, this is just one more attempt of politicians to enforce compliance of political correctness.

Obama has no right to demand this... once again he is overstepping his bounds.


if the hospitals take government money then the gov gets to dictates their policie where it sees fit. they can always operate idependently.
That is another problem, under the new health care socialism bill private hospitals are not allowed to expand. If they are private the gov't has no rightr to tell them they can't expand, but that is another thing that is wrong with Oliar.
What you believe and what the reality is does not match up

One could say the same about you.

The reality is that the Federal Government HAS overstepped its Constitutional bounds.

The reality is that most Americans don't care.

The reality is that it is destroying this country.

Do you want more tastes of reality?

What you believe and what the reality is does not match up

One could say the same about you.

The reality is that the Federal Government HAS overstepped its Constitutional bounds.

The reality is that most Americans don't care.

The reality is that it is destroying this country.

Do you want more tastes of reality?


Reality says no such thing, if they had overstepped their constitutional bounds, SCOTUS would determine it to be unconstitutional, you know, by following the constitution. Your OPINION is that they overstepped, not REALITY

You really have no clue what the difference between facts and opinion are? "it is destroying this country" is opinion, not reality
What you believe and what the reality is does not match up

One could say the same about you.

The reality is that the Federal Government HAS overstepped its Constitutional bounds.

The reality is that most Americans don't care.

The reality is that it is destroying this country.

Do you want more tastes of reality?


Reality says no such thing, if they had overstepped their constitutional bounds, SCOTUS would determine it to be unconstitutional, you know, by following the constitution. Your OPINION is that they overstepped, not REALITY

You really have no clue what the difference between facts and opinion are? "it is destroying this country" is opinion, not reality

The fact is this country is falling apart at the seams. We are at each other's throats daily. This is a reality and only the blind do not see it. That is not to say a miracle can't save us, but right now we are not in good shape.

The fact is that SCOTUS can't rule on this until the issue is brought before them through a legal action. Hasn't happened and probably won't.

The fact is that the Constitution gives no such authority to the President unless you can find some obscure "right to privacy" type authorization. I doubt you can.

One could say the same about you.

The reality is that the Federal Government HAS overstepped its Constitutional bounds.

The reality is that most Americans don't care.

The reality is that it is destroying this country.

Do you want more tastes of reality?


Reality says no such thing, if they had overstepped their constitutional bounds, SCOTUS would determine it to be unconstitutional, you know, by following the constitution. Your OPINION is that they overstepped, not REALITY

You really have no clue what the difference between facts and opinion are? "it is destroying this country" is opinion, not reality

The fact is this country is falling apart at the seams. We are at each other's throats daily. This is a reality and only the blind do not see it. That is not to say a miracle can't save us, but right now we are not in good shape.

The fact is that SCOTUS can't rule on this until the issue is brought before them through a legal action. Hasn't happened and probably won't.

The fact is that the Constitution gives no such authority to the President unless you can find some obscure "right to privacy" type authorization. I doubt you can.

I see you don't know the difference between facts and opinion, all above is opinion, not fact

At each other's throats cause of ideological hacks that don't care about facts and reality, but being correct. The country has had some bad times before and wasn't destroyed, so that's a bit of an overreaction. Again OPINION, not fact

IF it doesn't, then the constitution has been followed. YOu calling it unconstitutional or gov't overstepping their bounds is OPINION, not fact.
One could say the same about you.

The reality is that the Federal Government HAS overstepped its Constitutional bounds.

The reality is that most Americans don't care.

The reality is that it is destroying this country.

Do you want more tastes of reality?


Reality says no such thing, if they had overstepped their constitutional bounds, SCOTUS would determine it to be unconstitutional, you know, by following the constitution. Your OPINION is that they overstepped, not REALITY

You really have no clue what the difference between facts and opinion are? "it is destroying this country" is opinion, not reality

The fact is this country is falling apart at the seams.

No it is not.

We are at each other's throats daily.

Only on message boards...and we are a very small minority.

This is a reality and only the blind do not see it.

No it is not reality. Most people in this country are putzing along just as they have been doing for years.

That is not to say a miracle can't save us, but right now we are not in good shape.

The economy kind of sucks right now...but this is not the first time nor will it be the last time. The end of the world is not close to being nie.

The fact is that SCOTUS can't rule on this until the issue is brought before them through a legal action. Hasn't happened and probably won't.

Because most people recognize the common sense and humanitarianism of the decision. Others....not so much. :eusa_eh:

The fact is that the Constitution gives no such authority to the President unless you can find some obscure "right to privacy" type authorization. I doubt you can.


So, you want to whine about the President's authority to ask hospitals to take some kind of humanitarian action. What are you? A monster?

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