Obama Overtures to Business Fall Flat

That sad part is, he's probably still in school or college and this is the clap trap his teachers/profs fill his empty head with.

He probably has NEVER worked in the private sector, and has no freaking clue how it works.

His obsession with "fair" tells me of his youth. That's how a kid talks.

I used to argue that with my father and my father would always tell me "there is no such thing as fair."

Well he was right, and I learned that all too well as I grew up.

This guy obviously hasn't grown up yet.

You don't know anything at all. You are a blind righty hack who lives on talking points fed to you by corporate stooges. It's not even worth debating with you, even with the tangible facts. You are partisan blind.

Oh Jeez......where do yoiu get your info from?

Actually, the interwebs has many, many sources on this.

Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle (washingtonpost.com)

And do you wish to talk about how much of the total and % burden was still on 'the rich'? How many citizens paid exactly $0 in federal income tax? Do you also purposely omit the part where the lower incomes had their tax burden decrease even more?

You and your ilk with your support of selective equality.. equality when it suits you, and government's power to force inequality when it suits you
Yeah, if you start a company. Take the risk and the hard work, you shouldn't have a say on how it's run. Your workers should decide.

Spoken like a true commie!

And who are the also-wealthy shareholders that dictate for the rest of us? Hmm? The sitiing CEO's did not start the companies all the time and many of them, well, don't do a very good job, yet still they walk away with hundreds of millions while the wage slaves under them get NOTHING. Yeah, that's some risk...

Fair is fair.

Sorry Pal. This is America. What you want is not what America was founded on.

You are allowing your own greed and jealousy dictate your thinking.

I dont give a crap what anyone else makes. And if I did, I would not buy from the company, invest in the company, opr work for the company.

But for some reason, the ones who complain OPT to work for the company; OPT to invest in the company; OPT to buy from the company...

Then they can complain about the company.

Go figure.
Helloooooooooooooooooooooo, who was sooooooo for it?

Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Democrats!!!!!!!!!!

Now continue on, with your fantasy.

As I recall, most of the Republicans were behind it too for fear of an economic shit storm.

Then you need to improve your recollection. The fact is the Democrats were in controll of both Houses:

GovTrack: House Vote On Passage: H.R. 5140 [110th]: Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

The vote was overwhelminging Democrat.

Here's a breakdown map:

The Washington post is absolutely NOT a left-leaning publication.


Now you have made it cleart that debating with you is NOT worth the time.

You are as bad and delusional as truthmatters if you claim the Post is not left leaning....

LMAO.....wow...I mean....just wow.
That sad part is, he's probably still in school or college and this is the clap trap his teachers/profs fill his empty head with.

He probably has NEVER worked in the private sector, and has no freaking clue how it works.

His obsession with "fair" tells me of his youth. That's how a kid talks.

I used to argue that with my father and my father would always tell me "there is no such thing as fair."

Well he was right, and I learned that all too well as I grew up.

This guy obviously hasn't grown up yet.

You don't know anything at all. You are a blind righty hack who lives on talking points fed to you by corporate stooges. It's not even worth debating with you, even with the tangible facts. You are partisan blind.


In other words, I HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD! :lol::lol::lol:

You know you have hit the nail on the head, when they stop talking about the issue and just start going for personal attacks.

Sweetheart you don't have to be ashamed you're only 16+! We were all there and thought the same things about "fairness."

It's a learning experience. Get back to us when you have worked out in the real world.

Trust me, it's an eye opener. It's just annoying to those of us who have to be lectured to by those who have no freaking clue.

We can tell you don't know what you are talking about.

so 70x is ok, but 400x is not? where do you draw the line?
i think if someone wants to run their company in a manner in which the ceo only makes 10x what the janitor makes, that's up to them.
i don't think anyone else should have a say in it.

Then to be fair, all the people that work for that company should have a say, don't you think? It's only fair. And yes, 400x is way out of whack considering they made just 42x that in 1980. That's only 20 years ago.

If the employees want to assume the risk of ownership, by purchasing stock, then they can share the profits. They also can lose their whole investment. Also, I can find many, many people qualified to be a janitor, but only a few to run a big corporation. I disgress however, because you already said a big company had nothing to do with the subject.
was right. Some dumb kid who has NEVER WORKED a real job in his life.

Get back to me, when you run your own business kid.

"Fair is fair." You sound like a 16 year old!

Egad, the older I get, the less tolerance I have for this nonsense.

So.... what makes it ok for a small group (shareholders) most of whom do not work for the company get to decide salary, but the employees who are actively involved, invested and physically making money for said comany have NO say?
was right. Some dumb kid who has NEVER WORKED a real job in his life.

Get back to me, when you run your own business kid.

"Fair is fair." You sound like a 16 year old!

Egad, the older I get, the less tolerance I have for this nonsense.

So.... what makes it ok for a small group (shareholders) most of whom do not work for the company get to decide salary, but the employees who are actively involved, invested and physically making money for said comany have NO say?

Um, . . . .THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Constitution that allows private OWNERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I start a company and I take the money, the risk and the hard work to run it, then I SHOULD HAVE THE SAY ON HOW TO DIRECT IT!!!!!!

That's part of FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Whether that's the right to own a company, private property, or a private home.

The Constitution is NOT concerned with what a bunch of busy bodies like you think is FAIR.

Deal with it.

Trust me, it's an eye opener. It's just annoying to those of us who have to be lectured to by those who have no freaking clue.

We can tell you don't know what you are talking about.

I obviously know more than you do, as I put up sources to back my observations while you just go on righty talking points. I do work in the private sector. But I'm smart, I work for a Japanese company. SO much better than every American company I've worked for.

Just keep on hackin'. We've seen what the repulbicans' policies do first-hand.
Um, . . . .THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What? So, giving corporations complete control over the citizenry is in the constitution? Wow. Wait, we gave them EVEN MORE of a voice, so yes, I guess it is. This country is so ass-backwards.
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[Trust me, it's an eye opener. It's just annoying to those of us who have to be lectured to by those who have no freaking clue.

We can tell you don't know what you are talking about.

I obviously know more than you do, as I put up sources to back my observations while you just go on righty talking points. I do work in the private sector. But I'm smart, I work for a Japanese company. SO much better than every American company I've worked for.

Just keep on hackin'. We've seen what the repulbicans' policies do first-hand.

Ahhh.. the self appointed know-it-all lefty.... sadly an all to common occurrence

You have not put anything factual to back up your assertions... and you frankly omit the parts of the supposed data that you do not want others to see, because it would put quite a chink in the armor of your stance

Care to address the questions I had about your ludicrous assertions?
Trust me, it's an eye opener. It's just annoying to those of us who have to be lectured to by those who have no freaking clue.

We can tell you don't know what you are talking about.

I obviously know more than you do, as I put up sources to back my observations while you just go on righty talking points. I do work in the private sector. But I'm smart, I work for a Japanese company. SO much better than every American company I've worked for.

Just keep on hackin'. We've seen what the repulbicans' policies do first-hand.


Yeah, your "source" which everyone just laughed at you about? The Washington Post?

The supposed source that isn't "left leaning."

Yeah you know sooooooooooooooooo much more than we do! And excuse me if I don't believe you on who you work for.

Japanese companies are more cut throat than American companies (like Toyota) and the don't deal with the unions. And you tell us they are more fair? LOL!

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You have not put anything factual to back up your assertions... and you frankly omit the parts of the supposed data that you do not want others to see

Such as? PLEASE, please refute me. I actually still have an open mind, unlike you. Convince me. You say one thing, but your heralded policies produce disastrous results. Is that not a fact? LOOK at where we are...
Um, . . . .THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What? So, giving corporations complete control over the citezenry is in the constitution? Wow. Wait, we gave them EVEN MORE of a voice, so yes, I guess it is. This country is so ass-backwards.

Where was that asserted by anyone?? You simply try and twist around to fit your argument.. the sign of a pure loser

The corporations do not have control over the citizenry.. you are not forced to work there.. you are not forced to invest.. you are not forced to purchase there... you are indeed free to do all of those things as and where you choose

What the setup of our government does say is that we have the right to our property, and to do with it as we see fit within the law... you do not get a say over my property or investments because you don't think it is fair what I derive from it.. you do not get to have a say or control mine or anyone else's property because you feel you deserve more... You worry about controlling your own decisions, finances, investments, , not about mine or anyone else's

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