Planting trees for carbon capture is a losing strategy.

What is your question about the science?

I just see a desperate attempt from an internet poster.
........Serious question. If you are, please tell me what the temperature, co2 ppm, sea level height etc.. has to be for mankind to go extinct? Please don't forget those figures that the dinosaurs flourished under when answering. I cannot for the life of me find an expert Alarmist that can answer this.......
Just look at the number and size of forest wildfires burning now around the world. Why add more fuel that will just go up in smoke.

That we have trees at all at this point indicates that they don't all go up in smoke.
What is your question about the science?

What is the mathematical relationship between carbon dioxide concentrations and the emissivity parameter in Stefan-Boltzmann greybody equation used by climatology? ... I'd like to know the calculated temperature for all these extra greenhouse gases humans are producing ... i.e. how much does CO2 warm the planet? ...

Or more broadly ... how are you determining climate sensitivity? ...
We’re discussing climate not weather.

We understand catastrophic weather ... could you please explain what "catastrophic climate" looks like? ... we can start in Antarctica if you'd like ... what is catastrophic about Antarctic climate? ...
What is the mathematical relationship between carbon dioxide concentrations and the emissivity parameter in Stefan-Boltzmann greybody equation used by climatology? ... I'd like to know the calculated temperature for all these extra greenhouse gases humans are producing ... i.e. how much does CO2 warm the planet? ...

Or more broadly ... how are you determining climate sensitivity? ...
Download this document and read section 7.5 that deals with estimating ECS and TCR

Just look at the number and size of forest wildfires burning now around the world. Why add more fuel that will just go up in smoke.
Nothing wrong with the policy or principles .

Perhaps you should examine more closely the hidden use of weather geo -engineering and not automartically assume that is conspiracy as Sheeple have been entrained to think .
imho .
Nothing wrong with the policy or principles .

Perhaps you should examine more closely the hidden use of weather geo -engineering and not automartically assume that is conspiracy as Sheeple have been entrained to think .
imho .
I have already suggested some 'geoengineering' ideas. The only conspiracy is the conspiracy to do little or nothing about any of our pressing problems.

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