Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"

Boooshie crony regulators allowed PRIVATE toxic assets to be rated A+, bundled, insured, and sold around the world starting in 2002. Change the channel, dingbats.

Actually at the time of the collapse Barney Queerboy and the Democrats were in charge of the Congressional oversight of the regulators.

The Democrat sponsored CRA was the brilliant idea to use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to those shitheads that neither had the means or the inclination to ever pay back the money. You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong?

Before the CRA lenders would only give money to the people that would pay it back. The CRA put tremendous pressure on the lenders to give the money to potential Democrat voters from disadvantaged area with the unwritten promise that if things went south the government would cover the losses, which is exactly what happened. Another stupid Libtard plan that almost bankrupted this country.

The Democrats were responsible for coming up with the stupid idea and the Republicans are responsible for not putting an end to it when they had the chance.
Obama doesn't think that hard work produces wealth. He says that his welfare queens "work hard".

Of course what the fuck does the sonofabitch know? He never really worked a day in life.

He went to a private school in Hawaii and then it was jump on the Affirmative Action Bandwagon from then on.
The best way for an American to stay out of poverty is stop voting for Liberals that screw up the economy. Unfortunately there are far too many of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber warned us about that keep on electing Libtards and that is the reason that the poverty rate in this country is increasing, family income is declining, there are more people on welfare than there are working and the country is $18 trillion in debt.

The stupid Americans cause the problem by electing Liberals that screw up the economy and then they bitch about the consequences. Isn't the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results?
Boooshie crony regulators allowed PRIVATE toxic assets to be rated A+, bundled, insured, and sold around the world starting in 2002. Change the channel, dingbats.

Actually at the time of the collapse Barney Queerboy and the Democrats were in charge of the Congressional oversight of the regulators.

The Democrat sponsored CRA was the brilliant idea to use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to those shitheads that neither had the means or the inclination to ever pay back the money. You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong?

Before the CRA lenders would only give money to the people that would pay it back. The CRA put tremendous pressure on the lenders to give the money to potential Democrat voters from disadvantaged area with the unwritten promise that if things went South the government would cover the losses, which is exactly what happens. Another stupid Libtard plan that almost bankrupted this country.

The Democrats were responsible for coming up with the stupid idea and the Republicans are responsible for not putting an end to it when they had the chance.
Absolute idiocy. Your video is all about horrible Fannie and Freddie, when their share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and private lenders went nuts selling crap around the world. It was all over by 2007...and everything Dems in congress wanted was filibustered or vetoed.

CRA stopped redlininung so WORTHY poor could get loans. Booshie regulators allowed unemployed morons to get loans... ay caramba.
The best way for an American to stay out of poverty is stop voting for Liberals that screw up the economy. Unfortunately there are far too many of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber warned us about that keep on electing Libtards and that is the reason that the poverty rate in this country is increasing, family income is declining, there are more people on welfare than there are working and the country is $18 trillion in debt.

The stupid Americans cause the problem by electing Liberals that screw up the economy and then they bitch about the consequences. Isn't the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results?
Change the channel. Everything you know is total Pubcrap. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the corrupt world depression, 6 years of mindless obstruction, and the most disgraceful propaganda in our country's history. See sig.

Change the channel. Everything you know is total Pubcrap. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the corrupt world depression, 6 years of mindless obstruction, and the most disgraceful propaganda in our country's history. See sig.

All those things you mentioned I would attribute to the Progressives.

Everything from Bill Clinton ignoring the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center that led to 911 to the combined cost of government in the US being over 40% of the GNP, which would depress any economy.

Obama fought the Iraq War for three years, called it a success and now is back bombing again. He escalated the Afghanistan War and is proposing to keep at least 10K troops there for perpetuity. Talk about stupid wars but nobody has been able to explain to the US security interest for Obama's bombing campaign in Libya. Look at the place nowadays.

The Liberals are the obstructionists. They refuse to do what is necessary to reduce the size of government and stimulate capitalism. They are more interested in taking money from the people that earn it and giving it to potential Democrat voters than they are about growing the economy. That has always been a recipe for disaster.

In traditional economic models the rich get richer and the poor also get richer. In Liberal economics the rich still get richer but the poor gets poorer. That is why under Obama the poverty rate has increased and family income has declined but yet the rich are getting richer.

I think nowadays The Hildabeast and the Clinton Crime Syndicate is the definition of corruption.

The Great Bush Economic Collapse of 2008 was largely due to an ineffective President who was unwilling to acknowledge the pending economic danger and preferred to have....the free marketplace work itself out

Thankfully, our President Obama was elected in time to reverse the Bush collapse

Sorry Moon Bat but you are simply confused. Bush warned the Democrat bastards but they wouldn't listen.

Barneyfrank had nothing to do with it other than being gay
Boooshie crony regulators allowed PRIVATE toxic assets to be rated A+, bundled, insured, and sold around the world starting in 2002. Change the channel, dingbats.
Regulators don't rate investments. That's done by private companies like Moody's.
Boooshie crony regulators allowed PRIVATE toxic assets to be rated A+, bundled, insured, and sold around the world starting in 2002. Change the channel, dingbats.
Regulators don't rate investments. That's done by private companies like Moody's.
So what are regulators supposed to do, LOL? See also Boooshie Big Oil regulators partying, having sex with oilmen before Gulf oil spill, then joining or going back into the industry. Oh right, didn't happen on planet Hater Dupe...
Boooshie crony regulators allowed PRIVATE toxic assets to be rated A+, bundled, insured, and sold around the world starting in 2002. Change the channel, dingbats.
Regulators don't rate investments. That's done by private companies like Moody's.
So what are regulators supposed to do, LOL?

I'm not sure what your question is. I suppose they should quit trying to force banks to grant mortgages to people who can't pay them.

See also Boooshie Big Oil regulators partying, having sex with oilmen before Gulf oil spill, then joining or going back into the industry. Oh right, didn't happen on planet Hater Dupe...

The Gulf Oil spill happened on Obama's watch, so you look idiotic trying to blame it on "Boooshie Big Oil regulators."

Change the channel. Everything you know is total Pubcrap. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the corrupt world depression, 6 years of mindless obstruction, and the most disgraceful propaganda in our country's history. See sig.

All those things you mentioned I would attribute to the Progressives.

Everything from Bill Clinton ignoring the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center that led to 911 to the combined cost of government in the US being over 40% of the GNP, which would depress any economy.

Obama fought the Iraq War for three years, called it a success and now is back bombing again. He escalated the Afghanistan War and is proposing to keep at least 10K troops there for perpetuity. Talk about stupid wars but nobody has been able to explain to the US security interest for Obama's bombing campaign in Libya. Look at the place nowadays.

The Liberals are the obstructionists. They refuse to do what is necessary to reduce the size of government and stimulate capitalism. They are more interested in taking money from the people that earn it and giving it to potential Democrat voters than they are about growing the economy. That has always been a recipe for disaster.

In traditional economic models the rich get richer and the poor also get richer. In Liberal economics the rich still get richer but the poor gets poorer. That is why under Obama the poverty rate has increased and family income has declined but yet the rich are getting richer.

I think nowadays The Hildabeast and the Clinton Crime Syndicate is the definition of corruption.
Booosh's terrorism czar says Booshies ignored MANY warning signs of 9/11 and were morons. Speaking of morons, the executive branch appoints financial regulators DUH. Blaming Dems in congress in 2007, CRA, F+F etc is brainwashed idiocy- your specialty.

Change the channel. Everything you know is total Pubcrap. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the corrupt world depression, 6 years of mindless obstruction, and the most disgraceful propaganda in our country's history. See sig.

All those things you mentioned I would attribute to the Progressives.

Everything from Bill Clinton ignoring the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center that led to 911 to the combined cost of government in the US being over 40% of the GNP, which would depress any economy.

Obama fought the Iraq War for three years, called it a success and now is back bombing again. He escalated the Afghanistan War and is proposing to keep at least 10K troops there for perpetuity. Talk about stupid wars but nobody has been able to explain to the US security interest for Obama's bombing campaign in Libya. Look at the place nowadays.

The Liberals are the obstructionists. They refuse to do what is necessary to reduce the size of government and stimulate capitalism. They are more interested in taking money from the people that earn it and giving it to potential Democrat voters than they are about growing the economy. That has always been a recipe for disaster.

In traditional economic models the rich get richer and the poor also get richer. In Liberal economics the rich still get richer but the poor gets poorer. That is why under Obama the poverty rate has increased and family income has declined but yet the rich are getting richer.

I think nowadays The Hildabeast and the Clinton Crime Syndicate is the definition of corruption.
Booosh's terrorism czar says Booshies ignored MANY warning signs of 9/11 and were morons. Speaking of morons, the executive branch appoints financial regulators DUH. Blaming Dems in congress in 2007, CRA, F+F etc is brainwashed idiocy- your specialty.

Boosh's terrorism was a hold over from the Clinton Administration and therefore a partisan Democrat trying to make a name for himself with other Democrats.

Barneyfrank had nothing to do with it other than being gay

Barney Queerboy was the Chairman of the House Financial Service Committee after the filthy Democrats took over in 2007. The Committee has responsibility for the oversight authority for:

(1) Banks and banking, including deposit insurance and Federal monetary policy.

(2) Economic stabilization, defense production, renegotiation, and control of the price of commodities, rents, and services.

(3) Financial aid to commerce and industry (other than transportation).

(4) Insurance generally.

(5) International finance.

(6) International financial and monetary organizations.

(7) Money and credit, including currency and the issuance of notes and redemption thereof; gold and silver, including the coinage thereof; valuation and revaluation of the dollar.

(8) Public and private housing.

(9) Securities and exchanges.

(10) Urban development.

Yea Barney Queerboy and the Democrats are responsible. Things were going fine until they took over.

Here are some facts on how the queer screwed things up. He even had a queer lover at Fannie Mae.

6. Lover at Fannie Mae: Frank’s longtime lover Herb Moses worked as a top official responsible for relaxing mortgage standards at Fannie Mae, an enterprise that was subject to oversight authority by the House Financial Services Committee upon which Frank served. Conflict of interest, anyone?

Top 10 Barney Frank Offenses Human Events

Top 10 Barney Frank Offenses
Last edited:
Boooshie crony regulators allowed PRIVATE toxic assets to be rated A+, bundled, insured, and sold around the world starting in 2002. Change the channel, dingbats.
Regulators don't rate investments. That's done by private companies like Moody's.
So what are regulators supposed to do, LOL?

I'm not sure what your question is. I suppose they should quit trying to force banks to grant mortgages to people who can't pay them.

See also Boooshie Big Oil regulators partying, having sex with oilmen before Gulf oil spill, then joining or going back into the industry. Oh right, didn't happen on planet Hater Dupe...

The Gulf Oil spill happened on Obama's watch, so you look idiotic trying to blame it on "Boooshie Big Oil regulators."[/QU

Barneyfrank had nothing to do with it other than being gay

Barney Queerboy was the Chairman of the House Financial Service Committee after the filthy Democrats took over in 2007. The Committee has responsibility for the oversight authority for:

(1) Banks and banking, including deposit insurance and Federal monetary policy.

(2) Economic stabilization, defense production, renegotiation, and control of the price of commodities, rents, and services.

(3) Financial aid to commerce and industry (other than transportation).

(4) Insurance generally.

(5) International finance.

(6) International financial and monetary organizations.

(7) Money and credit, including currency and the issuance of notes and redemption thereof; gold and silver, including the coinage thereof; valuation and revaluation of the dollar.

(8) Public and private housing.

(9) Securities and exchanges.

(10) Urban development.

Yea Barney Queerboy and the Democrats are responsible. Thigs were going fine until they took over.

Here are some facts on how the queer screwed things up. He even had a queer lover at Fannie Mae.

6. Lover at Fannie Mae: Frank’s longtime lover Herb Moses worked as a top official responsible for relaxing mortgage standards at Fannie Mae, an enterprise that was subject to oversight authority by the House Financial Services Committee upon which Frank served. Conflict of interest, anyone?

Top 10 Barney Frank Offenses Human Events

Top 10 Barney Frank Offenses
Has nothing to do with the Wall St. regulators, appointed by Booosh, who allowed private lenders to sell and insure toxic BS around the world. F+F's share went from 75% to 25% in 2003. It was all over by 2007. Dems couldn't do a gd thing when they got "power" duh.

Has nothing to do with the Wall St. regulators, appointed by Booosh, who allowed private lenders to sell and insure toxic BS around the world. F+F's share went from 75% to 25% in 2003. It was all over by 2007. Dems couldn't do a gd thing when they got "power" duh.

Like other departments the heads of the regulators were appointed by the President but Congress had an oversight responsibility. That is where Barney Queerboy and the 2006 elected Democrat Congress failed the American people.

(Reference above)

1. Fannie and Freddie: As ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, Frank blocked tightened oversight over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying in 2003, “These two entities … are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” and, “I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.” More than any other factor, the 2008 financial meltdown was caused by pushing these government-sponsored enterprises to encourage housing loans to risky borrowers. Thanks a lot, Barney.

5. Campaign donations: Frank’s interest in allowing free rein at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was not necessarily due to his altruistic motivations for helping poor people buy houses. He also received more than $40,000 in campaign donations over the years from its top officials. Other top donors to Frank’s campaigns included Fidelity Investments, J.P. Morgan and the Bank of America-all institutions that stood to benefit from his position on the House Financial Services Committee

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