Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"

I don't know about that Owebama ...

But everything I got, I did myself

I didn't need no parents, no skools, no relatives, no Gubmint...it was all me
That's why you're a millionaire? After all, you had the same advantages as the people who got rich off those roads, schools, etc. Right?

I made my millions the hard way....sweat, hard work , cheating on my taxes

LOL, you worked hard, now that's funny

Being a Paid Messageboard Poster is not for the weak at heart
Or the strong of brain.
Yea...and I imagine "you didn't build that" referred to roads
Uhmm taxpayer funds built the roads. Government employees are just paid employees not our benefactors who build roads for us.

Government doesn't even build roads, they just buy them

Is there like a big sale or something where companies build roads and sell them to the Government?

No, they put the work up for bid. Figures you wouldn't know that

Who writes the specifications, evaluates the bids and supervises the contract?

The first and the third are done by other contractors. The bid is evaluated and paid by government, possibly with the help of another contractor
Uhmm taxpayer funds built the roads. Government employees are just paid employees not our benefactors who build roads for us.

Government doesn't even build roads, they just buy them

Is there like a big sale or something where companies build roads and sell them to the Government?

No, they put the work up for bid. Figures you wouldn't know that

Who writes the specifications, evaluates the bids and supervises the contract?

The first and the third are done by other contractors. The bid is evaluated and paid by government, possibly with the help of another contractor
Not quite....there is a line between the role of government and what contractors are allowed to do. Used to be roads were built by the government, but lobbyists put an end to that
Government doesn't even build roads, they just buy them

Is there like a big sale or something where companies build roads and sell them to the Government?

No, they put the work up for bid. Figures you wouldn't know that

Who writes the specifications, evaluates the bids and supervises the contract?

The first and the third are done by other contractors. The bid is evaluated and paid by government, possibly with the help of another contractor
Not quite....there is a line between the role of government and what contractors are allowed to do. Used to be roads were built by the government, but lobbyists put an end to that



I crack myself up. Like you would ever back anything up
Do you know who else is societies lottery winners? The educated. Think about this. Not everyone is smart enough to complete the highest level in education. It's a genetic lottery that seems unfair and creates a great deal of inequality in the same way the capatalist system does. The educated get more money and do better than the uneducated which seems unfair. Why should someone suffer because they were born stupid? Obama clearly not suffering.
Yep, anyone who has succeeded didn't earn that.

They were just walking along one day and BAM, they had all kinds o' money.


I know I hate it when I'm just strolling along the sidewalk and bundles of cash fall on me.
Is there like a big sale or something where companies build roads and sell them to the Government?

No, they put the work up for bid. Figures you wouldn't know that

Who writes the specifications, evaluates the bids and supervises the contract?

The first and the third are done by other contractors. The bid is evaluated and paid by government, possibly with the help of another contractor
Not quite....there is a line between the role of government and what contractors are allowed to do. Used to be roads were built by the government, but lobbyists put an end to that



I crack myself up. Like you would ever back anything up
I heard it used to be gov't construction contracts would employ whole towns and then the Koch Brothers paid off GW Bush to change all of it illegally by EO and award it to Halliburton instead.
Remember what Obama said.....
If you have a business you didn't build it.
Someone else did....

So where is my busines?.......

Is it because I didn't build one or is it because Obama's 'someone' just hasn't gotten around to building one for me..... lol

Nope. Obama did not say that.


You didn't build that. Somebody ELSE made that happen.

My little stalker friend and other hardcore left wing partisan ideologues don't want to admit to what Obama said.

But, of course, that isn't all that Obama said.

He mocked business owners by amazingly equating all the hours, money, risk, frustrations, setbacks, failures, worries, headaches and sacrifice a business owner puts in while building their business, with the work done by their employees:

I'm always struck by people who think, "well, it must be because I was just so smart." There are a lot of smart people out there. "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else." Let me tell you somethin'. There are a whole lot of hard working people out there.

That is just as bad, if not worse. That is equating. That is mocking. That's an insult. That is abject ignorance.

They won't admit that, either.


Not too many business owners build the roads to and from their businesses.

How many businesses require brand new roads to be built for them?

How many business owners did not pay the personal income and municipal and state and property taxes to build those roads?

Please provide those stats, I'd be interested to see them.


Furthermore, every single other person out there ALSO gets the exact same access to the roads and frigging infrastructure as business owners do, but not everyone has a business. It's almost like the splendiferous gifts of Momma Government don't make business success happen at all.
Wow, I wish I could see the ignored content, so tempting to hit "show ignored content."

Sad that they would defend Obama on this. But hey, that's why they are on ignore. This comment is indefensible.

I'm sure 50 years ago this comment by Obama would have merited impeachment as Treason (working with communist agents to subvert the Constitution).
50 years ago, people admired the mega rich who paid back the country and the less fortunate to show how grateful they were they were to live in this great country and for their good luck. Now the GOP thing to do is to be pompous a-holes and call the poor lazy leeches while screwing them in every possible way. Enjoy hell, brainwashed hater dupes. Mario Cuomo- "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor."
50 years ago, people admired the mega rich who paid back the country and the less fortunate to show how grateful they were they were to live in this great country and for their good luck. Now the GOP thing to do is to be pompous a-holes and call the poor lazy leeches while screwing them in every possible way. Enjoy hell, brainwashed hater dupes. Mario Cuomo- "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor."
so, do you stand by Obama's comment?
50 years ago, people admired the mega rich who paid back the country and the less fortunate to show how grateful they were they were to live in this great country and for their good luck. Now the GOP thing to do is to be pompous a-holes and call the poor lazy leeches while screwing them in every possible way. Enjoy hell, brainwashed hater dupes. Mario Cuomo- "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor."

The tactic of the mega rich is to get the struggling middle class to blame the poor for their problems rather than the class who is getting progressively richer
50 years ago, people admired the mega rich who paid back the country and the less fortunate to show how grateful they were they were to live in this great country and for their good luck. Now the GOP thing to do is to be pompous a-holes and call the poor lazy leeches while screwing them in every possible way. Enjoy hell, brainwashed hater dupes. Mario Cuomo- "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor."
so, do you stand by Obama's comment?
Yes. see sig. Capital gains are income.
50 years ago, people admired the mega rich who paid back the country and the less fortunate to show how grateful they were they were to live in this great country and for their good luck. Now the GOP thing to do is to be pompous a-holes and call the poor lazy leeches while screwing them in every possible way. Enjoy hell, brainwashed hater dupes. Mario Cuomo- "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor."
so, do you stand by Obama's comment?
Yes. see sig. Capital gains are income.

Welcome to ignore. I'll probably never see another post by another USMB leftie since I'm ignoring every single person who agrees with Obama on this comment. Not like it matters--- you can't be reasoned with if you agree with that.
A bit of a generalization, but yeah for many of them. That one day of course was the day they were born. Do hedge-fund managers and Romney types play an indispensable role in society? Of course not.
50 years ago, people admired the mega rich who paid back the country and the less fortunate to show how grateful they were they were to live in this great country and for their good luck. Now the GOP thing to do is to be pompous a-holes and call the poor lazy leeches while screwing them in every possible way. Enjoy hell, brainwashed hater dupes. Mario Cuomo- "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor."
so, do you stand by Obama's comment?
Yes. see sig. Capital gains are income.

Welcome to ignore. I'll probably never see another post by another USMB leftie since I'm ignoring every single person who agrees with Obama on this comment. Not like it matters--- you can't be reasoned with if you agree with that.
Welcome to the censorship of RW nutjobs...calling the fortunate fortunate is now a crime? lol
50 years ago, people admired the mega rich who paid back the country and the less fortunate to show how grateful they were they were to live in this great country and for their good luck. Now the GOP thing to do is to be pompous a-holes and call the poor lazy leeches while screwing them in every possible way. Enjoy hell, brainwashed hater dupes. Mario Cuomo- "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor."
so, do you stand by Obama's comment?
Yes. see sig. Capital gains are income.

Welcome to ignore. I'll probably never see another post by another USMB leftie since I'm ignoring every single person who agrees with Obama on this comment. Not like it matters--- you can't be reasoned with if you agree with that.
Welcome to the censorship of RW nutjobs...calling the fortunate fortunate is now a crime? lol
How dare you offend the wealthy?

You must be punished
President Obama referred yesterday to the wealthy as "society's lottery winners", as though the only reason they were wealthy is because they got lucky one time. No mention of years of training, hard work, risks, 20-hour workdays, failure, recovery, and eventual success.

It's just more of the same attempt to pretend there's nothing wrong with taking they money and resources from those who earned them.

Private people who do this are called "thieves", and are prosecuted and jailed as they deserve.

Public people who do the same are called "liberals", and are immune from the prosecution and jail terms they deserve.


Keying on poverty Obama suggests high earners hit lottery

Keying on poverty, Obama suggests high earners hit 'lottery'

By Angela Greiling Keane BLOOMBERG NEWS
Updated today at 4:03 a.m.

WASHINGTON -- Unless Democrats and Republicans can agree to raise taxes on the earnings of hedge-fund and private-equity managers, there is little chance the nation can make a meaningful dent in poverty, President Barack Obama said Tuesday.

Obama, whose long-standing proposal to raise taxes on what is known as carried interest has gained little traction in Congress, said fairness demands that the nation's wealthiest pitch in as more and more Americans are falling behind.

"If I were able to close that loophole, I'd be able to invest in early-childhood education," Obama said Tuesday. "If we can't ask from society's lottery winners to make that modest investment, then really this conversation is for show."

The president has often said the wealthiest Americans must make sacrifices to better life for poorer people. In addition to urging higher taxes for investment managers, he questioned whether the pay of some corporate chief executives is justified.

Obama, whose long-standing proposal to raise taxes on what is known as carried interest has gained little traction in Congress, said fairness demands that the nation's wealthiest pitch in as more and more Americans are falling behind.

"If I were able to close that loophole, I'd be able to invest in early-childhood education," Obama said Tuesday. "If we can't ask from society's lottery winners to make that modest investment, then really this conversation is for show."

I can see why our conservatives are outraged

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