Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"

"Simple" is the key word in that sentence. The last I heard, Windows has 11 million lines of code.
11m? Jebuz, my version of it was only 2m loc, what have they done to my baby?

Windows is one of the worst operating systems on the market.
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
11m? Jebuz, my version of it was only 2m loc, what have they done to my baby?

Windows is one of the worst operating systems on the market.
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.
Great, that will include his taunt:

I'm always struck by people who think, "well, it must be because I was just so smart." There are a lot of smart people out there. "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else." Let me tell you somethin'. There are a whole lot of hard working people out there.

Obama mocks business owners. Obama equates starting, growing and running a business with working for a business.


Any business owner that says 'they' did it should be mocked. 'They' may have put a platform in place, but 'they' didn't make the success, their employees did.

Really? The employees could all quit, and the employer would replace them all within a couple of weeks and make just as much money.

So who's responsible for the company's success?

Leftists are convinced that business owners and upper management just sit around their country clubs, drinking martinis and playing golf all day. They have no clue whatsoever what those people actually do. The only work they're aware of in a business is the bottom-rung shitwork they and their friends do, so they assume that's all there is.
Windows is one of the worst operating systems on the market.
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, it's a business contract. You might want to look up the definition of "monopoly", because you clearly don't grasp the concept.
President Obama referred yesterday to the wealthy as "society's lottery winners", as though the only reason they were wealthy is because they got lucky one time. No mention of years of training, hard work, risks, 20-hour workdays, failure, recovery, and eventual success.

It's just more of the same attempt to pretend there's nothing wrong with taking they money and resources from those who earned them.

Private people who do this are called "thieves", and are prosecuted and jailed as they deserve.

baby bush and romney were lottery winners. neither would have accomplished anything without their very accomplished daddies.
Great, that will include his taunt:

I'm always struck by people who think, "well, it must be because I was just so smart." There are a lot of smart people out there. "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else." Let me tell you somethin'. There are a whole lot of hard working people out there.

Obama mocks business owners. Obama equates starting, growing and running a business with working for a business.


Any business owner that says 'they' did it should be mocked. 'They' may have put a platform in place, but 'they' didn't make the success, their employees did.

Really? The employees could all quit, and the employer would replace them all within a couple of weeks and make just as much money.

So who's responsible for the company's success?

Leftists are convinced that business owners and upper management just sit around their country clubs, drinking martinis and playing golf all day. They have no clue whatsoever what those people actually do. The only work they're aware of in a business is the bottom-rung shitwork they and their friends do, so they assume that's all there is.

you wouldn't know what normal people think, cesspool. stop using your deranged imagination to try to figure it out. you aren't made for 'figuring'.
Great, that will include his taunt:

I'm always struck by people who think, "well, it must be because I was just so smart." There are a lot of smart people out there. "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else." Let me tell you somethin'. There are a whole lot of hard working people out there.

Obama mocks business owners. Obama equates starting, growing and running a business with working for a business.


Any business owner that says 'they' did it should be mocked. 'They' may have put a platform in place, but 'they' didn't make the success, their employees did.
And precisely what does "putting the platform in place" mean to you?

Please expand on that, for the average business owner. You say you've owned businesses in the past, you should know all about this.

He knows nothing. He's a 17yr old guy in mom's basement pretending to be something on the internet. That is obvious from his posts.
Anyone who has ever met a successful businessman knows he has worked his ass off to get there. There might be 100 people in his company. He works harder than any of them. Look at Jeff Bezos, for example.
I definitely have my doubts. One of his profound pearls of wisdom, when discussing how to successfully start and grow a business, was "never hire family". I couldn't believe my eyes. What I'm talking about goes a teeny, tiny bit deeper than that.


Funny, when you consider how many small businesses are staffed primarily by family members. It's one of the few exceptions to child labor laws, in fact.
Great, that will include his taunt:

I'm always struck by people who think, "well, it must be because I was just so smart." There are a lot of smart people out there. "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else." Let me tell you somethin'. There are a whole lot of hard working people out there.

Obama mocks business owners. Obama equates starting, growing and running a business with working for a business.


Any business owner that says 'they' did it should be mocked. 'They' may have put a platform in place, but 'they' didn't make the success, their employees did.

Really? The employees could all quit, and the employer would replace them all within a couple of weeks and make just as much money.

So who's responsible for the company's success?

Leftists are convinced that business owners and upper management just sit around their country clubs, drinking martinis and playing golf all day. They have no clue whatsoever what those people actually do. The only work they're aware of in a business is the bottom-rung shitwork they and their friends do, so they assume that's all there is.

you wouldn't know what normal people think, cesspool. stop using your deranged imagination to try to figure it out. you aren't made for 'figuring'.

You wouldn't know about thinking. Stop pretending that you do. You aren't made for thinking.
FYI... millionaires are upper middle class.

No. Upper middle class are nets in the 100k's.
ROFL.. yeah cause no one in the upper middle class has a home and a 401k that add up to 1m.

Net. Owning a house that's valued at $1M doesn't make you a millionaire. Spendable cash of $1M or more makes you a millionaire.

No one's interested in what you feel the definition is.

The actual definition is as follows:

Millionaire: a person whose wealth is estimated at a million or more (as of dollars or pounds)

To clarify:

: a large amount of money and possessions
: the value of all the property, possessions, and money that someone or something has (Emphasis mine)
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, it's a business contract. You might want to look up the definition of "monopoly", because you clearly don't grasp the concept.
What's the difference between business contracts that establish a monopoly and a monopoly? Oh.. yeah there is none.

Full Definition of MONOPOLY
1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2 : exclusive possession or control
3 : a commodity controlled by one party
4 : one that has a monopoly
- Websters

Ayup.. that's a monopoly.

Maybe you can tell me what YOU think a monopoly is so I can see what YOU are talking about.
Windows is one of the worst operating systems on the market.
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, a monopoly is not defined as "having a business contract".
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, a monopoly is not defined as "having a business contract".
I proved the definition, you should read it after you take your foot out of your mouth. I never said a monopoly is a business contract you lying piece of shit.
Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, it's a business contract. You might want to look up the definition of "monopoly", because you clearly don't grasp the concept.
What's the difference between business contracts that establish a monopoly and a monopoly? Oh.. yeah there is none.

Full Definition of MONOPOLY
1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2 : exclusive possession or control
3 : a commodity controlled by one party
4 : one that has a monopoly
- Websters

Ayup.. that's a monopoly.

Maybe you can tell me what YOU think a monopoly is so I can see what YOU are talking about.

No business contract has ever established a monopoly, so the distinction is purely imaginary.
Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, it's a business contract. You might want to look up the definition of "monopoly", because you clearly don't grasp the concept.
What's the difference between business contracts that establish a monopoly and a monopoly? Oh.. yeah there is none.

Wrong. Business is typically conducted by contract, and being the contracted vendor for a business is not having a monopoly on that entire market. Playing fast and loose with the word by saying, "They had a monopoly on IBM's business by contract" isn't going to change the reality.

Monopoly - A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. By definition, monopoly is characterized by an absence of competition, which often results in high prices and inferior products.
According to a strict academic definition, a monopoly is a market containing a single firm. In such instances where a single firm holds monopoly power, the company will typically be forced to
divest its assets. Antimonopoly regulation protects free markets from being dominated by a single entity. (Source: Investopedia)

There is a difference, a big one, between dominating a market and owning it, because being the dominant business in an industry doesn't preclude potential competition and loss of market share. Monopoly does, by definition, which is why it's generally viewed as a bad thing. In this country, pretty much the only way to truly achieve a monopoly is through government collusion.
Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, a monopoly is not defined as "having a business contract".
I proved the definition, you should read it after you take your foot out of your mouth. I never said a monopoly is a business contract you lying piece of shit.

You didn't prove squat. You PROVIDED your personal view of the definition, and I told you you were mistaken. Repeating it isn't going to make it less wrong.

I provided the definition AND the explanation, and you should read it and turn your brain on, you ignorant piece of shit.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, it's a business contract. You might want to look up the definition of "monopoly", because you clearly don't grasp the concept.
What's the difference between business contracts that establish a monopoly and a monopoly? Oh.. yeah there is none.

Full Definition of MONOPOLY
1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2 : exclusive possession or control
3 : a commodity controlled by one party
4 : one that has a monopoly
- Websters

Ayup.. that's a monopoly.

Maybe you can tell me what YOU think a monopoly is so I can see what YOU are talking about.

No business contract has ever established a monopoly, so the distinction is purely imaginary.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.

Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, it's a business contract. You might want to look up the definition of "monopoly", because you clearly don't grasp the concept.
What's the difference between business contracts that establish a monopoly and a monopoly? Oh.. yeah there is none.

Wrong. Business is typically conducted by contract, and being the contracted vendor for a business is not having a monopoly on that entire market. Playing fast and loose with the word by saying, "They had a monopoly on IBM's business by contract" isn't going to change the reality.

Monopoly - A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. By definition, monopoly is characterized by an absence of competition, which often results in high prices and inferior products.
According to a strict academic definition, a monopoly is a market containing a single firm. In such instances where a single firm holds monopoly power, the company will typically be forced to
divest its assets. Antimonopoly regulation protects free markets from being dominated by a single entity. (Source: Investopedia)

There is a difference, a big one, between dominating a market and owning it, because being the dominant business in an industry doesn't preclude potential competition and loss of market share. Monopoly does, by definition, which is why it's generally viewed as a bad thing. In this country, pretty much the only way to truly achieve a monopoly is through government collusion.
Liar. I didn't say they had a monopoly in IBM's business contract. FYI making up complete and utter bull shit lies is not making an argument. It's puking bile and crap out of your mouth.

FYI investopedia whatever the hell that is, is not a place where words are defined. But at least we know now why YOU don't know what a monopoly is.
Oh, please. "Monopoly". I don't recall the government preventing anyone from competing with him. I don't recall anyone preventing competition. And, in fact, I DO recall him having wannabe competitors who just weren't successful. That's not a "monopoly", nor is it easy. That's just dominating the market.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, it's a business contract. You might want to look up the definition of "monopoly", because you clearly don't grasp the concept.
What's the difference between business contracts that establish a monopoly and a monopoly? Oh.. yeah there is none.

Full Definition of MONOPOLY
1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2 : exclusive possession or control
3 : a commodity controlled by one party
4 : one that has a monopoly
- Websters

Ayup.. that's a monopoly.

Maybe you can tell me what YOU think a monopoly is so I can see what YOU are talking about.

No business contract has ever established a monopoly, so the distinction is purely imaginary.

I'm explaining the historical record to you, not your fantasy where any business has the power to grant another a monopoly.
Not true. He had "contracts" with all IBM PC producers to preload Windows on them. It is a monopoly.

No, it's a business contract. You might want to look up the definition of "monopoly", because you clearly don't grasp the concept.
What's the difference between business contracts that establish a monopoly and a monopoly? Oh.. yeah there is none.

Full Definition of MONOPOLY
1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2 : exclusive possession or control
3 : a commodity controlled by one party
4 : one that has a monopoly
- Websters

Ayup.. that's a monopoly.

Maybe you can tell me what YOU think a monopoly is so I can see what YOU are talking about.

No business contract has ever established a monopoly, so the distinction is purely imaginary.

I'm explaining the historical record to you, not your fantasy where any business has the power to grant another a monopoly.
What part of monopoly keeps confusing you? What % of the Windows operating system market do you think Microsoft owns? How about word processing, spreadsheets..? They control the office and home computer market. Like it or not they own it. Just as apple owns the apple OS. It's not open, it's a monopoly.

Full Definition of MONOPOLY
1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2 : exclusive possession or control
3 : a commodity controlled by one party
4 : one that has a monopoly

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