Obama plans coup now! DHS will overturn election.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Do you know one communist who go freely and gave power without fight away?Or an African Muslim who knows what Moral, Honor and Fairness are? I doubt it. Be preparing for the Finale of Comedy called Free Election in USA.After eliminating of Trump Obama will send millions of Americans in FEMA camps and kill everybody who is against his Marxist Agenda. Guess who will be the most happy person in the world and applause him at first?Merkel.

In a last-ditch effort to declare that Trump was “elected illegally” and block him from taking office, the Obama administration has decreed that elections are now “federalized” for the first time in United States history.

US election systems will now be treated as “critical infrastructure” the Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson announced Friday in a move some are describing as a major federal overreach and an attempt at blocking the Trump presidency by declaring the election “tainted” and “illegal.”

In a letter to the Associated Press, Johnson revealed the US government can now “monitor and intervene” elections, a process previously handled on a state-by-state basis to provide checks and balances and prevent the ruling party in Washington D.C. using their power to rig elections.

“Given the vital role elections play in the country, it is clear that certain systems and assets of election infrastructure meet the definition of critical infrastructure, in fact and in law,” Johnson stated.

The designation “allows for information to be withheld from the public when state, local and private partners meet to discuss election infrastructure security – potentially injecting secrecy into an election process that’s traditionally and expressly a transparent process,” according to AP.

“We’re having trouble understanding exactly what they’re going to do, that we’re not already doing,” said Connecticut Secretary of State Denise W. Merrill, who heads the national secretaries association, told The Associated Press. “States were already doing much of this (security work) themselves using very different products.“

Why would they do this with just over a week until Trump takes office? Trump will overturn it when he is inaugurated.

This is the plan: With 13 days left of Obama’s presidency, they plan to use the new law to state that Trump was illegally elected and, while they are still in power, overturn the election. Operating outside of Congress and outside of law, they are unconstitutionally attempting to overthrow the democratic will of the people.

Obama Authorizes DHS To Overturn Election – InvestmentWatch


Are you waiting for Moral and Values of these gays, Obama's folk?

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This, and removing the Washington DC National Guard commander are indeed odd timed actions


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