Obama plans to release Gitmo prisoners who vowed to behead Americans


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Now we know why Obama is building a wall around his own house! (See my other thread)

He needs a wall to protect himself and his family, but for us???????

Report: Obama to Free Gitmo Detainees Who Have Vowed to Behead Americans

President Barack Obama plans to transfer out at least 22 of the 59 detainees who remain at the U.S. military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, by the time he leaves the White House, a move that will liberate jihadists who have threatened to behead and bomb Americans, the Daily Mail has learned.

In recent weeks, the number of detainees who are expected to be set free by the end of Obama’s tenure on January 20 has varied by news agencies from 17 to 19.

Earlier this week, the White House responded to incoming President Donald Trump’s urging to stop transferring prisoners out of Guantánamo, saying it plans to liberate more detainees before Obama leaves office.

Report: Obama to Free Gitmo Detainees Who Have Vowed to Behead Americans - Breitbart

Now tell me how these aren't the actions of a petulant, bitter man saying "you rejected liberalism, you can all suffer the consequences!"

When you deliberately seek to endanger Americans you are lashing out and that's what's Obama is doing.

He said before the election, this election was about his legacy and Obama got told loud and clear the American people don't care about his legacy.

And Obama is getting his pound of flesh over it. Only it's OUR FLESH!
Congress must approve of all prisoners being transferred...Yet only Oblama gets the blame...

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