Obama poised to send more troops to Syria

So what on eath is the down side to the pipeline?

It would create more jobs, create more tax revenue, reduce Middle Eastern oil consumption that is mixed with the blood of American soldiers, and it would decrease oil prices that would help bolster the US economy further.

Then again, if your goals is to thwart all of these things, I could see opposing it.
White House officials said the troops would advise local forces fighting the Islamic State and not play a direct combat role.

Son of a bitch ... another full frontal invasion ...

oh wait ..
Barack Hussein Obama is in bed with the Global Warming zealots and the Saudis. His decision on the pipeline pleases them both. The whole war in Syria is about the U.S. and Saudi Arabia trying to oust Assad. Both nations have funded and armed brutal terrorists there. ISIS wouldn't have been possible without U.S./Saudi money and weapons.

There are more brutal terrorists in the Middle East than ever before. And you can thank the U.S. and Saudi Arabia for that. Assad has never done any harm to either country. Yet they want him dead. It's a truly horrific mess over there. Syria has been reduced to rubble. But hey, Obama got a Peace Prize, so it's cool.
hold it right there ..


Do all of you candy ass Rightwingers want Obama to protect you and fight ISIS

or stay home and let all those Muzzie bastards lop off your heads..

can't have it both ways kiddies, pretend you're all grown up and make a decision.
hold it right there ..


Do all of you candy ass Rightwingers want Obama to protect you and fight ISIS

or stay home and let all those Muzzie bastards lop off your heads..

can't have it both ways kiddies, pretend you're all grown up and make a decision.

If anyone needs to make a decision it would be the commander in chief. Half ass measures always cause more problems. He had no problem abandoning the Iraqis. He had no problem toppling Gaddafi. Why is he struggling with what to do about ISIS?

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hold it right there ..


Do all of you candy ass Rightwingers want Obama to protect you and fight ISIS

or stay home and let all those Muzzie bastards lop off your heads..

can't have it both ways kiddies, pretend you're all grown up and make a decision.

I want him to turn his Peace Prize in. That would be the honorable thing to do. ISIS wouldn't have been possible without U.S./Saudi meddling in Syria. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have created a monstrous bloody mess over there. They should stop the meddling and leave those lands they don't belong in.
More US Troops Possible in Syria, Defense Sec. Ash Carter Says

I guess since Obama has refused to build the keystone pipeline, he has resulved to keep the US dependent on Middle East oil. So I guess, send in the troops......again.

XL is a pipeline to another country . All it does is ship oil down south to be exported elsewhere .

We are less dependent on Mid East oil then we have ever been thanks to dem leadership . Obamagas is now $2 a gallon .

Thanks obama !
So are they telling Putin where these guys are so we don't have an international incident.........course you can't do that....so what's the plan .....class
More US Troops Possible in Syria, Defense Sec. Ash Carter Says

I guess since Obama has refused to build the keystone pipeline, he has resulved to keep the US dependent on Middle East oil. So I guess, send in the troops......again.

XL is a pipeline to another country . All it does is ship oil down south to be exported elsewhere .

We are less dependent on Mid East oil then we have ever been thanks to dem leadership . Obamagas is now $2 a gallon .

Thanks obama !

We are not less dependent. Obama has only helped the Saudis in its attempts to shut down domestic oil producing companies. The price of gas will skyrocket again. The Saudis are just witing for a few U.S. companies to go under. Once that starts happening, the Saudis will begin sticking it to Americans again. Bet on that.
He didn't abandon the Iraqis, he acquiesced to the Shia and abandoned the Sunni to the Shia, after W facilitated a civil war, which the Sunni lost. And, he gave the Libyan insurgents what they wanted. We merely continue our Quixotesque quest to instill truth justice and the American way in the ME .. while unintentionally empowering the shia to install a caliphate.
'Obama poised to send more troops to Syria'

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning Barak 'Don Quixote' Obama has been driven mentally into a 'war monger', obsessing over Syria and Assad, attempting to make amends for his horrific and cowardly 'Red line' gaffe!

The time to take down Assad was after Assad violated Obama's 'Red Line'. Instead he cowardly backed down, blamed 'the whole world' for failing to back up his words, and demonstrated to our enemies AND allies he was full of shi-ite, bluff, and bluster.

How many American lives is he willing to sacrifice for his 'legacy', while completely ignoring the biggest threat HE helped create - ISIS?!
He didn't abandon the Iraqis, he acquiesced to the Shia and abandoned the Sunni to the Shia, after W facilitated a civil war, which the Sunni lost. And, he gave the Libyan insurgents what they wanted. We merely continue our Quixotesque quest to instill truth justice and the American way in the ME .. while unintentionally empowering the shia to install a caliphate.

Some good points, but a Shia Caliphate isn't possible. The odds are much better for the Sunnis creating one. They have the numbers. The world's most deadly terrorist orgs. are Sunni orgs. But we have created so much horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's time to stop meddling and come home.
If our troops are going to be "advisors", that's one thing.

But if the real plan is to go on raids and blow up shit, 50 is nowhere near enough.

Perhaps the real purpose of these 50 guys is to act as human shields. Post them in US-friendly rebel locations so the Russians don't bomb those rebel locations.
White House officials said the troops would advise local forces fighting the Islamic State and not play a direct combat role.

Son of a bitch ... another full frontal invasion ...

oh wait ..
Mission creep not exist in your world?
More US Troops Possible in Syria, Defense Sec. Ash Carter Says

I guess since Obama has refused to build the keystone pipeline, he has resulved to keep the US dependent on Middle East oil. So I guess, send in the troops......again.

XL is a pipeline to another country . All it does is ship oil down south to be exported elsewhere .

We are less dependent on Mid East oil then we have ever been thanks to dem leadership . Obamagas is now $2 a gallon .

Thanks obama !

We are not less dependent. Obama has only helped the Saudis in its attempts to shut down domestic oil producing companies. The price of gas will skyrocket again. The Saudis are just witing for a few U.S. companies to go under. Once that starts happening, the Saudis will begin sticking it to Americans again. Bet on that.
This war will square us with the nations in the Middle East that let jihadist pull off 9/11....To allow our war industry to make a few trillion...
If our troops are going to be "advisors", that's one thing.

Anyone who thinks there have not already been 'advisors' on the ground, anyone who thinks there are only 50 there now, and anyone who thinks our troops on the ground have not and will not continue to participate in combat and help blow shi-ite up is a moron! Just sayin'...
do you want Obama to protect you from ISIS or not ?

I would LOVE Obama to combat ISIS, but that is NOT what he is doing! He has been spending millions to fund rebels to fight a surrogate war against Assad. He spent millions on 6 (SIX) guys to fight Assad - only to have 5 convert to ISIS, supplying them with out weapons and gear, and having 1 killed by Putin! he, meanwhile, conducted small pin-point strikes against ISIS to keep people thinking he was going after them.
So what on eath is the down side to the pipeline?

It would create more jobs, create more tax revenue, reduce Middle Eastern oil consumption that is mixed with the blood of American soldiers, and it would decrease oil prices that would help bolster the US economy further.

Then again, if your goals is to thwart all of these things, I could see opposing it.
The portion of pipeline that has been rejected will do none of the things you have claimed.

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