Obama praises abortion for helping women "fulfill their dreams"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All part of the democrat war on children. Legal abortion and legal child molesting

As Pro-Lifers March on Washington, Obama Says Abortion Helps Women 'Fulfill Their Dreams'

Jan 22, 2014

On a day set aside to mourn the sadness, hardship, and pain associated with abortion, President Obama praised Roe v Wade as a great moment in history for women, saying that today, "We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom. And we resolve to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, and continue to build safe and healthy communities for all our children. Because this is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams."

It is estimated that over 55 million abortions have been performed since 1973, the year it was legalized. If you do the math on those appalling figures, the numbers are deeply disturbing:
Indeed - thank God for the awersome power to end an innocent human life for the sake of convenience.
Obama Says Abortion Helps Women 'Fulfill Their Dreams'
Good heavens!

For those of us who value human life including the life of the unborn, that statement is very distressing.
The pre-born have no Constitutional rights.

So Mister Obozo tells us. But illegal aliens, people not even allowed to be in america, have all the rights of citizens!!!

This is what happens when you put an america-hater in the WH.
Listen I'm against abortion from a religious point of view but women have babies and if god has a problem with it , he will handle it upon the women's arrival to the pearly gates.
But if the dems want health care to pay for abortions they will be shooting them self in the foot.. You see there voters will be greatly reduced in time.. So have at it big bucks and ladies.
Could you imagine if men were given the "right" to kill an unborn child that they "accidently" sired simply because they didn't want a child that time?
The pre-born have no Constitutional rights.
Roe v Wade says otherwise, as it allows the state to regulate, even eliminate, the right to kill the unborn because through its compelling interest in protecting their rights
If becoming pregnant would interfere with a woman's dreams, she should keep her legs closed.
He could have left that last sentence out and I would have been fine with what he said...having an unplanned child can make life more challenging in many ways, but it doesn't mean that your dreams have to die.

Pity, though, that it occasions the death of so many children.
Could you imagine if men were given the "right" to kill an unborn child that they "accidently" sired simply because they didn't want a child that time?

Can I imagine the world the way it actually exists?

Not sure, let me give it a shot.

Damn, wasn't even hard.
What a sick and evil man we have as President

Why would any President come out and make a statement celebrating abortion?

just makes me sick
everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams."

Not a smart thing to say Mr. President!

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Saying abortion is all about women fulfilling their dreams is really a monster gaffe and the press should say so . Naturally they don't.
I am surprised Obama wasnt aborted considering the liberal hippie marxist dirtbags his mom and dad were.

ahaaa waiting for the shitstorm......
If becoming pregnant would interfere with a woman's dreams, she should keep her legs closed.
Amen to this. If a dream means enough to a person, they won't do anything to compromise it.

God bless you always!!!


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