Obama praises abortion for helping women "fulfill their dreams"

It's either they have abortions to "fulfill their dreams", or because "they can't control their libido." What will they think of next? Abortion as a weight control regimen? Such abject stupidity.
Cool. Another conservative victimhood thread, again based on deliberately misinterpreting what someone said. We can never get enough of those.
"We" ?????

It's your fetish to involve yourself in such a thread.

Or did some wicked Republican Capitalist MAKE you do it?
There's no misinterpretation.They said what they said. The misinterpretation comes when baby killing ghouls insist that the words that are spoken actually mean something totally different.
You understand that nobody outside of your perpetual victim clique pays you any attention, right? You've all whined so loud for so long, people just tune it out automatically.
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Interesting that He considers any child at all to be a punishment.

Bespeaks a troubled childhood wish that He had not been born?

His father abandoned him completely and his mother partially. Obozo was raised by his white grandparents and no doubt felt his parents thought him a burden
You understand that nobody outside of your perpetual victim clique pays you any attention, right? You've all whined so loud for so long, people just tune it out automatically.

My children are survivors or of YOUR clique. My grandchild would not exist if not for YOUR clique.

Abortion is child molestation. To the extreme.
You understand that nobody outside of your perpetual victim clique pays you any attention, right? You've all whined so loud for so long, people just tune it out automatically.

Yup. Scroll, roll eyes, shrug.

At least they're here, being ignored rather than out there actually being heard. ;)
Indeed - thank God for the awersome power to end an innocent human life for the sake of convenience.


"a minority (Democrat) staff report by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform claimed that "in 125 separate appearances, they [Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld and Rice] made ... 61 misleading statements about Iraq's relationship with al-Qaeda."

Neither side has any moral superiority.
I''m not sure how your red herring diminishes the validity of my statement.
Neither are you.
There's no misinterpretation.They said what they said. The misinterpretation comes when baby killing ghouls insist that the words that are spoken actually mean something totally different.
"The misinterpretation comes when baby killing ghouls".....KG.

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