Obama praises abortion for helping women "fulfill their dreams"


What kind of woman falls asleep at night hoping to have dreams of being aborted?

Oh, right, a liberal woman.

Sorry I asked.....
"In recent years, states have expanded this debate to include the issue of fetuses killed by violent acts against pregnant women. In some states, legislation has increased the criminal penalties for crimes involving pregnant women. These laws have focused on the harm done to a pregnant woman and the subsequent loss of her pregnancy, but not on the rights of the fetus.

Other legislation has defined the fetus as a person under fetal homicide or "feticide" laws. Such legislation is hotly debated under names such as the Fetal Protection Act, the Preborn Victims of Violence Act and the Unborn Victim of Violence Act. Those supporting these acts, often pro-life advocates, say that both the lives of the pregnant woman and the fetus should be explicitly protected. They assert that fetal homicide laws justly criminalize these cases and provide an opportunity to protect unborn children and their mothers."
Fetal Homicide State Laws
[ until you asshats come up with a plan that takes care of all the children that you would be "saving" from abandonment, abuse,starvation, murder etc.. you're just exponentially compounding the problem.

Hey psycho-boy. That same "argument" can be used to justify killing kids when they are 1 or 2 or 3 or more years old.

daws101 says no one can criticize abortion or infanticide unless they are willing to adopt the intended victim.!!! Get help please.
ironic that you should say I need help..
another anti choice nut sack dodges the question..what will you do for 'with all those "saved"children.. you made it clear you haven't got the balls to do anything other then bitch...
for assholes like you taking actual responsible for your word and actions is far too inconvenient .
much easier to put them in the completely overburdened and dysfunctional foster system or give them to the parents/ parent/ how can't or won't take proper care of them.
all of you people are paper tigers!
welcome to debating kosher...
thanks! KG AND I have a history, she talks spectacular nonsense and claims to be always correct..that in itself proves she's nuts.

Duhs spent two days insisting the bronze age extended into the Renaissance.

That tells you all you need to know about her, lol.
funny as every poster without gender identity issues knows I'm not a her but KG insistS that I AM..SHE'S SPENT MONTHS MAKING THAT FALSE CLAIM..
AS TO THE BRONZE AGE BRAIN FART....it shows your desperation...
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[ until you asshats come up with a plan that takes care of all the children that you would be "saving" from abandonment, abuse,starvation, murder etc.. you're just exponentially compounding the problem.

Hey psycho-boy. That same "argument" can be used to justify killing kids when they are 1 or 2 or 3 or more years old.

daws101 says no one can criticize abortion or infanticide unless they are willing to adopt the intended victim.!!! Get help please.
ironic that you should say I need help..
another anti choice nut sack dodges the question..what will you do for 'with all those "saved"children.. you made it clear you haven't got the balls to do anything other then bitch...

I made a good point and you just don't have a response and you know it. If we let women kill fetuses by saying she's saving the kid from a life of misery, then the same argument can be used to let her kill her kid when he's two years old.
[ until you asshats come up with a plan that takes care of all the children that you would be "saving" from abandonment, abuse,starvation, murder etc.. you're just exponentially compounding the problem.

Hey psycho-boy. That same "argument" can be used to justify killing kids when they are 1 or 2 or 3 or more years old.

daws101 says no one can criticize abortion or infanticide unless they are willing to adopt the intended victim.!!! Get help please.
ironic that you should say I need help..
another anti choice nut sack dodges the question..what will you do for 'with all those "saved"children.. you made it clear you haven't got the balls to do anything other then bitch...
for assholes like you taking actual responsible for your word and actions is far too inconvenient .
much easier to put them in the completely overburdened and dysfunctional foster system or give them to the parents/ parent/ how can't or won't take proper care of them.
all of you people are paper tigers!

well of course because all that you named in your warped views they just should BE KILLED instead...too bad you all don't care about their right to LIVE
you people are sick and twisted
Hey psycho-boy. That same "argument" can be used to justify killing kids when they are 1 or 2 or 3 or more years old.

daws101 says no one can criticize abortion or infanticide unless they are willing to adopt the intended victim.!!! Get help please.
ironic that you should say I need help..
another anti choice nut sack dodges the question..what will you do for 'with all those "saved"children.. you made it clear you haven't got the balls to do anything other then bitch...

I made a good point and you just don't have a response and you know it. If we let women kill fetuses by saying she's saving the kid from a life of misery, then the same argument can be used to let her kill her kid when he's two years old.
the only point you made is on the top of your head...
Hey psycho-boy. That same "argument" can be used to justify killing kids when they are 1 or 2 or 3 or more years old.

daws101 says no one can criticize abortion or infanticide unless they are willing to adopt the intended victim.!!! Get help please.
ironic that you should say I need help..
another anti choice nut sack dodges the question..what will you do for 'with all those "saved"children.. you made it clear you haven't got the balls to do anything other then bitch...
for assholes like you taking actual responsible for your word and actions is far too inconvenient .
much easier to put them in the completely overburdened and dysfunctional foster system or give them to the parents/ parent/ how can't or won't take proper care of them.
all of you people are paper tigers!

well of course because all that you named in your warped views they just should BE KILLED instead...too bad you all don't care about their right to LIVE
you people are sick and twisted
are all you people this dense....?
Some might think graduating college with a degree,getting a well deserved promotion,starting a business.
I would think these are things to achieve to fullfil a childhood dream....

To Obama and the Libs it's getting an abortion.
I can just picture these gals calling their friends and bragging how they are now a member of the
Democrat sisterhood....

This president surprises me on a daily basis with the crap that comes out of his mouth.
Some might think graduating college with a degree,getting a well deserved promotion,starting a business.
I would think these are things to achieve to fullfil a childhood dream....

To Obama and the Libs it's getting an abortion.
I can just picture these gals calling their friends and bragging how they are now a member of the
Democrat sisterhood....

This president surprises me on a daily basis with the crap that comes out of his mouth.
are you really this ignorant or do you practice?
He could have left that last sentence out and I would have been fine with what he said...having an unplanned child can make life more challenging in many ways, but it doesn't mean that your dreams have to die.

read my mind,.....I find the last sentence ham handed.....but then again I need not get back to the several threads in the ham handed huckabee statement:eusa_whistle:
Obama praises abortion for helping women "fulfill their dreams"

I rest my case...

well, you know....hes doesn't want anyone punished;

"Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old," he said. "I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn't make sense to not give them information."
Interesting that He considers any child at all to be a punishment.

Bespeaks a troubled childhood wish that He had not been born?

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