Obama Press Conference Review

I have been preaching lowering of the corporate tax rate for years and so many just don't believe it - though they also are so stuck in the rut of wanting "the rich to pay their fair share"

Investment dollars would POUR into this country if we reduced to the corporate rate to 20% or even lower. BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars that would create jobs, opportunities, industry...

But no, too many want to actually consider RAISING taxes.

The 'rich' are already taxed on the money they make, taxing 'corporations' is a giant windfall profit tax that stunts business growth and job creation. 20 % is considered a fair rate for that, our tax is 35%, and they wonder why every IT person resides in India.:eusa_drool:

I bet it will be higher than 35 percent in a couple years.
I have been preaching lowering of the corporate tax rate for years and so many just don't believe it - though they also are so stuck in the rut of wanting "the rich to pay their fair share"

Investment dollars would POUR into this country if we reduced to the corporate rate to 20% or even lower. BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars that would create jobs, opportunities, industry...

But no, too many want to actually consider RAISING taxes.

The 'rich' are already taxed on the money they make, taxing 'corporations' is a giant windfall profit tax that stunts business growth and job creation. 20 % is considered a fair rate for that, our tax is 35%, and they wonder why every IT person resides in India.:eusa_drool:

I bet it will be higher than 35 percent in a couple years.

If so, I am sure I will take it well...

The 'rich' are already taxed on the money they make, taxing 'corporations' is a giant windfall profit tax that stunts business growth and job creation. 20 % is considered a fair rate for that, our tax is 35%, and they wonder why every IT person resides in India.:eusa_drool:

I bet it will be higher than 35 percent in a couple years.

If so, I am sure I will take it well...


I will have to remember not to work at Buger King, then. The customer's always right. :lol:
Most corporations don't pay taxes.

No, the problem is Bush lowered taxes on the rich while increasing spending by the greatest amount since WWII. Reagan and Bush reduced taxes on the rich while increasing military spending by huge amounts.

Bush and Reagan are responsible for 90% of the National Debt.

Most corporations don't pay taxes.

No, the problem is Bush lowered taxes on the rich while increasing spending by the greatest amount since WWII. Reagan and Bush reduced taxes on the rich while increasing military spending by huge amounts.

Bush and Reagan are responsible for 90% of the National Debt.


You are the only dude I know who suffers from female penis envy...

Most corporations don't pay taxes.

No, the problem is Bush lowered taxes on the rich while increasing spending by the greatest amount since WWII. Reagan and Bush reduced taxes on the rich while increasing military spending by huge amounts.

Bush and Reagan are responsible for 90% of the National Debt.


You are the only dude I know who suffers from female penis envy...


Why are wing nuts so obsessed with gay sex?
Most corporations don't pay taxes.

No, the problem is Bush lowered taxes on the rich while increasing spending by the greatest amount since WWII. Reagan and Bush reduced taxes on the rich while increasing military spending by huge amounts.

Bush and Reagan are responsible for 90% of the National Debt.


You are the only dude I know who suffers from female penis envy...


Why are wing nuts so obsessed with gay sex?

You will have to answer that one for us friend...
I'm in the money, I'm in the money, I can't wait to make a lot of money!!!!

If you want to know what is in the bill, buy the book from me.


Remember I told you that I work with this tax stuff? Let the selling begin!!!!

Actually Angel Heart provided a link where I can read the bulk of it for free.

I have a complete analysis. You can't/won't read it all. My book makes it easy to read. Offers recommendations, illustrations, cautions and observations.

Professionals buy my book to make sense of it all. Do not pretend you are smarter than them.
LOL why would anyone over the age of 5 want a book from you

Why are you so obcessed with trying to blame 'reagan/bush' for something both parties are 100% guilty of?


Reagan brought in "supply side economics" whereby we could supposedly cut taxes for the rich and increase spending at the same time, and somehow everything would magically be ok. Well, it didn't work out that way. When you cut taxes and increase spending, all you do is raise the National Debt, which is exactly what Reagan and Bush did. Clinton came in and raised taxes on the rich and cut spending in his first term, and we ended up with a surplus and the National Debt actually went down with respect to GDP. Even Jimmy Carter reduced the National Debt with respect to GDP. Now because of Bush the Lesser's huge deficits, and Phil Gramm's deregulation of Wall Street, Obama is facing a disaster of Biblical proportions.
Why are you so obcessed with trying to blame 'reagan/bush' for something both parties are 100% guilty of?


Reagan brought in "supply side economics" whereby we could supposedly cut taxes for the rich and increase spending at the same time, and somehow everything would magically be ok. Well, it didn't work out that way. When you cut taxes and increase spending, all you do is raise the National Debt, which is exactly what Reagan and Bush did. Clinton came in and raised taxes on the rich and cut spending in his first term, and we ended up with a surplus and the National Debt actually went down with respect to GDP. Even Jimmy Carter reduced the National Debt with respect to GDP. Now because of Bush the Lesser's huge deficits, and Phil Gramm's deregulation of Wall Street, Obama is facing a disaster of Biblical proportions.


Your penchant for revisionism is remarkable!

Peter Ferrara Says Barack Obama's Economic Policy, Guided By Liberal Ideology, Is Impeding Recovery - WSJ.com
It's not bullshit it's a fact.

I bet you don't realize the democrats controlled both houses during both Reagan & Bush's terms, do you?

The house and senate control the purse string, the Potus can only ask and approve, not legislate.

Learn how the system works or be doomed to be made a fool of.
Some observations...

One, Obama remains uncomfortable - not quite shrill, but clearly out of his comfort zone regarding the mounting opposition to this stimulus package. His answers repeatedly rambled as he attempted to explain positions he is clearly unsure of himself.

Two, Obama's fall-back position is to blame Republicans, despite the fact the Democrats are going on their third year of controlling Congress. This worked well during the campaign when Bush was still President, but is now falling on increasingly deaf ears. There were a few times he slipped into outright whine mode.

Third, His repeated defense of the pork contained within this stimulus bill was Obama at his weakest. As he once said, if you put lipstick on a pig...

Lastly, the questions were soft - Obama clearly went of a list of pre-approved reporters, who meekly posed simple questions that still left Obama grasping for a cogent thought at times. For a press conference that was highly scripted, Obama failed to close the deal - far from it, and gave a performance that while pleasing to his loyal base of supporters, will foster increasing doubts among the population of Americans who favor neither party affiliation.

This President best step up his game...

You know, I think after eight years we all find it jarring and alarming when a president gives intelligent, nuanced, and detailed answers in articulate and grammatically outstanding English. :eek:

Yo! I ain't used to this shit!

It doesnt matter how BO answers his questions... He has a D next to his name and they wont ever listen.. He could say I have got rid of the IRS, no American has to pay taxes, and they would complain bout something...

After 8 years of Dumbya the deciders new English and bushism answers the (R)etardicans are foolish enough to claim that the new pres can't communicate effectively..

Keep at it.. the pa(R)ty isnt going to get anymore members or votes with what ive seen here... or pretty much on any board...
WOW, coming from the ABDS crowd that is a revelation
It's not bullshit it's a fact.

I bet you don't realize the democrats controlled both houses during both Reagan & Bush's terms, do you?

The house and senate control the purse string, the Potus can only ask and approve, not legislate.

Learn how the system works or be doomed to be made a fool of.


The Republicans controlled the Senate during 6 of Bush's 8 years, and Reagan's budgets were all passed by a combination of all Republican votes combined with a few Dixiecrats.
Most corporations don't pay taxes.

No, the problem is Bush lowered taxes on the rich while increasing spending by the greatest amount since WWII. Reagan and Bush reduced taxes on the rich while increasing military spending by huge amounts.

Bush and Reagan are responsible for 90% of the National Debt.

more C&P bullshit from kirk/chris
It's not bullshit it's a fact.

I bet you don't realize the democrats controlled both houses during both Reagan & Bush's terms, do you?

The house and senate control the purse string, the Potus can only ask and approve, not legislate.

Learn how the system works or be doomed to be made a fool of.


The Republicans controlled the Senate during 6 of Bush's 8 years, and Reagan's budgets were all passed by a combination of all Republican votes combined with a few Dixiecrats.

I would tend to agree with you if you were right...

Peter Ferrara Says Barack Obama's Economic Policy, Guided By Liberal Ideology, Is Impeding Recovery - WSJ.com
Why are you so obcessed with trying to blame 'reagan/bush' for something both parties are 100% guilty of?


Reagan brought in "supply side economics" whereby we could supposedly cut taxes for the rich and increase spending at the same time, and somehow everything would magically be ok. Well, it didn't work out that way. When you cut taxes and increase spending, all you do is raise the National Debt, which is exactly what Reagan and Bush did. Clinton came in and raised taxes on the rich and cut spending in his first term, and we ended up with a surplus and the National Debt actually went down with respect to GDP. Even Jimmy Carter reduced the National Debt with respect to GDP. Now because of Bush the Lesser's huge deficits, and Phil Gramm's deregulation of Wall Street, Obama is facing a disaster of Biblical proportions.


Your penchant for revisionism is remarkable!

Peter Ferrara Says Barack Obama's Economic Policy, Guided By Liberal Ideology, Is Impeding Recovery - WSJ.com

The people at the WSJ who all called for deregualtion of the markets are the people who got us into this mess.

Derivatives destroyed the world economy, thanks to Phil Gramm.

The Republicans controlled the Senate during 6 of Bush's 8 years,
I was reffering to Bush I, as should have been obvious.

and Reagan's budgets were all passed by a combination of all Republican votes combined with a few Dixiecrats.

So Reagan used his mad mind control skillz to make Tip oneil do his bidding, did he? :cuckoo:

Why are you so obcessed with trying to blame 'reagan/bush' for something both parties are 100% guilty of?


Reagan brought in "supply side economics" whereby we could supposedly cut taxes for the rich and increase spending at the same time, and somehow everything would magically be ok. Well, it didn't work out that way. When you cut taxes and increase spending, all you do is raise the National Debt, which is exactly what Reagan and Bush did. Clinton came in and raised taxes on the rich and cut spending in his first term, and we ended up with a surplus and the National Debt actually went down with respect to GDP. Even Jimmy Carter reduced the National Debt with respect to GDP. Now because of Bush the Lesser's huge deficits, and Phil Gramm's deregulation of Wall Street, Obama is facing a disaster of Biblical proportions.
yeah too bad congress spent too much

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