Obama promises to pay legal fees WITH OUR MONEY if companies don't warn employees


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
Friday afternoon dump- so, it appears that the Obama admin. wants to subsidize contractors for losses due to penalty's incurred for putting off the lay off notices which by law they are required to submit and forward to employee.

Sounds kind of hokey to me.

The White House moved to prevent defense and other government contractors from issuing mass layoff notices in anticipation of sequestration, even going so far to say that the contracting agencies would cover any potential litigation costs or employee compensation costs that could follow.


So the Office of Management and Budget went a step further in guidance issued late Friday afternoon. If an agency terminates or modifies a contract, and the contractor must close a plant or lay off workers en masse, the company could treat employee compensation costs for WARN Act liability, attorneys’ fees and other litigation costs as allowable costs to be covered by the contracting agency—so long as the contractor has followed a course of action consistent with the Labor Department’s guidance. The legal fees would be covered regardless of the outcome of the litigation, according to the OMB guidance issued by Daniel Werfel, controller of the Office of Federal Financial Management, and Joseph Jordan, the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy.

more at-
White House Moves To Head Off Sequester Layoffs - NationalJournal.com

hat tip Hot Air-
Obama administration tries to block sequester layoff notices « Hot Air
Obama's Motto: " Laws are meant to be broken if it suits my agenda!" Even if it costs the taxpayers money!
Not only does he want these contractors to break the law, but obama said he would pay their legal fees when his administration prosecutes them for breaking the law!

But the Friday guidance from the Office of Management and Budget raised the stakes in the dispute, telling contractors that they would be compensated for legal costs if layoffs occur due to contract cancellations under sequestration

obama shouldn't be voted out of office, he should rightly be vomited out of office.

This is against the law... but when has that ever stopped them?

It is a violation of the law for the companies. Hence the promise to pay legal fees. Sadly the poor people getting laid off won't see it coming. If Obama really cared he would promise to pay their bills. A phone and foodstamps just isn't going to cut it
Maobama has enter into a comspiracy, with the labor dept, to violate federal law, this is a felony and an impeachable offense. He signed the law, he swore to uphold it, if he enduces companies to violate it he is culpable.
It's not violating any laws, because the layoffs aren't going to happen.

Neither side will let it happen.
This is just another unpleasant surprise people are in for after the election. More layoffs and Medicare will go bankrupt due to Obamacare.

Sometimes I'm jealous of the ignorant people who are excited about getting more free stuff from Obama. Even though they are in for a rude awakening eventually, at least for now they have the luxury of not knowing the horrible fate that awaits this country if he retains power. Ignorance really is bliss.
but these jobs are not real.

just ask any republican.

the government cant create any job remember
It's not violating any laws, because the layoffs aren't going to happen.

Neither side will let it happen.

they dont care about reality they only care about trying to find something to hate Obama for since they cant admitt they hate him for being black while president
It's not violating any laws, because the layoffs aren't going to happen.

Neither side will let it happen.

they dont care about reality they only care about trying to find something to hate Obama for since they cant admitt they hate him for being black while president

If this sucker goes through-- we're going to have a deep recession. The world is going to take a total fucking shit.
so why are you guys concerned about these fakes jobs?

they cant be real becuase they are funded by the government.

We all know the government cant creat jobs.

well at least in con world its true
It's not violating any laws, because the layoffs aren't going to happen.

Neither side will let it happen.

they dont care about reality they only care about trying to find something to hate Obama for since they cant admitt they hate him for being black while president

If this sucker goes through-- we're going to have a deep recession. The world is going to take a total fucking shit.

what sucker matt?

tell us your grand predictions in some detail

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