Obama Proposes 2 Years of Free Community College

You will note I specify the funding must be redirected from EXISTING gov't giveaways, meaning some already sucking at the gov't tit will get less.

That is not going to happen, and I do not know if something like that has ever happened. Other programs may be reduced but it won't be in connection with this proposal.

Unfortunately, other programs won't be reduced. It's just a fact of life in Washington.
Obviously not.


All it takes is a naysayer.

Sorry but I have nothing but contempt for intellectual sloth. Which is exactly what sitting on one's ass going "will never work.. will never work ... will never work" is. As already noted running around shrieking "oh goodness we can't do that, we've always done it this way!" has in history produced the sum total of absolute zero. You don't grow by doing things the same way you've always done them before.

You contribute nothing here except to reinforce your own echo. Somebody wake me when something pertinent is posted.
Something with more meat on its bones than "will never work".


I have nothing but contempt for people like you that demand someone else fund what you think needs to be done. If you think it's such a good idea, fund as many as you want personally and get as many like you to do the same. It's one thing to say you think it should be done, it's another to prove it with your own money.

Who the fuck do you think pays for your fire department, your library, your parks and museums and the roads you use to get to work?

Straw man argument.

So you don't know what "strawman" means either? :disbelief:

A question cannot be a strawman. Strawman requires a statement.

Putting a ? behind it doesnt' mean it's a question. You can make a statment appear as one.

An interrogative sentence is always a question. The simple fact remains, it makes no statement. Or even statment.
You calling something and it being true aren't the same thing. It doesn't take a genius to know when things won't work.

Obviously not.


All it takes is a naysayer.

Sorry but I have nothing but contempt for intellectual sloth. Which is exactly what sitting on one's ass going "will never work.. will never work ... will never work" is. As already noted running around shrieking "oh goodness we can't do that, we've always done it this way!" has in history produced the sum total of absolute zero. You don't grow by doing things the same way you've always done them before.

You contribute nothing here except to reinforce your own echo. Somebody wake me when something pertinent is posted.
Something with more meat on its bones than "will never work".

Yep. The same argument over and over. I just wish these guys would be honest and say what they really mean, I don't want my money spent on anyone but me; it's all about me.

When it comes to paying for college, it is about ME and MY children. I'M the one that has saved the money for MY children. That money should go to MY children not someone else's child.

You seem to forget that I'm not asking any of them to do anything other than what I'm willing to do myself. Those expecting the the government to do this for their kids aren't thinking about anyone but themselves unless you're willing to tell me they give a damn where the money comes from as long as they get it.

You just confirmed our point. "I got mine, fuck the resta yez".

The point I've confirmed is that I while I got mine, I don't expect anything more of others than I do myself. When I'm meeting my responsibility as a parent and I see others demanding I meet it for their kids because they won't, you have part of it right. It isn't I got mine, it's fuck the rest of you that want me to do for you what you won't do for your own kids.

You have a problem with me wanting to use MY money for MY kids yet you don't have one demanding I be forced to do what another parent isn't for their own kids. I don't owe them a college education.

You're still stuck in the same blind spot.
Such an idea is not for the benefit of "your" kids, "my" kids, "his", "her" or "their" kids. It's for the benefit of the greater whole, the country, the culture, the society, choose your term. Just as the fire department isn't there to protect "your" property or "mine". You keep trying to personalize the Commons into the Personal Possession as if it's some kind of trinket that must be "owned" by one entity or another, that's your blind spot.

This just in: not everything in life is material, and not everything is quantifiable as "X amount of money".
And how many of the high school kids who were 'streamed' in order to get them the fuck out of the high school will gladly spend the next two years learning as much as they did in high school which was sweet fuck all. And who's going to pay the LIB/Socialist/Union (cough) professors? The fucking 'Takers' or the Makers?
"I hear you're going off to college for two years tuition free soon. What are you going to study?"
"I don't know. Do you have to study something? [Is their] courses on how to get rich?"
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.
And how many of the high school kids who were 'streamed' in order to get them the fuck out of the high school will gladly spend the next two years learning as much as they did in high school which was sweet fuck all. And who's going to pay the LIB/Socialist/Union (cough) professors? The fucking 'Takers' or the Makers?
"I hear you're going off to college for two years tuition free soon. What are you going to study?"
"I don't know. Do you have to study something? [Is their] courses on how to get rich?"
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

Because someone else's parent is doing for their kid what my wife and I have saved to do for ours doesn't mean we should pay more taxes on behalf of that other person's kid.
Obviously not.


All it takes is a naysayer.

Sorry but I have nothing but contempt for intellectual sloth. Which is exactly what sitting on one's ass going "will never work.. will never work ... will never work" is. As already noted running around shrieking "oh goodness we can't do that, we've always done it this way!" has in history produced the sum total of absolute zero. You don't grow by doing things the same way you've always done them before.

You contribute nothing here except to reinforce your own echo. Somebody wake me when something pertinent is posted.
Something with more meat on its bones than "will never work".

Yep. The same argument over and over. I just wish these guys would be honest and say what they really mean, I don't want my money spent on anyone but me; it's all about me.

When it comes to paying for college, it is about ME and MY children. I'M the one that has saved the money for MY children. That money should go to MY children not someone else's child.

You seem to forget that I'm not asking any of them to do anything other than what I'm willing to do myself. Those expecting the the government to do this for their kids aren't thinking about anyone but themselves unless you're willing to tell me they give a damn where the money comes from as long as they get it.

You just confirmed our point. "I got mine, fuck the resta yez".

The point I've confirmed is that I while I got mine, I don't expect anything more of others than I do myself. When I'm meeting my responsibility as a parent and I see others demanding I meet it for their kids because they won't, you have part of it right. It isn't I got mine, it's fuck the rest of you that want me to do for you what you won't do for your own kids.

You have a problem with me wanting to use MY money for MY kids yet you don't have one demanding I be forced to do what another parent isn't for their own kids. I don't owe them a college education.

You're still stuck in the same blind spot.
Such an idea is not for the benefit of "your" kids, "my" kids, "his", "her" or "their" kids. It's for the benefit of the greater whole, the country, the culture, the society, choose your term. Just as the fire department isn't there to protect "your" property or "mine". You keep trying to personalize the Commons into the Personal Possession as if it's some kind of trinket that must be "owned" by one entity or another, that's your blind spot.

This just in: not everything in life is material, and not everything is quantifiable as "X amount of money".

This proposal isn't for the benefit of my kids. My kids will be going to a real college not the 13th and 14th grade like community college.

Your blind spot is that you have already determined that it will benefit the greater whole without one damn bit of proof to back it up.
I have nothing but contempt for people like you that demand someone else fund what you think needs to be done. If you think it's such a good idea, fund as many as you want personally and get as many like you to do the same. It's one thing to say you think it should be done, it's another to prove it with your own money.

Who the fuck do you think pays for your fire department, your library, your parks and museums and the roads you use to get to work?

Straw man argument.

So you don't know what "strawman" means either? :disbelief:

A question cannot be a strawman. Strawman requires a statement.

Putting a ? behind it doesnt' mean it's a question. You can make a statment appear as one.

An interrogative sentence is always a question. The simple fact remains, it makes no statement. Or even statment.

Not when there person "asking" it has already decided on the answer prior to asking it.
And how many of the high school kids who were 'streamed' in order to get them the fuck out of the high school will gladly spend the next two years learning as much as they did in high school which was sweet fuck all. And who's going to pay the LIB/Socialist/Union (cough) professors? The fucking 'Takers' or the Makers?
"I hear you're going off to college for two years tuition free soon. What are you going to study?"
"I don't know. Do you have to study something? [Is their] courses on how to get rich?"
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

OK, lets try again.

Pell Grants already pays for community college and more. What he proposes wouldn't be free, the whole nation will be paying for it. Potential dropouts from high school would most likely remain dropouts and "steal" the financial aid money, like they already do, so it's waste of money. Free community college for everyone would completely devalue any of the skills that could be learn there, thereby making community college more necessary to get a job and decreasing the pay you would receive for said job. That would be pretty much - more education required for less pay. Great. Fucking great.
Free community college would only exacerbate all the workforce problems we're already facing. Barry's just media whoring, or the far scarier alternative is that he's colluding with corporate interests to lower wages and this media campaign is just buttering us up for a supreme ass fucking.
And how many of the high school kids who were 'streamed' in order to get them the fuck out of the high school will gladly spend the next two years learning as much as they did in high school which was sweet fuck all. And who's going to pay the LIB/Socialist/Union (cough) professors? The fucking 'Takers' or the Makers?
"I hear you're going off to college for two years tuition free soon. What are you going to study?"
"I don't know. Do you have to study something? [Is their] courses on how to get rich?"
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

OK, lets try again.

Pell Grants already pays for community college and more. What he proposes wouldn't be free, the whole nation will be paying for it. Potential dropouts from high school would most likely remain dropouts and "steal" the financial aid money, like they already do, so it's waste of money. Free community college for everyone would completely devalue any of the skills that could be learn there, thereby making community college more necessary to get a job and decreasing the pay you would receive for said job. That would be pretty much - more education required for less pay. Great. Fucking great.
Free community college would only exacerbate all the workforce problems we're already facing. Barry's just media whoring, or the far scarier alternative is that he's colluding with corporate interests to lower wages and this media campaign is just buttering us up for a supreme ass fucking.

California historically had free higher public education and it worked out pretty well.
And how many of the high school kids who were 'streamed' in order to get them the fuck out of the high school will gladly spend the next two years learning as much as they did in high school which was sweet fuck all. And who's going to pay the LIB/Socialist/Union (cough) professors? The fucking 'Takers' or the Makers?
"I hear you're going off to college for two years tuition free soon. What are you going to study?"
"I don't know. Do you have to study something? [Is their] courses on how to get rich?"
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

OK, lets try again.

Pell Grants already pays for community college and more. What he proposes wouldn't be free, the whole nation will be paying for it. Potential dropouts from high school would most likely remain dropouts and "steal" the financial aid money, like they already do, so it's waste of money. Free community college for everyone would completely devalue any of the skills that could be learn there, thereby making community college more necessary to get a job and decreasing the pay you would receive for said job. That would be pretty much - more education required for less pay. Great. Fucking great.
Free community college would only exacerbate all the workforce problems we're already facing. Barry's just media whoring, or the far scarier alternative is that he's colluding with corporate interests to lower wages and this media campaign is just buttering us up for a supreme ass fucking.

Those that say it's free define free only in the mindset of the one going not having to pay. They don't consider those having to pay so they can as part of it because they think we owe college to someone else's kid.

The supporters of it say it's an investment yet have no objective proof that their claims will happen. They speculate. The problem is they're speculating with my money. None can answer what happens if the person uses the money then doesn't finish.
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

OK, lets try again.

Pell Grants already pays for community college and more. What he proposes wouldn't be free, the whole nation will be paying for it. Potential dropouts from high school would most likely remain dropouts and "steal" the financial aid money, like they already do, so it's waste of money. Free community college for everyone would completely devalue any of the skills that could be learn there, thereby making community college more necessary to get a job and decreasing the pay you would receive for said job. That would be pretty much - more education required for less pay. Great. Fucking great.
Free community college would only exacerbate all the workforce problems we're already facing. Barry's just media whoring, or the far scarier alternative is that he's colluding with corporate interests to lower wages and this media campaign is just buttering us up for a supreme ass fucking.

California historically had free higher public education and it worked out pretty well.

If California wants to do it with tax money collected solely from California residents, go for it.
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

OK, lets try again.

Pell Grants already pays for community college and more. What he proposes wouldn't be free, the whole nation will be paying for it. Potential dropouts from high school would most likely remain dropouts and "steal" the financial aid money, like they already do, so it's waste of money. Free community college for everyone would completely devalue any of the skills that could be learn there, thereby making community college more necessary to get a job and decreasing the pay you would receive for said job. That would be pretty much - more education required for less pay. Great. Fucking great.
Free community college would only exacerbate all the workforce problems we're already facing. Barry's just media whoring, or the far scarier alternative is that he's colluding with corporate interests to lower wages and this media campaign is just buttering us up for a supreme ass fucking.

California historically had free higher public education and it worked out pretty well.

Unless the schools ran for no cost, the professors worked for nothing, etc., it wasn't free.
Apparently then you're ready to foot the bill for your own fire department, police, libraries, museums, parks, public roads, military, FAA, FDA, FCC....

We could live without the alphabet agencies. Are you trying to say that two years of community college are the same as not burning to death or being shot by a criminal?
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

OK, lets try again.

Pell Grants already pays for community college and more. What he proposes wouldn't be free, the whole nation will be paying for it. Potential dropouts from high school would most likely remain dropouts and "steal" the financial aid money, like they already do, so it's waste of money. Free community college for everyone would completely devalue any of the skills that could be learn there, thereby making community college more necessary to get a job and decreasing the pay you would receive for said job. That would be pretty much - more education required for less pay. Great. Fucking great.
Free community college would only exacerbate all the workforce problems we're already facing. Barry's just media whoring, or the far scarier alternative is that he's colluding with corporate interests to lower wages and this media campaign is just buttering us up for a supreme ass fucking.

Those that say it's free define free only in the mindset of the one going not having to pay. They don't consider those having to pay so they can as part of it because they think we owe college to someone else's kid.

The supporters of it say it's an investment yet have no objective proof that their claims will happen. They speculate. The problem is they're speculating with my money. None can answer what happens if the person uses the money then doesn't finish.

It's how politics works, democrat president in republican controlled congress promise bullshit that will never get passed and when it doesn't, claim that evil republicans don't want you to be educated. And btw, throw in that they also hate blacks and transgenders and they want to throw nanny of the cliff. It works every time.
A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

OK, lets try again.

Pell Grants already pays for community college and more. What he proposes wouldn't be free, the whole nation will be paying for it. Potential dropouts from high school would most likely remain dropouts and "steal" the financial aid money, like they already do, so it's waste of money. Free community college for everyone would completely devalue any of the skills that could be learn there, thereby making community college more necessary to get a job and decreasing the pay you would receive for said job. That would be pretty much - more education required for less pay. Great. Fucking great.
Free community college would only exacerbate all the workforce problems we're already facing. Barry's just media whoring, or the far scarier alternative is that he's colluding with corporate interests to lower wages and this media campaign is just buttering us up for a supreme ass fucking.

Those that say it's free define free only in the mindset of the one going not having to pay. They don't consider those having to pay so they can as part of it because they think we owe college to someone else's kid.

The supporters of it say it's an investment yet have no objective proof that their claims will happen. They speculate. The problem is they're speculating with my money. None can answer what happens if the person uses the money then doesn't finish.

It's how politics works, democrat president in republican controlled congress promise bullshit that will never get passed and when it doesn't, claim that evil republicans don't want you to be educated. And btw, throw in that they also hate blacks and transgenders and they want to throw nanny of the cliff. It works every time.

I can't count the number of times those that support this have said that I hate children and don't want them educated because I oppose it. They incorrectly equate not wanting to be forced to pay for another person's kid to go to college with not wanting the kid to get an education. I plan to pay for my kid's college or the portion scholarships don't cover. Expecting someone else to do that for their kids is not asking them to do more than I will do.
You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

OK, lets try again.

Pell Grants already pays for community college and more. What he proposes wouldn't be free, the whole nation will be paying for it. Potential dropouts from high school would most likely remain dropouts and "steal" the financial aid money, like they already do, so it's waste of money. Free community college for everyone would completely devalue any of the skills that could be learn there, thereby making community college more necessary to get a job and decreasing the pay you would receive for said job. That would be pretty much - more education required for less pay. Great. Fucking great.
Free community college would only exacerbate all the workforce problems we're already facing. Barry's just media whoring, or the far scarier alternative is that he's colluding with corporate interests to lower wages and this media campaign is just buttering us up for a supreme ass fucking.

Those that say it's free define free only in the mindset of the one going not having to pay. They don't consider those having to pay so they can as part of it because they think we owe college to someone else's kid.

The supporters of it say it's an investment yet have no objective proof that their claims will happen. They speculate. The problem is they're speculating with my money. None can answer what happens if the person uses the money then doesn't finish.

It's how politics works, democrat president in republican controlled congress promise bullshit that will never get passed and when it doesn't, claim that evil republicans don't want you to be educated. And btw, throw in that they also hate blacks and transgenders and they want to throw nanny of the cliff. It works every time.

I can't count the number of times those that support this have said that I hate children and don't want them educated because I oppose it. They incorrectly equate not wanting to be forced to pay for another person's kid to go to college with not wanting the kid to get an education. I plan to pay for my kid's college or the portion scholarships don't cover. Expecting someone else to do that for their kids is not asking them to do more than I will do.

That's how two party state is maintained. Turn everything into binary options, then tell people that either choice stands for a party. If they support it, they have to go with said party. Voters who like the measure of free college will vote for it, those who don't will cheer for stopping it. Democrats are betting big on this, since they're losing on many other issues.
And how many of the high school kids who were 'streamed' in order to get them the fuck out of the high school will gladly spend the next two years learning as much as they did in high school which was sweet fuck all. And who's going to pay the LIB/Socialist/Union (cough) professors? The fucking 'Takers' or the Makers?
"I hear you're going off to college for two years tuition free soon. What are you going to study?"
"I don't know. Do you have to study something? [Is their] courses on how to get rich?"
As I understand the proposal students must have a good grade point average in high schools and maintain a 2.5 GPA in community college and be at least a half time student.

A 2.5 in a community college is on the same level as having someone spell their name correctly.

You can get a 2.5 GPA just by breathing in your classes.

So, what about all those who finished college and paid for it on their own? Yeah, let's punish those who did what they needed to do to eek out a meager existence in the middle class by making their degree worthless so Jamal can go to school for African studies or some tranny go to school for gender studies. Let's just extend high school by two years so the lefties have little longer to indoctrinate people. Oh, and let's reward pieces of shit who didn't go to school to make themselves valuable employees by just giving them already near-worthless degrees.
That doesn't make sense. Just because in the past young people had to suffer because of a mountain of college loan debt or give up college is no reason we should continue doing the same thing. There may be good reasons not to implement this proposal but that's not one of them.

Because someone else's parent is doing for their kid what my wife and I have saved to do for ours doesn't mean we should pay more taxes on behalf of that other person's kid.
Yours is an argument I've heard a thousand times. Why should I pay taxes to educate someone else kid and the answer is always the same. Everyone benefits by a better educated population. America is better able to compete with other countries if we have a better trained workforce. Better education means better jobs, less reliance on government, less crime, and more knowledgeable voters.

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