Obama Proposes 2 Years of Free Community College

Because someone else's parent is doing for their kid what my wife and I have saved to do for ours doesn't mean we should pay more taxes on behalf of that other person's kid.
Yours is an argument I've heard a thousand times. Why should I pay taxes to educate someone else kid and the answer is always the same. Everyone benefits by a better educated population. America is better able to compete with other countries if we have a better trained workforce. Better education means better jobs, less reliance on government, less crime, and more knowledgeable voters.

I believe better educated people help, too. I'm willing to do it for mine and ask other parents to do no more than I do. My parents are in their 70s and damn sure aren't the ones to be paying for this.

More knowledgable voter? I know what that means with this pandering.
A hundred years ago, only 1 in 5 teenagers were in high school. This was at the beginning of the high school movement where thousands of high schools were built and hundreds of thousands of teachers were hired. A battle raged in communities across the country. The complaints were the same as yours today. Why should I pay to educate someone else's kid? We can't afford it. A hundred years later, it was obviously the country made the right decision.

We pay wages today 5 and 10 times what developing nations like China pay. If we want to maintain that wage differential, if want to see jobs coming back to the US, then we have got to make ourselves more competitive and that begins with better educated workers with better jobs skill. Establishing 2 years of college as the minimum educational standard in the US is the right thing to do.

It isn't about affording it. It's about forcing one person to fund another person's college.

It seems all that black son of a bitch has to do is mention some redistribution program and you ass lickers fight it out to see which one is going to stick your head up his ass first.

We have people graduating today that can't read on a 8th grade level. Go into any convenient store where the register doesn't display how much change is needed and see how flustered the one working their gets when trying to do it without a calculator. Not a very good argument for forcing people to fund even a higher level of education when the one we fund now isn't getting the job done.

The right thing to do is for the parents to pay for their kids college and quit expecting others to do it for them.
I agree all parents should pay for their kids college education. It's the right thing to do but there are many parents that simple can't or won't provide for their kids education. Not helping the kids because their parents can't or won't help is not the right thing to do. Better educated workers benefits everyone, including you.

I completed six years of higher education, earning a master's degree. My parents paid for about $1500 of the cost: that's what they could afford. I paid for the rest working my way through, but I also got grants, loans and did work study. In my second year of graduate school, I was a teaching fellow, which paid for everything.

I attended community college for some of it to save money. I think the idea of providing two free years of community college education is a good idea. Most of the students are looking to get the first two years of university out of the way in a less expensive environment or are getting vocational AA degrees. Many older students who didn't go straight on to university after high school are in community colleges hoping to change their lives by improving their ability to get better jobs.

We have a better society when we have a greater number of educated people and people skilled to work in specific trades and professions. Just look around the world: the countries which have the healthiest and strongest financial and social structures have highly educated populations.
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Ann Coulter takes on this stupid idea....

As Long as Obama Brought Up the Cost of College... - Ann Coulter - Page 1

The cost of a college education has increased by more than 1,000 percent only since 1978. Nothing else has gone up that much -- not health care, consumer goods or home prices. The explosion in college tuition bears no relation to anything happening in the economy.

Would anyone argue that colleges are providing a better education today than in 1978? I promise you: People coming out of college in the '50s knew more than any recent Yale graduate -- unless we're only counting knowledge of sexual practices once considered verboten.

The fact that 80 percent of Weathermen -- the violent '60s radicals -- are full college professors tells you all you need to know about the state of higher education today.
Yes, American colleges and universities are just shit. That is why students from all over the world want to study in them, because our higher education is just garbage. Uh huh.

Our universities are open to competition....of the students, students can go to any university, public schools are run differently, you are stuck with the one in your neighborhood, and if it sucks, you are stuck......if you want to improve elementary -high school education, give parents vouchers that they can use to attend any school they want...since we have to pay for the public school system anyway.....this way, competition will improve elementary education, and more kids will actually learn something.....
Ann Coulter takes on this stupid idea....

As Long as Obama Brought Up the Cost of College... - Ann Coulter - Page 1

The cost of a college education has increased by more than 1,000 percent only since 1978. Nothing else has gone up that much -- not health care, consumer goods or home prices. The explosion in college tuition bears no relation to anything happening in the economy.

Would anyone argue that colleges are providing a better education today than in 1978? I promise you: People coming out of college in the '50s knew more than any recent Yale graduate -- unless we're only counting knowledge of sexual practices once considered verboten.

The fact that 80 percent of Weathermen -- the violent '60s radicals -- are full college professors tells you all you need to know about the state of higher education today.
Yes, American colleges and universities are just shit. That is why students from all over the world want to study in them, because our higher education is just garbage. Uh huh.

Our universities are open to competition....of the students, students can go to any university, public schools are run differently, you are stuck with the one in your neighborhood, and if it sucks, you are stuck......if you want to improve elementary -high school education, give parents vouchers that they can use to attend any school they want...since we have to pay for the public school system anyway.....this way, competition will improve elementary education, and more kids will actually learn something.....
Exactly! That way, the government would be paying for the education but not controlling it.
Yours is an argument I've heard a thousand times. Why should I pay taxes to educate someone else kid and the answer is always the same. Everyone benefits by a better educated population. America is better able to compete with other countries if we have a better trained workforce. Better education means better jobs, less reliance on government, less crime, and more knowledgeable voters.

I believe better educated people help, too. I'm willing to do it for mine and ask other parents to do no more than I do. My parents are in their 70s and damn sure aren't the ones to be paying for this.

More knowledgable voter? I know what that means with this pandering.
A hundred years ago, only 1 in 5 teenagers were in high school. This was at the beginning of the high school movement where thousands of high schools were built and hundreds of thousands of teachers were hired. A battle raged in communities across the country. The complaints were the same as yours today. Why should I pay to educate someone else's kid? We can't afford it. A hundred years later, it was obviously the country made the right decision.

We pay wages today 5 and 10 times what developing nations like China pay. If we want to maintain that wage differential, if want to see jobs coming back to the US, then we have got to make ourselves more competitive and that begins with better educated workers with better jobs skill. Establishing 2 years of college as the minimum educational standard in the US is the right thing to do.

It isn't about affording it. It's about forcing one person to fund another person's college.

It seems all that black son of a bitch has to do is mention some redistribution program and you ass lickers fight it out to see which one is going to stick your head up his ass first.

We have people graduating today that can't read on a 8th grade level. Go into any convenient store where the register doesn't display how much change is needed and see how flustered the one working their gets when trying to do it without a calculator. Not a very good argument for forcing people to fund even a higher level of education when the one we fund now isn't getting the job done.

The right thing to do is for the parents to pay for their kids college and quit expecting others to do it for them.
I agree all parents should pay for their kids college education. It's the right thing to do but there are many parents that simple can't or won't provide for their kids education. Not helping the kids because their parents can't or won't help is not the right thing to do. Better educated workers benefits everyone, including you.

I completed six years of higher education, earning a master's degree. My parents paid for about $1500 of the cost: that's what they could afford. I paid for the rest working my way through, but I also got grants, loans and did work study. In my second year of graduate school, I was a teaching fellow, which paid for everything.

I attended community college for some of it to save money. I think the idea of providing two free years of community college education is a good idea. Most of the students are looking to get the first two years of university out of the way in a less expensive environment or are getting vocational AA degrees. Many older students who didn't go straight on to university after high school are in community colleges hoping to change their lives by improving their ability to get better jobs.

We have a better society when we have a greater number of educated people and people skilled to work in specific trades and professions. Just look around the world: the countries which have the healthiest and strongest financial and social structures have highly educated populations.
Community colleges are cheap compared to most 4 year schools but still beyond the reach of many. Anything we can do to lessen the debt burden on kids graduating from college we should do. There're many kids graduating with $100,000 debt. That's $600/mo for 20 years.

My granddaughter is in 11th grade and considering going into medicine. The total costs will exceed $250,000. Financial aid today usually amounts to a college loan and if you are near the top of your class, two or three thousand dollars in scholarships. If she fails, her Dad will have a second mortgage and she will have a mountain of debt and no way to pay it off. That's a lot of weight on the shoulders of a 17 year old kid. She's considering junking the whole idea of med school and possibly college. I would hate to see her do that. She's smart, with good grades and I think she would make a wonderful doctor.
Ann Coulter takes on this stupid idea....

As Long as Obama Brought Up the Cost of College... - Ann Coulter - Page 1

The cost of a college education has increased by more than 1,000 percent only since 1978. Nothing else has gone up that much -- not health care, consumer goods or home prices. The explosion in college tuition bears no relation to anything happening in the economy.

Would anyone argue that colleges are providing a better education today than in 1978? I promise you: People coming out of college in the '50s knew more than any recent Yale graduate -- unless we're only counting knowledge of sexual practices once considered verboten.

The fact that 80 percent of Weathermen -- the violent '60s radicals -- are full college professors tells you all you need to know about the state of higher education today.
Yes, American colleges and universities are just shit. That is why students from all over the world want to study in them, because our higher education is just garbage. Uh huh.

Our universities are open to competition....of the students, students can go to any university, public schools are run differently, you are stuck with the one in your neighborhood, and if it sucks, you are stuck......if you want to improve elementary -high school education, give parents vouchers that they can use to attend any school they want...since we have to pay for the public school system anyway.....this way, competition will improve elementary education, and more kids will actually learn something.....

Just out of curiosity...what measuring stick would be used to differentiate a "good" school from a "bad" school?
Ann Coulter takes on this stupid idea....

As Long as Obama Brought Up the Cost of College... - Ann Coulter - Page 1

The cost of a college education has increased by more than 1,000 percent only since 1978. Nothing else has gone up that much -- not health care, consumer goods or home prices. The explosion in college tuition bears no relation to anything happening in the economy.

Would anyone argue that colleges are providing a better education today than in 1978? I promise you: People coming out of college in the '50s knew more than any recent Yale graduate -- unless we're only counting knowledge of sexual practices once considered verboten.

The fact that 80 percent of Weathermen -- the violent '60s radicals -- are full college professors tells you all you need to know about the state of higher education today.
Yes, American colleges and universities are just shit. That is why students from all over the world want to study in them, because our higher education is just garbage. Uh huh.

Our universities are open to competition....of the students, students can go to any university, public schools are run differently, you are stuck with the one in your neighborhood, and if it sucks, you are stuck......if you want to improve elementary -high school education, give parents vouchers that they can use to attend any school they want...since we have to pay for the public school system anyway.....this way, competition will improve elementary education, and more kids will actually learn something.....

Just out of curiosity...what measuring stick would be used to differentiate a "good" school from a "bad" school?

The parents would have to monitor that.....I think we know which colleges are the good ones, we even know which public schools in a state are doing a good job....I would rather have the parents do that than force kids to attend schools simply because that school is in their neighborhood....
I believe better educated people help, too. I'm willing to do it for mine and ask other parents to do no more than I do. My parents are in their 70s and damn sure aren't the ones to be paying for this.

More knowledgable voter? I know what that means with this pandering.
A hundred years ago, only 1 in 5 teenagers were in high school. This was at the beginning of the high school movement where thousands of high schools were built and hundreds of thousands of teachers were hired. A battle raged in communities across the country. The complaints were the same as yours today. Why should I pay to educate someone else's kid? We can't afford it. A hundred years later, it was obviously the country made the right decision.

We pay wages today 5 and 10 times what developing nations like China pay. If we want to maintain that wage differential, if want to see jobs coming back to the US, then we have got to make ourselves more competitive and that begins with better educated workers with better jobs skill. Establishing 2 years of college as the minimum educational standard in the US is the right thing to do.

It isn't about affording it. It's about forcing one person to fund another person's college.

It seems all that black son of a bitch has to do is mention some redistribution program and you ass lickers fight it out to see which one is going to stick your head up his ass first.

We have people graduating today that can't read on a 8th grade level. Go into any convenient store where the register doesn't display how much change is needed and see how flustered the one working their gets when trying to do it without a calculator. Not a very good argument for forcing people to fund even a higher level of education when the one we fund now isn't getting the job done.

The right thing to do is for the parents to pay for their kids college and quit expecting others to do it for them.
I agree all parents should pay for their kids college education. It's the right thing to do but there are many parents that simple can't or won't provide for their kids education. Not helping the kids because their parents can't or won't help is not the right thing to do. Better educated workers benefits everyone, including you.

I completed six years of higher education, earning a master's degree. My parents paid for about $1500 of the cost: that's what they could afford. I paid for the rest working my way through, but I also got grants, loans and did work study. In my second year of graduate school, I was a teaching fellow, which paid for everything.

I attended community college for some of it to save money. I think the idea of providing two free years of community college education is a good idea. Most of the students are looking to get the first two years of university out of the way in a less expensive environment or are getting vocational AA degrees. Many older students who didn't go straight on to university after high school are in community colleges hoping to change their lives by improving their ability to get better jobs.

We have a better society when we have a greater number of educated people and people skilled to work in specific trades and professions. Just look around the world: the countries which have the healthiest and strongest financial and social structures have highly educated populations.
Community colleges are cheap compared to most 4 year schools but still beyond the reach of many. Anything we can do to lessen the debt burden on kids graduating from college we should do. There're many kids graduating with $100,000 debt. That's $600/mo for 20 years.

My granddaughter is in 11th grade and considering going into medicine. The total costs will exceed $250,000. Financial aid today usually amounts to a college loan and if you are near the top of your class, two or three thousand dollars in scholarships. If she fails, her Dad will have a second mortgage and she will have a mountain of debt and no way to pay it off. That's a lot of weight on the shoulders of a 17 year old kid. She's considering junking the whole idea of med school and possibly college. I would hate to see her do that. She's smart, with good grades and I think she would make a wonderful doctor.

Then YOU, as her grandfather, should pay for it. Since I'm no relation to her, it's not my job to do what you won't do.
A hundred years ago, only 1 in 5 teenagers were in high school. This was at the beginning of the high school movement where thousands of high schools were built and hundreds of thousands of teachers were hired. A battle raged in communities across the country. The complaints were the same as yours today. Why should I pay to educate someone else's kid? We can't afford it. A hundred years later, it was obviously the country made the right decision.

We pay wages today 5 and 10 times what developing nations like China pay. If we want to maintain that wage differential, if want to see jobs coming back to the US, then we have got to make ourselves more competitive and that begins with better educated workers with better jobs skill. Establishing 2 years of college as the minimum educational standard in the US is the right thing to do.

It isn't about affording it. It's about forcing one person to fund another person's college.

It seems all that black son of a bitch has to do is mention some redistribution program and you ass lickers fight it out to see which one is going to stick your head up his ass first.

We have people graduating today that can't read on a 8th grade level. Go into any convenient store where the register doesn't display how much change is needed and see how flustered the one working their gets when trying to do it without a calculator. Not a very good argument for forcing people to fund even a higher level of education when the one we fund now isn't getting the job done.

The right thing to do is for the parents to pay for their kids college and quit expecting others to do it for them.
I agree all parents should pay for their kids college education. It's the right thing to do but there are many parents that simple can't or won't provide for their kids education. Not helping the kids because their parents can't or won't help is not the right thing to do. Better educated workers benefits everyone, including you.

I completed six years of higher education, earning a master's degree. My parents paid for about $1500 of the cost: that's what they could afford. I paid for the rest working my way through, but I also got grants, loans and did work study. In my second year of graduate school, I was a teaching fellow, which paid for everything.

I attended community college for some of it to save money. I think the idea of providing two free years of community college education is a good idea. Most of the students are looking to get the first two years of university out of the way in a less expensive environment or are getting vocational AA degrees. Many older students who didn't go straight on to university after high school are in community colleges hoping to change their lives by improving their ability to get better jobs.

We have a better society when we have a greater number of educated people and people skilled to work in specific trades and professions. Just look around the world: the countries which have the healthiest and strongest financial and social structures have highly educated populations.
Community colleges are cheap compared to most 4 year schools but still beyond the reach of many. Anything we can do to lessen the debt burden on kids graduating from college we should do. There're many kids graduating with $100,000 debt. That's $600/mo for 20 years.

My granddaughter is in 11th grade and considering going into medicine. The total costs will exceed $250,000. Financial aid today usually amounts to a college loan and if you are near the top of your class, two or three thousand dollars in scholarships. If she fails, her Dad will have a second mortgage and she will have a mountain of debt and no way to pay it off. That's a lot of weight on the shoulders of a 17 year old kid. She's considering junking the whole idea of med school and possibly college. I would hate to see her do that. She's smart, with good grades and I think she would make a wonderful doctor.

Then YOU, as her grandfather, should pay for it. Since I'm no relation to her, it's not my job to do what you won't do.
If we paid for only what we believed would directly benefit ourselves, this would be a pretty sad place to live. We all benefit from a better educated citizenry and better educated workforce and we should all support it..

A well educated workforce is the key to prosperity. Numerous studies have shown that a better educated workforce is a more productive workforce. And worker productivity is the primary ingredient in bring jobs home from overseas and keeping them here. If American business is going to pay $15/hr for a factory worker in the US instead of $2/hr.in China, then that worker is going to have to be more productive.

I'm not an advocate of unlimited free education but I believe it's time that we raise the minimum educational level of the nation from high school to two years of college.
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It isn't about affording it. It's about forcing one person to fund another person's college.

It seems all that black son of a bitch has to do is mention some redistribution program and you ass lickers fight it out to see which one is going to stick your head up his ass first.

We have people graduating today that can't read on a 8th grade level. Go into any convenient store where the register doesn't display how much change is needed and see how flustered the one working their gets when trying to do it without a calculator. Not a very good argument for forcing people to fund even a higher level of education when the one we fund now isn't getting the job done.

The right thing to do is for the parents to pay for their kids college and quit expecting others to do it for them.
I agree all parents should pay for their kids college education. It's the right thing to do but there are many parents that simple can't or won't provide for their kids education. Not helping the kids because their parents can't or won't help is not the right thing to do. Better educated workers benefits everyone, including you.

I completed six years of higher education, earning a master's degree. My parents paid for about $1500 of the cost: that's what they could afford. I paid for the rest working my way through, but I also got grants, loans and did work study. In my second year of graduate school, I was a teaching fellow, which paid for everything.

I attended community college for some of it to save money. I think the idea of providing two free years of community college education is a good idea. Most of the students are looking to get the first two years of university out of the way in a less expensive environment or are getting vocational AA degrees. Many older students who didn't go straight on to university after high school are in community colleges hoping to change their lives by improving their ability to get better jobs.

We have a better society when we have a greater number of educated people and people skilled to work in specific trades and professions. Just look around the world: the countries which have the healthiest and strongest financial and social structures have highly educated populations.
Community colleges are cheap compared to most 4 year schools but still beyond the reach of many. Anything we can do to lessen the debt burden on kids graduating from college we should do. There're many kids graduating with $100,000 debt. That's $600/mo for 20 years.

My granddaughter is in 11th grade and considering going into medicine. The total costs will exceed $250,000. Financial aid today usually amounts to a college loan and if you are near the top of your class, two or three thousand dollars in scholarships. If she fails, her Dad will have a second mortgage and she will have a mountain of debt and no way to pay it off. That's a lot of weight on the shoulders of a 17 year old kid. She's considering junking the whole idea of med school and possibly college. I would hate to see her do that. She's smart, with good grades and I think she would make a wonderful doctor.

Then YOU, as her grandfather, should pay for it. Since I'm no relation to her, it's not my job to do what you won't do.
If we paid for only what we believed would directly benefit ourselves, this would be a pretty sad place to live. We all benefit from a better educated citizenry and better educated workforce and we should all should support it..

A well educated workforce is the key to prosperity. Numerous studies have shown that a better educated workforce is a more productive workforce. And worker productivity is the primary ingredient in bring jobs home from overseas and keeping them here. If American business is going to pay $15/hr for a factory worker in the US instead of $2/hr.in China, then that worker is going to have to be more productive.

I'm not an advocate of unlimited free education but I believe it's time that we raise the minimum educational level of the nation from high school to two years of college.

Sounds like you want the taxpayers to fund for your granddaughter what you aren't willing to do yourself. Fuck that. If you won't fund it for her, I damn sure won't do it.
I agree all parents should pay for their kids college education. It's the right thing to do but there are many parents that simple can't or won't provide for their kids education. Not helping the kids because their parents can't or won't help is not the right thing to do. Better educated workers benefits everyone, including you.

I completed six years of higher education, earning a master's degree. My parents paid for about $1500 of the cost: that's what they could afford. I paid for the rest working my way through, but I also got grants, loans and did work study. In my second year of graduate school, I was a teaching fellow, which paid for everything.

I attended community college for some of it to save money. I think the idea of providing two free years of community college education is a good idea. Most of the students are looking to get the first two years of university out of the way in a less expensive environment or are getting vocational AA degrees. Many older students who didn't go straight on to university after high school are in community colleges hoping to change their lives by improving their ability to get better jobs.

We have a better society when we have a greater number of educated people and people skilled to work in specific trades and professions. Just look around the world: the countries which have the healthiest and strongest financial and social structures have highly educated populations.
Community colleges are cheap compared to most 4 year schools but still beyond the reach of many. Anything we can do to lessen the debt burden on kids graduating from college we should do. There're many kids graduating with $100,000 debt. That's $600/mo for 20 years.

My granddaughter is in 11th grade and considering going into medicine. The total costs will exceed $250,000. Financial aid today usually amounts to a college loan and if you are near the top of your class, two or three thousand dollars in scholarships. If she fails, her Dad will have a second mortgage and she will have a mountain of debt and no way to pay it off. That's a lot of weight on the shoulders of a 17 year old kid. She's considering junking the whole idea of med school and possibly college. I would hate to see her do that. She's smart, with good grades and I think she would make a wonderful doctor.

Then YOU, as her grandfather, should pay for it. Since I'm no relation to her, it's not my job to do what you won't do.
If we paid for only what we believed would directly benefit ourselves, this would be a pretty sad place to live. We all benefit from a better educated citizenry and better educated workforce and we should all should support it..

A well educated workforce is the key to prosperity. Numerous studies have shown that a better educated workforce is a more productive workforce. And worker productivity is the primary ingredient in bring jobs home from overseas and keeping them here. If American business is going to pay $15/hr for a factory worker in the US instead of $2/hr.in China, then that worker is going to have to be more productive.

I'm not an advocate of unlimited free education but I believe it's time that we raise the minimum educational level of the nation from high school to two years of college.

Sounds like you want the taxpayers to fund for your granddaughter what you aren't willing to do yourself. Fuck that. If you won't fund it for her, I damn sure won't do it.
No, she's not likely to attend community college because there are none near her home.
I completed six years of higher education, earning a master's degree. My parents paid for about $1500 of the cost: that's what they could afford. I paid for the rest working my way through, but I also got grants, loans and did work study. In my second year of graduate school, I was a teaching fellow, which paid for everything.

I attended community college for some of it to save money. I think the idea of providing two free years of community college education is a good idea. Most of the students are looking to get the first two years of university out of the way in a less expensive environment or are getting vocational AA degrees. Many older students who didn't go straight on to university after high school are in community colleges hoping to change their lives by improving their ability to get better jobs.

We have a better society when we have a greater number of educated people and people skilled to work in specific trades and professions. Just look around the world: the countries which have the healthiest and strongest financial and social structures have highly educated populations.
Community colleges are cheap compared to most 4 year schools but still beyond the reach of many. Anything we can do to lessen the debt burden on kids graduating from college we should do. There're many kids graduating with $100,000 debt. That's $600/mo for 20 years.

My granddaughter is in 11th grade and considering going into medicine. The total costs will exceed $250,000. Financial aid today usually amounts to a college loan and if you are near the top of your class, two or three thousand dollars in scholarships. If she fails, her Dad will have a second mortgage and she will have a mountain of debt and no way to pay it off. That's a lot of weight on the shoulders of a 17 year old kid. She's considering junking the whole idea of med school and possibly college. I would hate to see her do that. She's smart, with good grades and I think she would make a wonderful doctor.

Then YOU, as her grandfather, should pay for it. Since I'm no relation to her, it's not my job to do what you won't do.
If we paid for only what we believed would directly benefit ourselves, this would be a pretty sad place to live. We all benefit from a better educated citizenry and better educated workforce and we should all should support it..

A well educated workforce is the key to prosperity. Numerous studies have shown that a better educated workforce is a more productive workforce. And worker productivity is the primary ingredient in bring jobs home from overseas and keeping them here. If American business is going to pay $15/hr for a factory worker in the US instead of $2/hr.in China, then that worker is going to have to be more productive.

I'm not an advocate of unlimited free education but I believe it's time that we raise the minimum educational level of the nation from high school to two years of college.

Sounds like you want the taxpayers to fund for your granddaughter what you aren't willing to do yourself. Fuck that. If you won't fund it for her, I damn sure won't do it.
No, she's not likely to attend community college because there are none near her home.

That makes using her as an example invalid. However, even if she was going to go to one the first two years, it's still not anyone else's place to pay for it.
The latter.

So, he's robbing some Americans at gun point, to buy the votes of other Americans?
Actually, when Republicans gave the student loan program to banks, the banks were getting 6 billion a year in free money selling risk free loans. You ask, "Why are they risk free"? Because the government would guarantee payment of any defaults. Banks shared no risk.

So take that 6 billion a year and instead of giving it to the banks, use it to make Jr. College free. How is that not a great idea?

Apples and oranges. Bank loans had to be repaid. What commies is proposing it doesn't.

I agree. However, the supporters claim that those receiving it will have to "earn" it. I've asked, without getting an answer, when are those doing the "work" to "earn" it going to be at my house to cut my grass. It's only logical to expect the ones doing the work to do it for those doing the paying.

And we're suppose to believe in that?

Let's put it this way. If someone have a 2.5 in high school, he/she can get a lot of community college cost paid for. Even if he/she didn't get a penny, most community colleges are like $1,000-1,500 a semester.
So who is going to benefit from this? People who failed /or did shitty in high school and couldn't even make it to community college. Question is, how those are gonna do in community college? They're still gonna do shitty and still fail, but now they're wasting more of our money. How about they earn their place in community college first, by proving themselves in high school? Oh, those people are already covered... then who else can benefit from this?
The latter.

So, he's robbing some Americans at gun point, to buy the votes of other Americans?
Actually, when Republicans gave the student loan program to banks, the banks were getting 6 billion a year in free money selling risk free loans. You ask, "Why are they risk free"? Because the government would guarantee payment of any defaults. Banks shared no risk.

So take that 6 billion a year and instead of giving it to the banks, use it to make Jr. College free. How is that not a great idea?

Apples and oranges. Bank loans had to be repaid. What commies is proposing it doesn't.

I agree. However, the supporters claim that those receiving it will have to "earn" it. I've asked, without getting an answer, when are those doing the "work" to "earn" it going to be at my house to cut my grass. It's only logical to expect the ones doing the work to do it for those doing the paying.

And we're suppose to believe in that?

Let's put it this way. If someone have a 2.5 in high school, he/she can get a lot of community college cost paid for. Even if he/she didn't get a penny, most community colleges are like $1,000-1,500 a semester.
So who is going to benefit from this? People who failed /or did shitty in high school and couldn't even make it to community college. Question is, how those are gonna do in community college? They're still gonna do shitty and still fail, but now they're wasting more of our money. How about they earn their place in community college first, by proving themselves in high school? Oh, those people are already covered... then who else can benefit from this?

I don't believe they'll have to do a damn thing for it other than stick out their hands.

If someone can only muster a 2.5 in high school today, they have a problem.
The latter.

So, he's robbing some Americans at gun point, to buy the votes of other Americans?
Actually, when Republicans gave the student loan program to banks, the banks were getting 6 billion a year in free money selling risk free loans. You ask, "Why are they risk free"? Because the government would guarantee payment of any defaults. Banks shared no risk.

So take that 6 billion a year and instead of giving it to the banks, use it to make Jr. College free. How is that not a great idea?

Apples and oranges. Bank loans had to be repaid. What commies is proposing it doesn't.

I agree. However, the supporters claim that those receiving it will have to "earn" it. I've asked, without getting an answer, when are those doing the "work" to "earn" it going to be at my house to cut my grass. It's only logical to expect the ones doing the work to do it for those doing the paying.

And we're suppose to believe in that?

Let's put it this way. If someone have a 2.5 in high school, he/she can get a lot of community college cost paid for. Even if he/she didn't get a penny, most community colleges are like $1,000-1,500 a semester.
So who is going to benefit from this? People who failed /or did shitty in high school and couldn't even make it to community college. Question is, how those are gonna do in community college? They're still gonna do shitty and still fail, but now they're wasting more of our money. How about they earn their place in community college first, by proving themselves in high school? Oh, those people are already covered... then who else can benefit from this?
Keep in mind community college is not just for those seeking bachelor's and advanced degree. Community colleges offer many 2 yr degrees and certificates in healthcare, building trades, business, and technology. These programs are designed to teach specific jobs skills. The courses are not generally transferable to a 4 year school but offer specific job training. Most kids coming out of high school with only average grades can do well in these programs if they apply themselves.

These programs are good for kids without the academic background for college and want training to help them get started in a career. Without some form of training, most of them will end up in lowing pay dead end jobs punctuated by periods of unemployment and government assistance.
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So, he's robbing some Americans at gun point, to buy the votes of other Americans?
Actually, when Republicans gave the student loan program to banks, the banks were getting 6 billion a year in free money selling risk free loans. You ask, "Why are they risk free"? Because the government would guarantee payment of any defaults. Banks shared no risk.

So take that 6 billion a year and instead of giving it to the banks, use it to make Jr. College free. How is that not a great idea?

Apples and oranges. Bank loans had to be repaid. What commies is proposing it doesn't.

I agree. However, the supporters claim that those receiving it will have to "earn" it. I've asked, without getting an answer, when are those doing the "work" to "earn" it going to be at my house to cut my grass. It's only logical to expect the ones doing the work to do it for those doing the paying.

And we're suppose to believe in that?

Let's put it this way. If someone have a 2.5 in high school, he/she can get a lot of community college cost paid for. Even if he/she didn't get a penny, most community colleges are like $1,000-1,500 a semester.
So who is going to benefit from this? People who failed /or did shitty in high school and couldn't even make it to community college. Question is, how those are gonna do in community college? They're still gonna do shitty and still fail, but now they're wasting more of our money. How about they earn their place in community college first, by proving themselves in high school? Oh, those people are already covered... then who else can benefit from this?
Keep in mind community college is not just for those seeking bachelor's and advanced degree. Community colleges offer many 2 yr degrees and certificates in healthcare, building trades, business, and technology. These programs are designed to teach specific jobs skills. The courses are not generally transferable to a 4 year school but offer specific job training. Most kids coming out of high school with only average grades can do well in these programs if they apply themselves.

These programs are good for kids without the academic background for college but want training to help them get started in a field.

Then let them invest in their own future.

There is a well known and reputable technical college where I live. It does much the same while also offering college transfer course for what one would call general education classes. Most degrees are somewhere around 70 semester hours. For example, the Fire Science degree is 71. It involves 5 semesters ranging from 12 - 15 hours based on a recommended schedule. Lottery money is used to offset the costs. That's an average of 14 hours/semester x 5 semesters. The costs, having looked on the school's website, for a 14 hour semester is $1229. $1229 x 5 = $6,145.

As far as employment is concerned, the job placement rate is 83% according to the school's website. Not a bad personal investment with those results.
Doesn't Obama's proposal include that the students get good grades?If they are not succeeding in school, they will not remain in the program. Many community college programs are vocational, not academic. Kids will not be required to read Shakespeare or do algebra: they will be learning a trade.

Define good. Some have suggested a 2.5 gpa. That sucks.

There is a technical college where I live that fits what you describe related to trades. Most programs are 65 hours for an Associate degree and they offer certificate programs is someone simply wants to learn the trade without the degree. Worst case, that's approximately 16 hours total. Someone taking 16 hours/semester will cost them $1551/semester x 4 semester is $6,204. Let them invest in their education. That's not a lot if it's supposed to produce what you say it will produce is better paid workers.
Actually, when Republicans gave the student loan program to banks, the banks were getting 6 billion a year in free money selling risk free loans. You ask, "Why are they risk free"? Because the government would guarantee payment of any defaults. Banks shared no risk.

So take that 6 billion a year and instead of giving it to the banks, use it to make Jr. College free. How is that not a great idea?

Apples and oranges. Bank loans had to be repaid. What commies is proposing it doesn't.

I agree. However, the supporters claim that those receiving it will have to "earn" it. I've asked, without getting an answer, when are those doing the "work" to "earn" it going to be at my house to cut my grass. It's only logical to expect the ones doing the work to do it for those doing the paying.

And we're suppose to believe in that?

Let's put it this way. If someone have a 2.5 in high school, he/she can get a lot of community college cost paid for. Even if he/she didn't get a penny, most community colleges are like $1,000-1,500 a semester.
So who is going to benefit from this? People who failed /or did shitty in high school and couldn't even make it to community college. Question is, how those are gonna do in community college? They're still gonna do shitty and still fail, but now they're wasting more of our money. How about they earn their place in community college first, by proving themselves in high school? Oh, those people are already covered... then who else can benefit from this?
Keep in mind community college is not just for those seeking bachelor's and advanced degree. Community colleges offer many 2 yr degrees and certificates in healthcare, building trades, business, and technology. These programs are designed to teach specific jobs skills. The courses are not generally transferable to a 4 year school but offer specific job training. Most kids coming out of high school with only average grades can do well in these programs if they apply themselves.

These programs are good for kids without the academic background for college but want training to help them get started in a field.

Then let them invest in their own future.

There is a well known and reputable technical college where I live. It does much the same while also offering college transfer course for what one would call general education classes. Most degrees are somewhere around 70 semester hours. For example, the Fire Science degree is 71. It involves 5 semesters ranging from 12 - 15 hours based on a recommended schedule. Lottery money is used to offset the costs. That's an average of 14 hours/semester x 5 semesters. The costs, having looked on the school's website, for a 14 hour semester is $1229. $1229 x 5 = $6,145.

As far as employment is concerned, the job placement rate is 83% according to the school's website. Not a bad personal investment with those results.
A $6100 investment in education is better than paying out ten times that amount in food stamps, child support, welfare, unemployment, drug rehab, and the criminal justice system which where a large percent of these kids are heading without some job skills.
Apples and oranges. Bank loans had to be repaid. What commies is proposing it doesn't.

I agree. However, the supporters claim that those receiving it will have to "earn" it. I've asked, without getting an answer, when are those doing the "work" to "earn" it going to be at my house to cut my grass. It's only logical to expect the ones doing the work to do it for those doing the paying.

And we're suppose to believe in that?

Let's put it this way. If someone have a 2.5 in high school, he/she can get a lot of community college cost paid for. Even if he/she didn't get a penny, most community colleges are like $1,000-1,500 a semester.
So who is going to benefit from this? People who failed /or did shitty in high school and couldn't even make it to community college. Question is, how those are gonna do in community college? They're still gonna do shitty and still fail, but now they're wasting more of our money. How about they earn their place in community college first, by proving themselves in high school? Oh, those people are already covered... then who else can benefit from this?
Keep in mind community college is not just for those seeking bachelor's and advanced degree. Community colleges offer many 2 yr degrees and certificates in healthcare, building trades, business, and technology. These programs are designed to teach specific jobs skills. The courses are not generally transferable to a 4 year school but offer specific job training. Most kids coming out of high school with only average grades can do well in these programs if they apply themselves.

These programs are good for kids without the academic background for college but want training to help them get started in a field.

Then let them invest in their own future.

There is a well known and reputable technical college where I live. It does much the same while also offering college transfer course for what one would call general education classes. Most degrees are somewhere around 70 semester hours. For example, the Fire Science degree is 71. It involves 5 semesters ranging from 12 - 15 hours based on a recommended schedule. Lottery money is used to offset the costs. That's an average of 14 hours/semester x 5 semesters. The costs, having looked on the school's website, for a 14 hour semester is $1229. $1229 x 5 = $6,145.

As far as employment is concerned, the job placement rate is 83% according to the school's website. Not a bad personal investment with those results.
A $6100 investment in education is better than paying out ten times that amount in food stamps, child support, welfare, unemployment, drug rehab, and the criminal justice system which where a large percent of these kids are heading without some job skills.

Then they shouldn't have a problem investing that little in themselves. They don't have a problem demanding someone else do it.
By the time Obama leaves office America will have over $23 trillion in debt.
Our debt to GDP ratio will be worse than Greece.
But by all means don't let this bother you.

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