Obama Proudly Poses With Racist Mass-Murderer

This is Obama's newest BFF

The next GOP president that walks with a Saudi king whilst holding hands and hugging, you will remember that those BFF do just as bad...
Would u expect anything different…

There's no such word as “u”. It's spelled “you”. Writing like an illiterate retard only makes you look stupid, and distracts away from any point you might otherwise have been trying to make.

Criticizing the common use of "u" in place of "you" makes you look like the illiterate retard in this thread. Were you too stupid to figure out what was meant?
It's one thing to mention spelling or grammar while rebutting someone's point but to make that your ONLY argument shows you have no rebuttal.

When I see such disregard for basic literacy, I don't usually bother to try to figure out what the idiot meant to communicate. The only thing you communicate by writing “u” instead of ”you” is that you're too stupid and lazy to have anything to say that is worth anyone else's effort to try to read.

If what you're trying to say isn't worth the effort of trying to write it properly, then why should anyone else think that it's worth the effort to read it?

In this hurry-up world, abbreviations, such as using the single letter "u" instead of "you" or using "4" instead of "for" have become not only acceptable, but the norm.

If you are such a purist, you should not use contractions like "don't" or "you're" or "it's" or "isn't".

Be a real man and say "do not" and "you are" and "it is" and "is not it". Or just shut up, stop nitpicking and name-calling, because you made it obvious that you have nothing worthwhile to say.

I am through with this thread. Some jerks have to show that they are superior to others and criticize them in an attempt to prove it. All it does is prove they have a small mind since they are annoyed by others use of the language that is not up to the standards they impose on a message board.
Thank goodness the failed Cuban policies of the last several decades are now over.

You bet...and now Fidel and Raul will rake in millions of Yankee dollars to spread their barbaric brand of communism throughout central and south america. Good job as always, Barry!
Obama Proudly Poses with Racist Mass-Murderer

Would u expect anything different from our Muslim, communist, dictator, that hates America. Mind blowing a man who hates America is president, sickening!!

He hates white people, Christians, The Constitution, Freedom, Propriety, rule of law, dissent....

While Muslims had struck at the heart of the West, slaughtering innocents, Obama was waltzing with a communist tyrant.


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