Obama pulls back on 'enemies' remark to Latinos

Context is your friend. :thup:

If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying we're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's going to be harder, and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.

Why would Americans who happen to be Latino, think other Americans, who happen not to be of the same political persuasion, as their 'enemies'.... Unless the words are put into their heads.

Context is indeed our friend. And context is a little bit more than the words in context, Ravi. Context is also the 'what, when, where, why, and how' of the words.
Why do you think Latinos are so stupid that then don't understand what political enemies are?


The relevant question, Ravi is 'Why would Obama consider political opponents as 'enemies' to Latinos. Why would he suggest to them that they have enemies?'

Those on the opposite side are not your enemies, Ravi. They are your fellow Americans.
Why would Americans who happen to be Latino, think other Americans, who happen not to be of the same political persuasion, as their 'enemies'.... Unless the words are put into their heads.

Context is indeed our friend. And context is a little bit more than the words in context, Ravi. Context is also the 'what, when, where, why, and how' of the words.
Why do you think Latinos are so stupid that then don't understand what political enemies are?


The relevant question, Ravi is 'Why would Obama consider political opponents as 'enemies' to Latinos. Why would he suggest to them that they have enemies?'

Those on the opposite side are not your enemies, Ravi. They are your fellow Americans.
Political enemies have existed since the dawn of time. And yes, Republicans and Democrats are political enemies.

Tissue? Seriously, how old are you crybabies?
WASHINGTON – A day before the pivotal midterm elections, President Barack Obama pulled back from remarks he made last month when he called on Latino voters to punish their "enemies" on Election Day. In an interview Monday with radio host Michael Baisden, Obama said he should have used the word "opponents" instead of enemies.

Obama pulls back on 'enemies' remark to Latinos - Yahoo! News

lmao...i remember just a couple of days ago some dems were staunchly defending obama over his remarks....

Of course he apologized. It was a really stupid accusation with no basis in reality. But... conveniently, his 'misspeak' has already had the impact that he desired when he said it. Nothing like this happens 'accidentally'.... it's planned.

Yet again, we have an example of the tactics that our "Leaders" use.... then they wonder why we treat them with no respect. Respect is earned. Obama hasn't earned it, so I don't give it.
While his "enemies" don't deserve his respect. ;)
And the "enemies" of latinos do not deserve their respect.

You can't beat up on group of people, then expect them to respect you.

No one 'beats up' on anyone, LuLu. I see no evidence of Republicans viewing Latinos as their 'enemies'.

These days, I could name about 5 politicians that I respect. An all time low.

I fail to see the humor in politicians deliberately baiting minorities into viewing their fellow countrymen as 'enemies'. Sorry.
Why would Americans who happen to be Latino, think other Americans, who happen not to be of the same political persuasion, as their 'enemies'.... Unless the words are put into their heads.

Context is indeed our friend. And context is a little bit more than the words in context, Ravi. Context is also the 'what, when, where, why, and how' of the words.
Why do you think Latinos are so stupid that then don't understand what political enemies are?


The relevant question, Ravi is 'Why would Obama consider political opponents as 'enemies' to Latinos. Why would he suggest to them that they have enemies?'

Those on the opposite side are not your enemies, Ravi. They are your fellow Americans.

Because Obama was making nothing more than a political move. He wasn't concerned with latinos. He was concerned with a block latino vote. He was trying to agitate them into supporting democrats by oppsing republicans. IMO, a lowlife move. It's what we don't need right now. Reasons to further segregate.
LOL! Here we have another bunch of morons concluding that Obama is a racist. Third time since last week over three different issues.

I tell you what, I'll email him and tell him you regret voting for him.

LOL! Here we have another bunch of morons concluding that Obama is a racist. Third time since last week over three different issues.

I tell you what, I'll email him and tell him you regret voting for him.


But I didn't vote for him.
LOL! Here we have another bunch of morons concluding that Obama is a racist. Third time since last week over three different issues.

I tell you what, I'll email him and tell him you regret voting for him.


Who's calling him a racist?

Certainly his remark was race baiting, I disapprove of race baiting.
This current President is known to have an "Enemies List" so this shouldn't surprise anyone. "Community Organizers" never unite. Their job is to divide by pitting American against American. It's what they do. He was saying pretty openly that if you don't agree with him,you're his Enemy. It fits in perfectly with his Saul Alinsky-Community Organizer training. Everyone should read Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' to better understand this current Democratic Party and especially this President.The Liberal MSM simply lied to the People when they called him a "Uniter."
This current President is known to have an "Enemies List" so this shouldn't surprise anyone. "Community Organizers" never unite. Their job is to divide by pitting American against American. It's what they do. He was saying pretty openly that if you don't agree with him,you're his Enemy. It fits in perfectly with his Saul Alinsky-Community Organizer training. Everyone should read Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' to better understand this current Democratic Party and especially this President.The Liberal MSM simply lied to the People when they called him a "Uniter."

Peolosi does. She even admits it. She brags she learned the practice from her father. For Obama, it's a page out of Rahm's book.
Hopey Changey is no "Uniter." That was probably the biggest lie ever told by the corrupt Liberal MSM. He's a Saul Alinsky-trained Community Organizer. It's all about pitting American against American. His Lawsuit against Arizona says it all. If you disagree with him or most Socialists/Progressives for that matter,you are an Enemy. It is what it is.
I don't believe Obama is a racist. I view him as more of a "racial opportunist." He will play to it when it suits his political needs. But then there are few politicians who wouldn't do the same. I believe he meant to say "enemies" and I believe that's how he feels. He may have been referring to his political "opponents or adversaries," but I believe he views them as his enemies, much as Nixon did.

The fact of the matter is, he used the word "enemies" to refer to people who are opposed ti his policies. One can argue what he "meant" or what his "intentions" were, but let's remember, we're talking about Obama. He is smart, he is well spoken, and he is contemplative. Are we to believe that this apparent "slip of the tongue" is meaningless? Coming from the man who many have called "the smartest man in America?" I think it was more of a Freudian slip than a slip of the tongue.

Ultimately, however, I am non-plussed by his use of the word and I believe that, should you believe that you too fall in to the category of "enemies," you should wear the title as a badge of honor. It's easy to roll over and let things happen, to ignore the changes that do not effect you directly, or not much. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in, to voice your concern, your opinion. If that makes you an enemy, own it.

When Obama was elected, I was optimistic, just as I am when any new President takes office. I don't believe that any one wants their President to fail for his failure more often than not leads to the failure of the nation. Sadly, twenty months in, I find myself at odds with many of President Obama's policies, just as I did with Bush.

I still hope that Obama can turn the country around, but I don't see the road we're on as the route to our final destination. My opposition to the policies with which I do not agree does not make me an enemy.

Remember, dissent is patriotic...
I don't believe Obama is a racist. I view him as more of a "racial opportunist." He will play to it when it suits his political needs. But then there are few politicians who wouldn't do the same. I believe he meant to say "enemies" and I believe that's how he feels. He may have been referring to his political "opponents or adversaries," but I believe he views them as his enemies, much as Nixon did.

The fact of the matter is, he used the word "enemies" to refer to people who are opposed ti his policies. One can argue what he "meant" or what his "intentions" were, but let's remember, we're talking about Obama. He is smart, he is well spoken, and he is contemplative. Are we to believe that this apparent "slip of the tongue" is meaningless? Coming from the man who many have called "the smartest man in America?" I think it was more of a Freudian slip than a slip of the tongue.

Ultimately, however, I am non-plussed by his use of the word and I believe that, should you believe that you too fall in to the category of "enemies," you should wear the title as a badge of honor. It's easy to roll over and let things happen, to ignore the changes that do not effect you directly, or not much. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in, to voice your concern, your opinion. If that makes you an enemy, own it.

When Obama was elected, I was optimistic, just as I am when any new President takes office. I don't believe that any one wants their President to fail for his failure more often than not leads to the failure of the nation. Sadly, twenty months in, I find myself at odds with many of President Obama's policies, just as I did with Bush.

I still hope that Obama can turn the country around, but I don't see the road we're on as the route to our final destination. My opposition to the policies with which I do not agree does not make me an enemy.

Remember, dissent is patriotic...

In a planned address, such as that in which Obama made his 'enemies' comment.... that was not an accident. It was planned. And now, with little more to be gained from the remark, he withdraws it. So that, from now on, when it is raised, liberals can say 'He apologized'.

The word is 'opponents'. Not enemies. And Obama knew exactly what he was doing. For the record, I would be saying the same thing no matter what party he represents. It is a shame that so many refuse to condemn their own, but scream like 2 year olds with a temper tantrum when the other side do it.
I don't believe Obama is a racist. I view him as more of a "racial opportunist." He will play to it when it suits his political needs. But then there are few politicians who wouldn't do the same. I believe he meant to say "enemies" and I believe that's how he feels. He may have been referring to his political "opponents or adversaries," but I believe he views them as his enemies, much as Nixon did.

The fact of the matter is, he used the word "enemies" to refer to people who are opposed ti his policies. One can argue what he "meant" or what his "intentions" were, but let's remember, we're talking about Obama. He is smart, he is well spoken, and he is contemplative. Are we to believe that this apparent "slip of the tongue" is meaningless? Coming from the man who many have called "the smartest man in America?" I think it was more of a Freudian slip than a slip of the tongue.

Ultimately, however, I am non-plussed by his use of the word and I believe that, should you believe that you too fall in to the category of "enemies," you should wear the title as a badge of honor. It's easy to roll over and let things happen, to ignore the changes that do not effect you directly, or not much. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in, to voice your concern, your opinion. If that makes you an enemy, own it.

When Obama was elected, I was optimistic, just as I am when any new President takes office. I don't believe that any one wants their President to fail for his failure more often than not leads to the failure of the nation. Sadly, twenty months in, I find myself at odds with many of President Obama's policies, just as I did with Bush.

I still hope that Obama can turn the country around, but I don't see the road we're on as the route to our final destination. My opposition to the policies with which I do not agree does not make me an enemy.

Remember, dissent is patriotic...
This was no slip of the tongue. This wasn't an ad hoc, off the cuff speech. This was planned and thought out.
What I found to be worse was that Obama wants Latinos to "punish" people.
he's always saying crap that he apologizes for the next day after his handlers sit him down and scold him.
This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. Everyone knows, in context, he meant opponents or adversaries. WTF. Talk about no common sense. When did enemy become such an unspeakable word?

The president, during any term, is the leader of the party he's in. Political leaders have enemies. They have opponents. The fact that Tancredo can call Obama "a bigger enemy than Al Queda" and have none of you call HIM out for it...speaks volumes.

You're just trying to score a cheap point...instead of taking the comment in context. You might get away with it...but you're either lying to yourself...or your just out right lying.

You really can't see the difference between a politician referring to the President as an enemy of the Constitution, and the President himself referring to citizens as enemies of each other? Irresponsible choice of words...

When you're in a position of leadership, a position of power, a position of the President of the United States of America, you have a tremendous responsibility for everything you say and project. So much for being an eloquent speaker and a different kind of leader.

Good Morning America on Wednesday was the only network morning show to highlight Barack Obama's exhortations that Latinos should help him "punish our enemies." Host George Stephanopoulos played the clip while discussing the issue with conservative Laura Ingraham.

At the same time, he attempted to downplay the President's comments, given during an interview to Univision. After the radio host lambasted Obama, Stephanopoulos defended, "You don't really mean to suggest that it's okay for one side to be hard line and not the other?"

Ingraham shot back: "I don't think it's presidential. And I know everybody's rough-and-tumble in this campaign. But he's still the President."

ABC Alone Features Obama Exhorting Latinos to 'Punish Our Enemies,' Stephanopoulos Downplays

There you go...cherry picking in the most partisan of ways...

Tancredo did the exact same thing and I dont see you saying jack shit about it. But beyond that, the word was synonymous with opponent or adversary. If you don't think that the president has adversaries and opponents, you're naive or intellectually dishonest.
WASHINGTON – A day before the pivotal midterm elections, President Barack Obama pulled back from remarks he made last month when he called on Latino voters to punish their "enemies" on Election Day. In an interview Monday with radio host Michael Baisden, Obama said he should have used the word "opponents" instead of enemies.

Obama pulls back on 'enemies' remark to Latinos - Yahoo! News

lmao...i remember just a couple of days ago some dems were staunchly defending obama over his remarks....

Of course he apologized. It was a really stupid accusation with no basis in reality. But... conveniently, his 'misspeak' has already had the impact that he desired when he said it. Nothing like this happens 'accidentally'.... it's planned.

Yet again, we have an example of the tactics that our "Leaders" use.... then they wonder why we treat them with no respect. Respect is earned. Obama hasn't earned it, so I don't give it.

There you go with no hint of logic yourself. It's all anti-Obama bias..which means your logic can't be trusted. Try turning the microscope on yourself and your "side" for once and perhaps someone on this board MIGHT MIGHT think anything you had to say was based in reality or reasonableness.

He apologized because dipshits like you took his words out of context and he wanted to err on the side of caution.

The problem (one of the many) with you is, you didn't want him elected in the first place. That's fine. We all get to vote how we want. But like so many others, you never wanted to work with him and achieve consensus in the first place. He didn't earn your respect..what he really didnt earn was your vote...and you're either 100% turned on or 100% turned off.

A perfect example of this mentality was the kabuki theater of a televised healthcare discussion. Obama tried to start with some points of commonality...but his ENEMIES (perfect word when you call them as they act) didn't want to agree to one single solitary point of commonality. Even when Cantor got schooled by Biden about some of the ideas being Republican to begin with. You're no different, Cali.
That argument really never works.
Are you saying your bigotry against conservatives IS proof of conservative bigotry?

No! But calling out the conservatives who are actually bigots, doesn't make me a bigot.
Just like calling out a racist or a homophobe doesn't make me a bigot. ;)
It does when the person to whom you're applying the label is not a bigot or a racist or a homophobe...he just disagrees with you.

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