Obama Rally Draws 100,000 in Missouri

Not at all. Tell me, Missourian, if I said blacks are whole people and anyone who thought otherwise was ignorant, would you quote the framers? No? Maybe, just maybe *gasp*, they were men, not gods, and they had very ignorant views about a lot of things? I know. It is SUCH heresy to say that blacks are full people and shouldn't be slaves.

The framers made a good government. But their views on equality and judgment of people was idiotic as all fuck. Respect what they did, but don't excuse their failures or think such idiocies as "anything the framers did was ideal".

Here is why it is deflection. Slavery was abolished by constitutional amendment. Women were given the right to vote by constitutional amendment. Blacks and minorities were given citizen status and the right to vote by constitutional amendment.

Never has there been any serious consideration given to repealing the age limits for president or other elected officials.

Deflection...pure and simple.
Here is why it is deflection. Slavery was abolished by constitutional amendment. Women were given the right to vote by constitutional amendment. Blacks and minorities were given citizen status and the right to vote by constitutional amendment.

And at that time...the framers were all DEAD. We weren't talking about the evolving nature of the Constitution, YOU brought up the framers specifically and the Constitution as it was, not how it is today. You are the one deflecting from the Constitution how it was in 1787, to the Constitution we have today.

Never has there been any serious consideration given to repealing the age limits for president or other elected officials.

Which reflects what exactly on the FRAMERS ignorance?

Deflection...pure and simple.

Pot, meet kettle.
And at that time...the framers were all DEAD. We weren't talking about the evolving nature of the Constitution, YOU brought up the framers specifically and the Constitution as it was, not how it is today. You are the one deflecting from the Constitution how it was in 1787, to the Constitution we have today.

Which reflects what exactly on the FRAMERS ignorance?

Pot, meet kettle.

Uhhhh...ring, ring...hello...this was all about your complaints about judging people based on their life experience, remember?

Try to keep up will you.
Uhhhh...ring, ring...hello...this was all about your complaints about judging people based on their life experience, remember?

Try to keep up will you.

No, my complaint was with judging people based on their AGE. Something that one has as much as choice over as ones gender, or race.
No, my complaint was with judging people based on their AGE. Something that one has as much as choice over as ones gender, or race.

Here's what I said.

They just razz you because you don't have much life experience on which to base you opinions. Had I been you, I would have never revealed my young age on a message board. But, alas, with age comes wisdom. :badgrin:

And I said the Constitution does the same thing, for a very good reason.

Experience is important. I'm sorry you don't like the idea, but it is true.

“At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgement.”
-Ben Franklin​
Here's what I said.

And you were saying that based on his age, and his age alone. Unless, of course, you know all about his life experiences?

And I said the Constitution does the same thing, for a very good reason.

No, actually you didn't. You said I was calling the founders ignorant, as if doing so was heresy. I'm glad you backed down from that idiotic cliff, but don't pretend you never said it.

Experience is important. I'm sorry you don't like the idea, but it is true.

Experience is not the same as age.
Experience is not the same as age.

Yes it is...because you need time to gain experience. It's a fact. You'll understand more as you get older. I thought I knew it all when I was your age too.

Never mind...it's like trying to describe blue to a blind man.

How do you explain to someone that they don't know how much they don't know?
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you're confusing republicans with conservatives. the two terms aren't interchangeable. there even used to be conservative democrats; ask your grandfather.

AND being socially conservative and being fiscally conservative are two completely practices. Mayor Bloomberg, for example, is socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
Yes it is...because you need time to gain experience. It's a fact. You'll understand more as you get older. I thought I knew it all when I was your age too.

Do tell me how you growing older helps you to understand what its like growing up with gay parents, as I do. Please, tell me your expertise in that area and explain how your age helps in that way.

The people I know who are my age are much wiser, more intelligent, and have done more with their lives than the average middle age individual. No, these are not representative samples, but my point is that individual experiences, MUCH more than age, matter.

How do you explain to someone that they don't know how much they don't know?

Perhaps you could start by not assuming that I think that I know so much. I don't, I prefer a Socratic interpretation of the world. I particularly enjoy how you claim that I have said that I "know everything", when it is YOU who are looking down on me for the crime of being young and daring to speak. Oh, and by the way, I'm not that young. I'm 24 and go to one of the best graduate institutions in the country. You could not hold a candle to the people I interact with in a daily basis, mostly in their mid-twenties.
conservatives define abortion as "none of my business".

Social conservatives want to implement a law banning all abortions because it does not fall in line with their morals. Thus they are pro life.

Social liberals feel that while it is preventing a life from forming, some don't believe that cluster of cells is actually alive, and if it is alive it isn't aware. They feel it is unethical to force someone to give birth to a baby someone doesn't want. Thus they are pro choice.

Social libertarians feel that whatever your morals and your ethics are are irrelevant as long as it doesn't effect them. They would not move to overturn Roe V. Wade.

Social anarchism feels that there should no government telling us what to do in the first place.

Social Existentialism feels that the life inside of the mother may have some grand destiny to be more than it truly is, to go beyond the limits of humanity and thus should be protected.

Social Mormonism feels that the life inside of the mother will one day evolve to be a god of its own planet and should be protected... that is unless it's black. Then just kill the damn thing.

Social Secular Judaism feels that the woman's life is more important than the baby's life and whatever the mother wanted to do was OK as long as the husband doesn't ask for sex in the next 3 months.

Social Orthodox Judaism feels that life must be preserved above all else and that the child should be protected so long as it dedicates its life to the study of the Torah and the Talmud and gets married at 18 and produces about 12 children of its own.

Social Islam feels that the life must be protected and that the destruction of any life is a sin. The baby that is born must submit to Allah and that the only way to bring peace to itself is to bring peace to its neighbors, friends and family.

Social Buddhism feels that the mother has the right to do as she wishes, but she must realize that her pregnancy may not be real and life itself isn't real... it is just an illusion and that we must meditate to achieve nirvana.

Social Vulcanism feels that the life of the mother and the child are equal and the mother must make the most logical decision and embark on a path of pure, and complete logic.

Social Klingonism feels that the child must be born and trained to be a warrior and conquer EVERYTHING!!!

Social Captain Kirkism feels that..... the life... the baby's..... life.... it's.... the baby's....... the child... that unborn little child... it's life.... it's very soul..... it... it must be..... it... the child's life.... the baby's.... *dies*

Social Darwinism feels that if the mother has an abortion or keeps the child is irrelevant and that we will all one day evolve into a giant fish.

Social atheisism feels that life is irrelevant and whether the mother lives or the baby lives is irrelevant.

Social Palestinianism feels that no lives should be protected and that life is worthless.
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im in columbia.. which is the liberal bastion along hwy 70.. but I see how many Obama signs are in yards out by Mark Twain lake and i figure dems have a decent chance this year. It's not really shocking that st. louis, another liberal bastion, gathers as many for an Obama speech but the last time I went to Cape Girardeau it seems like some of the blue was bleeding into some of the usually red territories. I imagine that Springfield and Rolla and southern Mo will remain red, and it will be close, but I think this bellweather state will end up blue enough.
Do tell me how you growing older helps you to understand what its like growing up with gay parents, as I do. Please, tell me your expertise in that area and explain how your age helps in that way.

The people I know who are my age are much wiser, more intelligent, and have done more with their lives than the average middle age individual. No, these are not representative samples, but my point is that individual experiences, MUCH more than age, matter.

Perhaps you could start by not assuming that I think that I know so much. I don't, I prefer a Socratic interpretation of the world. I particularly enjoy how you claim that I have said that I "know everything", when it is YOU who are looking down on me for the crime of being young and daring to speak. Oh, and by the way, I'm not that young. I'm 24 and go to one of the best graduate institutions in the country. You could not hold a candle to the people I interact with in a daily basis, mostly in their mid-twenties.

I'm not saying your not smart. But smarts and wisdom are two different things. How much wisdom can you accrue in 6 years. You haven't even gotten out of the world of academia yet.

If you can't see how important experience is to good decision making, you're not as smart as you think you are.
I'm not saying your not smart. But smarts and wisdom are two different things. How much wisdom can you accrue in 6 years. You haven't even gotten out of the world of academia yet.

Ah, the fabled and ignorant academia! Which I have been out of, but regardless, its amusing how academic experiences are somehow not real.

If you can't see how important experience is to good decision making, you're not as smart as you think you are.

Age is not experience. Again. :eusa_wall:

And you really should stop with the assumptions, since I haven't said how smart I think I am.

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