Obama Ran Faux News Websites To Push Liberal Positions / Ideology - Still Operating


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
One of the ways Obama sought to re-make America - 'Fundamentally Change It' was through running Counter-Intelligence Fake News Web Sites to push Liberal positions / ideology to the very same easily-manipulated / duped snowflakes Jonathon Gruber spoke of. This Obama-era propaganda effort is STILL going on:

"Democratic operatives who worked for former President Barack Obama are spearheading websites designed to mimic journalism outfits in an effort to push liberal positions.

One of the founders behind the websites says media pundits should dispel of the idea of objective reporting and instead should push out liberal talking points that look like journalism.

The websites they are creating come on the heels of a Democratic-led misinformation campaign to troll conservatives during a 2017 special election in Alabama."

"A small cadre of former journalists and Obama-era operatives is creating a Russian-style propaganda outfit designed to mimic real local news and activate left-leaning voters ahead of the 2020 election.

Tara McGowan, a digital
producer for Obama for America in 2011, is raising $25 million from wealthy liberals to create a media company called Courier Newsroom that is designed to deliver information favorable to Democrats."

Obama and the Liberal Left learned from the Russians, who used social media in 2016 to con snowflakes into organizing and even marching for them!

"In 2016 Russia’s Internet Research Agency was responsible for creating fake personas on Facebook, Twitter and else where to troll American votes."

"Democratic operatives ... worked to craft Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to troll conservative voters ahead of a 2017 election."

Here Are The Obama-Era Operatives And Former Journos Behind A Covert Propaganda Outfit
Every site that insists the former Cocksucker in Chief is not gay is one of those....
And its all blowing up in the Kenyan's face....LMFAO....he's too stupid to even be corrupt successfully....
It's already been done.

Faux News. Number One in fake News You believe.

Their goal was to convince Republicans that the Democrats are so bad the only hope is to support Trumpyubear's subversion the Constitution ......... because only he can fix it!

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