Obama Reaches Out To Communist Latin America For Help!

So he befriends communist, cop killer Bill Ayers.
He hires radical communist Van Jones.
He sits in the church of racist, white hating Rev Wright.
He, in his own words, seeks out Marxist, socialists in college.
He frolics around Brazil with a former cop killing communist guerrilla fighter.
His advisor claims they believe in the teachings of Mao.
He decorates his Christmas tree with an ornament of Mao.

Folks, I'm not in the FBI. But the above is what the FBI would call CLUES.
LA, you're one of a half dozen or more new posters who are anti-Obama and loose with the facts. I can't help but wonder if you're part of an organized effort to influence the election of 2012 by spinning facts to discredit those who oppose the GOP. Too many in such a short time, all posting extremely partisan opinions using a hate and fear strategy seems too coincidental.

who are the other five ?

you've uncovered our master conspiracy to use usmb to sway the election in twelve. now we'll have to think of something.
it's a good thing that no democrat party person lied (fast and loose) to discredit president bush, that would have been so unfair.

No one needed to lie to discredit President Bush, his actions spoke louder than any words.

The Seeker
and of course,

Shall I start a list, naming those who are highly partisan, new to the board, and start numerous new threads all with the same theme?

EVENTUALLY someone will anyway. so it might be interesting, put me down as a "conservative, with liberal qualities". why can't we be highly partisan (debate forum) ?
if they didn't need to lie then why do they (global warming) ?
bush was a great president that did a wonderful job leading his country after direct attack to the homeland. saddam is dead, and the world is a better place.

and i suppose it's not a lie if you really believe it but.... truthers, and michael moore.
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Well, I do think the secret is out on Obama. Even those that worship him with passion have to realize that he did a great job of hiding his far left, radical ideology. He is sly, like an enemy spy, slipping into power and then looking for subtle ways to "nudge" us to communism. By the way, who was it that said communism would only be brought here by "nudging" us? Alinsky.
At least wait and listen to what heis saying before you cut his head off. Do you know who Brazil is? Why are we dealing with China,etc?
Oh, the Communist shit again. We may not want to admit it but we do lots of busines with communist countries and we need that business. So take your hollier than thou shite to another planet.
At least wait and listen to what heis saying before you cut his head off. Do you know who Brazil is? Why are we dealing with China,etc?
Oh, the Communist shit again. We may not want to admit it but we do lots of busines with communist countries and we need that business. So take your hollier than thou shite to another planet.

You would function well under a communist government with that attitude.

I would not.

Thats a difference in you and I then.
So he befriends communist, cop killer Bill Ayers.
He hires radical communist Van Jones.
He sits in the church of racist, white hating Rev Wright.
He, in his own words, seeks out Marxist, socialists in college.
He frolics around Brazil with a former cop killing communist guerrilla fighter.
His advisor claims they believe in the teachings of Mao.
He decorates his Christmas tree with an ornament of Mao.

Folks, I'm not in the FBI. But the above is what the FBI would call CLUES.

That old radical right wing bull shit rhetoric do not work anymore. You don't have a fucking clue. But hate and racism.
Wowzers...I wonder what prompted LilOlMoonbat to slither out of the immigration forum! :lol::lol:
WELL.................THEY'RE DONE!!! NO QUESTIONS!!!

Neil Cavuto is now talking about how unusual this is to have a press conference.....without questions. Obama made his pretty lil speech, then embraced with the former communist cop killer and strolled backstage. Guess he couldn't spend too much of his vacation time there. Wonder if he and the communist cop killer are gonna go to lunch together now? No not Bill Ayers, the Brazilian president that is a communist and killed cops in her youth.
So he befriends communist, cop killer Bill Ayers.
He hires radical communist Van Jones.
He sits in the church of racist, white hating Rev Wright.
He, in his own words, seeks out Marxist, socialists in college.
He frolics around Brazil with a former cop killing communist guerrilla fighter.
His advisor claims they believe in the teachings of Mao.
He decorates his Christmas tree with an ornament of Mao.

Folks, I'm not in the FBI. But the above is what the FBI would call CLUES.

That old radical right wing bull shit rhetoric do not work anymore. You don't have a fucking clue. But hate and racism.

So a list of facts is now called rhetoric?:cuckoo:
Well, I do think the secret is out on Obama. Even those that worship him with passion have to realize that he did a great job of hiding his far left, radical ideology. He is sly, like an enemy spy, slipping into power and then looking for subtle ways to "nudge" us to communism. By the way, who was it that said communism would only be brought here by "nudging" us? Alinsky.

But he cannot fucking fool you.:eusa_whistle:
You are controlled by fear mongering.
Communist countries are way ahead of us and we are going to them for help. Is that telling you anything?:confused:
At least wait and listen to what heis saying before you cut his head off. Do you know who Brazil is? Why are we dealing with China,etc?
Oh, the Communist shit again. We may not want to admit it but we do lots of busines with communist countries and we need that business. So take your hollier than thou shite to another planet.

You would function well under a communist government with that attitude.

I would not.

Thats a difference in you and I then.

I am fucking happy you see that difference.:lol:
Well, I do think the secret is out on Obama. Even those that worship him with passion have to realize that he did a great job of hiding his far left, radical ideology. He is sly, like an enemy spy, slipping into power and then looking for subtle ways to "nudge" us to communism. By the way, who was it that said communism would only be brought here by "nudging" us? Alinsky.

But he cannot fucking fool you.:eusa_whistle:
You are controlled by fear mongering.
Communist countries are way ahead of us and we are going to them for help. Is that telling you anything?:confused:

They ARE?

How so?

Are they ahead of us militarily? Not even close haha!!

Are they ahead of us economically? HA! We're richer than anyone.

Are they ahead of us socially? Nope. Our people enjoy far more freedom than those in China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia.

So exactly HOW are communist nations ahead of us?

None of those countries are communist, idiot.

Not yet. But the president of Brazil, who Obama is nearly drooling over at the podium, was a communist guerrilla fighter who killed cops: Dilma Rousseff - KeyWiki

No wonder he likes to vacation there with her. Shes like a female Bill Ayers!!

whooaaa, that's worth reading. the o.p. was close idealogically
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Well, I do think the secret is out on Obama. Even those that worship him with passion have to realize that he did a great job of hiding his far left, radical ideology. He is sly, like an enemy spy, slipping into power and then looking for subtle ways to "nudge" us to communism. By the way, who was it that said communism would only be brought here by "nudging" us? Alinsky.

But he cannot fucking fool you.:eusa_whistle:
You are controlled by fear mongering.
Communist countries are way ahead of us and we are going to them for help. Is that telling you anything?:confused:

They ARE?

How so?

Are they ahead of us militarily? Not even close haha!!

Are they ahead of us economically? HA! We're richer than anyone.

Are they ahead of us socially? Nope. Our people enjoy far more freedom than those in China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia.

So exactly HOW are communist nations ahead of us?

FREEDOM? not for long with the right in charge.
Our freedom and fundamentally are slowly being taken away by people like the T-Baggers put in office. People like Gov. Walker of Wis taking away bargaining right of unions to represent workers. What will the Reich take away from us next?

Shut your pie hole and open your computer and do a little research on Brazil. Obama is in Brazil for a good reason. You may not know it, but the does.
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Yep. Every time you look into Obama's friendships, you find communism.

In 2009, Obama rejected a request by Brazils Democrat Social party, ordered HIS campaign advisors to advise this Brazilian Communist Party cop killer. Seriously.

Oh, and LilOldLady, HOW is Brazil ahead of us? Militarily? Economically? Social freedome? Nope. None of the above.

As Charlie Sheen would say, thats me "WINNING"
But he cannot fucking fool you.:eusa_whistle:
You are controlled by fear mongering.
Communist countries are way ahead of us and we are going to them for help. Is that telling you anything?:confused:

They ARE?

How so?

Are they ahead of us militarily? Not even close haha!!

Are they ahead of us economically? HA! We're richer than anyone.

Are they ahead of us socially? Nope. Our people enjoy far more freedom than those in China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia.

So exactly HOW are communist nations ahead of us?

FREEDOM? not for long with the right in charge.
Our freedom and fundamentally are slowly being taken away by people like the T-Baggers put in office. People like Gov. Walker of Wis taking away bargaining right of unions to represent workers. What will the Reich take away from us next?

Good God you are so brainwashed.

Freedom? Well, for one, the LEFT is still in charge. And before that, you were free to not have health insurance. Obama took that freedom away, making it law that you must purchase a product from a private company. Never before in US history has the US gov't made it mandatory for a US citizen to purchase a private good.

Also, the teachers who don't like unions were FORCED to pay dues. Now, without that power, teachers are FREE to either pay dues or DONT pay dues. FREEDOM, right?

And of course, the LEFT has banned:

- Cigarette smoking in buildings
- Soda
- Salt
- Trans Fat
- Happy Meals
- Profanity
- Christmas displays
- Easter displays
- Caffeine

And the list goes on and on. Just look around at left wing run cities and counties, and you'll find small freedoms slowly eroded by feel good lefties.

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