Obama/Reagan -- a study...

So you think education and history majors and music majors all work in the private sector? Are you retarded or what?
Obama is much brighter than Reagan. .

On what do you base that statement? I've tried finding test scores that would give some indication as to how bright Obama is and I can't find them.

It is absolute myth.

Reagan had the posthumous publishing of his handwritten letters on a wide array of subjects - a volume that shows considerable insight into the questions of his time (and many remain quite applicable to today). This publication did much to dispel the myth of Reagan as a simpleton - at least by those who actually have an interest in non-biased study of American history. He was in fact, quite the opposite. What shook so many was Reagan's near total lack of ego. He was disinterested in the approval of the media or his political opposition. Some mistook this for ignorance - a telling insight into their own need for recognition.

Reagan's considerable success was not mere fate - it was the rare meeting of the right man at the right time. He knew what he wished to do, and worked in a seemingly effortless manner to achieve that desire. And while he did not succeed on all counts - such a thing does not exist in politics, he did far more than most, and has left a political standard by which all succeeding presidents have yet to fully measure up to.


And the thread almost immediately degenrated into an insult comic routine regrarding the merits of Obama and Bush and their various supporters, do try to keep up.

This place is like almost every other political forum I've ever seen in that how a conversation starts has little or nothing to do with how it ends.
And the thread almost immediately degenrated into an insult comic routine regrarding the merits of Obama and Bush and their various supporters, do try to keep up.

This place is like almost every other political forum I've ever seen in that how a conversation starts has little or nothing to do with how it ends.

really? I'm underwhelmed. Why do you bother?
On what do you base that statement? I've tried finding test scores that would give some indication as to how bright Obama is and I can't find them.

It is absolute myth.

Reagan had the posthumous publishing of his handwritten letters on a wide array of subjects - a volume that shows considerable insight into the questions of his time (and many remain quite applicable to today). This publication did much to dispel the myth of Reagan as a simpleton - at least by those who actually have an interest in non-biased study of American history. He was in fact, quite the opposite. What shook so many was Reagan's near total lack of ego. He was disinterested in the approval of the media or his political opposition. Some mistook this for ignorance - a telling insight into their own need for recognition.

Reagan's considerable success was not mere fate - it was the rare meeting of the right man at the right time. He knew what he wished to do, and worked in a seemingly effortless manner to achieve that desire. And while he did not succeed on all counts - such a thing does not exist in politics, he did far more than most, and has left a political standard by which all succeeding presidents have yet to fully measure up to.



It has been said that Obama studied the Reagan handbook and admired Reagans skill at governing---some would call it manipulating. hmmmm,

what did Reagan do? I say he got blue collar Dems and others to vote identity over self-interest. What is Obama doing...copying Reagan? I say yes, Obama is getting many a progressive and liberal and others to vote/go along with a sense of belonging---identity--- over self-interest.


:eusa_shhh: just the facts ma'am

Reagan ................ .................. ............................... Obama

ran for President twice ................ ........ .......... ........ ran for President once
before he was finally elected... .................. ........... and won on his first attempt

Unemployment rate January of 3rd year into the first term *

Reagan: 10.8% .............. .................... ...................Obama: 9.8%

Prime Rate January of 3rd year into the first term *

Reagan: 11% ................. .................. ....................... Obama: 3.25%

Approval rating *

Reagan: 37% .............. ..................... ................... Obama: 50%

* numbers in percentages. january 1983 vs. december 2010-january 2011

Reagan used FDR and Obama uses Reagan and the right wing lunacy @ The Reagan Legacy Project goes Bananas :lol: The Role Model: What Obama Sees in Reagan

Read more: Obama's Reagan Bromance: Admiring the Gipper's Vision - TIME

It has been said that Obama studied the Reagan handbook and admired Reagans skill at governing---some would call it manipulating. hmmmm,

what did Reagan do? I say he got blue collar Dems and others to vote identity over self-interest. What is Obama doing...copying Reagan? I say yes, Obama is getting many a progressive and liberal and others to vote/go along with a sense of belonging---identity--- over self-interest.


:eusa_shhh: just the facts ma'am

Reagan ................ .................. ............................... Obama

ran for President twice ................ ........ .......... ........ ran for President once
before he was finally elected... .................. ........... and won on his first attempt

Unemployment rate January of 3rd year into the first term *

Reagan: 10.8% .............. .................... ...................Obama: 9.8%

Prime Rate January of 3rd year into the first term *

Reagan: 11% ................. .................. ....................... Obama: 3.25%

Approval rating *

Reagan: 37% .............. ..................... ................... Obama: 50%

* numbers in percentages. january 1983 vs. december 2010-january 2011



way back Dante told you so....and the unbelievers get to eat crow. :lol:


Last edited:
Reagan used FDR and Obama uses Reagan and the right wing lunacy @ The Reagan Legacy Project goes Bananas :lol: The Role Model: What Obama Sees in Reagan

Read more: Obama's Reagan Bromance: Admiring the Gipper's Vision - TIME

It has been said that Obama studied the Reagan handbook and admired Reagans skill at governing---some would call it manipulating. hmmmm,

what did Reagan do? I say he got blue collar Dems and others to vote identity over self-interest. What is Obama doing...copying Reagan? I say yes, Obama is getting many a progressive and liberal and others to vote/go along with a sense of belonging---identity--- over self-interest.


:eusa_shhh: just the facts ma'am

Reagan ................ .................. ............................... Obama

ran for President twice ................ ........ .......... ........ ran for President once
before he was finally elected... .................. ........... and won on his first attempt

Unemployment rate January of 3rd year into the first term *

Reagan: 10.8% .............. .................... ...................Obama: 9.8%

Prime Rate January of 3rd year into the first term *

Reagan: 11% ................. .................. ....................... Obama: 3.25%

Approval rating *

Reagan: 37% .............. ..................... ................... Obama: 50%

* numbers in percentages. january 1983 vs. december 2010-january 2011



way back Dante told you so....and the unbelievers get to eat crow. :lol:



Both surged in popularity after the election and both bled off popularity as the rhetoric wore thin, economic problems continued and actions in foreign affairs didn’t match promises. Reagan fought a brutal battle for tax cuts to stimulate the economy and was attacked by Democrats for greatly increasing the deficit. Obama fought a brutal battle for more spending and was attacked by the Republicans for greatly increasing the deficit.
As a result, Reagan suffered a sharp setback in the 1982 midterm elections as Republicans lost seats in the House of Representatives. Reality overwhelmed rhetoric, and Reagan’s rhetorical skills even began to be used against him. But over time, as the economy recovered, Reagan began to gain ground in foreign policy. There were many failures to be sure, but Reagan succeeded by aligning his policies with geopolitical reality.
This is where the difference between Reagan and Obama begins to emerge, and the two men as historical figures begin to diverge.

Reagan repudiated his predecessor’s foreign policy and understood that by flexing American power, the allies would regain confidence and fall back into line. By contrast, Obama has taken a different turn — and is traveling a much more difficult road. He has retained a high degree of continuity with his predecessor’s policies while seeking to resurrect American power first through popularity in order to get allies to cooperate. This is a complicated proposition at best.

With Iraq, Obama continues the Bush policy of phased withdrawal subject to modification. In Afghanistan, the president has carried out his campaign pledge to increase forces, continuing the war that began in 2001, again with a timetable and again subject to change.

With Iran, Obama continues the Bush policy of using sanctions while not taking any other options, like war, off the table. With Russia, Obama has maintained the position the Bush administration took toward NATO expansion to Ukraine and Georgia, as well as resisting Russian attempts to dominate the former Soviet Union. With China, Obama’s position is essentially the Bush position of encouraging closer ties, not emphasizing human rights and focusing on tactical economic issues.
Like Ronald Reagan, Obama is persuasive, polarizing and enigmatic. But charm may not be enough to power foreign policy
In late 2006, his top strategist, David Axelrod, laid out an Obama-as-Reagan theory of the race. "I remember talking about the fact that this had the potential to be one of those big-change elections like 1980," Axelrod says now. "The Republican project seemed to have run out of gas." Axelrod believed the political pendulum, which had swung left with the New Deal and had been reversed by Reagan, was once again reaching the end of its arc. (See Patti Davis on her father Ronald Reagan's best qualities.)

Among Obama loyalists, the Reagan theory was received wisdom, and for political reasons it was closely held. In January 2008, Obama broke cover. "I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not," Obama told a newspaper editorial board in Nevada. "He tapped into what people were already feeling, which is, We want clarity, we want optimism." Obama's comments inflamed the Democratic left (not to mention the Clinton operation), but his aides thought little of it at the time. "I basically told headquarters, 'Sorry I didn't call this in,'" remembers Gibbs, who was traveling with Obama at the time. "I had just heard him say this so many times."

Read more: Obama's Reagan Bromance: Admiring the Gipper's Vision - TIME
operative phrase being: may not be "Like Ronald Reagan, President Obama is persuasive, polarizing and enigmatic. But his charm may not be enough to power his foreign policy."

Why do you say that it is charm the is the strategy of President Obama's foreign policy?

Georgetown Professor Charles Kupchan recently supports the President in his book, “How Enemies Become Friends: The Sources of Stable Peace.” Much of the foreign policy is endorsed by the professor, i.e., : unilateral accommodation; reciprocal restraint between nations; societal integration; and the generation of new narratives and identities.

In fact, it almost seems that the President has read the book.
It fits vis-a-vis Russia, China...

But not in all cases.
While engagement is good diplomacy, it is not recommended with enemies with maximalist, or ideological convictions that would preclude their willingness to compromise.
a. Chamberlain’s error vis-à-vis Hitler, who had shown his predatory ambitions.
b. The same for the United States and al-Qaeda, which has shown extremist goals, and a doctrine of harm.
c. Iran?
Every time I glance at the threads I see this one and misread it as "Obama Resigns" and think "about fucking time."

Such a disappointment when I realize that it's just some mindless leftist bashing Reagan again....
operative phrase being: may not be "Like Ronald Reagan, President Obama is persuasive, polarizing and enigmatic. But his charm may not be enough to power his foreign policy."

Why do you say that it is charm the is the strategy of President Obama's foreign policy?

Georgetown Professor Charles Kupchan recently supports the President in his book, “How Enemies Become Friends: The Sources of Stable Peace.” Much of the foreign policy is endorsed by the professor, i.e., : unilateral accommodation; reciprocal restraint between nations; societal integration; and the generation of new narratives and identities.

In fact, it almost seems that the President has read the book.
It fits vis-a-vis Russia, China...

But not in all cases.
While engagement is good diplomacy, it is not recommended with enemies with maximalist, or ideological convictions that would preclude their willingness to compromise.
a. Chamberlain’s error vis-à-vis Hitler, who had shown his predatory ambitions.
b. The same for the United States and al-Qaeda, which has shown extremist goals, and a doctrine of harm.
c. Iran?

I didn't say Obama's charm is his FP. I quoted from your link. I suggest that the whole premise of your linked-to article is based on a 'may not be' ... the argument is not really very sound. wouldn't want to bet the house on a 'may not be' fact :eusa_whistle:

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