Obama Requested The Same Voter Information As Trump

So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.

Got a link to back this up?

CNN live, 20 minutes ago.

From the liberal Church of loser?
Holy shit their heads are going to explode!!!

What is hilarious is that the Barrypuppet and Eric Holder went after every state that tried to institute a voter ID law. Without cheating (like we saw from the work of Project Veritas) leftards wouldn't win many elections if any.

I became extremely suspicious of our voting integrity when a dude named barack hussein obama got elected right after we were attacked by osama bin laden.
Eh, do the study.. I highly suspect the Democratic Party is involved in having illegals, felons, dead people and legal voters voting multiple times.

We already know Democrats are more than happy to break federal laws, sanctuary cities, illegal immigration, early release of felons, promoting assassinations of police and political opponents, riots and mayhem .. etc.

I can see why Democrats wouldn't support such a legal investigation and settling these concerns once and for all likely worries them, just call it cowardice and anti-American sentiment.
So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.

The assertion that Trump is just like Obama. The lack of links. No context.

*sniff sniff* smells like the typical RW bullshit lie

The Obama Administration’s Ugly Legacy of Undermining American Electoral Integrity

Which part shows the information they are seeking is the same?

I'll wait...
So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.

The assertion that Trump is just like Obama. The lack of links. No context.

*sniff sniff* smells like the typical RW bullshit lie

The Obama Administration’s Ugly Legacy of Undermining American Electoral Integrity

Which part shows the information they are seeking is the same?

I'll wait...

Actually, what the Barrypuppet admin did was way worse.......or do you not see that?
Bonehead STILL won't admit that all this waste of money is because the whiny little bitch can't handle Hillary won the popular vote.

Project Veritas proved voter fraud and then you have 14 of the 20 states the Hildebeast she won with no voter ID law.
She drew very small crowds at her infrequent appearances. Throw in the pissed of Bernie supporters that learned that there was collusion? Yeah, Common sense would tell any SANE thinking person that some serious voter fraud took place. The electoral college is what matters and Trump EASILY defeated her even in spite of the cheating.

Let us know when you find a sane thinking person because the number of lies and tinfoil hat conspiracies you cited in your post are indicative that you aren't even close to sane.

Hillary won the nomination and the popular vote, despite Comey's last mi ute announcement, despite lies from Alt right media assisted by Russian bots and Putins hackers.

And no Bernie wasn't cheated out of the nomination.

Wikileaks shows that the DNC and the lamestream media colluded to make sure the Hildebeast won...I guess you didn't want to read about that.

It showed no such thing, although that's the spin the right out on it. Hillary won the popular vote in the primaries, by a wide margin, and she won the super delegates by a wide margin.

Democrats didn't want Bernie as their candidate any more than Republicans wanted Trump as theirs, because Bernie had been an independent until he decided to run for President.

I remember all the shenanigans Republican tried to stop Trump - like the whole "brokered convention" notion. There was even talk of not giving him the nomination after he had won it. I'd love to see the emails from the RNC about this shit but the Russians didn't release emails from the RNC.

You idiots repeat your lies because a lie repeated often enough becomes truth to Republicans, but no matter how many times you repeat these lies, they're still lies.

Project Veritas has been sued and paid legal judgement for lies, mispresentations and carefully edited videos purporting to show wrong doing. They're not in any way a reliable source.
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So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.

The assertion that Trump is just like Obama. The lack of links. No context.

*sniff sniff* smells like the typical RW bullshit lie

The Obama Administration’s Ugly Legacy of Undermining American Electoral Integrity
While the National Review was founded by William Buckley, today he would disavow it as a yellow rag.
Bonehead STILL won't admit that all this waste of money is because the whiny little bitch can't handle Hillary won the popular vote.

Project Veritas proved voter fraud and then you have 14 of the 20 states the Hildebeast she won with no voter ID law.
She drew very small crowds at her infrequent appearances. Throw in the pissed of Bernie supporters that learned that there was collusion? Yeah, Common sense would tell any SANE thinking person that some serious voter fraud took place. The electoral college is what matters and Trump EASILY defeated her even in spite of the cheating.

Let us know when you find a sane thinking person because the number of lies and tinfoil hat conspiracies you cited in your post are indicative that you aren't even close to sane.

Hillary won the nomination and the popular vote, despite Comey's last mi ute announcement, despite lies from Alt right media assisted by Russian bots and Putins hackers.

And no Bernie wasn't cheated out of the nomination.

Wikileaks shows that the DNC and the lamestream media colluded to make sure the Hildebeast won...I guess you didn't want to read about that.

It showed no such thing, although that's the spin the right out on it. Hillary won the popular vote in the primaries, by a wide margin, and she won the super delegates by a wide margin.

Democrats didn't want Bernie as their candidate any more than Republicans wanted Trump as theirs, because Bernie had been an independent until he decided to run for President.

I remember all the shenanigans Republican tried to stop Trump - like the whole "brokered convention" notion. There was even talk of not giving him the nomination after he had won it. I'd love to see the emails from the RNC about this shit but the Russians didn't release emails from the RNC.

You obviously did not read the Wikileak e-mail dumps that Seth Rich passed off to a UK ambassador or you simply don't care because it doesn't fall in line with your belief system. I applaud the people that are waking up to what has been done to them and at least had the good sense to prefer candidates from both parties that don't represent the D.C establishment and I have just as much disdain for neocons as I do the Fabian socialists so no partisanship here. At the end of the day both parties are bought and paid for, compromised and corrupted which is why this country is swirling the drain. You can tell if Trump is legit by the enemies he has. He is a threat to the gravy train enjoyed by these elitist pricks that have been getting rich off of us. Unfortunately you are too ignorant to realize it. The fact that you don't know or care what a utterly corrupt sack of shit Hildebeast was tells me all I need to know about you.
So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.

The assertion that Trump is just like Obama. The lack of links. No context.

*sniff sniff* smells like the typical RW bullshit lie

The Obama Administration’s Ugly Legacy of Undermining American Electoral Integrity
While the National Review was founded by William Buckley, today he would disavow it as a yellow rag.

Because it exposes leftard fraud???????
when Trump asks for it it's treason.
Well, that's pretty much a given, when you sell out your country to the Russians. When are the Republicans going to grow a set and do what needs to be done?

Republicans sold uranium to Russia??????
The company that had the uranium claims was a Canadian company in which a Russian company had an interest in. That Russian company then bought a controlling interest in that Canadian company. In 2007, a Russian company bought the only steel mill on the West Coast that is capable of rolling armor plate and titanium with the US Government's blessing.
when Trump asks for it it's treason.
Well, that's pretty much a given, when you sell out your country to the Russians. When are the Republicans going to grow a set and do what needs to be done?

Republicans sold uranium to Russia??????
The company that had the uranium claims was a Canadian company in which a Russian company had an interest in. That Russian company then bought a controlling interest in that Canadian company. In 2007, a Russian company bought the only steel mill on the West Coast that is capable of rolling armor plate and titanium with the US Government's blessing.

But is it not the State Department that is suppose to look into where the uranium would end up? Yeah, I think it is and it doesn't change the fact that the Hildebeast got a hefty to donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation, now does it?

Meanwhile, in an effort to bully the state of Louisiana and perhaps bolster its case, Justice last month engaged in an extraordinary bit of fishing for statistical data – an expedition which should open the eyes of even the most complacent observer. In a request for production of documents, DOJ demanded

“All data, produced in a format agreed upon by the parties, from Louisiana’s voter registration database relating to the following for each and every registered voter:

(a) all identifying and demographic information (e.g., all data relating to a voter’s current and former names, current and former addresses, current and former counties of residence, date of birth, full social security number, current and former driver’s license numbers, race and/or ethnicity, and all current and former internal identification numbers assigned to each registered voter); and

(b) all information related to the place (e.g., by mail, from a public assistance agency, from a disability services agency, etc.) and date of a voter’s initial and subsequence registrations; and

(c) all information related to any changes or updates to each voter’s registration record (e.g., all data reflecting the dates and times that an individual’s voter registration record was changed, including all data regarding the dates of all changes of address or changes in registration status; all data and related information tracked in the “sys change journal”).

DOJ said, in the alternative, that it would happily accept Louisiana’s “complete voter registration database, including data related to voter turnout history and any other such data not requested above” as an alternative.

Read more: Remember That DOJ Motor Voter Lawsuit Against Louisiana?

Probably that.

So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.
Still nothing showing Obama demanded voter records from the states.

Maybe referring to this from 2012??

Remember That DOJ Motor Voter Lawsuit Against Louisiana?


That must be it...but I'm confused.

I looked it up to see if I could find original sources what I found doesn't say that the DoJ demanded that level of voter info President Obama's Justice Department Opposed Enforcement of Anti-Vote Fraud Laws ( this has a link to the court document)
So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.

The assertion that Trump is just like Obama. The lack of links. No context.

*sniff sniff* smells like the typical RW bullshit lie

The Obama Administration’s Ugly Legacy of Undermining American Electoral Integrity

Which part shows the information they are seeking is the same?

I'll wait...

Actually, what the Barrypuppet admin did was way worse.......or do you not see that?

No because you haven't presented anything to consider. Which is a tell tale sign that it's another RW bs post.
when Trump asks for it it's treason.
Well, that's pretty much a given, when you sell out your country to the Russians. When are the Republicans going to grow a set and do what needs to be done?

Republicans sold uranium to Russia??????
The company that had the uranium claims was a Canadian company in which a Russian company had an interest in. That Russian company then bought a controlling interest in that Canadian company. In 2007, a Russian company bought the only steel mill on the West Coast that is capable of rolling armor plate and titanium with the US Government's blessing.

But is it not the State Department that is suppose to look into where the uranium would end up? Yeah, I think it is and it doesn't change the fact that the Hildebeast got a hefty to donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation, now does it?

The uranium "ended up" in the same place it has always been - in the ground.

The fact that the mining company is owned by Russia doesn't magically teleport the contents of the mines across the planet.
So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.

The assertion that Trump is just like Obama. The lack of links. No context.

*sniff sniff* smells like the typical RW bullshit lie

The Obama Administration’s Ugly Legacy of Undermining American Electoral Integrity

Which part shows the information they are seeking is the same?

I'll wait...

Actually, what the Barrypuppet admin did was way worse.......or do you not see that?

No because you haven't presented anything to consider. Which is a tell tale sign that it's another RW bs post.

Of course YOU don't see it that way...leftards NEED voter fraud.
So when Obamakov asked for the information it was OK with the libtardos but when Trump asks for it it's treason.

Then he had Holder go after Louisiana and threaten contempt.
Still nothing showing Obama demanded voter records from the states.

Maybe referring to this from 2012??

Remember That DOJ Motor Voter Lawsuit Against Louisiana?


That must be it...but I'm confused.

I looked it up to see if I could find original sources what I found doesn't say that the DoJ demanded that level of voter info President Obama's Justice Department Opposed Enforcement of Anti-Vote Fraud Laws ( this has a link to the court document)

Two different issues maybe. One is for making the state toe the line wrt voter registration availability (for whatever group) while the other is a use for voter fraud. Seems you can check up on the provider but not the voter. Seems odd to me.


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