Obama’s plan for a second term? “Investing.” A lot.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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posted at 8:41 pm on July 16, 2012 by Erika Johnsen

I already covered a clip of Obama’s major speech at a campaign rally in Ohio earlier today, but for regular readers familiar with my feelings on the manner in which President Obama mistakenly employs the word “investments” — you’ll understand why I can’t let this one go.

His “vision” for a second term, apparently, includes a charming-sounding multitude of brand-new government “investments”: for education, and more teachers; for solar/wind/biodiesel and other such “energies of the future” (yes, I know what you’re thinking — apparently he can see what’s going to happen in the future where the market cannot, he’s just that brilliant); for basic research and science for technological innovation; for rebuilding our infrastructure and putting construction workers back to work; and etcetera.

But it was only after he listed all of those lovely ways in which the federal government plans to spend more of our money on our behalf, did President Obama get around to the single largest impediment to our economic progress and our national security: Our tremendous national debt. And while he was most verbose about his many ideas for spending more money and increasing the federal government’s role in our lives, the extent of the president’s plan for reducing our debt and deficit amounted to, “Let’s do it in a responsible way.” …Uh huh. Kind of like all of that responsible spending in which you’ve actively engaged, adding more to the deficit in your first three years than President Bush so “unpatriotically” did during his entire two-term tenure?

all of it here
Obama’s plan for a second term? “Investing.” A lot. « Hot Air
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Jeeze. One would think he'd learn its the private sector thats the engine for the country. Not the GD Govt.

What a moron.
he believes our taxpayer monies are his to do as he wishes for his "Visions"
And this is why the GOP has gotten so out of whack.

Hey, remember you had a Republican Presdient named Eisenhower, who invested hundreds of billions into an interstate highway program? He saw how the Autobahn's in Germany worked very well and decided we needed one of those to help our economic and military strength.

Today, they'd call him a RINO and a Socialist for proposing that. What, take away from Rich people to build highways ANYONE can use? For Free?
And this is why the GOP has gotten so out of whack.

Hey, remember you had a Republican Presdient named Eisenhower, who invested hundreds of billions into an interstate highway program? He saw how the Autobahn's in Germany worked very well and decided we needed one of those to help our economic and military strength.

Today, they'd call him a RINO and a Socialist for proposing that. What, take away from Rich people to build highways ANYONE can use? For Free?

Take away from the rich people? What in the fuck are you babbling about.
And this is why the GOP has gotten so out of whack.

Hey, remember you had a Republican Presdient named Eisenhower, who invested hundreds of billions into an interstate highway program? He saw how the Autobahn's in Germany worked very well and decided we needed one of those to help our economic and military strength.

Today, they'd call him a RINO and a Socialist for proposing that. What, take away from Rich people to build highways ANYONE can use? For Free?

Take away from the rich people? What in the fuck are you babbling about.

I could explain it to you and you still wouldn't understand.
But Joe....only entrepreneurs can see the future....don't you know that? That the Private Sector is the ONLY avenue for innovation? They aren't trying to protect their livelihoods by screaming in favor of fossil fuels and screaming louder against renewables....they KNOW that those technologies will never be viable because they can see the future and they know what's best for them....er.....us.
And this is why the GOP has gotten so out of whack.

Hey, remember you had a Republican Presdient named Eisenhower, who invested hundreds of billions into an interstate highway program? He saw how the Autobahn's in Germany worked very well and decided we needed one of those to help our economic and military strength.

Today, they'd call him a RINO and a Socialist for proposing that. What, take away from Rich people to build highways ANYONE can use? For Free?

Big difference between the Eisenhower Interstate System and Obama's "dreams", Eisenhower knew how to implement a shovel ready project...........Obama, not so much. :eusa_hand:
Just think of the socialist wonders a 90% tax rate and central planning experts could do for the country.........

For fairness and equality !!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this is why the GOP has gotten so out of whack.

Hey, remember you had a Republican Presdient named Eisenhower, who invested hundreds of billions into an interstate highway program? He saw how the Autobahn's in Germany worked very well and decided we needed one of those to help our economic and military strength.

Today, they'd call him a RINO and a Socialist for proposing that. What, take away from Rich people to build highways ANYONE can use? For Free?

From Wiki...
The initial cost estimate for the system was $25 billion over 12 years; it ended up costing $114 billion (adjusted for inflation, $425 billion in 2006 dollars[4]) and took 35 years.

Ahh, the utility and efficiency of government. And you idiots call this a GOOD thing.
And this is why the GOP has gotten so out of whack.

Hey, remember you had a Republican Presdient named Eisenhower, who invested hundreds of billions into an interstate highway program? He saw how the Autobahn's in Germany worked very well and decided we needed one of those to help our economic and military strength.

Today, they'd call him a RINO and a Socialist for proposing that. What, take away from Rich people to build highways ANYONE can use? For Free?

Take away from the rich people? What in the fuck are you babbling about.

I could explain it to you and you still wouldn't understand.

What does the Highway Trust Fund have to do with rich people, numbnuts?
And who are these "rich people?" At what point is someone "rich."
And this is why the GOP has gotten so out of whack.

Hey, remember you had a Republican Presdient named Eisenhower, who invested hundreds of billions into an interstate highway program? He saw how the Autobahn's in Germany worked very well and decided we needed one of those to help our economic and military strength.

Today, they'd call him a RINO and a Socialist for proposing that. What, take away from Rich people to build highways ANYONE can use? For Free?

Big difference between the Eisenhower Interstate System and Obama's "dreams", Eisenhower knew how to implement a shovel ready project...........Obama, not so much. :eusa_hand:

Eisenhower had a congress that was cooperative...

If the Stimulus had been the size of the IHP and funded as such, you might have a point. The problem was, we listened to the Austerian view that the way out of this mess was to starve the beast of government like it was the problem.
Take away from the rich people? What in the fuck are you babbling about.

I could explain it to you and you still wouldn't understand.

What does the Highway Trust Fund have to do with rich people, numbnuts?
And who are these "rich people?" At what point is someone "rich."

As I said, I could explain it to you, and you'd still be standing there with a stupid look on your face.

Back in Ike's day, the wealthy paid a top marginal rate of 93%. So not suprisingly, we could fund an interstate highway program, a cold war military buildup, and huge amounts of needed infrastructure. And the country was prosperous for years as a result.
Eisenhower had a congress that was cooperative...

Obama had a Dem controlled congress his first two years.

How'd that work?

I seem to recall - Lowest approval rating in history?

Take your mouth off Harry's Reid's dick and check it out
Eisenhower had a congress that was cooperative...

Obama had a Dem controlled congress his first two years.

How'd that work?

I seem to recall - Lowest approval rating in history?

Take your mouth off Harry's Reid's dick and check it out

Well, no, he really didn't. As long as you have Republicans who can filibuster everything, you don't have "control" of Congress.

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