Obama’s Staged Fainting Act Exposed

Obama?s Staged Fainting Act Exposed |

LOL. Seems like every time he has a speech someone is fainting and Obama is the HERO in all instances LOL and you fools believe his bullshit
Thank Hollywood supporters for the tips about stage tricks that gain people's sympathy. Next time you watch a 50s or 60s movie, notice how the good guy helps a little old lady across the street, offers someone who's crying his handkerchief, helps someone up from a wheelchair fall. It gets audience participation on a subliminal level of total trust in the "good" character. It's thespian knowledge. The bad guy? There must be one (just watch Republican ratings.) The stage trick gains people's trust, so it's just human to think anyone a hero takes issue would (1) trip the little old lady (2) harshly laughs at someone who's crying and (3) gouges someone in a wheelchair.

It's Hollywood, taken to political communications. In this case, it enables the Communists to take over easily while people are in the stupor of thespian trust.

It's why facts don't reach those hypnotized by staged events.

It's why people who can't relate the difference between one dollar and twenty trillion dollars CAN relate to someone who couldn't get out of a front row seat position behind the President, who faints and the hero (and not the person next to her who is also transfixed) "saves" the damsel in distress.

When saving people is ingrained into people's focus, it's easy to obfuscate the $17 trillion dollar national debt.

In doing so that's how communists will subjugate a free people. They take advantage of stupidity and are willing to do whatever fools people into accepting a foothold on the nation.

Kruschev's threat that Communism "will bury you" is upon us. They went about it through our own downfall--accepted thespian tricks, magician's card tricks, eyes off the ball.

When the Communists call for the repayment of debt, and nobody owns property, who do you think will get it?
fun fact: the people on stage with the president thing was pioneered by ronny raygun...
the girl had what is commonly know as being starstruck...
Every time I wonder how people could be dumb enough to fall for tee potty shit, all I have to do is read the brain dead crap here.

You fools are making this up out of whole cloth.

And, every politician invites people to stand with them. Don't you dupes remember when $arah had to have school kids trucked in because no one else showed up. No, of course you don't.


lol, you need a box of tissues, hater
Sorry, but no.

The woman's color is off, she has a death grip on the woman's hand she is holding, her 'trance-like look' is exactly how someone looks when they are about to faint.

She's 6 months or so pregnant (looks about that far along), is diabetic, is standing in the sun, is behind the potus, is on tv. I believe her nearly fainting is genuine.
Sorry, but no.

The woman's color is off, she has a death grip on the woman's hand she is holding, her 'trance-like look' is exactly how someone looks when they are about to faint.

She's 6 months or so pregnant (looks about that far along), is diabetic, is standing in the sun, is behind the potus, is on tv. I believe her nearly fainting is genuine.

It probably is genuine, but she shouldn't of been allowed to be there or put her life and that of her baby in that position...they didn't care about her health, just plant her up there..

but she got to stand next to the Dear Leader..good grief
Sorry, but no.

The woman's color is off, she has a death grip on the woman's hand she is holding, her 'trance-like look' is exactly how someone looks when they are about to faint.

She's 6 months or so pregnant (looks about that far along), is diabetic, is standing in the sun, is behind the potus, is on tv. I believe her nearly fainting is genuine.
Obama tuned -- then she fainted. It's a set-up to make Obama looks Presidential
tuned what?..an invisible piano?

He turned back toward her -- then she "fainted"
really? he had his back to her for 99% of the speech.
when she wobbled the people around her started to move and yell...then the pres turned around to help, steadied her, while others helped take her away.
then he turned face the podium and say "that's what happens when I talk too long."

U.S. presidential faux-pas, gaffes, and unfortunate incidents

The following is a list of faux pas (a violation of accepted, although unwritten, social rules), gaffes (unintentional things said or done that proved embarrassing or humiliating, in one case fatal and in another case potentially so) and unfortunate incidents (those things that were not gaffes or faux pas yet were nonetheless considered to be regrettable or embarrassing to the party or parties involved) involving U.S. Presidents.

Some were by Presidents themselves while others were made by those either associated with or who reported about the U.S. President of the day.

Warren Harding

Harding's poor grasp of the English language, coupled with his insistence on writing his own speeches, produced notorious linguistic errors. He once commented:

"I would like the government to do all it can to mitigate, then, in understanding, in mutuality of interest, in concern for the common good, our tasks will be solved."

Following Harding's death, playwright E. E. Cummings said "The only man, woman or child who wrote a simple declarative sentence with seven grammatical errors is dead."

Harry S. Truman

Truman had unexpectedly become President due to the sudden death of longterm President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Few expected him to secure election as the Democratic candidate for the presidency in 1948. In an effort to boost his ratings, during the Democratic National Convention the party released dozens of doves into the convention hall. The action backfired spectacularly when some of the doves died in the intense heat and others, made dizzy by the heat, desperately tried to escape and divebombed the delegates.(Christian Science Monitor)

Lyndon B. Johnson

Johnson was well known for his coarse language and occasionally unrefined behavior. While not a gaffe in office, an embarrassingly personal tape of LBJ ordering pants from Joe Haggar on August 9, 1964, was later released to the public. In it Johnson belches, complains about the pants riding up and cutting him "where your nuts hang" when he gains a little weight, like "riding a wire fence," and asks for more material "around under my bunghole" that he can let out if need be.

Gerald Ford

Gerald Ford, who succeeded Richard Nixon in 1974, made numerous gaffes and faux-pas, many of which, while making people see him as human and less imperial than his predecessor, made others vote against him for election in 1976.

Among his more famous examples are:

On October 6, 1976, during a televised Presidential debate in the 1976 Presidential election with rival Jimmy Carter, President Ford became confused and stated that Poland and Eastern Europe were not under the domination of the Soviet Union. When challenged over his comments, he repeated "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, and there never will be under a Ford administration." In the words of Professor Alan Schroeder, author of Presidential Debates: Forty Years of High Risk TV: "That was a gaffe that took him some time to recover from?mostly because he did not back away from the statement".

Jimmy Carter

While campaigning for president, Jimmy Carter candidly noted during an interview with Playboy magazine, "I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognizes I will do?and I have done it?and God forgives me for it."

While on a visit to Poland President Carter delivered a speech which was notoriously mistranslated. When Carter told the Poles he "understood their anxiety? about democracy, the translator stated that Carter ?desired them sexually?. (Pravda)

A further innocent comment by Carter was translated as indicating that the President of the United States had "left America never to return."

During an 20 April 1979 fishing trip to Plains Georgia, Carter encountered a swamp rabbit that attempted to board the President's fishing boat, which he shooed away with a paddle. The story found its way to the national press a few months later. It was covered for over a week, and Carter was widely portrayed as having acted in a "cowardly" fashion on his encounter with what the press nicknamed the "Killer rabbit."

Ronald Reagan

In 1984, before his weekly radio address, President Reagan was asked to say something to do a soundcheck. He remained quiet for a few moments, then not realizing that the microphone was now on and recording he joked:

"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes". This inadvertent radio announcement caused a lowering of the DEFCON level, and one of the tensest moments of the Cold War.

In a slip of the tongue, where he meant to say "employment", President Reagan told Americans "We are trying to get unemployment to go up, and I think we're going to succeed" (Press Association)

George H. W. Bush

In January 1992, while on a state visit to Japan, President George H.W. Bush became ill and was shown on television vomiting into the lap of the Prime Minister of Japan, Kiichi Miyazawa, who was sitting beside him, during a state dinner.

On February 5, 1992, Bush attended a National Grocers Association photo-op in Orlando, Florida. It was widely reported that he had expressed "wonder" and "amazement" at supermarket scanner technology that had been widely used since 1980. The story gave the impression that Bush was detached from the lives of ordinary Americans. However, it was soon revealed that Bush had previously seen this technology in use and was most likely making polite conversation.

During a town hall debate with rivals Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, while his opponents were answering, cameras caught a shot of Bush glancing at his watch and looking bored. The action was picked up by the media and reported as a gaffe, in that it showed he wasn't interested in the debate and didn't want to have to spend his time taking part, even though the debate was for the electorate's benefit. National Geographic said that "[t]he gesture gave viewers the distinct impression that Bush would rather have been elsewhere".

As Vice-President of the United States, Bush caused widespread offense when, on being shown the gas chambers at Auschwitz, he commented "Boy, they were big on crematoriums, weren't they?"

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton's Presidential career was, in the view of many, stymied by his address to the 1988 Democratic Convention. The up-to-that-point 'future candidate to watch', Governor Clinton delivered an infamous 30 minute speech that bored delegates and viewers alike. When he finally said the words "in conclusion" the audience broke out in applause. Clinton however saved his reputation by an appearance on The Tonight Show where he poked fun at himself for his longwindedness. Though the speech was widely seen as a major faux-pas that could have killed off any future Presidential bid, by 1992 he had overcome it and won the presidency.

On 20 May 1993, Clinton received a haircut aboard Air Force One by Beverly Hills hairstylist Christophe. It was reported that during the one-hour haircut the airplane's engines were running and two of the four runways at Los Angeles International Airport were shutdown, forcing some scheduled air traffic to circle the airport waiting to land. The expensive haircut was said to have caused long delays, becoming a source of ridicule less than 6 months into Clinton's presidency. However, an analysis of FAA records by Glenn Kessler of Newsday revealed that, contrary to reports, only one (unscheduled) air taxi reported an actual delay - of two minutes.

Under attack and under oath during taped grand jury testimony prior to his impeachment hearing he declared that whether he had told the truth hinged on the definition of the word "is": "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is"

Clinton made the statement "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinsky." Referring to Lewinsky as "that woman" was widely regarded as crass and a faux-pas. Tests performed by the FBI later showed Clinton's DNA on a semen-stained navy blue cocktail dress owned by Ms Lewinsky.

George W. Bush

September 4, 2000 ? "There's Adam Clymer, major league asshole from the New York Times" ? at a campaign rally in Naperville, IL, unaware the microphone in front of him was live.

June 11, 2001 ? Bush appeared on Spanish television and said "It is a great honor to travel to Spain and visit the King and also Prime Minister Anzar. But I have to practice the very pretty language, and unless I practice I am going to destroy this language". He had in fact mispronounced the name of the Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar. He called him ansar, the Spanish word for "goose". (Daily Telegraph)

January 13, 2002 ? Bush lost consciousness for a brief time in the White House while eating a pretzel and watching a professional football game on television. He fell from his couch and has a scrape and large bruise on his left cheekbone, plus a bruise on his lower lip, to show for his troubles. His glasses cut the side of his face. (CNN Politics)

August 6, 2004 ? Bush told a televised meeting that "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful ? and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people ? and neither do we." (BBC News)

November 20, 2005 ? Bush attempted to exit a room in China, but it was locked and so he was unable to leave the room, much to the amusement of the world's press. (BBC News, with video)
What is with the rights compulsion to attack young women?
Look at the video...it's another "get the transcript, Candy" moment

He turns, she gets her cue, looks at him, then "faints". She didn't faint first

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