Obama’s Watch: 39 Months, 69 Percent of Afghan War Casualties


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
In several threads I've witnessed the continual attack on GW for the number of deaths of soldiers in Iraq (4,000 plus) and that liberals hold him as CIC completely and utterly responsible.

The buck does stop at the President's desk.

So why no outrage over the number of deaths of servicemen in Afghanistan? Why the silence? Why the crickets?

Because hypocrisy thy name is liberal....

CNSNews.com) - Although President Obama has only served 39 months in office, 69 percent of the U.S. military fatalities in the more than 10-year-old war in Afghanistan have occurred on his watch.

Through April 30, the Defense Department had reported that 1,844 U.S. military personnel have been killed in and around Afghanistan while deployed in Operation Enduring Freedom, which was launched in October 2001 after al Qaeda terrorists attacked the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon.

According to CNSNews.com’s comprehensive database on Afghan war casualties, at least 1,275 of the 1,844 U.S. troops killed in the Afghanistan conflict have been killed since Jan. 20, 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as president.

In the more than 10 years the U.S. military has been fighting in Afghanistan, each of the three deadliest years have been during Obama’s presidency. The deadliest year was 2010, when 497 U.S. service personnel gave their lives in Afghanistan. The second deadliest year was 2011, when 399 U.S. service personnel gave their lives in Afghanistan. And the third deadliest year was 2009, when 303 U.S. service personnel gave their lives in Afghanistan


Month to Month U.S. Casualties in Afghan War

More at link:

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Obama went against the advice of his generals on the ground to increase troops b/c he wanted to do his political ploy. It's sad that Americans have to die at the hands of that d-bag Kenyan Muslim.
Where is what's her name
oh yeah

Cindy Sheehan

the old hero of the Left and the MSM
she is still out there

I know. Where's Code Pink?

The double standard never ceases to amaze me.

Republicans war = bad, evil and war crimes

Democrats war = crickets, silence, and look the other way
Where is what's her name
oh yeah

Cindy Sheehan

the old hero of the Left and the MSM
she is still out there

I know. Where's Code Pink?

The double standard never ceases to amaze me.

Republicans war = bad, evil and war crimes

Democrats war = crickets, silence, and look the other way

I hadn't thought about that. I couldn't go a week w/o hearing about that **** when Dubya was in power. Now it's like she doesn't exist.
The Left and the MSM tossed her under the bus
right away

She served her purpose for them against Bush
but they would have none of that for Papa Obama
Afghanistan is the place the 9/11 attack was launched from by Osama Bin Laden. The terrorist Republicans let go and then stopped looking for. True story.
Afghanistan is the place the 9/11 attack was launched from by Osama Bin Laden. The terrorist Republicans let go and then stopped looking for. True story.

So now the Republicans are terrorists? But the Democrats aren't?

Even though 69% of the deaths in Afghanistan are on Obama's watch?
The Left and the MSM tossed her under the bus
right away

She served her purpose for them against Bush
but they would have none of that for Papa Obama

In their (sorta) defense they pulled her out from under the bus from the start. She was a deadbeat mother playing upon the memory of a dead son who wanted nothing to do with her.
The Left and the MSM tossed her under the bus
right away

She served her purpose for them against Bush
but they would have none of that for Papa Obama

It was unreal how fast and how brutally they cast her aside when they were done with her.
From poster child for anti Bush anti war to the trash heap lickety split.
Just Rev Wright and Papa Obama

the MSM and the Left follow his example
For the record, Code Pink is still out there speaking about Afghanistan.

And really... Cindy Sheehan? You're giving her shit because you don't fucking hear from her on a daily basis because she's not being picked up by the news? She's still out there too.

You guys are a joke.

And calling a woman who lost her son to war and who wants to see the war ended a ****? That's pretty low.

I think the real story here is how ignorant and pathetic you guys are, in faux outrage that you aren't being spoonfed stories about specific groups or people and how to feel about them.

If you did a fucking search on this great thing we call the internet, you can see that Cindy Sheehan is still out there fighting, and so is Code Pink. Just because it's not covered to your level of satisfaction or as frequently pushed as you would like, doesn't mean shit.


Do you guys seriously think nothing goes on in the world just because you don't fucking hear it from your favorite talking heads? You should be god damn ashamed.
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For the record, Code Pink is still out there speaking about Afghanistan.

And really... Cindy Sheehan? You're giving her shit because you don't fucking hear from her on a daily basis because she's not being picked up by the news? She's still out there too.

You guys are a joke.

And calling a woman who lost her son to war and who wants to see the war ended a ****? That's pretty low.

I think the real story here is how ignorant and pathetic you guys are, in faux outrage that you aren't being spoonfed stories about specific groups or people and how to feel about them.

If you did a fucking search on this great thing we call the internet, you can see that Cindy Sheehan is still out there fighting, and so is Code Pink. Just because it's not covered to your level of satisfaction or as frequently pushed as you would like, doesn't mean shit.


Do you guys seriously think nothing goes on in the world just because you don't fucking hear it from your favorite talking heads? You should be god damn ashamed.

You didn't read my posts then. I'm bitching that the media and the Democrats completely used Sheehan and then threw her onto a trash heap when they were done with her.

See post with the word "brutally".

She was making daily national headline news remember? I know she has her Soapbox.

Now CodePink these days have very little to do with anti war demonstrations anymore. They are more OWS oriented, anti Santorum, anti Israel, pro Iran, pro Gaza etc. Nothing lately to do with Afghanistan.

I keep up to date with what they are doing. Especially since Jody started working with Bill and Bernadine.

Cindy at least is staying true to her anti war self.

Oh and by the way, THE REAL STORY is that 69% of the deaths of servicemen in Afghanistan have been under Obama.

That's the story.
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Bush's Watch:



August 13, 2010

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wDdWJcpJj0]Maddow: GOP plan to extend tax cuts for the rich - YouTube[/ame]


"Republicans work from a base line that includes a full extension of the Bush tax cuts. The Democrats’ base line assumes the expiration of the tax cuts for families earning more than $250,000. The Congressional Budget Office uses yet another base line, one that assumes that all of the Bush tax cuts will expire, because that’s what current law says will happen at the end of 2012. The difference in revenue between the Republican and the current-law scenario exceeds $4 trillion over 10 years.

So before we can even discuss what a new tax code should look like, we somehow need to resolve the most polarizing question in American politics: Should taxes be higher or lower?

It’s extremely unlikely that the two parties will come to an agreement on their own. Luckily, they don’t have to. If they simply continue to disagree, at the end of this year the Bush tax cuts will expire, and two of the competing base lines will fade away, leaving only the CBO’s standing.

Some Republican staff members say that, though they oppose this outcome, it would actually make tax reform easier by enabling both parties to sell reform as a huge tax cut that reverses the expiration of most of the Bush tax cuts.

Here’s why: Using the Republican base line that assumes all of the Bush tax cuts are extended, President Obama’s plan amounts to a $1.5 trillion tax increase. But using a base line in which all of the Bush tax cuts have expired, a tax reform plan that hits the same revenue target as Obama’s amounts to a $2.5 trillion tax cut. Neat, huh?

That’s not just a PR point: Tax reform would, in that scenario, actually be a huge tax cut because, after expiration, taxes really would have reverted to a much higher level.

Reality is always more compelling than base lines. The two parties would still have to settle on a final revenue number, but at least they could agree on one that would cut taxes on almost all Americans.

Which highlights another reason that letting the Bush tax cuts expire might lead to tax reform: Their sudden withdrawal would be so calamitous to the economy, and so embarrassing to Washington, that the crisis could force the two parties to fast-track a reform plan, saving most taxpayers from feeling the bite of Washington’s failure.

It’s sad to think that the only way to save the tax code might be to let it collapse at the end of the year. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true."
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For the record, Code Pink is still out there speaking about Afghanistan.

And really... Cindy Sheehan? You're giving her shit because you don't fucking hear from her on a daily basis because she's not being picked up by the news? She's still out there too.

You guys are a joke.

And calling a woman who lost her son to war and who wants to see the war ended a ****? That's pretty low.

I think the real story here is how ignorant and pathetic you guys are, in faux outrage that you aren't being spoonfed stories about specific groups or people and how to feel about them.

If you did a fucking search on this great thing we call the internet, you can see that Cindy Sheehan is still out there fighting, and so is Code Pink. Just because it's not covered to your level of satisfaction or as frequently pushed as you would like, doesn't mean shit.


Do you guys seriously think nothing goes on in the world just because you don't fucking hear it from your favorite talking heads? You should be god damn ashamed.

You didn't read my posts then. I'm bitching that the media and the Democrats completely used Sheehan and then threw her onto a trash heap when they were done with her.

See post with the word "brutally".

She was making daily national headline news remember? I know she has her Soapbox.

Now CodePink these days have very little to do with anti war demonstrations anymore. They are more OWS oriented, anti Santorum, anti Israel, pro Iran etc.

I keep up to date with what they are doing. Especially since Jody started working with Bill and Bernadine.

Cindy at least is staying true to her anti war self.

Oh and by the way, THE REAL STORY is that 69% of the deaths of servicemen in Afghanistan have been under Obama.

That's the story.

What, and you're so dense that you think she's going to stay national attention for years and years and years? That everybody wants to know what she's thinking and she's doing continuously?

News is news for a reason.
For the record, Code Pink is still out there speaking about Afghanistan.

And really... Cindy Sheehan? You're giving her shit because you don't fucking hear from her on a daily basis because she's not being picked up by the news? She's still out there too.

You guys are a joke.

And calling a woman who lost her son to war and who wants to see the war ended a ****? That's pretty low.

I think the real story here is how ignorant and pathetic you guys are, in faux outrage that you aren't being spoonfed stories about specific groups or people and how to feel about them.

If you did a fucking search on this great thing we call the internet, you can see that Cindy Sheehan is still out there fighting, and so is Code Pink. Just because it's not covered to your level of satisfaction or as frequently pushed as you would like, doesn't mean shit.


Do you guys seriously think nothing goes on in the world just because you don't fucking hear it from your favorite talking heads? You should be god damn ashamed.

So are our fighting men and women, and I'd appreciate you not taking God's name in vain, fumblehead.

Either give our military the tools and people they need or GTFO, period

Strange that you jump to Sheehan's defense but leave our military high and dry and let SaltPeter's remark, "they knew what they signed up for" go unchallenged.

Negs all around


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