Obama said no to American energy independence and yes to radical environmentalists

If you know "a thing or two" about the oil industry then explain how this one pipeline is going to make the United States energy-independent.

When did anyone ever claim this pipeline would make the United States energy independent?
What he knows a "thing or two" about is gainsaying. It's all he's done here.

Then he tells me I "got the facts wrong" --- after repeating the same facts I already laid down.

Finger-Boy: proof that talent skips a generation.

I didn't repeat them, dumbshit. You're just too fucking stupid to notice the difference.
"The system," as you call it, has provided the world with an abundant supply of a very high grade form of energy at a very low price. It spends billions and billions on ever more advanced technology to recover oil from ever more difficult places. Energy companies have done far more for the world than you and 500 million of your ilk have produced in the entire time you have infested this earth.

Given the way you fucked up the last post I doubt you have the vaguest inkling how that works. And trust me Junior, you don't know me or my "ilk". I have no "ilk".

NOTHING in what you posted here makes a point or in any way refutes my post. If you weren't completely illiterate you might have figured out the text in the first place and saved yourself a trip to Wikiland to list a bunch of shit that means absolutely nothing to the point.

If there are any scams going down here, it's purely by the enemies of capitalism and cheap abundant energy like you.

Since you are illiterate I'll have to essplain this out for you as well -- I made no judgments on whether energy is "cheap" or not, nor on the concept of capitalism. I simply described how it works, in contrast to the bullshit and abject ignorance the OP and creatures of your ilk walk around dropping on the landscape like so many turds.

Don't like being schooled? Then stay with shit you actually know about.

You weren't explaining it the way someone would explain how an internal combustion engine works, purely indifferently. You implied there was something sinister about the way it works.

Who do you think you're fooling, jackass?

Furthermore, you got it wrong. You don't understand the way it works. Getting all the facts wrong is not "schooling" someone. It's normally called "making an ass of yourself."

As for stuff I actually know, my father was a petroleum geologist. He was the director of exploration for Phillips Petroleum. I think I know a thing or two about the oil industry.

Yea right. You know where the gas cap is on your truck. And which cashier to pay. That's a one and a two things you know about the oil industry. Three actually. Your truck runs on regular. Right.
Given the way you fucked up the last post I doubt you have the vaguest inkling how that works. And trust me Junior, you don't know me or my "ilk". I have no "ilk".

NOTHING in what you posted here makes a point or in any way refutes my post. If you weren't completely illiterate you might have figured out the text in the first place and saved yourself a trip to Wikiland to list a bunch of shit that means absolutely nothing to the point.

Since you are illiterate I'll have to essplain this out for you as well -- I made no judgments on whether energy is "cheap" or not, nor on the concept of capitalism. I simply described how it works, in contrast to the bullshit and abject ignorance the OP and creatures of your ilk walk around dropping on the landscape like so many turds.

Don't like being schooled? Then stay with shit you actually know about.

You weren't explaining it the way someone would explain how an internal combustion engine works, purely indifferently. You implied there was something sinister about the way it works.

Who do you think you're fooling, jackass?

Furthermore, you got it wrong. You don't understand the way it works. Getting all the facts wrong is not "schooling" someone. It's normally called "making an ass of yourself."

As for stuff I actually know, my father was a petroleum geologist. He was the director of exploration for Phillips Petroleum. I think I know a thing or two about the oil industry.

Yea right. You know where the gas cap is on your truck. And which cashier to pay. That's a one and a two things you know about the oil industry. Three actually. Your truck runs on regular. Right.

I know the difference between an anticline and a syncline and why they are important to the oil business. Do you?
I have to agree with you there. Why are you talking about things of which you know nothing? The malarkey is coming out of your "mouth" by the boat loads. The facts are, a pipeline from Canada and the Dakotas will surely increase our independence FROM Mid East Oil. As to Fox, I have never, nor do I contemplate getting my news from them. The issue is or should be only about not putting the pipeline through a water aquifer.

There is nothing wrong with big companies making big profits, and there is no reason to believe that the pipeline oil will be shipped to other countries. Construction jobs may come and go on one project, but if we play our cards right, the government will continue to up grade other infrastructure using that labor.

It is obvious you get YOUR NEWS FROM PROPAGANDA SITES. The difference between you and I? I am a liberal. You sound like a left wing fanatic.I am literate enough to know you were spouting left wing fanatic propaganda, and am smart enough to know that you know nothing about the subject.LMAO! Not liberal, left wing fanatic, because it is left wing fanatic propaganda which drives what little (very little) sense you have.Yep, you are a libtard fanatic.And you have jack squat for brains when you talk crap like that.Assume nothing! I have let you make the ass out of yourself.All acquisition of oil from this continent helps us become oil independent. Your ignorance of the subject shows just how smart you really aren't.
Watch those names on the posts, because this one actually IS addressed to you. Which is a first ever.
So you think you can control what I say and to whom? ROTFLMAO. When I see people make stupid comments like you did, I reserve the right to tell him just how ignorant he is, and in this case you are as dumb as a post. Go play with the kindergartners, they are more your speed.

Apparently you're illiterate enough that you took a quote addressed to Hoosier4Liberty (unless you're a sock thereof) and proceeded to protest as if it had been addressed to you. In spite of the fact that you hand't even posted here then. Which was WEEKS ago, dumbass. And apparently you're so profoundly dumbass that you went ahead and re-answered the same post again -- the same one that was never addressed to you in the first place. Idiot.

It just got better and better from there; your quotes here are completely fucked up; you offer nothing but gainsaying and ad hominem; and you clearly don't know the topic from an oil well in the ground. You're clearly not qualified to post in the English language. Or probably any other.

Dismissed. :eusa_hand:
What ever, so long as I continue to know and post more intelligent and coherent assertions than you have or ever could post.

BTW, when I am responding to ad hominem you posted in kind, it is no longer ad hominem, it is pinning the tail where it belongs, on an idiot donkey called pogo.

As to the formatting, I use what the thread gives me, responding to stupids like you is not important enough to go to any more trouble. Talking to you is like flicking a flea off the back of a dog, and the dog is smarter than you.
Just how out of touch is socialist Barack Obama? Even though 70%+ of the American people support the job-creating, pro-American Keystone XL pipeline, Obama delayed the decision. Thousands of American workers won't get a job thanks to Obama's un-American and stupid decision. Instead, more oil will be shipped by train, which leads to more pollution and more spills. And that oil's going to go to China instead of the USA. Barack Obama's decision today hurts the lives of average Midwestern Americans. Obama won't listen to the American people, and 2014 is a good time to send a clear message to him.

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!

Keystone's got Zero to do with "energy independence". Perhaps Fox Noise tells you it somehow brings product to the pumps in Dubuque. It doesn't. Not even remotely close. The oil biz just doesn't work that way.

What Keystone does do is bring raw material to Houston, where it can be loaded on ships to facilitate energy dependence in China and India. Because that's where the money is. What it does do is cut costs for the Exxons so they can increase profits, because, you know, there just isn't enough of that. What it does in effect is enable Big Oil to say to We the People, "here -- hold this up while I make big bucks on it, and whatever you do don't drop it or you'll have a mess".

Nuttin' like knowing what yer talking about before creating a thread. You guys who buy the whole "drill here drill now" malarkey hook line and sinker still haven't got it through your head that "we" don't drill for oil --- oil companies drill for oil, and their loyalty is to shareholders, not whatever nation they're based in. But they'll be happy to sell you the kool-aid that a pipeline somehow finds its way to your local pump.

Happy motoring.

I've been in the "oil biz" for 37 years.

I'll make a long story short.... :fu:

Your post isn't even worth my effort.

Thanks for all those facts and links to back them up.

Oh wait ...

You work in that little store, selling cigs and Hershey bars at a filling station.
Given the way you fucked up the last post I doubt you have the vaguest inkling how that works. And trust me Junior, you don't know me or my "ilk". I have no "ilk".

NOTHING in what you posted here makes a point or in any way refutes my post. If you weren't completely illiterate you might have figured out the text in the first place and saved yourself a trip to Wikiland to list a bunch of shit that means absolutely nothing to the point.

Since you are illiterate I'll have to essplain this out for you as well -- I made no judgments on whether energy is "cheap" or not, nor on the concept of capitalism. I simply described how it works, in contrast to the bullshit and abject ignorance the OP and creatures of your ilk walk around dropping on the landscape like so many turds.

Don't like being schooled? Then stay with shit you actually know about.

You weren't explaining it the way someone would explain how an internal combustion engine works, purely indifferently. You implied there was something sinister about the way it works.

Who do you think you're fooling, jackass?

Furthermore, you got it wrong. You don't understand the way it works. Getting all the facts wrong is not "schooling" someone. It's normally called "making an ass of yourself."

As for stuff I actually know, my father was a petroleum geologist. He was the director of exploration for Phillips Petroleum. I think I know a thing or two about the oil industry.

Yea right. You know where the gas cap is on your truck. And which cashier to pay. That's a one and a two things you know about the oil industry. Three actually. Your truck runs on regular. Right.

Ah, that's not fair.

I bet he knows where his dipstick is too. He certainly goes there enough for his posts.
You weren't explaining it the way someone would explain how an internal combustion engine works, purely indifferently. You implied there was something sinister about the way it works.

Who do you think you're fooling, jackass?

Furthermore, you got it wrong. You don't understand the way it works. Getting all the facts wrong is not "schooling" someone. It's normally called "making an ass of yourself."

As for stuff I actually know, my father was a petroleum geologist. He was the director of exploration for Phillips Petroleum. I think I know a thing or two about the oil industry.

Yea right. You know where the gas cap is on your truck. And which cashier to pay. That's a one and a two things you know about the oil industry. Three actually. Your truck runs on regular. Right.

Ah, that's not fair.

I bet he knows where his dipstick is too. He certainly goes there enough for his posts.
Of course he knows where the dipstick is. After all, he has been directing good information in your direction, dipstick.
You weren't explaining it the way someone would explain how an internal combustion engine works, purely indifferently. You implied there was something sinister about the way it works.

Who do you think you're fooling, jackass?

Furthermore, you got it wrong. You don't understand the way it works. Getting all the facts wrong is not "schooling" someone. It's normally called "making an ass of yourself."

As for stuff I actually know, my father was a petroleum geologist. He was the director of exploration for Phillips Petroleum. I think I know a thing or two about the oil industry.

Yea right. You know where the gas cap is on your truck. And which cashier to pay. That's a one and a two things you know about the oil industry. Three actually. Your truck runs on regular. Right.

I know the difference between an anticline and a syncline and why they are important to the oil business. Do you?
It looks like Zeke is almost as intelligent as Pogo. That means he is dumb as a post.

These dummies do not understand that ANY ADDITIONAL oil found and refined in North is moving in the direction of oil independence. I do agree that the pipeline should skirt around any water aquifers en route. Only fools don't believe more oil is good for our oil independence, usually left wing fanatics.
Exxon doesn't own any of the mineral rights in the Alberta oil sands. According to Wikipedia, the following companies have an interest there:

Imperial Oil,
Petro Canada,

None of these are American companies.

Some of the following "partners" are American companies, but they only provide logistical support:


"Exxon" is generic for "the oil industry", Finger-fuck. That's why it says "the Exxons". Are you that stupid that you think there's more than one Exxon?


And whether they're "American", "Canadian", "Dutch", "Briitish" or "Dumbfuckistani" companies is of absolutely no consequence to how the system works.

I can't believe you took the time to look this shit up and make yourself look this ridiculous.

The reason for sending the oil to Houston is so it can be refined there. Texas has refineries equipped to handle the heavy crude that comes out of the oil sands. Canada doesn't have sufficient refinery capacity of this nature to process all the oil recovered from the oil sands.

No shit, Sherlock. That's what I pointed out from the beginning, including right there in the post you quoted. Holy shit you're dense.

Pipeline takes crude to Houston; Houston is on the Gulf; Gulf means water; ships sail on water. Refine in Houston, load ships, sail away to where the market wants. Doesn't mean squat to anyone in North America.

"The system," as you call it, has provided the world with an abundant supply of a very high grade form of energy at a very low price. It spends billions and billions on ever more advanced technology to recover oil from ever more difficult places. Energy companies have done far more for the world than you and 500 million of your ilk have produced in the entire time you have infested this earth.

If there are any scams going down here, it's purely by the enemies of capitalism and cheap abundant energy like you.

The issue with the pipeline is refinery capacity, not the presence of a coastline, you witless douche nozzle. The coastline of British Colombia is closer to Alberta than Houston, but there aren't any refineries there. Furthermore, there isn't access to a large nearby market as there is on the Gulf coast. It's also easier to ship oil to India and China from British Colombia than Houston. You can't send super tankers through the Panama canal or the Suez canal. That makes Houston a bad location for shipping oil to Asia. You would have known that if you weren't so fucking dumb.

The refrain "it's all about money" is the mating call of the mentally challenged. Of course it's about money. Business and industry are always about money. So what? Did you imagine while you were wallowing in your idiocy that oil companies are charities?

Remember the Panama Canal? | TheHill

Now, however, there is good reason to pay attention. The canal holds the key to the export of U.S. natural gas – and possibly crude oil -- to markets in Asia. This is a big deal, with a lot at stake for U.S. energy companies.
The point, of course, is that as the export of U.S. energy resources goes, so goes America – only even more so, a point driven home by the latest data showing that the United States is already the world’s biggest producer of natural gas and is expected to surpass Saudi Arabia as the world’s top producer of crude oil by next year.

Because it cannot accommodate large tankers, the Panama Canal is being expanded to about three times its present capacity. This involves widening and deepening channels along the 50-mile canal route and creating new sets of locks on both the Atlantic and Pacific ends.

The expansion is about three-quarters complete, but

Read more: Remember the Panama Canal? | TheHill
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Its only about Oil as much as once they destroy Oil, they succeed in destroying the USA.

Think about it, they believe we are about to run out of Oil yet they have increased the use of Oil massively to build hundreds of square miles of Solar Plants and Wind Turbine Plants.

The USA imports electrical power from Canada, that is how weak we have become.

The idea is simply to destroy the USA so that the history books can show how bad Freedom is and how good Communism is.

One day we will not even be able to feed ourselves, oh, that day just came, check how much of your produce comes from Mexico and China. I bet all of you eat garlic from China. Check it out, look at where your food comes from and think about how close we really are to being destroyed.

Energy is the key, destroy our ability to produce energy, and we are destroyed.

The next war we fight must be fought on a sunny windy day, so we have 100% of our power available.

The US has always been one of the leaders in energy production world wide and will continue to be for years to come.


Nice wolf cry however.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_K5b-JNc7E]Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs - Little Red Riding Hood (HQ) - YouTube[/ame]
Hmmm, 3/4 of the oil refined for US use already comes from the western hemisphere, and oil consumption is predicted to be pretty flat. Where's that crude gonna go?

Keystone Pipeline: Would oil be consumed in the U.S. or exported?

Wow, I can't even read the article. The page says you have to answer a poll question to read it, and the only question available is "what kind of TV does your household watch" and there's no choice for "none".

They really seem to think we're all 100% sheep. Unreal. :disbelief:
October 16, 2011 12:05 am • By MIKE DENNISON Gazette State Bureau


HELENA — A big selling point for the Keystone XL pipeline is that its billions of barrels of Canadian crude oil would provide “energy security” for the United States, giving the country a long-term, reliable supply of petroleum from a friendly ally.

But some critics of the pipeline are questioning this claim, saying much of the oil could end up as gasoline and diesel fuel exported to Europe and Latin America.

“The oil industry will sell their product where they will get the best price for it, (and) markets for diesel, in particular, are much more profitable abroad,” said Steve Kretzmann of Oil Change International, a clean-energy group opposed to the pipeline. “Those are growing markets. That’s what we base the assertion that this is primarily an export pipeline on.”

Keystone XL, proposed by the Canadian energy giant TransCanada, would be a 1,660-mile pipeline from Alberta to Texas. President Barack Obama is expected to decide by the end of the year whether the pipeline is in the national interest and whether to grant it a special permit.

The $7 billion pipeline, which would cross 280 miles of northeast Montana, would transport up to 830,000 barrels a day of crude oil from the Alberta tar sands to U.S. refineries.

Terry Cunha, a spokesman for TransCanada in Calgary, Alberta, said it’s his understanding that most of the oil will be for domestic use in the United States.

“As we’ve highlighted, why not get (this oil) from Canada, versus importing it from other countries that don’t share the same beliefs as we do in Canada and North America?” he said.

A spokesman for the largest U.S. petroleum refiner, Valero Energy Corp. of San Antonio, Texas, said that while some of the Canadian oil may be refined into products for export, it would be a small part of its overall use.

“Exports are an important part of our marketing effort, but it’s a small part,” Bill Day said. “There is nothing about Keystone XL pipeline that’s going to change that. It’s not set up to be an export pipeline.”

Valero is one of six major companies that have signed up to use three-fourths of the pipeline’s capacity, according to Canadian regulatory documents.

While pipeline backers say oil from Keystone XL is needed to help wean the United States off oil from politically volatile sources in the Middle East and Africa, government data show that the United States got three-fourths of its petroleum from the Western Hemisphere in 2010.

That Western Hemisphere oil came mostly from U.S. production (51 percent of the country’s consumption), Canada, Mexico and Venezuela.

Read more: Keystone Pipeline: Would oil be consumed in the U.S. or exported?
“We’re (already) projecting for the U.S. to be increasingly less dependent on foreign oil,” said Jonathan Cogan of the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The same agency also is projecting relatively flat demand for petroleum in the United States in the coming years — and reports that exports of gasoline and diesel fuel from U.S. refineries to Latin America and Europe have increased markedly the past few years.

Since 2007, exports of gasoline from the United States have more than doubled and are on pace this year to exceed 150 million barrels, or triple the amount in 2007. Diesel fuel exports have increased sharply as well, from 97 million barrels in 2007 to 239 million barrels last year.

However, they still account for only 15 percent to 20 percent of the gasoline and diesel fuel refined in this country.

Day, of Valero Energy, says about 11 percent of the 1.8 million barrels of fuel refined daily by Valero in the second quarter of this year was exported. The company has 16 U.S. refineries and employs 21,000 people.

Kretzmann, who released a report last month that claims Keystone’s main purpose is to give Canadian oil producers access to international markets, notes that U.S. petroleum production is increasing and demand flattening.

Three of the six companies that have reserved most of the space on Keystone have refineries in a Foreign Trade Zone in Port Arthur, Texas, giving them a competitive edge on exporting fuel, and oil company executives have indicated they want to increase their presence in export markets, he added.

“The pipeline will not do anything other than increase the profits of the oil industry,” Kretzmann said. “It won’t help the energy security of the U.S. Only reducing our consumption of oil overall will do that.”

Day dismisses Kretzmann’s report, saying most of the oil from Canada will definitely be consumed in the United States. And even if some of oil ends up as exported fuel, he says that’s still good for the economy and the oil-refining business, which he calls “one of the last, strong manufacturing industries (in this country) that can compete worldwide.”

Copyright 2014 The Billings Gazette. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Read more: Keystone Pipeline: Would oil be consumed in the U.S. or exported?

I chose the billings paper from mult sources because I thought it less likely to have a bias one way or the other. Sorry for the link.
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Hmmm, 3/4 of the oil refined for US use already comes from the western hemisphere, and oil consumption is predicted to be pretty flat. Where's that crude gonna go?

Keystone Pipeline: Would oil be consumed in the U.S. or exported?

Wow, I can't even read the article. The page says you have to answer a poll question to read it, and the only question available is "what kind of TV does your household watch" and there's no choice for "none".
So that's why you are so uninformed. I suspect you get all your news from the internet, most of which is propaganda - left or right wing stuff.
They really seem to think we're all 100% sheep. Unreal. :disbelief:
I don't think they believe we are all sheep, but I am sure they, as well as I, know you are a left wing fanatic "sheeple."

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