Obama said no to American energy independence and yes to radical environmentalists

As in the case of the Alberta Clipper?

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

I'm not familiar with that particular case.

Double-K, info at link. More out there via search.

Eminent Domain can be your friend, it can be your enemy. It depends on the point of view.

Yes, theft can be my friend, so long as I'm benefiting from the thievery, but that doesn't make it right. Taking private property, even if you call it eminent domain, is still theft. So for anybody to call Obama a "socialist" while simultaneously advocating that he allow the Keystone pipeline to violate private property rights is hysterically hypocritical.
How does the Keystone Pipeline lead to energy independence?

Buying oil from Canada is independent?

We would be gaining "independence" from relying on imports that originate in some fairly shady countries.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports

But allow me to quote the Department of State with regards to the Alberta Clipper Pipeline. Another project that transports the same Canadian crudes across our border...

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

I wish....

but not....

see above.

That vacuum will be filled by the eu, china, and india if we dont import me oil. Ultimately, I would like to tell the me to screw off and that may be possible in five years. It would be great to drain their supply and then leave.
Liberals hate oil. Period. In particular, they hate US Oil or any attempt by US to lower our cost of oil. It is not about clean air, climate change or wildlife. If it were, there would be a global multination effort to curb oil in Russia, China, India, Latin America or the Middle East. Nope. It's only about keeping Oil prohibitive to US at all costs.

You environs are full of shit and are committed to necessarily hurting the US Economy and its Middle Class.
They hate money plain and simple. Those who have shouldn't and those who don't support them. So the phylosophy is no money. Anyway to get there is good by them.

No, they hate OTHER people having money. That's why they figure out every possible way to take it from them.
How does building a pipeline to supply petroleum products abroad contribute to U.S. "energy independence"???

Let me remind you that we consume 19 million barrels of crude oil each and every day.

We produce about 9 million barrels per day.

Do the math, and stop believing the bullshit lies of the Left.

You do realize that the diesel fuel and airline fuel produced from the oil that the pipeline will bring to Texas refineries will be exported for sale overseas - NOT in the U.S., don't you????

Do your homework before regurgitating the lines you've been taught.

Wow, so all of a sudden it's evil to have an excess of oil? Dude,are you really that stupid?
If you have to use oil who would you rather get it from a friend and neighbor or some radical regime or tin horn dictator who just happens to be lucky enough to be sitting on it?
If you have to use oil who would you rather get it from a friend and neighbor or some radical regime or tin horn dictator who just happens to be lucky enough to be sitting on it?

I never trusted Canada....they have socialized medicine
If you have to use oil who would you rather get it from a friend and neighbor or some radical regime or tin horn dictator who just happens to be lucky enough to be sitting on it?

But we're not going to be using that oil. They are going to export it overseas.

If you believe that oil is going to be used by the U.S., you've been lied to.
Let me remind you that we consume 19 million barrels of crude oil each and every day.

We produce about 9 million barrels per day.

Do the math, and stop believing the bullshit lies of the Left.

You do realize that the diesel fuel and airline fuel produced from the oil that the pipeline will bring to Texas refineries will be exported for sale overseas - NOT in the U.S., don't you????

Do your homework before regurgitating the lines you've been taught.

Wow, so all of a sudden it's evil to have an excess of oil? Dude,are you really that stupid?

LOL - an excess of oil?
How do you figure that moving this oil through pipelines to refineries in the U.S. and then selling the refined products overseas is doing anything to create an "excess of oil" in the U.S. ?????????????

Seriously, what are you smoking?
Just how out of touch is socialist Barack Obama? Even though 70%+ of the American people support the job-creating, pro-American Keystone XL pipeline, Obama delayed the decision. Thousands of American workers won't get a job thanks to Obama's un-American and stupid decision. Instead, more oil will be shipped by train, which leads to more pollution and more spills. And that oil's going to go to China instead of the USA. Barack Obama's decision today hurts the lives of average Midwestern Americans. Obama won't listen to the American people, and 2014 is a good time to send a clear message to him.

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!

Keystone's got Zero to do with "energy independence". Perhaps Fox Noise tells you it somehow brings product to the pumps in Dubuque. It doesn't. Not even remotely close. The oil biz just doesn't work that way.

What Keystone does do is bring raw material to Houston, where it can be loaded on ships to facilitate energy dependence in China and India. Because that's where the money is. What it does do is cut costs for the Exxons so they can increase profits, because, you know, there just isn't enough of that. What it does in effect is enable Big Oil to say to We the People, "here -- hold this up while I make big bucks on it, and whatever you do don't drop it or you'll have a mess".

Nuttin' like knowing what yer talking about before creating a thread. You guys who buy the whole "drill here drill now" malarkey hook line and sinker still haven't got it through your head that "we" don't drill for oil --- oil companies drill for oil, and their loyalty is to shareholders, not whatever nation they're based in. But they'll be happy to sell you the kool-aid that a pipeline somehow finds its way to your local pump.

Happy motoring.
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Just how out of touch is socialist Barack Obama? Even though 70%+ of the American people support the job-creating, pro-American Keystone XL pipeline, Obama delayed the decision. Thousands of American workers won't get a job thanks to Obama's un-American and stupid decision. Instead, more oil will be shipped by train, which leads to more pollution and more spills. And that oil's going to go to China instead of the USA. Barack Obama's decision today hurts the lives of average Midwestern Americans. Obama won't listen to the American people, and 2014 is a good time to send a clear message to him.

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!

How does building a pipeline to supply petroleum products abroad contribute to U.S. "energy independence"???

Let me remind you that we consume 19 million barrels of crude oil each and every day.

We produce about 9 million barrels per day.

Do the math, and stop believing the bullshit lies of the Left.

And you know better than the implication you're making here but stop short of articulating so that the false suggestion stays alive.

Just to pick this turd of an OP apart a bit more:

Just how out of touch is socialist Barack Obama? Even though 70%+ of the American people support the job-creating, pro-American Keystone XL pipeline

Perhaps they're buying the same Chevron Kool-Aid with all the free fallacies, ya thinik...? Did this poll ask about that?

What exactly is "pro-American" about confiscating land in order to act as a middleman for Exxonian profits?

, Obama delayed the decision. Thousands of American workers won't get a job

"Thousands"? Try thirty-five.

thanks to Obama's un-American and stupid decision. Instead, more oil will be shipped by train, which leads to more pollution and more spills. And that oil's going to go to China instead of the USA.

That's where it's going regardless how it gets to the refinery -- duh...
Think about it: why would an end product suddenly change its ultimate destination on account of how the raw material got to its processor? :cuckoo:

Barack Obama's decision today hurts the lives of average Midwestern Americans.

"Hurts the lives of midwesterners" by depriving them of the chance to enjoy this?

Uh...... where exactly do you get news from again?
For American taxpayers, it's a pipeline to nowhere. Now if Exxon wanted to foot the bill, and they routed the thing away from water acquifers .... I couldn't care less one way or another.

But from working in the oil patch in the 80s, the jobs aren't in building the pipeline. maybe temporary work, but few are needed for maintenance. The jobs are in extraction. And they're filled.
Keystone's got Zero to do with "energy independence". Perhaps Fox Noise tells you it somehow brings product to the pumps in Dubuque. It doesn't. Not even remotely close. The oil biz just doesn't work that way.

What Keystone does do is bring raw material to Houston, where it can be loaded on ships to facilitate energy dependence in China and India. Because that's where the money is. What it does do is cut costs for the Exxons so they can increase profits, because, you know, there just isn't enough of that. What it does in effect is enable Big Oil to say to We the People, "here -- hold this up while I make big bucks on it, and whatever you do don't drop it or you'll have a mess".

Nuttin' like knowing what yer talking about before creating a thread.
I have to agree with you there. Why are you talking about things of which you know nothing?
You guys who buy the whole "drill here drill now" malarkey hook line and sinker still haven't got it through your head that "we" don't drill for oil --- oil companies drill for oil, and their loyalty is to shareholders, not whatever nation they're based in. But they'll be happy to sell you the kool-aid that a pipeline somehow finds its way to your local pump.

Happy motoring.
The malarkey is coming out of your "mouth" by the boat loads. The facts are, a pipeline from Canada and the Dakotas will surely increase our independence FROM Mid East Oil. As to Fox, I have never, nor do I contemplate getting my news from them. The issue is or should be only about not putting the pipeline through a water aquifer.

There is nothing wrong with big companies making big profits, and there is no reason to believe that the pipeline will be shipped to other countries. Construction jobs may come and go on one project, but if we play our cards right, the government will continue to up grade other infrastructure using that labor.

It is obvious you get YOUR NEWS FROM PROPAGANDA SITES. The difference between you and I? I am a liberal. You sound like a left wing fanatic.
Keystone's got Zero to do with "energy independence". Perhaps Fox Noise tells you it somehow brings product to the pumps in Dubuque. It doesn't. Not even remotely close. The oil biz just doesn't work that way.

What Keystone does do is bring raw material to Houston, where it can be loaded on ships to facilitate energy dependence in China and India. Because that's where the money is. What it does do is cut costs for the Exxons so they can increase profits, because, you know, there just isn't enough of that. What it does in effect is enable Big Oil to say to We the People, "here -- hold this up while I make big bucks on it, and whatever you do don't drop it or you'll have a mess".

Nuttin' like knowing what yer talking about before creating a thread.
I have to agree with you there. Why are you talking about things of which you know nothing?
You guys who buy the whole "drill here drill now" malarkey hook line and sinker still haven't got it through your head that "we" don't drill for oil --- oil companies drill for oil, and their loyalty is to shareholders, not whatever nation they're based in. But they'll be happy to sell you the kool-aid that a pipeline somehow finds its way to your local pump.

Happy motoring.
The malarkey is coming out of your "mouth" by the boat loads. The facts are, a pipeline from Canada and the Dakotas will surely increase our independence FROM Mid East Oil. As to Fox, I have never, nor do I contemplate getting my news from them. The issue is or should be only about not putting the pipeline through a water aquifer.

There is nothing wrong with big companies making big profits, and there is no reason to believe that the pipeline will be shipped to other countries. Construction jobs may come and go on one project, but if we play our cards right, the government will continue to up grade other infrastructure using that labor.

It is obvious you get YOUR NEWS FROM PROPAGANDA SITES. The difference between you and I? I am a liberal. You sound like a left wing fanatic.

You must be an illiterate one, because that post isn't even addressed to you. :rofl:

I am a Liberal, sir/madam. Not that that has jack squat to do with how the oil bidness works; there is nothing "political" in that.

The fact is oil is bought and sold in the international market; it makes little difference where it comes from except to the extent that the cartel (OPEC) can act as a unit to influence supply. The next fact is that a Keystone XL impacts nothing for "us" -- it impacts only how easy it is for Big Oil to get raw material to Houston where it can be refined and loaded onto ships to Asia. And I know this not from any "propaganda sites" but from the oil industry, and there ain't jack squat "political" about that.

"Political" enters in when bullshit artists start painting this pipeline as something that impacts anything except oil companies' overhead. Because it doesn't. All "we" (the US) get out of it is to stand there and literally hold the bag while the analogous drug dealer makes his delivery. "We" are not involved in either the gathering nor the shipping. "We" get no benefit whatsoever. "We" get to construct the pipeline and then hire 35 people to maintain it -- for them, that they may profit. That's the reality, Junior. As far as how much profit they make, I didn't even address that, nor is it relevant here. Assume much?

Once AGAIN -- "we" do not drill for, refine, or sell oil; Oil companies do that, and they're beholden to their stockholders, not to any flag, including the one of whatever country they're based in. Ergo they will act according to what profits them; not according to what profits us. That's a simple fact of capitalism. Raw material, regardless its source, is not what we're dependent on; OIL is what we're dependent on. And that my son is in the control of the international market -- which is where we get it, like everybody else. Which is also why Presidents do not influence the price of gas. Which is also why the title of this thread is absolute bullshit. Because Keystone has absolutely nothing to do with "energy independence" any more than fish have to do with bicycles.

Watch those names on the posts, because this one actually IS addressed to you. Which is a first ever.
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I have to agree with you there. Why are you talking about things of which you know nothing?
You guys who buy the whole "drill here drill now" malarkey hook line and sinker still haven't got it through your head that "we" don't drill for oil --- oil companies drill for oil, and their loyalty is to shareholders, not whatever nation they're based in. But they'll be happy to sell you the kool-aid that a pipeline somehow finds its way to your local pump.

Happy motoring.
The malarkey is coming out of your "mouth" by the boat loads. The facts are, a pipeline from Canada and the Dakotas will surely increase our independence FROM Mid East Oil. As to Fox, I have never, nor do I contemplate getting my news from them. The issue is or should be only about not putting the pipeline through a water aquifer.

There is nothing wrong with big companies making big profits, and there is no reason to believe that the pipeline oil will be shipped to other countries. Construction jobs may come and go on one project, but if we play our cards right, the government will continue to up grade other infrastructure using that labor.

It is obvious you get YOUR NEWS FROM PROPAGANDA SITES. The difference between you and I? I am a liberal. You sound like a left wing fanatic.
You must be an illiterate one, because that post isn't even addressed to you. :rofl:
I am literate enough to know you were spouting left wing fanatic propaganda, and am smart enough to know that you know nothing about the subject.
I am a Liberal, sir/madam.
LMAO! Not liberal, left wing fanatic, because it is left wing fanatic propaganda which drives what little (very little) sense you have.
Not that that has jack squat to do with how the oil bidness works; there is nothing "political" in that.
Yep, you are a libtard fanatic.
The fact is oil is bought and sold in the international market; it makes little difference where it comes from except to the extent that the cartel (OPEC) can act as a unit to influence supply. The next fact is that a Keystone XL impacts nothing for "us" -- it impacts only how easy it is for Big Oil to get raw material to Houston where it can be refined and loaded onto ships to Asia. And I know this not from any "propaganda sites" but from the oil industry, and there ain't jack squat "political" about that.
And you have jack squat for brains when you talk crap like that.
"Political" enters in when bullshit artists start painting this pipeline as something that impacts anything except oil companies' overhead. Because it doesn't. All "we" (the US) get out of it is to stand there and literally hold the bag while the analogous drug dealer makes his delivery. "We" are not involved in either the gathering nor the shipping. "We" get no benifit whatsoever. "We" get to construct the pipeline and then hire 35 people to maintain it -- for them, that they may profit. That's the reality, Junior. As far as how much profit they make, I didn't even address that, nor is it relevant here. Assume much?
Assume nothing! I have let you make the ass out of yourself.
Once AGAIN -- "we" do not drill for, refine, or sell oil; Oil companies do that, and they're beholden to their stockholders, not to any flag, including the one of whatever country they're based in. Ergo they will act according to what profits them; not according to what profits us. That's a simple fact of capitalism. Raw material, regardless its source, is not what we're dependent on; OIL is what we're dependent on. And that my son is in the control of the international market -- which is where we get it, like everybody else. Which is also why Presidents do not influence the price of gas. Which is also why the title of this thread is absolute bullshit. Because Keystone has absolutely nothing to do with "energy independence" any more than fish have to do with bicycles.
All acquisition of oil from this continent helps us become oil independent. Your ignorance of the subject shows just how smart you really aren't.
Watch those names on the posts, because this one actually IS addressed to you. Which is a first ever.
So you think you can control what I say and to whom? ROTFLMAO. When I see people make stupid comments like you did, I reserve the right to tell him just how ignorant he is, and in this case you are as dumb as a post. Go play with the kindergartners, they are more your speed.
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I have to agree with you there. Why are you talking about things of which you know nothing?
You guys who buy the whole "drill here drill now" malarkey hook line and sinker still haven't got it through your head that "we" don't drill for oil --- oil companies drill for oil, and their loyalty is to shareholders, not whatever nation they're based in. But they'll be happy to sell you the kool-aid that a pipeline somehow finds its way to your local pump.

Happy motoring.
The malarkey is coming out of your "mouth" by the boat loads. The facts are, a pipeline from Canada and the Dakotas will surely increase our independence FROM Mid East Oil. As to Fox, I have never, nor do I contemplate getting my news from them. The issue is or should be only about not putting the pipeline through a water aquifer.

There is nothing wrong with big companies making big profits, and there is no reason to believe that the pipeline oil will be shipped to other countries. Construction jobs may come and go on one project, but if we play our cards right, the government will continue to up grade other infrastructure using that labor.

It is obvious you get YOUR NEWS FROM PROPAGANDA SITES. The difference between you and I? I am a liberal. You sound like a left wing fanatic.I am literate enough to know you were spouting left wing fanatic propaganda, and am smart enough to know that you know nothing about the subject.LMAO! Not liberal, left wing fanatic, because it is left wing fanatic propaganda which drives what little (very little) sense you have.Yep, you are a libtard fanatic.And you have jack squat for brains when you talk crap like that.Assume nothing! I have let you make the ass out of yourself.
Once AGAIN -- "we" do not drill for, refine, or sell oil; Oil companies do that, and they're beholden to their stockholders, not to any flag, including the one of whatever country they're based in. Ergo they will act according to what profits them; not according to what profits us. That's a simple fact of capitalism. Raw material, regardless its source, is not what we're dependent on; OIL is what we're dependent on. And that my son is in the control of the international market -- which is where we get it, like everybody else. Which is also why Presidents do not influence the price of gas. Which is also why the title of this thread is absolute bullshit. Because Keystone has absolutely nothing to do with "energy independence" any more than fish have to do with bicycles.
All acquisition of oil from this continent helps us become oil independent. Your ignorance of the subject shows just how smart you really aren't.
Watch those names on the posts, because this one actually IS addressed to you. Which is a first ever.
So you think you can control what I say and to whom? ROTFLMAO. When I see people make stupid comments like you did, I reserve the right to tell him just how ignorant he is, and in this case you are as dumb as a post. Go play with the kindergartners, they are more your speed.

Apparently you're illiterate enough that you took a quote addressed to Hoosier4Liberty (unless you're a sock thereof) and proceeded to protest as if it had been addressed to you. In spite of the fact that you hand't even posted here then. Which was WEEKS ago, dumbass. And apparently you're so profoundly dumbass that you went ahead and re-answered the same post again -- the same one that was never addressed to you in the first place. Idiot.

It just got better and better from there; your quotes here are completely fucked up; you offer nothing but gainsaying and ad hominem; and you clearly don't know the topic from an oil well in the ground. You're clearly not qualified to post in the English language. Or probably any other.

Dismissed. :eusa_hand:
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Just how out of touch is socialist Barack Obama? Even though 70%+ of the American people support the job-creating, pro-American Keystone XL pipeline, Obama delayed the decision. Thousands of American workers won't get a job thanks to Obama's un-American and stupid decision. Instead, more oil will be shipped by train, which leads to more pollution and more spills. And that oil's going to go to China instead of the USA. Barack Obama's decision today hurts the lives of average Midwestern Americans. Obama won't listen to the American people, and 2014 is a good time to send a clear message to him.

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!

Over 70% support raising the Minimum Wage. Over 60% supported equal pay for women. How many lives would have those two bits of legislation effected positively? More, much more than Keystone.
And what happened there? Anyone?

And by the way, I support the Keystone project.
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