Obama says Clinton would be 'excellent president'

I agree. She's not as liberal as I would like but neither is President Obama. They're both much more moderate than liberal.

Obama has accomplished so much - in spite of the obstruction by the Do Nothing traitors. I think Clinton would be able to do quite a bit of good as well.

One thing for sure: if a Repub is elected, we will lose all the jobs and other economic recovery Obama has given us. We will be right back to losing millions of jobs, just as it was with Bush. The Rs would have us in more expensive and endless ground wars - just to line the pockets of the 1%. Repubs want bigger and more intrusive govt, fewer individual freedoms and rights, and they would pass a whole slew of laws to control our private lives.
So.... what you smokin there? That was the most bass ackwards post I've read in a long time.
Funny that the automatic candidate isn't Biden. This was set up long ago. Soros backed Obummer and if he in turn endorses Hillarity, then so does Soros, and his money, and his agenda.

The Global Initiative, is not the American Initiative. It is either, or, not both.
The Global Initiative calls for a mediocre America, under Global scrutiny, according to Global wants and needs and a steady flow of our money to global initiatives. We can't fix our bridges, but we can fund anybody with a hand out.

Stop voting for globalists, which includes the Bush Family, and start asking all of the candidates which of the two sides they are really on. There isn't a John Wayne among them.
Very well stated, I couldn't agree more.
I agree. She's not as liberal as I would like but neither is President Obama. They're both much more moderate than liberal.

Obama has accomplished so much - in spite of the obstruction by the Do Nothing traitors. I think Clinton would be able to do quite a bit of good as well.

One thing for sure: if a Repub is elected, we will lose all the jobs and other economic recovery Obama has given us. We will be right back to losing millions of jobs, just as it was with Bush. The Rs would have us in more expensive and endless ground wars - just to line the pockets of the 1%. Repubs want bigger and more intrusive govt, fewer individual freedoms and rights, and they would pass a whole slew of laws to control our private lives.
So.... what you smokin there? That was the most bass ackwards post I've read in a long time.
Ds operate on the principles:
That if you are not black lumpen proletariat you are a white racist.
That Christians and Jews are the opiate of the people.

Therefore they like candidates that act out their psychiatric disorders on the campaign trail. Therefore this translates as Hillary is not psychotic enough for his tastes.
Does that help?
A ringing endorsement by Obumble, the Failed Messiah?

The Kiss of Death nowadays, for any aspiring Democrat.

Just ask the legions of Democrats who all-but-begged His Majesty to stay away during the run-up to the 2014 mid-terms...

Then again, Obumble already knows this...

Hmmmm... maybe that's why His Majesty did it?
The Clintons and Obamas hate each other so Barry's remarks today were a blow for Hilly. After all, it's been suggested that Valerie Jarrett was the one who squealed about Hilly's E-mails.

Clinton and Obama and Bush are all cut from the same cloth. Not only don't they hate each other, they all have the same goal in mind. They are both U.N. oriented.
Stop listening to campaign rhetoric and pay attention to what they are doing. Obama overthrew an ally in Egypt on the recommendation of his Muslim Brotherhood advisers. Hillary also listens to her Muslim advisers. Syria is Hillary's mess. You can't tell them apart unless you are looking at them. And lying to cover up their messes is also a trait they both share. How about a candidate with integrity this time, is there is still such a thing...

So you are saying Hillary is a Muslim now too? You gotta get some new material.
No, I am saying that she is a global initiative supporter, who listens to her Muslim advisers as to what global should look like when she's done with America. And she must be doing a good job because her bank is full of Muslim money to help elect her. Libya is her "success" story. Yemen is Obama's. America is neither's initiative.

Cuba can't say enough good things about our president as Russian ships pull up to Cuba's beaches. And they are saying that at the America's Conference. What conference? The one that is propelling our lack of borders. The new map is courtesy of the U.N. Obama has removed any semblance of borders. They are welcome to America lines now.
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