Obama says he has Alquada on its heels.

I think its the exact opposite.

I don't think so, We have hurt them, But it is extremely unwise of Obama to keep talking about it. Where are all the Libs talking about Creating Terrorists. Do you think Obama running around the Campaign Trail Bragging about killing Osama, and Claiming he has them on their Heals, is not going to help them Recruit, and rally their Forces? lol

Just not smart.

However he also said the Taliban are on their Heals as well, or something to that effect and that truly is BS. They are simply waiting for us to leave. Mere weeks after we leave they will be back in force.
They took a good hit, but are constantly regrouping and strengthening. They are like the boogie men in horror films. Right when you think they're dead and you relax, they get back up and come after you.
They took a good hit, but are constantly regrouping and strengthening. They are like the boogie men in horror films. Right when you think they're dead and you relax, they get back up and come after you.

Al Quada is the military wing of islam.
LOOK AT AFIGHANISTAN, Lybia, Eygpt...All cluster fucks.

Well, Al Qaeda isn't the problem there.

Our problem is Islam.

Those who take ISLAM SERIOUSLY and LITERALLY are going to be Islamic extremest (or terrorists).

Obama needs to start laying down the law and ramp up those drone strikes! Go on the offensive and start raining blood!
I agree that al Qaeda will be around a long time. I remember after 9/11, everyone was talking about the new war on terrorism and many experts said that it could last for decades, mainly because al Qaeda has no home country, they are all over the world.
But, no matter who is president, terrorism will never have the US on it's heels, never!
I think its the exact opposite.

I have to disagree... we are not on our heels.

We are the mightiest nation on the face of the earth.

Our leadership is basically bending us "forward" over a barrel and ALLOWING us to get a butt reeming from our Islamic "friends" in the Middle East.

Being on our heels would signify we were trying to fight back.... Sorry, but we presently are not.
Obama has increased the use of drones ten fold in the last three years.

His expansion of the drone zone is what caused Bin Laden to move out in the open.
List of Al Qaeda leaders killed by Obama.....

There’s Osama bin Laden.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader Anwar al-Awlaki as of today.
Earlier this month officials confirmed that al Qaeda’s chief of Pakistan operations, Abu Hafs al-Shahri, was killed in Waziristan, Pakistan.
In August, ‘Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman, the deputy leader of al Qaeda was killed.
In June, one of the group’s most dangerous commanders, Ilyas Kashmiri, was killed in Pakistan. In Yemen that same month, AQAP senior operatives Ammar al-Wa’ili, Abu Ali al-Harithi, and Ali Saleh Farhan were killed. In Somalia, Al-Qa’ida in East Africa (AQEA) senior leader Harun Fazul was killed.
Administration officials also herald the recent U.S./Pakistani joint arrest of Younis al-Mauritani in Quetta.
Going back to August 2009, Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mahsud was killed in Pakistan.
In September of that month, Jemayah Islamiya operational planner Noordin Muhammad Top was killed in Indonesia, and AQEA planner Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was killed in Somalia.
Then in December 2009 in Pakistan, al Qaeda operational commanders Saleh al-Somali and ‘Abdallah Sa’id were killed.
In February 2010, in Pakistan, Taliban deputy and military commander Abdul Ghani Beradar was captured; Haqqani network commander Muhammad Haqqani was killed; and Lashkar-e Jhangvi leader Qari Zafar was killed.
In March 2010, al Qaeda operative Hussein al-Yemeni was killed in Pakistan, while senior Jemayah Islamiya operative Dulmatin - accused of being the mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings – was killed during a raid in Indonesia.
In April 2010, al Qaeda in Iraq leaders Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi were killed.
In May, al Qaeda’s number three commander, Sheik Saeed al-Masri was killed.
In June 2010 in Pakistan, al Qaeda commander Hamza al-Jawfi was killed.

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