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Obama Says "ISIS has been contained"... funny what's happened in France sure doesn't look that way!

President Barack Obama said that the U.S. strategy against ISIS has "contained them," but not yet succeeded in its effort to "decapitate" ISIS leadership.
"I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday for an interview that aired Friday morning. "What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria.
Obama says ISIS not growing, but not 'decapitated' - CNNPolitics.com

Obama... tell that to these people...
View attachment 54700

Americans are supposed to die defending France?

Clearly USMB RWs will be in the vanguard of the invasion.

They want more war in the ME because for some perverse reason they believe that advantages the RW agenda politically.

So the Republican Party is responsible for the mass slaughter in Paris?
Most terrorists are Muslims. It's always been that way and always will be.


The Israelites were terrorizing rival tribes before Islam ever existed, and doing it quite regularly.

Human beings have been fighting other human beings for their entire existence. I can't imagine what kind of warped worldview buys into the idea that this suddenly came out of nowhere in the seventh century. Clementine apparently believes that before that the unicorns came dancing down the ramp from the Ark and life was perfect. :cuckoo:

Then again, if she also believes "it always will be," she should probably convert and have done with it...
It came from Medina. That's pretty close to nowhere, but it's not nowhere.
Looking like an idiot....again. How can anyone take this clown seriously?
i'm sure you're talking about the op.

linking the president's statement about the ground isis physically controls and the terror attacks in paris by a group that may or may not have ties to isis epitomizes idiocy.

Nice spin, too bad it's transparent bull shit.
Americans are supposed to die defending France?
Who's calling for Americans to die besides you? France is our oldest ally, we should help them if they need assistance. That's kind of how that whole ally thing works if I'm not mistaken.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

You're going to have to make sense.
Try to read it again Timmy. Sound out the big words.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Try acting like an adult for 5 minutes.

You asked if Americans should die defending France. I merely pointed out that no one mentioned that but you, and that France was an ally. Instead of addressing what I posted, you seemed to be struggling with it. So who suggested that Americans are supposed to die to defend France? Other than you?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
distortion is the radical left's favorite tactic...they purposely use inflammatory, negative language as a smokescreen to hide behind...I guess they think they're "clever" or something.
Who's calling for Americans to die besides you? France is our oldest ally, we should help them if they need assistance. That's kind of how that whole ally thing works if I'm not mistaken.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

You're going to have to make sense.
Try to read it again Timmy. Sound out the big words.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Try acting like an adult for 5 minutes.

You asked if Americans should die defending France. I merely pointed out that no one mentioned that but you, and that France was an ally. Instead of addressing what I posted, you seemed to be struggling with it. So who suggested that Americans are supposed to die to defend France? Other than you?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
distortion is the radical left's favorite tactic...they purposely use inflammatory, negative language as a smokescreen to hide behind...I guess they think they're "clever" or something.

I'll just repeat the question, making it easier to comprehend each time. If he chooses to continue to look stupid, that's on him...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
You're going to have to make sense.
Try to read it again Timmy. Sound out the big words.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Try acting like an adult for 5 minutes.

You asked if Americans should die defending France. I merely pointed out that no one mentioned that but you, and that France was an ally. Instead of addressing what I posted, you seemed to be struggling with it. So who suggested that Americans are supposed to die to defend France? Other than you?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
distortion is the radical left's favorite tactic...they purposely use inflammatory, negative language as a smokescreen to hide behind...I guess they think they're "clever" or something.

I'll just repeat the question, making it easier to comprehend each time. If he chooses to continue to look stupid, that's on him...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
yup..Hold their feet to the fire and don't let them try to change the subject or create a distraction or evasion...and he's one of the worst for that..He likes to say something inflammatory or outrageous and when challenged he runs away and/or tries to change the subject....but when they get really frustrated they call you names..LMAO...That's the best part.
If the radicals are upset about anything, it's that some countries believe in equal rights. The left has yet again defended the terrorists, saying they were pushed into it. The left doesn't distinguish between rabid jihadists and the average Muslim when they place blame on others for the savage behavior. It's always that they are having a normal reaction to being offended, being upset about policies or dislike other countries trying to liberate people.

The left seems to think that countries just bomb Muslim countries for fun. Nothing to do with human rights or anything. Obama has focused on getting the most oppressive people in power. Some Muslims had gotten away from the true Islam and the hardcore Islamists won't tolerate that. Women having power is a big issue with them and all the strides that people had made were undone yet again.

While the left is blaming America, France and others for the poor little terrorists losing their minds and going on killing sprees, the wars hardly explain why they routinely murder Christians, gays and women in their countries. Those murders all reflect their archaic beliefs and have nothing to do with any other country. They weren't burning people alive and throwing gays off rooftops to protest wars. They were doing it because those people were infidels that they don't believe have a right to exist.

Look at the signs that so many of them carry. Not a one says shit about our policies or wars. They all say Islam will rule the world and death to infidels. The videos all express the same sentiment. It's all about ruling the world with them. Not a damn one of the terrorists ever asked for peace or to be left alone. It's always been about death to America and a desire to rule the world.
If the radicals are upset about anything, it's that some countries believe in equal rights. The left has yet again defended the terrorists, saying they were pushed into it. The left doesn't distinguish between rabid jihadists and the average Muslim when they place blame on others for the savage behavior. It's always that they are having a normal reaction to being offended, being upset about policies or dislike other countries trying to liberate people.

The left seems to think that countries just bomb Muslim countries for fun. Nothing to do with human rights or anything. Obama has focused on getting the most oppressive people in power. Some Muslims had gotten away from the true Islam and the hardcore Islamists won't tolerate that. Women having power is a big issue with them and all the strides that people had made were undone yet again.

While the left is blaming America, France and others for the poor little terrorists losing their minds and going on killing sprees, the wars hardly explain why they routinely murder Christians, gays and women in their countries. Those murders all reflect their archaic beliefs and have nothing to do with any other country. They weren't burning people alive and throwing gays off rooftops to protest wars. They were doing it because those people were infidels that they don't believe have a right to exist.

Look at the signs that so many of them carry. Not a one says shit about our policies or wars. They all say Islam will rule the world and death to infidels. The videos all express the same sentiment. It's all about ruling the world with them. Not a damn one of the terrorists ever asked for peace or to be left alone. It's always been about death to America and a desire to rule the world.

Not a damn one of the terrorists ever asked for peace or to be left alone. It's always been about death to America and a desire to rule the world.

It's about ISIS and the like saying they are the true believers of Islam.Their interpretation of the Koran is the true version.

And we have the Obama and the Dems saying this isn't about Muslims or Islam....
It's time for the world to wake up.
What more is needed to make people accept the fact that we need to end these Islamic fucks.
President Barack Obama said that the U.S. strategy against ISIS has "contained them," but not yet succeeded in its effort to "decapitate" ISIS leadership.
And there we see the Right-wing America-hating CON$ervoFascist scum cheering on the terrorists so they can mock Obama.
President Barack Obama said that the U.S. strategy against ISIS has "contained them," but not yet succeeded in its effort to "decapitate" ISIS leadership.
"I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday for an interview that aired Friday morning. "What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria.
Obama says ISIS not growing, but not 'decapitated' - CNNPolitics.com

Obama... tell that to these people...
View attachment 54700

Americans are supposed to die defending France?

Clearly USMB RWs will be in the vanguard of the invasion.

They want more war in the ME because for some perverse reason they believe that advantages the RW agenda politically.

So the Republican Party is responsible for the mass slaughter in Paris?

Not the entire party, just Bush.
Oh we can rest assured that the 150 killed in 11 different sites, as being reported, were done by right wing American fringe groups. You know the ones that the left tells us we really need to fear.

The French are well known for attacking themselves no way this was an outside invasion force. No way Obama was wrong saying ISIS is contained, he makes no mistakes. No way that the power vacuum that Obama created in Syria and Libya created this crisis. No way the all wise and powerful Obama is way above mistakes.

What we can be sure of are the snarky comments by the left wing interjected with ad hominem.

The harsh reality is, France, Great Britain, and the U.S. especially, are gonna reap what they've sown. They've been bombing & killing all over the world for years. They've consistently meddled in other nations' affairs.

The U.S. in particular, has set the Middle East on fire. People will seek revenge. There will be a very bloody price to pay for all the meddling. It will hit home. The chickens are coming home to roost.

Correct, it will hit home. It has in the past. Let's just hope that people like you--the Blame America First crowd has the brains to elect a real President this time so if something like this happens in the US, we will have an appropriate response.
Looking like an idiot....again. How can anyone take this clown seriously?
i'm sure you're talking about the op.

linking the president's statement about the ground isis physically controls and the terror attacks in paris by a group that may or may not have ties to isis epitomizes idiocy.

I am not linking... I am sharing what ISIS is telling the world..
Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying mhttps://ca.news.yahoo.com/islamic-state-claims-responsibility-paris-attacks-105251415.htmlachine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.
President Barack Obama said that the U.S. strategy against ISIS has "contained them," but not yet succeeded in its effort to "decapitate" ISIS leadership.
"I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday for an interview that aired Friday morning. "What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria.
Obama says ISIS not growing, but not 'decapitated' - CNNPolitics.com

Obama... tell that to these people...
View attachment 54700

Americans are supposed to die defending France?

Clearly USMB RWs will be in the vanguard of the invasion.

They want more war in the ME because for some perverse reason they believe that advantages the RW agenda politically.

ISIS is COUNTING on people like you and these traitors to CHEER for them. To TEAR the USA down. People like these that ENCOURAGED according
to this Harvard study the terrorists. THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT"
But to people who love the terrorists and hate the western civilization as you do these statements WERE RIGHT and Righteous!

Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Isn't this what you are saying right now???
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", (Wouldn't the insurgent barbarians find this statement helpful in recruiting?"Hey we have USA on the Run"!!!)
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” (A barbarian says "SEE even their politicians admit USA are cold blooded killers"!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Kerry calling our troops TERRORISTS!!!

When terrorist sympathizers like you and the above continue to defend the terrorists you ENCOURAGE the terrorists as the above study showed.
ISIS is contained - they are a JV Team...

The War on Terror is Over...

Al Qaeda is on the run...

Fort Hood was a case of 'workplace violence'...

Benghazi was the result of a protest over a video...we will bring the film maker to justice...

The Boston Marathon was caused by faulty rice cookers that should have been re-called, bought that day by two nice kids for their mom and grandmom and who stopped by the race on the way home when the cookers malfunctioned...we're going after the rice cooker manufacturers....

If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan...

President Barack Obama said that the U.S. strategy against ISIS has "contained them," but not yet succeeded in its effort to "decapitate" ISIS leadership.
"I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday for an interview that aired Friday morning. "What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria.
Obama says ISIS not growing, but not 'decapitated' - CNNPolitics.com

Obama... tell that to these people...
View attachment 54700

Americans are supposed to die defending France?

Clearly USMB RWs will be in the vanguard of the invasion.

They want more war in the ME because for some perverse reason they believe that advantages the RW agenda politically.

ISIS is COUNTING on people like you and these traitors to CHEER for them. To TEAR the USA down. People like these that ENCOURAGED according
to this Harvard study the terrorists. THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT"
But to people who love the terrorists and hate the western civilization as you do these statements WERE RIGHT and Righteous!

Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Isn't this what you are saying right now???
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", (Wouldn't the insurgent barbarians find this statement helpful in recruiting?"Hey we have USA on the Run"!!!)
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” (A barbarian says "SEE even their politicians admit USA are cold blooded killers"!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Kerry calling our troops TERRORISTS!!!

When terrorist sympathizers like you and the above continue to defend the terrorists you ENCOURAGE the terrorists as the above study showed.

Notice the total lack of honesty and integrity in the left wing responses?

The democrats and obama have been in control for at least 7 years and congress for 2 more, yet they say it is the right wing that wants war. Meanwhile innocents are being murdered by the group that Obama helped create.

Worse yet the liars will defend Obama bombing ally countries because we are still at war. What a bunch of two faced phonies.
President Barack Obama said that the U.S. strategy against ISIS has "contained them," but not yet succeeded in its effort to "decapitate" ISIS leadership.
And there we see the Right-wing America-hating CON$ervoFascist scum cheering on the terrorists so they can mock Obama.
You will praise Obama when what happened in Paris happens here. Because Obama is letting terrorist in by the thousands.

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