Obama says stop trying to be "woke"

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

Credit where credit is due. And please don't take this thread down the race rabbit hole. I realize that's where the video ends up going but that isn't the purpose of this thread.

PS. Holy shit the job aged him. The man looks worn out.
Thanks, Mr. President. He has also said that it's wrong that college campuses have become so anti-free speech.

He knows illiberal, authoritarian PC bullshit when he sees it, and he's not afraid to call it out.
Thanks, Mr. President. He has also said that it's wrong that college campuses have become so anti-free speech.

He knows illiberal, authoritarian PC bullshit when he sees it, and he's not afraid to call it out.
I remember that as well. I probably created a thread about it too at the time.
The fictional Obama the media fabricated is not the real Obama. On occasion this is obvious.
Thanks, Mr. President. He has also said that it's wrong that college campuses have become so anti-free speech.

He knows illiberal, authoritarian PC bullshit when he sees it, and he's not afraid to call it out.
I remember that as well. I probably created a thread about it too at the time.

I also gotta admit I was wrong in a big way. I had predicted that he would be all over the media after leaving office constantly stirring up all kinds of shit.
Glad I was wrong on that account
Thanks, Mr. President. He has also said that it's wrong that college campuses have become so anti-free speech.

He knows illiberal, authoritarian PC bullshit when he sees it, and he's not afraid to call it out.
I remember that as well. I probably created a thread about it too at the time.

I also gotta admit I was wrong in a big way. I had predicted that he would be all over the media after leaving office constantly stirring up all kinds of shit.
Glad I was wrong on that account

Yeah, I did too. He may be more of a behind the scenes guy. We'll see.
Thanks, Mr. President. He has also said that it's wrong that college campuses have become so anti-free speech.

He knows illiberal, authoritarian PC bullshit when he sees it, and he's not afraid to call it out.

Obama sounds like such a breath of fresh air...

He is right about this purity on the left... This being whiter than white is plainly wrong... Many great people have flaws and it is adhering to liberal values ostracise some one for relatively minor infringements in the past...

The College Campus anti free speech is also very wrong and is adhering to liberal values..

Not everyone in the Moderates or Left are Snow White but we aren't going to deflect by screaming about someone on the other side...

Credit where credit is due. And please don't take this thread down the race rabbit hole. I realize that's where the video ends up going but that isn't the purpose of this thread.

PS. Holy shit the job aged him. The man looks worn out.

I don't think AOC liked it.
Coming from the guy who illegally spied on the media and the country.
PS. Holy shit the job aged him. The man looks worn out.

Realizing that most intelligent, rational, informed folks know he attacked our democracy and would have been hung by now in the good old days probably doesn't help. Hussaine looks like an AIDS victim.
PS. Holy shit the job aged him. The man looks worn out.

Realizing that most intelligent, rational, informed folks know he attacked our democracy and would have been hung by now in the good old days probably doesn't help. Hussaine looks like an AIDS victim.

We presume you have proof. So we suggest you ring up you local law enforcers and tell them this with your evidence.

The question I have to ask you is why are you defending Obama by hiding this information. This could be perceived as obstruction of justice...

So come out with it....
Thanks, Mr. President. He has also said that it's wrong that college campuses have become so anti-free speech.

He knows illiberal, authoritarian PC bullshit when he sees it, and he's not afraid to call it out.

Even tho it's a bit like Frankenstein complaining about the table manners of his monster -- :2up: -- I have to thank him for knowing what leadership is about...

He's watching about 2 dozen of his party's luminary leadership all headin' for the cliff, and the popular reaction to being accused and silenced because they lack "grievance points" and can't participate in any "woke" events -- or even opine...

But all of this springs from the "community activism that HE was a part of.. Where the youngers ones have forgotten it's all about activism and not a hot war...

Bless his little heart... :abgg2q.jpg: He's scared as anyone with a brain and a full accounting of recent events on the left SHOULD be...
Thanks, Mr. President. He has also said that it's wrong that college campuses have become so anti-free speech.

He knows illiberal, authoritarian PC bullshit when he sees it, and he's not afraid to call it out.

Even tho it's a bit like Frankenstein complaining about the table manners of his monster -- :2up: -- I have to thank him for knowing what leadership is about...

He's watching about 2 dozen of his party's luminary leadership all headin' for the cliff, and the popular reaction to being accused and silenced because they lack "grievance points" and can't participate in any "woke" events -- or even opine...

But all of this springs from the "community activism that HE was a part of.. Where the youngers ones have forgotten it's all about activism and not a hot war...

Bless his little heart... :abgg2q.jpg: He's scared as anyone with a brain and a full accounting of recent events on the left SHOULD be...
It's clear he sees what's going on.

As much as the Trumpsters are conditioned to think he was a radical pinko commie socialist communist Marxist Stalinist Nazi Hitler President, he was not.

Obama knows what's happening to his party. For him to say this stuff in public is profound. Even Pelosi came out and said the party has swung too far to the Left.
Good on him. President Obama, of course, didn't call an end to being "woke" in the sense of ending the quest for awareness of the goings-on beyond the narrow confines of self-interested pursuits. Rather, he's calling out "woke" in the sense of "higher awareness" that makes "because I say so" the truth, to be used for self-aggrandizing holier-than-thou feeling good about oneself, no argument needed.

Speaking of which:

But all of this springs from the "community activism["] that HE was a part of..

So, do we get to see any factual evidence for the participation in this "community activism"? Or even so much as an attempt to demonstrate that the assertion has any basis in fact, that "community activism" caused "all of this"? Naw, not forthcoming, and not necessary. All that's necessary to know the slander is the truth is to be "woke".

This thread also demonstrates how dicey it is to take on one's own side - namely, because the other side falls all over themselves over the splinter that was identified in order to distract from their own beam. That also is as old as humankind.

The funniest - not really all that funny - aspect thereof is, of course, the "table manners of his monster":


"Good people".

Table manners, my arse... but activists giving their ego a bit of a boost by declaring themselves "woke" are a "monster".
As much as the Trumpsters are conditioned to think he was a radical pinko commie socialist communist Marxist Stalinist Nazi Hitler President, he was not.

He's not as fond of socialism/communism as he is fond of big muscular govt answering prayers about every social grievance with a program, an edict or a check.. Or even answering the pray to D.C., when the bankers are facing oblivion....

We didn't build shit according to the guy.. He's one of those that believe Congress and the minions of morons in the bureaucracy are CAPABLE of designing anything or managing anything. When in fact -- they demonstrably suck at everything...
So, do we get to see any factual evidence for the participation in this "community activism"? Or even so much as an attempt to demonstrate that the assertion has any basis in fact, that "community activism" caused "all of this"? Naw, not forthcoming, and not necessary. All that's necessary to know the slander is the truth is to be "woke".

This thread also demonstrates how dicey it is to take on one's own side - namely, because the other side falls all over themselves over the splinter that was identified in order to distract from their own beam. That also is as old as humankind.

I could give you a chronology of the "grievance" industry, and intersectionality, and how to calculate your own "bias score" to determine whether you can actually speak to me... But all ya got to do is to realize BEFORE there were 3 different colleges of grievance on a campus -- there were the community organizers who invented the theory that every form of bias is equal and related to politics and how you vote.

If all that does not ring any bells for ya -- try the chart on pg 16 here...


I've done a bit of "organizing" myself.. So I'm buds with some of these folks....
Good on him. President Obama, of course, didn't call an end to being "woke" in the sense of ending the quest for awareness of the goings-on beyond the narrow confines of self-interested pursuits. Rather, he's calling out "woke" in the sense of "higher awareness" that makes "because I say so" the truth, to be used for self-aggrandizing holier-than-thou feeling good about oneself, no argument needed.

Speaking of which:

But all of this springs from the "community activism["] that HE was a part of..

So, do we get to see any factual evidence for the participation in this "community activism"? Or even so much as an attempt to demonstrate that the assertion has any basis in fact, that "community activism" caused "all of this"? Naw, not forthcoming, and not necessary. All that's necessary to know the slander is the truth is to be "woke".

This thread also demonstrates how dicey it is to take on one's own side - namely, because the other side falls all over themselves over the splinter that was identified in order to distract from their own beam. That also is as old as humankind.

The funniest - not really all that funny - aspect thereof is, of course, the "table manners of his monster":


"Good people".

Table manners, my arse... but activists giving their ego a bit of a boost by declaring themselves "woke" are a "monster".

OR -- just listen to couple of the sermons from BHO's pastor Jeremiah Wright and you'll get the connection...


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