Obama Scolds Graduates For Getting News From Playstations

do people not realize that playstations have Internet access and that many people do use the built in browser to visit sites??? or that netflix can play directly from playstations now which many people use to watch documentaries :/
When a thread reaches this level of stupidity, I don't know if I should leave or stay. If I stay and get angry someone will inevitably dig though my old posts and throw it in my face later. So, I am going to "cherry pick" my response.

1). This is certainly one of the least important threads I have seen at USMB.

2). The utube and links are subject to an individuals personal observation, and I have rendered an opinion that I am sticking to.

3). You can Google stacks of information on President Barack Obama's use of hand held technology which has caused security problems since his inauguration. His remark, as you can see from the utube video is tongue-in-cheek.

4). As is usual with certain elements in this web site, as your arguements become more desparate, the cursing and name calling comes up. I will not participate in that.

5). My well-documented, (with actual photos taken by Tea Baggers) statements about Tea Baggers being racists have trapped the Tea Baggers in their own poor public relations. The movement consists mainly of the sore loser Bush crowd being suckered in with three conservative organizations faking a grass-roots effort of some kind. There was an entire thread where conservative Republicans put down the actions of Tea Baggers. Tea Baggers stand alone as bigots, and they are trapped by their own actions. They are looking everywhere including this thread to find a way to gain credibility.

Tea Baggers = Racist

{edited for brevity}

Sorry, kid. But you're busted. Half your thesis was built upon the idea that Bo's link was false because Obama has a well-documented history of using technological gizmos, one that he, himself, wouldn't have contradicted. But he did indeed contradict it, as was proven.

So... the point is NOT whether his comment was "tongue-in-cheek". It's immaterial to your original accusation. The point... is that you utilized your personal disbelief on whether Obama actually made the remark in order to indict another poster of deliberate falsehoods.

In terms of the thread itself being a small matter of import, well... it's true that it's not going to affect the price of eggs. But, it's yet another example of what a GIANT HYPOCRITE your president really is, that he can criticize alternative media when all along he's used it himself for political advantage.

On "not participating in name-calling", did you fail to notice that in your very next paragraph you referred to tea party protesters as "teabaggers" and "bigots"... and did it in extra large bold as well? :eusa_eh:

(I do hope that referring to concerned American citizens in pornagraphic terms peppered with accusations of racism will be your party's platform, btw. I've never seen the Dems lose 100 seats in the House. It'll be a novel experience. :lol: )

My advice, unsolicited as it is.... You're a young guy from all indications. Don't be such a slave to your preferred brand of dogma that you refuse to think critically, or that you make an ass of yourself in defense of an undeserving person's agenda. You won't respect yourself for it in the end.

More than enough time has been wasted on this thread, but it is irresistable to me to watch these racist, sore loser, tea baggers squirm in their own trap. So, let's focus on the issue of tea bagging, and then close this thread down.

Sorry, old dude, you are busted. If you tea baggers are so concerned about the sexual tie-in with your name, you should have thought about that before you hung tea bags from your own heads! You are a tea bagger trying to grab on to some minor issue to distract from the bigotry you yourselves have created. A picture is worth a thousand words, you tea baggers are so lost.


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If it's bigotry to use an epithet, it is even worse bigotry to smear a 40M people by claiming one unelected person is representative of all of them.

And it's clear that SkidMarks has gotten over his fetish for sweaty male balls. There are others at USMB who share it. Perhaps they could form a club to celebrate their fascination out of view of the rest of us.
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If it's bigotry to use an epithet, it is even worse bigotry to smear a 40M people by claiming one unelected person is representative of all of them.

And it's clear that SkidMarks has gotten over his fetish for sweaty male balls. There are others at USMB who share it. Perhaps they could form a club to celebrate their fascination out of view of the rest of us.

More of the usual tripe. Nothing constructive to say. A couple more sexual slams. The usual tea bagger stuff. It'd medication time, boedicca, for your dementia.
Attention people!!: the reference to " I-pods" and "iphone's" and "playstations" was simply a diversion for what most people missed because they limit themselves to one form of media, or one talk show. Just recently, the the FCC under Frank Lloyd, tried to implement "net nuetrality", and was denied by the supreme court. They then came out with a statement that they would simply declare the Internet a "public utility" so they could regulate it. Now, the FTC is going to try the same thing with cable tv. The annointed ones speech was a prelude as to what his administration plans to do with th Internet, cable news, and talk radio. Am I the only one who was dumbfounded to hear the words "information is a hinderance and threatens our democracy"?? Listen to his words carefully because he is setting the stage for their attack on certain media outlets, ie; cable news, Internet bloggers, talk radio, IE; shutting up anyone who opposes his policies!! That's why his comments about not knowing how to work an iPod and such didn't make any sense,.... because it had nothing to do with these devices,... only the message that he intends to stop any and all forms of dissent! Where is the ACLU??,... Where are the cries from Hillary of "to dissent is American!"?? Where are the libs screaming for freedom of speech??
Why would the president care if the 'alternative media' clips the daily stupidities that gush forth from the clowns at Foxnews and on rightwing radio and sends them all over the place for all to see?
Why would the president care if the 'alternative media' clips the daily stupidities that gush forth from the clowns at Foxnews and on rightwing radio and sends them all over the place for all to see?
If he and his cronies didn't care, they wouldn't expend so energy and poltical Capitol trying to marginalize and demonize Fox News and certain talk show hosts! If you play football and your facing the worst team in the league next week,... And the best team the following week,... which team are you talking about constantly?? I suspect not the team that your confident your going to beat. Stop drinking the koolaid and start listening to something other than MSNBC! My God what are they teaching college students these days??....
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Obama must really hate that information is no longer controlled by the Big Three Networks and a handful of major metro newspapers.

Obama, who often chides journalists and cable news outlets for obsessing with political horse race coverage rather than serious issues, told a class of graduating university students that education was the key to progress.

"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.

"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama said.

He bemoaned the fact that "some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," in the clamor of certain blogs and talk radio outlets.

"All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era

Does anyone else find it troubling that Obama continues to attack the alternative media which is critical of him?

To the young and naive: Indoctrinate, indoctrinate, indoctrinate!
The usual tea bagger stuff.

That pretty much sums up all your posts.

It certainly does when the subject is the racist, sore loser, tea baggers. It is too easy. It doesn't matter what you write, just put in a photo of their bigoted signs, or their rediculous hats, (which might have been cool, if they were not openly bigoted). And, you've got them licked. The more tea baggers post, the more people get the message on these useless, rudderless individuals.

Now, let me try something new with you.

With all the thousands of posts you have made in USMB, YOU MUST BE CORRECT. Your links are authentic and appropriate. Your interpretation and opinion are correctamundo. There is nothing to be learned from what I have to say. Now, chop this up in your quotation section, and gloat to the world! You are the way and the light! Only your perspective is THE proper interpretation. Rise to the ocaison, take the bow, and enjoy the crown!

I'm done here. I am going to the beach. You might want to try getting a life. How many thousand posts do you have, boedicca is it?

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Why would the president care if the 'alternative media' clips the daily stupidities that gush forth from the clowns at Foxnews and on rightwing radio and sends them all over the place for all to see?
If he and his cronies didn't care, they wouldn't expend so energy and poltical Capitol trying to marginalize and demonize Fox News and certain talk show hosts!

Demonize Foxnews and rightwing talk radio?

That would be an exercise in carrying coals to Newcastle, as the saying goes.
Obama must really hate that information is no longer controlled by the Big Three Networks and a handful of major metro newspapers.

Obama, who often chides journalists and cable news outlets for obsessing with political horse race coverage rather than serious issues, told a class of graduating university students that education was the key to progress.

"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.

"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama said.

He bemoaned the fact that "some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," in the clamor of certain blogs and talk radio outlets.

"All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era

Does anyone else find it troubling that Obama continues to attack the alternative media which is critical of him?

"some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter,"

He is 100% correct.
More than enough time has been wasted on this thread, but it is irresistable to me to watch these racist, sore loser, tea baggers squirm in their own trap. So, let's focus on the issue of tea bagging, and then close this thread down.

Sorry, old dude, you are busted. If you tea baggers are so concerned about the sexual tie-in with your name, you should have thought about that before you hung tea bags from your own heads! You are a tea bagger trying to grab on to some minor issue to distract from the bigotry you yourselves have created. A picture is worth a thousand words, you tea baggers are so lost.

Once again, your intellect goes wanting. The POINT is not that some unelected tea party protester's hand-painted sign was in poor taste. The POINT is that the President of the United States is in bad taste. He can't control his venom and he can't control his desire to CONTROL our citizens or our free speech.
^^^ The sum of SkidMark's intellect.

It took you this entire thread to come to that realization. Hail boedicca master of the universe, who sees the only true vision of life!

There now. See.... that wasn't so bad. Admitting it is the first step. :lol:

Who are you jumping into this topic when all the work is done? You did not make a single post, and you are gloating over my facetious remark! At least read the thread before you attack. Shabby, very shabby.

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