Obama Seditious Undermining of Trump Administration Continues....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"
"Then on Wednesday President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban was put on hold by US District Court Judge Derrick Watson in Honolulu, Hawaii after hearing arguments that the executive order discriminates on the basis of nationality.

Judge Watson believes Somalis and Yemenis have the same constitutional rights as American citizens.

UPDATE: Also — the judge, one Judge Watson, managed to produce
a 43-page decision within two hours of the case being filed. Speedy guy, huh!"
It was reported that Judge Watson and former President Obama had met the day before the judge made his ruling. They only talked about golf and the grand kids, they said.
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban. The 43 page decision provided by Justice Watson did NOT get written overnight. He's been thinking about this issue since the Pres said he was going to write 2.0.

And the fevered imaginations of the Right are sure that every unsuccessful thing Trump does is Obama's fault. :rofl:
Obama is still fucking with you guys

You just can't get over it
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban. The 43 page decision provided by Justice Watson did NOT get written overnight. He's been thinking about this issue since the Pres said he was going to write 2.0.

And the fevered imaginations of the Right are sure that every unsuccessful thing Trump does is Obama's fault. :rofl:
It wasn't overnight. It was 48 hours :D
But Hawaii sued them last week... So you make a good point.
Kinda reminds one of the casual encounter that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch had on her private jet, doesn't it?

Our watchdog media continues to bark at the moon while Democrats behave like the Mafia.
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban.

I could not agree more, OL. Unlike all the other Presidents before him, to include Bush who so graciously helped him and then quietly disappeared so as not to undermine his Presidency, Obama is free to stick around and run his 'shadow government' that is openly attempting to seditiously undermine the government of the United states...and he's doing a fine job.
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban. The 43 page decision provided by Justice Watson did NOT get written overnight. He's been thinking about this issue since the Pres said he was going to write 2.0.

And the fevered imaginations of the Right are sure that every unsuccessful thing Trump does is Obama's fault. :rofl:
It wasn't overnight. It was 48 hours :D
But Hawaii sued them last week... So you make a good point.
Obama didn't tell him to do it, is my point. This has been anticipated since the first one. You get that's what I mean, right?
Er..um... Obama has a vacation home in Hawaii, which probably explains why he and his family often take their vacations there. If he wanted to attempt to influence the courts decision there as the article you linked is attempting to imply he could have done that over the phone or by sending one of his many henchmen.

"Correlation does not imply causation"
Watson wrote his opinion before he ever saw a word of briefings or heard a word of argument. The hearing was a complete sham. The judge violated his oath of office. This is the very definition of kangaroo court.
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban. The 43 page decision provided by Justice Watson did NOT get written overnight. He's been thinking about this issue since the Pres said he was going to write 2.0.

And the fevered imaginations of the Right are sure that every unsuccessful thing Trump does is Obama's fault. :rofl:
It wasn't overnight. It was 48 hours :D
But Hawaii sued them last week... So you make a good point.
Obama didn't tell him to do it, is my point. This has been anticipated since the first one. You get that's what I mean, right?
Then I think you are wrong. If the state never sued trump, he wouldn't have to rule on it. Which makes him out to sound like even more of a hack.
I bet that if we locked up Obama most of this leftist Bullshit will stop.
Er..um... Obama has a vacation home in Hawaii, which probably explains why he and his family often take their vacations there. If he wanted to attempt to influence the courts decision there as the article you linked is attempting to imply he could have done that over the phone or by sending one of his many henchmen.

"Correlation does not equal causation"
If obama has a vacation home in Hawaii, how come he rents lavish estates when he goes there on vacation?
Watson wrote his opinion before he ever saw a word of briefings or heard a word of argument. The hearing was a complete sham. The judge violated his oath of office. This is the very definition of kangaroo court.
Yep. He already prejudged the case.
Impeachment proceedings for judge Watson being explored as we speak. I guess this is not his first purely political decision. Last year he was threatened with impeachment and he was forced to back away from his ruling. He's not a judge he is a political operative.
all legal scholars, are quite certain Obama wrote the decision himself and handed it to Judge Roberts to sign
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban.

I could not agree more, OL. Unlike all the other Presidents before him, to include Bush who so graciously helped him and then quietly disappeared so as not to undermine his Presidency, Obama is free to stick around and run his 'shadow government' that is openly attempting to seditiously undermine the government of the United states...and he's doing a fine job.
I've not heard a peep out of Obama, and neither have you. He is not running a shadow government. You are totally delusional; this thread should be moved to Conspiracy Theories.

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