Obama Seditious Undermining of Trump Administration Continues....

Obama isn't president anymore, stop blaming him for Trump's failings
Obama will back off when he see's how badly he is harming his party.. The Deep state will only deeply harm the dems in the long run. Just like Obama did to the dems as president. Look at your party libs! It is a fraction of what it was in 2008. Keep it up libs! keep following the stupid liberal media right down the drain...
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban. The 43 page decision provided by Justice Watson did NOT get written overnight. He's been thinking about this issue since the Pres said he was going to write 2.0.

And the fevered imaginations of the Right are sure that every unsuccessful thing Trump does is Obama's fault. :rofl:
It wasn't overnight. It was 48 hours :D
But Hawaii sued them last week... So you make a good point.
Obama didn't tell him to do it, is my point. This has been anticipated since the first one. You get that's what I mean, right?
Then I think you are wrong. If the state never sued trump, he wouldn't have to rule on it. Which makes him out to sound like even more of a hack.
If no one ever disagreed with a President or a new law, there would be no need for the Supreme Court. What point are you making here?
Obama isn't president anymore, stop blaming him for Trump's failings
Obama will back off when he see's how badly he is harming his party.. The Deep state will only deeply harm the dems in the long run. Just like Obama did to the dems as president. Look at your party libs! It is a fraction of what it was in 2008. Keep it up libs! keep following the stupid liberal media right down the drain...
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban. The 43 page decision provided by Justice Watson did NOT get written overnight. He's been thinking about this issue since the Pres said he was going to write 2.0.

And the fevered imaginations of the Right are sure that every unsuccessful thing Trump does is Obama's fault. :rofl:
It wasn't overnight. It was 48 hours :D
But Hawaii sued them last week... So you make a good point.
Obama didn't tell him to do it, is my point. This has been anticipated since the first one. You get that's what I mean, right?
Then I think you are wrong. If the state never sued trump, he wouldn't have to rule on it. Which makes him out to sound like even more of a hack.
If no one ever disagreed with a President or a new law, there would be no need for the Supreme Court. What point are you making here?
I don't think federal judges just block shit they don't like. Their state must sue first.
If he was coming up with reasons to block it before the state sued like you said, that would make him a huge hack. Big league.
Obama isn't president anymore, stop blaming him for Trump's failings
Obama will back off when he see's how badly he is harming his party.. The Deep state will only deeply harm the dems in the long run. Just like Obama did to the dems as president. Look at your party libs! It is a fraction of what it was in 2008. Keep it up libs! keep following the stupid liberal media right down the drain...
That is just the kind of response I expected.....look up democrat losses and get back to me. I'm just trying to help you all.
Obama isn't president anymore, stop blaming him for Trump's failings
Obama will back off when he see's how badly he is harming his party.. The Deep state will only deeply harm the dems in the long run. Just like Obama did to the dems as president. Look at your party libs! It is a fraction of what it was in 2008. Keep it up libs! keep following the stupid liberal media right down the drain...
That is just the kind of response I expected.....look up democrat losses and get back to me. I'm just trying to help you all.
The response was warranted. Deep state Obama all powerful bla bla. Get off the alex jones/breitbart and into the real world.
Obama with the help of his media are killing his party off for good.Buuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahaha
What's truly ironic is he went to a private school which only allowed Hawaiian natives.
Impeachment proceedings for judge Watson being explored as we speak. I guess this is not his first purely political decision. Last year he was threatened with impeachment and he was forced to back away from his ruling. He's not a judge he is a political operative.
The American people are pissed off and this whole thing will backfire on the dems bigtime!!!!!
A long time ago, in a country far far away… all the way back to 2009, Democrats seemed undefeatable, and Republicans were a secluded regional party that was going the way of the Whigs.

What a difference eight years makes. During President Obama’s tenure, Democrats have suffered losses of statewide executives, state legislatures, and/or federally elected Congressmen and Senators in 46 states. Only in California, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and New Jersey saw a net positive growth of the outgoing President’s party.

Read more at You don’t understand how bad Obama was for Democrats until you see...
Er..um... Obama has a vacation home in Hawaii, which probably explains why he and his family often take their vacations there. If he wanted to attempt to influence the courts decision there as the article you linked is attempting to imply he could have done that over the phone or by sending one of his many henchmen.

"Correlation does not equal causation"
If obama has a vacation home in Hawaii, how come he rents lavish estates when he goes there on vacation?
He was renting the estate near Honolulu at Paradise Point Estates on Oahu as his vacation home (aka "Winter White House") didn't mean to imply that he owned it, although he may have actually bought property on Oahu since leaving office (not sure). He can certainly afford it, did spend much of his youth on Oahu and he and his family seem to really like it there since they do go quite often, which makes it completely ludicrous to imply that just because he and his family happened to go on vacation there a few days before the TRO came out he was there to somehow influence the judges.

If there's some other evidence that he was there for the nefarious purpose of influencing the court I'll listen but sans that the story the OP linked is complete bullshit.
I am loving this; Go Obama keep it up! Do it Pelosi! yeah we like to see your party suffer losses.....YES! YES! YES!
I've not heard a peep out of Obama, and neither have you.
Then you have not been paying attention. OL.

CNN was the one who reported Obama 'illegally' collected information on Trump and his team and gave that information to his 16 Intel agencies.
- His FBI conducted an investigation on Trump in the middle of a Presidential election based on the UNSUBSTSTANTIATED LIE that the Russians had hacked 'the election' and that Trump had colluded with them. Based on the fact that the whole premise of the charge was FALSE this amounted to Obama's own 'Watergate'.

Obama hold-overs would then illegally leak that information given to them by Obama after Trump was elected. Again, technically Obama facilitated the crime of illegally leaking that info.

Obama’s “community organizing” group Organizing for Action has not just remained open, but mobilized with a coalition of partners to go to war with Trump.

Led by ex-Obama aides and campaign workers, OFA, which has raised millions of dollars since its inception, consists of more than 30,000 volunteers and 250 offices. In addition to associating with anti-Trump marches across the country, OFA has been leading efforts with the help of Alinskyite coalition partner Indivisible to disrupt town halls. Indivisible has published a handy guide, detailing best practices for fighting Trump’s agenda.

Holdovers from the Obama administration in the federal bureaucracy are reportedly leaking classified information — efforts amplified by Obama administration alums now on the outside — in a move to oust pivotal anti-establishment national security officials (among others), including former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn and Strategic Initiatives Group member Sebastian Gorka.
- Obama holdover successfully politically assassinated Flynn but failed to do so with Sessions. After both left and right media and politicians highly praising Trump's USSC Nominee, there is an ;outside movement' trying to get those same Democrats to scuttle the Confirmation pick.

National security officials portraying themselves as apolitical public servants have been leaving office and writing supposedly bold pieces on why they could no longer serve in good conscience or were unfairly pushed out of the Trump administration. These are contrived and utterly disingenuous works of propaganda peddled by anti-Trump Obama apparatchiks coming out of Ben Rhodes’ office — he of the Iran Deal echo chamber.

The BS Investigation: & Leak:
"Obama Administration officials ran a government intel operation on the Trump campaign. The
New York Times reports that political appointees signed off on surveillance of “associates” of the Trump campaign, though “the nature of these contacts remains unknown.” The officials then spread this raw intelligence throughout the government and to foreign counterparts, ensuring they’d be widely read and supposedly to prevent their Trump successors from covering up the truth.

Only days before the inauguration, President Obama also signed an executive order that allows the National Security Agency to share raw intercepts and data with the 16 other agencies in the intelligence community. NSA analysts used to filter out irrelevant information and minimize references to Americans. Now such material is being leaked anonymously."

"Eric Holder — who was notably appointed by President Obama in 2016 to chair the National Democratic Redistricting Committee dedicated to redrawing the electoral map in favor of Democrats — is now representing the California state legislature as a legal adviser with the specific intent to challenge the Trump administration."

"Obama’s active non-retirement is perhaps best illustrated in a story detailing that chief adviser Valerie Jarrett will be living in the Obamas new home specifically to help him “topple Trump.”

Over and over again you can see the evidence...if you really want to see what's going on....
These activist judges need to remember who controls their destiny. Please read Article III of our Constitution. I quote in part..."The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish."

I see a realignment of the Federal Court system in our future. Say around April 2021. I opine there will be a reshuffling of the District courts to increase their numbers and locations. I see the same thing for the Circuit courts. I ,also, see the possibility of adding two more members to the Supreme court for a total of eleven.

This would be a good thing.

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