Obama Seditious Undermining of Trump Administration Continues....

Then I think you are wrong. If the state never sued trump, he wouldn't have to rule on it. Which makes him out to sound like even more of a hack.
If no one ever disagreed with a President or a new law, there would be no need for the Supreme Court. What point are you making here?
I don't think federal judges just block shit they don't like. Their state must sue first.
If he was coming up with reasons to block it before the state sued like you said, that would make him a huge hack. Big league.
Legislating from the bench, anyone?

It is called upholding the Constitution
again, there was no constitutional issue in the EO. The judge stated so. He just didn't like what trump said as a candidate and inferred something that wasn't in the EO. How does that work in a normal courtroom? Since when do we get to put people in jail cause they made a statement.
I just want someone to ask the judge if the president has the authority to stop immigration. Just ask him. I want to know what this stoop knows about the law.
If no one ever disagreed with a President or a new law, there would be no need for the Supreme Court. What point are you making here?
I don't think federal judges just block shit they don't like. Their state must sue first.
If he was coming up with reasons to block it before the state sued like you said, that would make him a huge hack. Big league.
Legislating from the bench, anyone?

It is called upholding the Constitution

Cracks me up that every time the ignorant disagree with a legal ruling, the use this same incorrect and very lame accusation.

RWNJs don't know, understand, respect or value the US Constitution. Proof of that is even though they listened to drumpf say he wants to gut it, they voted for him. And now, they post here that they agree with him.
it isn't a legal ruling, you should actually read the ruling. It was an inference to something that wasn't present on the EO. huh?
in fact, the stoop stated that had any other president create that EO, there'd be nothing wrong with it. So he admits there is no violation of the constitution in that statement. I want his fknig job.
Conservatards trying to switch the conversation to Obama who isn't even president because Trump is doing a shitty job to try and take the heat off him.

If no one ever disagreed with a President or a new law, there would be no need for the Supreme Court. What point are you making here?
I don't think federal judges just block shit they don't like. Their state must sue first.
If he was coming up with reasons to block it before the state sued like you said, that would make him a huge hack. Big league.
Legislating from the bench, anyone?

It is called upholding the Constitution

Cracks me up that every time the ignorant disagree with a legal ruling, the use this same incorrect and very lame accusation.

RWNJs don't know, understand, respect or value the US Constitution. Proof of that is even though they listened to drumpf say he wants to gut it, they voted for him. And now, they post here that they agree with him.
Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Law but claim the GOP does not understand the Constitution / Law...

View attachment 117170
they can't even defend their actions. It is a complete judicial overreach. PERIOD. I want him disbarred.
Barack Obama is now free to do whatever he goddam pleases, Easy, including having an opinion on this abortion of a travel ban.

I could not agree more, OL. Unlike all the other Presidents before him, to include Bush who so graciously helped him and then quietly disappeared so as not to undermine his Presidency, Obama is free to stick around and run his 'shadow government' that is openly attempting to seditiously undermine the government of the United states...and he's doing a fine job.
I've not heard a peep out of Obama, and neither have you. He is not running a shadow government. You are totally delusional; this thread should be moved to Conspiracy Theories.
So Valerie is just a live-in girlfriend?
If no one ever disagreed with a President or a new law, there would be no need for the Supreme Court. What point are you making here?
I don't think federal judges just block shit they don't like. Their state must sue first.
If he was coming up with reasons to block it before the state sued like you said, that would make him a huge hack. Big league.
Legislating from the bench, anyone?

It is called upholding the Constitution
again, there was no constitutional issue in the EO. The judge stated so. He just didn't like what trump said as a candidate and inferred something that wasn't in the EO. How does that work in a normal courtroom? Since when do we get to put people in jail cause they made a statement.
I just want someone to ask the judge if the president has the authority to stop immigration. Just ask him. I want to know what this stoop knows about the law.

Obviously, he knows a lot less that you RWNJ Pootarians.

I don't think federal judges just block shit they don't like. Their state must sue first.
If he was coming up with reasons to block it before the state sued like you said, that would make him a huge hack. Big league.
Legislating from the bench, anyone?

It is called upholding the Constitution
again, there was no constitutional issue in the EO. The judge stated so. He just didn't like what trump said as a candidate and inferred something that wasn't in the EO. How does that work in a normal courtroom? Since when do we get to put people in jail cause they made a statement.
I just want someone to ask the judge if the president has the authority to stop immigration. Just ask him. I want to know what this stoop knows about the law.

Obviously, he knows a lot less that you RWNJ Pootarians.

Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"

So Obama went all the way to Hawaii in order to talk to this judge?

Is the telegraph cable out of order again?

I don't think federal judges just block shit they don't like. Their state must sue first.
If he was coming up with reasons to block it before the state sued like you said, that would make him a huge hack. Big league.
Legislating from the bench, anyone?

It is called upholding the Constitution

Cracks me up that every time the ignorant disagree with a legal ruling, the use this same incorrect and very lame accusation.

RWNJs don't know, understand, respect or value the US Constitution. Proof of that is even though they listened to drumpf say he wants to gut it, they voted for him. And now, they post here that they agree with him.
Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Law but claim the GOP does not understand the Constitution / Law...

View attachment 117170
they can't even defend their actions. It is a complete judicial overreach. PERIOD. I want him disbarred.


I'm not the authority on the constitution or constitutional law that you say you are. Please explain EXACTLY how is this "complete judicial overreach".

Please be specific.

This is the kind of fruitcake conspiracy theories that come with Trump. There is no sedition going on and there is no conspiracy going on. There is no shadow government.
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"

Another conspiracy theory. Obama was born and raised in Hawaii--so it's no surprise that he was there.

I know you got this new conspiracy theory from "Mr. Talent on Loan from GAAAWWD"--but a little reading won't hurt, and it's something that Rush Limbaugh would have NEVER told you.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

"The ruling is almost entirely based on the "intent of the Trump administration," says CNN correspondent Jessica Schneider "The judge specifically said it was that intent to create this Muslim ban that violated the Constitution's establishment clause... he pointed to several instances, very specifically, saying it was President Trump's own words on the campaign trail... advocating the 'complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.'"

The judge said it was illogical that the ban was not motivated by religious discrimination.
"The illogic of the Government's contentions is palpable," Watson wrote. "The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed."
Trump's new travel ban blocked: What you need to know - CNNPolitics.com

Where does the intent come from? Trump and his surrogates that continually referred to it as MUSLIM BAN.

If Trump’s previous comments aren’t enough evidence, consider what his adviser Rudy Giuliani admitted on Saturday night while being interviewed on Fox News: Giuliani explained how he helped Trump create a Muslim ban that would also be legal, per the president’s request. “When he first announced it, he said, ‘Muslim ban,’ ” Giuliani explained.

He called me up and said, “Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.” I put a commission together … and what we did was we focused on, instead of religion, danger. The areas of the world that create danger for us. Which is a factual basis. Not a religious basis. Perfectly legal, perfectly sensible, and that’s what the ban is based on. It’s not based on religion. It’s based on places where there are [sic] substantial evidence that people are sending terrorists into our country.
But unfortunately for Trump and Giuliani, an unconstitutional executive order does not become lawful because it is dressed up in fatuous legalese
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Every President has the right to issue an executive order to protect this country. Obama banned Iraqui's from entering this country for 6 months by issuing an executive order.

The problem with this administration is they're to vocal about their intent. You have several Senior advisers on FOX NEWS continually giving interviews, and you have the continual Presidential tweets going out everyday. Many of whom have referred to his executive order as a Muslim Ban, along with Trump campaigning on it throughout the campaign season.

--this judge feels like this second executive order is just a repeat of the first one. A Muslim ban, which is in violation of the Establishment clause of the constitution. Whether or not Trump will get this through the courts is unknown at this time.


Last edited:
Legislating from the bench, anyone?

It is called upholding the Constitution

Cracks me up that every time the ignorant disagree with a legal ruling, the use this same incorrect and very lame accusation.

RWNJs don't know, understand, respect or value the US Constitution. Proof of that is even though they listened to drumpf say he wants to gut it, they voted for him. And now, they post here that they agree with him.
Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Law but claim the GOP does not understand the Constitution / Law...

View attachment 117170
they can't even defend their actions. It is a complete judicial overreach. PERIOD. I want him disbarred.


I'm not the authority on the constitution or constitutional law that you say you are. Please explain EXACTLY how is this "complete judicial overreach".

Please be specific.

why? It is and you know it is. so there is no point in going through posting up links on why, you'll just deny it.
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)

Barack Obama
paid a surprise visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday just days before US District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who presides in Honolulu, ruled against President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from terror states.

Barack Obama visits Hawaii, hits the links and enjoys fine dining https://t.co/yeX8N1vIEV pic.twitter.com/ujeR2679Td
ABC News (ABC) March 16, 2017"

Another conspiracy theory. Obama was born and raised in Hawaii--so it's no surprise that he was there.

I know you got this new conspiracy theory from "Mr. Talent on Loan from GAAAWWD"--but a little reading won't hurt, and it's something that Rush Limbaugh would have NEVER told you.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

"The ruling is almost entirely based on the "intent of the Trump administration," says CNN correspondent Jessica Schneider "The judge specifically said it was that intent to create this Muslim ban that violated the Constitution's establishment clause... he pointed to several instances, very specifically, saying it was President Trump's own words on the campaign trail... advocating the 'complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.'"

The judge said it was illogical that the ban was not motivated by religious discrimination.
"The illogic of the Government's contentions is palpable," Watson wrote. "The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed."
Trump's new travel ban blocked: What you need to know - CNNPolitics.com

Where does the intent come from? Trump and his surrogates that continually referred to it as MUSLIM BAN.

If Trump’s previous comments aren’t enough evidence, consider what his adviser Rudy Giuliani admitted on Saturday night while being interviewed on Fox News: Giuliani explained how he helped Trump create a Muslim ban that would also be legal, per the president’s request. “When he first announced it, he said, ‘Muslim ban,’ ” Giuliani explained.

He called me up and said, “Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.” I put a commission together … and what we did was we focused on, instead of religion, danger. The areas of the world that create danger for us. Which is a factual basis. Not a religious basis. Perfectly legal, perfectly sensible, and that’s what the ban is based on. It’s not based on religion. It’s based on places where there are [sic] substantial evidence that people are sending terrorists into our country.
But unfortunately for Trump and Giuliani, an unconstitutional executive order does not become lawful because it is dressed up in fatuous legalese
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Every President has the right to issue an executive order to protect this country. Obama banned Iraqui's from entering this country for 6 months by issuing an executive order.

The problem with this administration is they're too vocal about their intent. You have several Senior advisers on FOX NEWS continually and you have the continual Presidential tweets going out everyday. Many of whom have referred to his executive order as a Muslim Ban.

--this judge feels like this second executive order is just a repeat of the first one. A Muslim ban, which is in violation of the Establishment clause of the constitution.


so the question is, how can that be when muslims are allowed in from other countries? get your hands around that first please.
Another conspiracy theory. Obama was born and raised in Hawaii--so it's no surprise that he was there.

I know you got this new conspiracy theory from "Mr. Talent on Loan from GAAAWWD"--
I stopped reading at this point because you were so wrong I figured nothing else you wrote was worth reading. Limbaugh is an obese, pompous, arrogant windbag on who I would not waste my time...but it sounds like you do.

Have a good weekend.
Legislating from the bench, anyone?

It is called upholding the Constitution

Cracks me up that every time the ignorant disagree with a legal ruling, the use this same incorrect and very lame accusation.

RWNJs don't know, understand, respect or value the US Constitution. Proof of that is even though they listened to drumpf say he wants to gut it, they voted for him. And now, they post here that they agree with him.
Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Law but claim the GOP does not understand the Constitution / Law...

View attachment 117170
they can't even defend their actions. It is a complete judicial overreach. PERIOD. I want him disbarred.


I'm not the authority on the constitution or constitutional law that you say you are. Please explain EXACTLY how is this "complete judicial overreach".

Please be specific.


Each justice or judge of the United States shall take the following oath or affirmation before performing the duties of his office: “I, ___ ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially* discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

(June 25, 1948, ch. 646, 62 Stat. 907; Pub. L. 101–650, title IV, § 404, Dec. 1, 1990, 104 Stat. 5124.)

28 U.S. Code § 453 - Oaths of justices and judges
Not sure of the "overreach", but he definitely violated his oath of office.

*Bold and underline by post author..

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