Obama sending US Marshalls to ARREST those who owe federal student loans! Dang libs...

In this case, they are acting under their responsibilities as enforcers of the US Federal Court system, under court orders obtained by private debt collectors.

This is all in the link in the OP that no one bothered to read.

Again.....under the approval of their boss. Obama.

Um, no. Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, which created the US Marshals to enforce the Federal Court system.
And the POTUS has the power to direct the Marshals otherwise. ICE's fecklessness is a great example.

POTUS made no such order.

Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

Personally, the bigger picture for me is the federal government now clearly has a shitload of another group of toxic "assets" - real estate and worthless student loans.

The Marshals have never been involved in Immigration enforcement, and as far as I can find, no President has ever issued an executive order directing their enforcement.

Not to say that it's not possible, but I don't think it's ever happened.
A federal judge can't send Marshalls. He is not in their chain of command. Law enforcement and courts are separate. Only chain of command can order a law enforcement officer to take an action.

A judge can issue a warrant. He cannot order officers to go serve it. It's the whole separation of powers thing.
What an odd spelling, and what an odd grasp of the "chain of command" of U.S. MARSHALs...from someone who "supposedly" was in law enforcement at one time.

Well I can assure you....judges are not in the law enforcement chain of command. Not sure what your understanding of it is. But for example, a municipal judge cannot order a city cop to sit on his street and write tickets.

You must be aware that the US Marshals Service are not the same thing as city cops, right?

I am. That's why I used that example. Because they are law enforcement. Just like city cops. And judges are not in the chain of command of law enforcement. They can issue arrest warrants. But cannot direct the cops that serve them.

Says you, citing you. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You can present no evidence that Obama sent the Marshals to arrest this guy. And your own article affirms that it was a judge that did so:

Green says as a result, those attorneys and debt collectors are getting judgements in federal court and asking judges to use the US Marshals Service to arrest those who have failed to pay their federal student loans.

US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Next time read the article you're citing, Bucky. It will help you avoid embarassing blunders like the one you just made.

Sure I can..it's simple. He's their boss. What they do...they do under his direction .
Again.....under the approval of their boss. Obama.

Um, no. Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, which created the US Marshals to enforce the Federal Court system.
And the POTUS has the power to direct the Marshals otherwise. ICE's fecklessness is a great example.

POTUS made no such order.

Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.
What an odd spelling, and what an odd grasp of the "chain of command" of U.S. MARSHALs...from someone who "supposedly" was in law enforcement at one time.

Well I can assure you....judges are not in the law enforcement chain of command. Not sure what your understanding of it is. But for example, a municipal judge cannot order a city cop to sit on his street and write tickets.

You must be aware that the US Marshals Service are not the same thing as city cops, right?

I am. That's why I used that example. Because they are law enforcement. Just like city cops. And judges are not in the chain of command of law enforcement. They can issue arrest warrants. But cannot direct the cops that serve them.

Says you, citing you. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You can present no evidence that Obama sent the Marshals to arrest this guy. And your own article affirms that it was a judge that did so:

Green says as a result, those attorneys and debt collectors are getting judgements in federal court and asking judges to use the US Marshals Service to arrest those who have failed to pay their federal student loans.

US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Next time read the article you're citing, Bucky. It will help you avoid embarassing blunders like the one you just made.

Sure I can..it's simple. He's their boss. What they do...they do under his direction .
For someone who "supposedly" was in law enforcement, you seem to have forgotten that the U.S. Marshals work for the Judicial Branch.
Um, no. Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, which created the US Marshals to enforce the Federal Court system.
And the POTUS has the power to direct the Marshals otherwise. ICE's fecklessness is a great example.

POTUS made no such order.

Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.
And people like you have been mourning him ever since.
Again.....under the approval of their boss. Obama.

Um, no. Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, which created the US Marshals to enforce the Federal Court system.
And the POTUS has the power to direct the Marshals otherwise. ICE's fecklessness is a great example.

POTUS made no such order.

Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

Personally, the bigger picture for me is the federal government now clearly has a shitload of another group of toxic "assets" - real estate and worthless student loans.

The Marshals have never been involved in Immigration enforcement, and as far as I can find, no President has ever issued an executive order directing their enforcement.

Not to say that it's not possible, but I don't think it's ever happened.

Yep. ICE and Border Patrol does immigration. And yes...their enforcement actions are dictated by presidential policy. Just like all federal law enforcement. It's no different than the New York mayor directing NYPDs enforcement policies.
Monday briefing.

US Marshals director: "Mr. President.....some federal courts have begun issuing arrest warrants for students in debt for loans. They requested the Marshals to go round them up."

Obama: "Ok sounds good to me."

The Marshals go....or don't go....on their bosses order.

You really should re-read the OP again. No "arrest warrants" were issued.

Then how were they taken into custody?

They werent. Read your damn OP.

They are being taken into custody. Otherwise....why send Marshals?
U.S. Marshals Service Sending SWAT Teams Out to Arrest People for Unpaid Student Loans

The guy in your OP was not "taken into custody", he was brought into court to respond to a bench warrent. He was not put in jail.
Um, no. Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, which created the US Marshals to enforce the Federal Court system.
And the POTUS has the power to direct the Marshals otherwise. ICE's fecklessness is a great example.

POTUS made no such order.

Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.

Again, shit-stain.....the President didn't send anyone to arrest this guy. The federal judiciary sent the marshals. They were enforcing a federal arrest warrant to bring the man to court. The article in the OP confirms as much. The marshals are the enforcement arm of the federal judiciary. And have been since 1789.

Even you've had to abandon the pseudo-legal horseshit of the OP, desperately backing away from the nonsense idiocy that 'Obama sent the Marshals' and retreating into "Obama could have done something'.

Try again, dipshit. This time using your brain and actually reading the article you're babbling about. Its called 'accountability'.
Monday briefing.

US Marshals director: "Mr. President.....some federal courts have begun issuing arrest warrants for students in debt for loans. They requested the Marshals to go round them up."

Obama: "Ok sounds good to me."

The Marshals go....or don't go....on their bosses order.

You really should re-read the OP again. No "arrest warrants" were issued.

Then how were they taken into custody?

They werent. Read your damn OP.

They are being taken into custody. Otherwise....why send Marshals?
U.S. Marshals Service Sending SWAT Teams Out to Arrest People for Unpaid Student Loans

The guy in your OP was not "taken into custody", he was brought into court to respond to a bench warrent. He was not put in jail.
Ummmm...any LEO "taking" someone to court on a Bench Warrant is an arrest.
Well I can assure you....judges are not in the law enforcement chain of command. Not sure what your understanding of it is. But for example, a municipal judge cannot order a city cop to sit on his street and write tickets.

You must be aware that the US Marshals Service are not the same thing as city cops, right?

I am. That's why I used that example. Because they are law enforcement. Just like city cops. And judges are not in the chain of command of law enforcement. They can issue arrest warrants. But cannot direct the cops that serve them.

Says you, citing you. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You can present no evidence that Obama sent the Marshals to arrest this guy. And your own article affirms that it was a judge that did so:

Green says as a result, those attorneys and debt collectors are getting judgements in federal court and asking judges to use the US Marshals Service to arrest those who have failed to pay their federal student loans.

US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Next time read the article you're citing, Bucky. It will help you avoid embarassing blunders like the one you just made.

Sure I can..it's simple. He's their boss. What they do...they do under his direction .
For someone who "supposedly" was in law enforcement, you seem to have forgotten that the U.S. Marshals work for the Judicial Branch.

Hey sweetheart....the Marshals are under the Executive Branch, under the Department of Justice. Meaning....judges are not part of their chain of command. Ooops.

United States Marshals Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That carpet you've been licking must have some chemicals on it.
And the POTUS has the power to direct the Marshals otherwise. ICE's fecklessness is a great example.

POTUS made no such order.

Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.

Again, shit-stain.....the President didn't send anyone to arrest this guy. The federal judiciary sent the marshals. They were enforcing a federal arrest warrant. The article in the OP confirms as much. The marshals are the enforcement arm of the federal judiciary. And have been since 1789.

Even you've had to abandon the pseudo-legal horseshit of the OP, desperately backing away from the nonsense idiocy that 'Obama sent the Marshals' and retreating into "Obama could have done something'.

Try again, dipshit. This time using your brain and actually reading the article you're babbling about. Its called 'accountability'.
I didn't post any article, moron.

And, I never posted any words even similar to saying the POTUS sent someone somewhere.

You should have taken my advice and read what I posted and ignored those voices in your head, honey kunt.
And the POTUS has the power to direct the Marshals otherwise. ICE's fecklessness is a great example.

POTUS made no such order.

Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.

Again, shit-stain.....the President didn't send anyone to arrest this guy. The federal judiciary sent the marshals. They were enforcing a federal arrest warrant to bring the man to court. The article in the OP confirms as much. The marshals are the enforcement arm of the federal judiciary. And have been since 1789.

Even you've had to abandon the pseudo-legal horseshit of the OP, desperately backing away from the nonsense idiocy that 'Obama sent the Marshals' and retreating into "Obama could have done something'.

Try again, dipshit. This time using your brain and actually reading the article you're babbling about. Its called 'accountability'.

The Judiciary can't send them. All they can do is issue a warrant and ask for them to serve it. Judges aren't in the Marshals chain of command. Marshals are Executive Branch under DOJ. Judges are Judicial Branch.

That pesky separation of powers thing, ya know? It's why Obama cannot order a judge on how to rule. And a judge cannot order law enforcement on what to enforce.
You really should re-read the OP again. No "arrest warrants" were issued.

Then how were they taken into custody?

They werent. Read your damn OP.

They are being taken into custody. Otherwise....why send Marshals?
U.S. Marshals Service Sending SWAT Teams Out to Arrest People for Unpaid Student Loans

The guy in your OP was not "taken into custody", he was brought into court to respond to a bench warrent. He was not put in jail.
Ummmm...any LEO "taking" someone to court on a Bench Warrant is an arrest.

You are correct.

Nevertheless, bucs' wording implies that this man was put in jail and charged with a crime, neither of which occurred.
You must be aware that the US Marshals Service are not the same thing as city cops, right?

I am. That's why I used that example. Because they are law enforcement. Just like city cops. And judges are not in the chain of command of law enforcement. They can issue arrest warrants. But cannot direct the cops that serve them.

Says you, citing you. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You can present no evidence that Obama sent the Marshals to arrest this guy. And your own article affirms that it was a judge that did so:

Green says as a result, those attorneys and debt collectors are getting judgements in federal court and asking judges to use the US Marshals Service to arrest those who have failed to pay their federal student loans.

US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Next time read the article you're citing, Bucky. It will help you avoid embarassing blunders like the one you just made.

Sure I can..it's simple. He's their boss. What they do...they do under his direction .
For someone who "supposedly" was in law enforcement, you seem to have forgotten that the U.S. Marshals work for the Judicial Branch.

Hey sweetheart....the Marshals are under the Executive Branch, under the Department of Justice. Meaning....judges are not part of their chain of command. Ooops.

United States Marshals Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That carpet you've been licking must have some chemicals on it.
What carpet? What the heck are you babbling about now?
And the POTUS has the power to direct the Marshals otherwise. ICE's fecklessness is a great example.

POTUS made no such order.

Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.
And people like you have been mourning him ever since.
Bulldyke knows nothing about me, or my thoughts, but thinks it does. :thup:
Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.

Again, shit-stain.....the President didn't send anyone to arrest this guy. The federal judiciary sent the marshals. They were enforcing a federal arrest warrant to bring the man to court. The article in the OP confirms as much. The marshals are the enforcement arm of the federal judiciary. And have been since 1789.

Even you've had to abandon the pseudo-legal horseshit of the OP, desperately backing away from the nonsense idiocy that 'Obama sent the Marshals' and retreating into "Obama could have done something'.

Try again, dipshit. This time using your brain and actually reading the article you're babbling about. Its called 'accountability'.

The Judiciary can't send them. All they can do is issue a warrant and ask for them to serve it. Judges aren't in the Marshals chain of command. Marshals are Executive Branch under DOJ. Judges are Judicial Branch.

So you now admit that its the judge that issued the warrant and directed the marshals to arrest the guy.

So much for your pseudo-legal horseshit that "Obama sent the marshals'. Even you've abandoned that nonsense.
Then how were they taken into custody?

They werent. Read your damn OP.

They are being taken into custody. Otherwise....why send Marshals?
U.S. Marshals Service Sending SWAT Teams Out to Arrest People for Unpaid Student Loans

The guy in your OP was not "taken into custody", he was brought into court to respond to a bench warrent. He was not put in jail.
Ummmm...any LEO "taking" someone to court on a Bench Warrant is an arrest.

You are correct.

Nevertheless, bucs' wording implies that this man was put in jail and charged with a crime, neither of which occurred.

So Obamas Marshals under his DOJ...lead by Lolo Lynch....are rounding up innocent people at gun point without probable cause of any crime???

Arrest americans for seeking a better life through education but ignore 11 million illegal aliens who, OH BY THE WAY.....


Just sayin
Actually, I don't think he does. The President doesn't have personal control over every part of the executive branch.

For example, the President doesn't have the power to order the FBI to stop investigating something.

The Marshals, while technically part of the DoJ, are entirely responsible to the Judiciary and not the President.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.

Again, shit-stain.....the President didn't send anyone to arrest this guy. The federal judiciary sent the marshals. They were enforcing a federal arrest warrant. The article in the OP confirms as much. The marshals are the enforcement arm of the federal judiciary. And have been since 1789.

Even you've had to abandon the pseudo-legal horseshit of the OP, desperately backing away from the nonsense idiocy that 'Obama sent the Marshals' and retreating into "Obama could have done something'.

Try again, dipshit. This time using your brain and actually reading the article you're babbling about. Its called 'accountability'.
I didn't post any article, moron.

Um, dipshit....you joined a thread BASED on an article. And you didn't even bother to read it before babbling about the topic.

Had you, you would have quickly learned that it was a *judge* that issued the arrest warrant and directed the marshals to arrest that guy.

Not Obama.

Try again, shit-stain.
When it comes to Marshals' enforcing their duties, there have been Executive Orders staying specific duties. Immigration is an example. Many a detainer has not been acted upon due to an Executive Order.

Then show us the evidence that Obama sent the marshals to arrest the guy in the OP.

It should be remarkably easy for you if your claims have merit. If you're talking out of your ass, it might be slightly more difficult.

So, yes the POTUS could do something about this.

So the conspiracy horseshit of the OP has devolved to 'Obama sent the Marshals' to 'Obama could do something about this'.

Laughing....nice backpedal. The Judge sent these marshals. Not the President.
My gawd, you are a stupid kunt. You should read what write, not what the voices in your head are telling you what I write.

Just at this administration has credit for Bin Laden, it has credit for these arrests.

Again, shit-stain.....the President didn't send anyone to arrest this guy. The federal judiciary sent the marshals. They were enforcing a federal arrest warrant to bring the man to court. The article in the OP confirms as much. The marshals are the enforcement arm of the federal judiciary. And have been since 1789.

Even you've had to abandon the pseudo-legal horseshit of the OP, desperately backing away from the nonsense idiocy that 'Obama sent the Marshals' and retreating into "Obama could have done something'.

Try again, dipshit. This time using your brain and actually reading the article you're babbling about. Its called 'accountability'.

The Judiciary can't send them. All they can do is issue a warrant and ask for them to serve it. Judges aren't in the Marshals chain of command. Marshals are Executive Branch under DOJ. Judges are Judicial Branch.

So you now admit that its the judge that issued the warrant and directed the marshals to arrest the guy.

So much for your pseudo-legal horseshit that "Obama sent the marshals'. Even you've abandoned that nonsense.

Never said a judge didn't. Only a judge can issue warrants. A judge can issue a warrant for a person to be arrested for wearing cargo shorts if they want.

It's up to the Executive Branch to decide if they will act on the warrant. That's the balance of power against rogue judges.

And....our Federal Executive Branch decided...yes...let's round up these student loan debtors.

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