OBAMA should have SOLD his health care bill BEFORE he PASSED IT!!! NEW POLL


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports

Repeal is favored by 84% of Republicans and 59% of unaffiliated voters. Among white Democrats, 25% favor repeal, but only one percent (1%) of black Democrats share that view.

Only 17% of all voters believe the plan will achieve one of its primary goals and reduce the cost of health care. Most (55%) believe it will have the opposite affect and increase the cost of care.

Forty-nine percent (49%) believe the new law will reduce the quality of care. Sixty percent (60%) believe it will increase the federal budget deficit. Those numbers are consistent with expectations before the bill was passed.

With the taxes to pay for this bill kicking in NOW and any BENEFIT from this bill not for four more years. With AT+T, Verison, 3-M, John Deare, Catapillar- just to name a few, warning about the loses that this bill will impose on them. Do you think the Dumocrats have chewed their nails to the nub over this???? I certainly do, 7 more months and counting down.
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From the link----

The dems have lost the seniors. A primary block for them.

Fifty-six percent (56%) oppose the reductions in Medicare spending, a figure that includes 70% of those over 65
We have reached the point where government does not care what the citizens want or need. They could give a shit what your views or opinions are. Where I live in Illinois the people chose a man for Lt Govenor and the dems bigwigs didn't like him so they forced him to resign. Instead of choosing the Man who came in second they choose a former senators daughter(unexperienced brown nosed kissass). We are now at the point why even vote, or even call your representative and give them your views or opinions, they clearly don't listen to us. This Obama heathcare bill proves this. Now is the time to instill our own term limits vote all current office holders out, no matter which party they are in!!!!
We have reached the point where government does not care what the citizens want or need. They could give a shit what your views or opinions are. Where I live in Illinois the people chose a man for Lt Govenor and the dems bigwigs didn't like him so they forced him to resign. Instead of choosing the Man who came in second they choose a former senators daughter(unexperienced brown nosed kissass). We are now at the point why even vote, or even call your representative and give them your views or opinions, they clearly don't listen to us. This Obama heathcare bill proves this. Now is the time to instill our own term limits vote all current office holders out, no matter which party they are in!!!!

You need to keep fighting this. Many conservatives and tea partiers in my state have infiltrated our caucuses and we determine who on the Republican side ends up on the ballet. If they are not FISCAL conservatives, they will not be on the ballet-----PERIOD. I agree that it has been a long frustrating fight, but get involved locally, millions are. Join your local tea party and you will see thousands of others who are determined to take this country back from the SOCIALISTS we have running it NOW. The DEMOCRATS have seen nothing yet, but come November you will see this country go RED from sea to shining SEA. :eusa_angel::eusa_angel: Turn your frustration into ACTION- get INVOLVED!!!:eusa_angel:

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