Obama show Republicans how a real man does it.

Is THIS why he traded GITMO prisoners for a deserter? :dunno:


When it comes to foreign policy and defense issues Republicans really don't have much to talk about. They got us into this mess in the first place.
they sure did.....but guess who is making it worse.....kick these incompetent assholes out next election.....quit voting for the same old shit.....
(hey Deany, David Koch just told me that he laughed so hard at this last thread he peed himself a little bit. He's going to pay you double you usual rate)
Anyone surprised rdeanie relates to a terrorist perspective :rolleyes:


Yea, terrorists who are about to get blown away. Republicans would rather let them go and then invade the wrong country.

Republicans outraged that the president golfing while an American is murdered overseas. But look at it from the perspective of the terrorist. This is one cold hearted bastard.
Remember, America doesn't do ransom. The terrorists get much of their money from kidnapping Europeans and holding them for ransom.

France just shelled out $40,000,000.00

National news from McClatchy DC News | Washington DC

This proves ransom is profitable.

Do this to an American and first, you won't get any money and second, you will be bombed. Obama is smart enough to strike at the right time. And you can bet, it will be coming. Obama is a man who never gave up on Bin Laden, even after Republican stopped looking for him.

Remember this:

U.S. captured Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

It's Republicans who call Obama weak. But their lack of knowing anything makes them weaker than anybody. Putin had Bush and the Republicans fooled. Not Obama.

More reasons the right hates Obama.
No. Obama will draw a red line in the sand. Then, watch out!!! Oh, wait.
Hey rdean..how can I get on the DNC mailing list for the daily talking points?

If I could get them directly it would save the time lag from when you get them til when you post them.
Is THIS why he traded GITMO prisoners for a deserter? :dunno:


When it comes to foreign policy and defense issues Republicans really don't have much to talk about. They got us into this mess in the first place.

They want Obama to cry and cower in the White House. Even Bush said after 9/11 - "Go shopping". Being terrified only lets the terrorists win. Republicans are always terrified. The one thing they are really, really good at. Being scared. 99% of their policies are reactionary from fear and being scared. Well, that's what a lack of education does to you. If you don't know what's going on, you are scared of everything. Republicans are scared of everything. And if you aren't, there is something wrong with you.
Anyone surprised rdeanie relates to a terrorist perspective :rolleyes:


Yea, terrorists who are about to get blown away. Republicans would rather let them go and then invade the wrong country.
Do tell, what's the right country?

We know Iraq was the wrong country. Right?
Dummy, I asked you what county should terrorists invade?

I wasn't talking about the terrorists invading. I was talking about Republicans LETTING THEM GO AND THEN INVADING THE WRONG COUNTRY.

You know. Letting Bin Laden go in Afghanistan and then invading Iraq. Come on, pick it up. Don't be so slow.
Ultimately, the callousness obama has shown to Americans might have a second hand but beneficial effect. Even the French have said that there comes a time when the vacation is over, get back to work. The French LOVE vacations so this is serious. The British saw their PM end his vacation and return to work. The image of an Americans pseudo president laughing and golfing right after this horrific event is one that every other world leader should have in their minds every time they see obama or hear his voice. Nothing screams treachery like a picture worth a thousand words.
Ultimately, the callousness obama has shown to Americans might have a second hand but beneficial effect. Even the French have said that there comes a time when the vacation is over, get back to work. The French LOVE vacations so this is serious. The British saw their PM end his vacation and return to work. The image of an Americans pseudo president laughing and golfing right after this horrific event is one that every other world leader should have in their minds every time they see obama or hear his voice. Nothing screams treachery like a picture worth a thousand words.

I think it's hilarious when Republicans call Obama "callous". Remember, these are people who threatened the unemployment benefits of millions of Americans so Obama would be forced to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich.
Republicans talked about shooting refugee children in need of help.
Republicans are blocking millions of Americans from good health care.
Republicans want to end the school lunch program. That school lunch for some, is the only good meal they get in a day.

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