Obama shows his anti-semitism...gives Israel the middle finger on his way out the door

One of his many big F-U's before he leaves office. I just hope & pray Trump can reverse much of his awful damage. But i have to admit, things like him opening the Immigration flood gates, may be impossible to fix. It's gonna take Trump at least 8yrs to address all of the Anti-American foreigner's terrible messes.

oh god, you're a birther.....I thought you guys were like the dodo...
I'm not sure I understand the point of lying to Israeli officials before the UN vote. That is a serious bitch move.

Remember that in the Koran, it's ok to lie to non Muslims to achieve your goals. Mohammed preaches this in no uncertainty.

I HIGHLY suggest you read the Talmud...hint hint it says THE EXACT SAME THING you just said plus MUCH worse...

The USA is not a theocracy.
Never said it was. Neither is Jordan nor Syria nor Lebanon nor Iraq,etc etc...I can go on. My point is that the Talmud of your beloved JEWS says the exact same thing you claim the Koran says. It says MUCH worse actually.

So your point is that it was ok the USA lied to their ally because of the Talmud?

You have to connect those dots for me. I don't know the point you are failing to make.
When did YOU become a carpet bombing crusader? We BROKE the stability in that region trying to make democracy bloom by taking down leadership that didn't meet our standards? When allies ASK for help and protection -- then get on the phone to your Scandanavian buds.
I agree that our actions in the Middle East under the Bush Crime Family caused the problems we're having now. But pecking away at the situation is nothing but an invitation for more of it. Should we just sit back and accept it as a form of penance? These terrorist organizations are taking advantage of our unwillingness to fight fire with fire while the spirit of anti-Western vengeance is growing the Middle East.

Look at the freakish German example. They invited the terrorists in. France is no better. Those nations are doing nothing other than tinker with half-hearted deportation efforts. Such impotent passivity will do nothing but encourage more terrorism.

Our criminal leaders in the Bush Administration have created a monster. Now we must either kill it or expect to be killed by it.
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I'm not sure I understand the point of lying to Israeli officials before the UN vote. That is a serious bitch move.

Remember that in the Koran, it's ok to lie to non Muslims to achieve your goals. Mohammed preaches this in no uncertainty.

I HIGHLY suggest you read the Talmud...hint hint it says THE EXACT SAME THING you just said plus MUCH worse...

The USA is not a theocracy.
Never said it was. Neither is Jordan nor Syria nor Lebanon nor Iraq,etc etc...I can go on. My point is that the Talmud of your beloved JEWS says the exact same thing you claim the Koran says. It says MUCH worse actually.

So your point is that it was ok the USA lied to their ally because of the Talmud?

You have to connect those dots for me. I don't know the point you are failing to make.
1. No one lied
2.Shit happens. Don't break the law then Israel wouldn't have to worry about it.

You made the point the Koran said such and such my point is the Talmud does the same.
I'm not sure I understand the point of lying to Israeli officials before the UN vote. That is a serious bitch move.

Remember that in the Koran, it's ok to lie to non Muslims to achieve your goals. Mohammed preaches this in no uncertainty.

I HIGHLY suggest you read the Talmud...hint hint it says THE EXACT SAME THING you just said plus MUCH worse...

The USA is not a theocracy.
Never said it was. Neither is Jordan nor Syria nor Lebanon nor Iraq,etc etc...I can go on. My point is that the Talmud of your beloved JEWS says the exact same thing you claim the Koran says. It says MUCH worse actually.

So your point is that it was ok the USA lied to their ally because of the Talmud?

You have to connect those dots for me. I don't know the point you are failing to make.
1. No one lied
2.Shit happens. Don't break the law then Israel wouldn't have to worry about it.

You made the point the Koran said such and such my point is the Talmud does the same.

1. Yes they did
2. Shit does happen. Like wars where territory is won.

I was making a fecious point about it being OK for the USA to lie to Jews because the Koran states it's ok to lie to non believers. The Talmud would also be an example I could have used in my joke. Thanks for the help.
Now we know the truth. Obama is an anti-Semite.

His ignorant supporters will always defend the shit he does.

Israel is the only decent country in the region. Arabs who leave Israel for other countries lose freedom and liberty the minute they leave. Despite that, people like Obama want Israel destroyed.

There never has been a state known as Palestine. The Jewish people of Israel have been attached to that land for over 3,000 years. Even though Jordanians controlled the West Bank from the 40s through '67, they never established a Palestinian state. They had taken the land from Israelis, and later the Israelis took it back.

The land belongs to Israel. Muslims just hate having non-Muslims in their midst and want them gone. Obama apparently feels the same way.

Fuck the Muslims who hate Israel.
The middle East is in worst shape today after 8 years of Odummy than when GWB left it. Obama creates voids which are rapidly filled. i.e., ISIS in Iraq and Russia in Syria. Obama's backing off the red line showed the world that yes, America is now the doormat of the world

I HIGHLY suggest you read the Talmud...hint hint it says THE EXACT SAME THING you just said plus MUCH worse...

The USA is not a theocracy.
Never said it was. Neither is Jordan nor Syria nor Lebanon nor Iraq,etc etc...I can go on. My point is that the Talmud of your beloved JEWS says the exact same thing you claim the Koran says. It says MUCH worse actually.

So your point is that it was ok the USA lied to their ally because of the Talmud?

You have to connect those dots for me. I don't know the point you are failing to make.
1. No one lied
2.Shit happens. Don't break the law then Israel wouldn't have to worry about it.

You made the point the Koran said such and such my point is the Talmud does the same.

1. Yes they did
2. Shit does happen. Like wars where territory is won.

I was making a fecious point about it being OK for the USA to lie to Jews because the Koran states it's ok to lie to non believers. The Talmud would also be an example I could have used in my joke. Thanks for the help.
So Germany was right in taking back The Rhine and Poland and other territories that were taken from them during war? Should Mexico be given back the entire southwest? I can go on. You start that nitpicking shit then you will never stop. Seeing how Palestine wasn't a state it couldn't declare war on Israel and therefore the land being stolen is being done so illegally. There is a MASSIVE desert in Israel USE IT! Also what does the Koran have to do with the US? We aren't an Islamic country.
The USA is not a theocracy.
Never said it was. Neither is Jordan nor Syria nor Lebanon nor Iraq,etc etc...I can go on. My point is that the Talmud of your beloved JEWS says the exact same thing you claim the Koran says. It says MUCH worse actually.

So your point is that it was ok the USA lied to their ally because of the Talmud?

You have to connect those dots for me. I don't know the point you are failing to make.
1. No one lied
2.Shit happens. Don't break the law then Israel wouldn't have to worry about it.

You made the point the Koran said such and such my point is the Talmud does the same.

1. Yes they did
2. Shit does happen. Like wars where territory is won.

I was making a fecious point about it being OK for the USA to lie to Jews because the Koran states it's ok to lie to non believers. The Talmud would also be an example I could have used in my joke. Thanks for the help.
So Germany was right in taking back The Rhine and Poland and other territories that were taken from them during war? Should Mexico be given back the entire southwest? I can go on. You start that nitpicking shit then you will never stop. Seeing how Palestine wasn't a state it couldn't declare war on Israel and therefore the land being stolen is being done so illegally. There is a MASSIVE desert in Israel USE IT! Also what does the Koran have to do with the US? We aren't an Islamic country.

Sure, Mexico should cry about losing the Southwest. They should go to the UN and cry that America was mean to them a long time ago.

The USA response would be the same as Israel's should be about Gaza.

One of his many big F-U's before he leaves office. I just hope & pray Trump can reverse much of his awful damage. But i have to admit, things like him opening the Immigration flood gates, may be impossible to fix. It's gonna take Trump at least 8yrs to address all of the Anti-American foreigner's terrible messes.

oh god, you're a birther.....I thought you guys were like the dodo...[/QUOTE

You thought wrong kid. Hussein ruled as an Anti-American foreigner. So if it quacks like a duck...
I thought spending US tax dollars to try to help overthrow Netenyahu during an election was as low as Barry could go in his hatred of Israel....yeah, not so much.

Dershowitz: So long to “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever”

"Barack Obama “told me he would always have Israel’s back,” Alan Dershowitz told Fox & Friends yesterday morning. “I didn’t realize what he meant — that he would have Israel’s back so he could stab them in the back.” Seething with fury, Dershowitz condemned Obama as “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever,” and also of acting in a “most undemocratic” manner on his way out of the Oval Office."

"DERSHOWITZ: What he did was so nasty, he pulled a bait and switch. He told the American public this is all about the settlements deep in the West Bank. And yet, he allowed he representative to the U.N. to abstain –which is really a vote for– a resolution that says the Jews can’t pray at the Western Wall, Jews can’t live in the Jewish Quarter [of Jerusalem] where they have lived for thousands of years. And he’s going to say, ‘Whoops! I didn’t mean that!’ Well read the resolution! You’re a lawyer, you went to Harvard Law School."

"DERSHOWITZ: This will make peace much more difficult to achieve because the Palestinians will now say ‘we can get a state through the UN, we can get a state through the BDS movement,’ because this will encourage that. ‘We can get a state through the International Criminal Court,’ because this will encourage that. ‘We don’t have to negotiate, we don’t have to make painful compromises.’ He will go down in history, President Obama, as one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever."

"Dershowitz goes on to explain that he supported Obama’s domestic policies — naturally, as a liberal Democrat himself — but that Obama “created a terrible conflict” for his fellow liberals with “appalling, appalling” record on foreign policy."

Dershowitz: So long to “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever” - Hot Air
You mean he had a foreign policy??

The only thing I ever heard him doing was apologizing to the world.

Was that his foreign policy?? LOL
Barry was awarded 'Lie of the Year' for his ACA 'whopper', and now - on the way out - he gets to be part of the TOP ANTI-SEMITIC INCIDENT OF 2016!


Why UN resolution condemning Israel is Wiesenthal Center's top anti-Semitic incident of 2016

"The latest diplomatic ambush of Israel was only made possible by the US’ historic reversal of its decades-long Mideast policy of vetoing one-sided anti-Israel initiatives at the United Nations Security Council.

President Obama's ambassador's “abstention” last week at the United Nations was actually an endorsement of an onerous one-sided resolution that among other items, defines Judaism’s holiest site as “occupied Palestinian territory” and encourages nations to undertake the boycott of goods made by Jews in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
That's why we've named it our top anti-Semitic incident of 2016."

Why UN resolution condemning Israel is Wiesenthal Center's top anti-Semitic incident of 2016
Obama's foreign policy.......

ummmm, imo it doesn't really matter much. The next nominee had be all pro Israel, and in fact Obama's term saw more military aid for Israel than ever before.

The EU ( or whatever) can more easily hit Israel with sanctions. But the reality on the ground is the Pales never really sued for peace, and Israel abandoned the two state solution when W was potus.
ummmm, imo it doesn't really matter much. The next nominee had be all pro Israel, and in fact Obama's term saw more military aid for Israel than ever before.

The EU ( or whatever) can more easily hit Israel with sanctions. But the reality on the ground is the Pales never really sued for peace, and Israel abandoned the two state solution when W was potus.

yeah where people get the nonsense that Obama was not pro Israel for that murderous state is beyond me.:cuckoo::lmao::rofl::haha::muahaha:

The U.S. Just Agreed to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid

Obama hands Israel the largest military aid deal in history

as in every president since LBJ,a mother fucking traiter.fuck you Obama and our corrupt congress as well.:fu:
I thought spending US tax dollars to try to help overthrow Netenyahu during an election was as low as Barry could go in his hatred of Israel....yeah, not so much.

Dershowitz: So long to “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever”

"Barack Obama “told me he would always have Israel’s back,” Alan Dershowitz told Fox & Friends yesterday morning. “I didn’t realize what he meant — that he would have Israel’s back so he could stab them in the back.” Seething with fury, Dershowitz condemned Obama as “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever,” and also of acting in a “most undemocratic” manner on his way out of the Oval Office."

"DERSHOWITZ: What he did was so nasty, he pulled a bait and switch. He told the American public this is all about the settlements deep in the West Bank. And yet, he allowed he representative to the U.N. to abstain –which is really a vote for– a resolution that says the Jews can’t pray at the Western Wall, Jews can’t live in the Jewish Quarter [of Jerusalem] where they have lived for thousands of years. And he’s going to say, ‘Whoops! I didn’t mean that!’ Well read the resolution! You’re a lawyer, you went to Harvard Law School."

"DERSHOWITZ: This will make peace much more difficult to achieve because the Palestinians will now say ‘we can get a state through the UN, we can get a state through the BDS movement,’ because this will encourage that. ‘We can get a state through the International Criminal Court,’ because this will encourage that. ‘We don’t have to negotiate, we don’t have to make painful compromises.’ He will go down in history, President Obama, as one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever."

"Dershowitz goes on to explain that he supported Obama’s domestic policies — naturally, as a liberal Democrat himself — but that Obama “created a terrible conflict” for his fellow liberals with “appalling, appalling” record on foreign policy."

Dershowitz: So long to “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever” - Hot Air
Did the supporter of OJ tell Israel to stay in their own country and stop invading Pal land??
I thought spending US tax dollars to try to help overthrow Netenyahu during an election was as low as Barry could go in his hatred of Israel....yeah, not so much.

Dershowitz: So long to “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever”

"Barack Obama “told me he would always have Israel’s back,” Alan Dershowitz told Fox & Friends yesterday morning. “I didn’t realize what he meant — that he would have Israel’s back so he could stab them in the back.” Seething with fury, Dershowitz condemned Obama as “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever,” and also of acting in a “most undemocratic” manner on his way out of the Oval Office."

"DERSHOWITZ: What he did was so nasty, he pulled a bait and switch. He told the American public this is all about the settlements deep in the West Bank. And yet, he allowed he representative to the U.N. to abstain –which is really a vote for– a resolution that says the Jews can’t pray at the Western Wall, Jews can’t live in the Jewish Quarter [of Jerusalem] where they have lived for thousands of years. And he’s going to say, ‘Whoops! I didn’t mean that!’ Well read the resolution! You’re a lawyer, you went to Harvard Law School."

"DERSHOWITZ: This will make peace much more difficult to achieve because the Palestinians will now say ‘we can get a state through the UN, we can get a state through the BDS movement,’ because this will encourage that. ‘We can get a state through the International Criminal Court,’ because this will encourage that. ‘We don’t have to negotiate, we don’t have to make painful compromises.’ He will go down in history, President Obama, as one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever."

"Dershowitz goes on to explain that he supported Obama’s domestic policies — naturally, as a liberal Democrat himself — but that Obama “created a terrible conflict” for his fellow liberals with “appalling, appalling” record on foreign policy."

Dershowitz: So long to “one of the worst foreign-policy presidents ever” - Hot Air
Did the supporter of OJ tell Israel to stay in their own country and stop invading Pal land??
How much of USA money did Israel get from obama and USA? in 8 year

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