Obama shows his anti-semitism...gives Israel the middle finger on his way out the door

Well, Hussein is a Muslim. So this isn't surprising. But what is surprising, is that so many American Jews still support the Democratic Party. Would it be fair to call them 'Uncle Toms?'

well you're an idiot so it makes sense you think Obama is a Muslim.
When the snowflakes try to say that the Jews who are .2% of the population of planet earth are somehow oppressing the 25% of the planet that are Muslim, you have to laugh at their bullshit.
I guess minorities who can't vote for you are less in need of assistance.

Snowflake logic.
There is an overwhelming presence of minorities in the world who are in need of assistance but we are incapable of helping them all. Which ones do you recommend we help and which do we ignore? And why?

And would you say we've done quite enough for Israel throughout the past half century? Or are we under some unwritten obligation?
Now we know the truth. Obama is an anti-Semite.
Why? Because he feels it's in the U.S. best interests to discontinue support of a foreign country which has been nothing but a burden and a headache for us?

I am by no means a fan of Obama, but I'd like you to tell me how our continued support of Israel has benefited our country?
If we told you, you would still deny that truth of it. It's what media fed people do.
Why not give it a try -- if for no reason other than not appearing to be capable of nothing more than empty commentary.
When the snowflakes try to say that the Jews who are .2% of the population of planet earth are somehow oppressing the 25% of the planet that are Muslim, you have to laugh at their bullshit.
Ethnic cleansing is not a principle of Judaic law.

And, the .2% you are talking about are protected by America and Europe in particular and all UN member states.
Always knew the truth about that.

What's worse are the JINOS(Jews In Name Only) that proudly and arrogantly vote for everything that is the enemy to Israel.

They can be referred to as KAPOs.

It's unreal that Obama pulled that shit and fucked over Israel. What an utter asshole.
For allowing the UN to condemn them for ethnic cleansing???

Netanyahu has had YEARS to negotiate a deal, and instead he back stealing their property, their farms, their homes, their water rights, and then giving them to Israelis.

We've waited FAR too long. Even the head of Mossad has stated that Israeli policy is a national security problem for America.

We have to decide what we stand for. And, then we have to stand for that.
You have a strange definition of ethnic cleansing. How many Palestinians live in Israel?
How many Jews live int he PA areas?
There is no negotiating with peoploe who will sacrifice their own children just to kill yours.
Always knew the truth about that.

What's worse are the JINOS(Jews In Name Only) that proudly and arrogantly vote for everything that is the enemy to Israel.

They can be referred to as KAPOs.


There's nothing quite like watching goyim try to tell us what "real" Jews should think.
I know the true children of Abraham don't replace the Lord with false idols, I know they are not enemies of the land of Canaan, which means they don't side with those who seek the eradication of God's chosen.

In other words I know what a true Jewish man and woman are. Goyim or not. I also know more about the Jewish FAITH than most of those false sheep that proudly dance around whatever version of the golden calf they choose to dance around.

All to their own damnation.
One of his many big F-U's before he leaves office. I just hope & pray Trump can reverse much of his awful damage. But i have to admit, things like him opening the Immigration flood gates, may be impossible to fix. It's gonna take Trump at least 8yrs to address all of the Anti-American foreigner's terrible messes.
It's interesting that Jews are not considered a minority that need protection and help from America.

Snowflakes hate Jews, but love Islamists who throw homosexuals off of rooftops.

Snowflake logic
It's interesting that Jews are not considered a minority that need protection and help from America.

Snowflakes hate Jews, but love Islamists who throw homosexuals off of rooftops.

Snowflake logic

The list of leftist/liberal hypocrisies truly knows no bounds. When you catch them on one, they just look at you as if you were from another planet, because you are doing the one thing the democrats and NYT/news media doesn't want them to do, and that's thinking for themselves.
Four in ten Israelis support dismantling the settlements on the West Bank.

I guess they're the anti-semitic Jews, lol.
It is sort of evident.
Evident to who? Certainly not to me. So how about telling us in specific terms just how our supportive relationship with Israel has benefited the U.S.

Again -- specifics.

Israel has been moving on a long term plan to settle the disputes in their immediate neighborhood. CURRENTLY, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon are in direct talks with them about "mutual defense" of the neighborhood, and other "issues of mutual concern". For instance since the Gaza strip was taken over by Hamas, Egypt has been enforcing the embargo of arms and traffic in and out of the Gaza strip connection to Egypt. Under the circumstances, this is currently in the interests of the entire neighborhood.

Israel DID make major moves to grant Pali sovereignty. They dragged Israeli settlers KICKING AND SCREAMING out of the Gaza strip in early 2000s. When it was turned over to the Pali Authority in 2004/5, it was with a plan for complete normalization of trade and relations with the PA. Not a vestige of anything "Israeli or jewish" remained. That lasted LESS THAN A YEAR. And the Palis were fighting amongst themselves for political control of the PA and Gaza and the rest of Pali territorities.

That era of Pali LEGITIMATE representation ended badly. Went up in flames. NO Pali govt LEFT to negotiate with. You don't negotiate with street protesters. Not Israel's fault. Not Netanyahyu's fault. And YET --- the anti-Israel crowds wants Israelis to be stupid enough to repeat the failed hand over of Gaza.. You'd have to be a MORON to propose that. And expect a better outcome than what happened the last time --- Israel vacated "occupied" land.
Four in ten Israelis support dismantling the settlements on the West Bank.

I guess they're the anti-semitic Jews, lol.
I've always found it interesting that more American Jews are inclined to support the provocative settlement expansion than are the Israeli Jews -- who are the ones who will suffer any unnecessarily potential consequences.

They like talking tough while they are safely insulated from any harmful results of their ignorant spew.
Four in ten Israelis support dismantling the settlements on the West Bank.

I guess they're the anti-semitic Jews, lol.
I've always found it interesting that more American Jews are inclined to support the provocative settlement expansion than are the Israeli Jews -- who are the ones who will suffer any unnecessarily potential consequences.

They like talking tough while they are safely insulated from any harmful results of their ignorant spew.

It took me 20 years to break down and admit that the Palistinians were incapable of organizing a representative govt or council like the Zionist movement of the early 20th century. They have FAILED to make their case for "sovereign rule" of areas within the West Bank and Gaza. So at some point, since it's been almost 50 years of badly run "occupation" and no Pali movement appears --- I've just gotta say "fuck it" and "life must go on".

The past Pali "leadership" HAD the entire WEST BANK under Jordanian mandate. King of Jordan was feeding them money, including them in the Jordanian govt and they represented a full 1/3 of the Jordanian economy. The PLO screwed that deal. By mounting an armed insurrection against the govt in Amman. (Black September).. And they got their butts TOSSED OUT of the West Bank and Jordan.. And then TOSSED OUT of Lebanon.

It's a history of Pali FAILURE --- not Israeli oppression..

Israel DID make major moves to grant Pali sovereignty. They dragged Israeli settlers KICKING AND SCREAMING out of the Gaza strip in early 2000s.

Thank you for the intelligent response. It is a welcome change.

I agree with the general thrust of what you've presented and I sincerely wish Israel could eventually reach some peaceful accord with its Muslim neighbors, but I don't think it's possible (oil and water).

Re: the above highlighted excerpt: That action on Sharon's part was the result of pressure applied by George W. Bush immediately after the 9/11 attack. It was prompted by PBS Frontline's re-releasing the transcript of John Miller's 1998 interview with Osama bin Laden in which bin Laden threatened "major consequences" for U.S. support of the Gaza settlement expansion and the presence of the American air base in the Saudi holy land.

Bin Laden's threat was repeated several times after that interview but bush (via Condoleeza Rice) denied receiving those communiques. That is why Bush hurriedly pressured (bribed) Sharon to evict the Gaza settlers and why he removed the bin Sultan airbase immediately after the 9/11 attack. He did this for two reasons; to be able to say he did it -- and to remove what he then had cause to know was not an idle threat.

Aside from all of that, my main concern is U.S. support of Israel is, has been and will continue to be harmful to us and it represents absolutely no reciprocal benefits. I have nothing against Israel but there is no good reason for us to continue involving ourselves in an historical conflict which is none of our business.

American Jews who are concerned with Israel's safety should migrate there and directly participate in the conflict.
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