Obama shows his anti-semitism...gives Israel the middle finger on his way out the door

Now we know the truth. Obama is an anti-Semite.
Why? Because he feels it's in the U.S. best interests to discontinue support of a foreign country which has been nothing but a burden and a headache for us?

I am by no means a fan of Obama, but I'd like you to tell me how our continued support of Israel has benefited our country?
If we told you, you would still deny that truth of it. It's what media fed people do.
Always knew the truth about that.

What's worse are the JINOS(Jews In Name Only) that proudly and arrogantly vote for everything that is the enemy to Israel.

They can be referred to as KAPOs.

It's unreal that Obama pulled that shit and fucked over Israel. What an utter asshole.
For allowing the UN to condemn them for ethnic cleansing???

Netanyahu has had YEARS to negotiate a deal, and instead he back stealing their property, their farms, their homes, their water rights, and then giving them to Israelis.

We've waited FAR too long. Even the head of Mossad has stated that Israeli policy is a national security problem for America.

We have to decide what we stand for. And, then we have to stand for that.
Obama lied to our ally and did not do what he said he would do.

It's sad that we have a antisemitic President.


Actually, he has been very consistent, never made promises he did not keep and always backed them up.

You and the other RWNJ traitors just want it to be true so you're refusing to actually look at it.

He lied to Israeli diplomats just prior to the UN vote.

You and the other snowflake traitors just want it to be not true so you're refusing to actually look at it.
The following is chronology of statements by U.S. officials on U.S. policies toward Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
Statements from U.S. Government Officials Concerning Israeli Settlements | Churches for Middle East Peace

Label Obama what you will for standing up for long held American values.

Antisemitism is not a long held American value.

Obama lied to Israel. Bad optics for POTUS.
Obama has long stated that Israel's ethnic cleansing is a serious problem.

And, let's remember that has been US policy for DECADES.

Remember that Bush43 pushed for negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and his "road map" had prerequisites that each side was required to meet.

The Bush requirement on Israel was that Netanyahu remove the settlements that even Netanyahu agreed were illegal.

Netanyahu AGREED to that road map, but then FAILED to remove the illegal settlements. Bush allowed the negotiation to continue, but Israel continued ethnic cleansing operations EVEN DURING NEGOTIATIONS!!!

NOW you tell me that you think Obama is the problem???

NOW you tell me that it is Obama who lied???
The following is chronology of statements by U.S. officials on U.S. policies toward Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
Statements from U.S. Government Officials Concerning Israeli Settlements | Churches for Middle East Peace

Label Obama what you will for standing up for long held American values.

Antisemitism is not a long held American value.

Obama lied to Israel. Bad optics for POTUS.
Obama has long stated that Israel's ethnic cleansing is a serious problem.

And, let's remember that has been US policy for DECADES.

Remember that Bush43 pushed for negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and his "road map" had prerequisites that each side was required to meet.

The Bush requirement on Israel was that Netanyahu remove the settlements that even Netanyahu agreed were illegal.

Netanyahu AGREED to that road map, but then FAILED to remove the illegal settlements. Bush allowed the negotiation to continue, but Israel continued ethnic cleansing operations EVEN DURING NEGOTIATIONS!!!

NOW you tell me that you think Obama is the problem???

NOW you tell me that it is Obama who lied???

Yes Obama lied to Israeli diplomats prior to the UN vote.

It's bad form to lie to allies.
The following is chronology of statements by U.S. officials on U.S. policies toward Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
Statements from U.S. Government Officials Concerning Israeli Settlements | Churches for Middle East Peace

Label Obama what you will for standing up for long held American values.

Antisemitism is not a long held American value.

Obama lied to Israel. Bad optics for POTUS.
Obama has long stated that Israel's ethnic cleansing is a serious problem.

And, let's remember that has been US policy for DECADES.

Remember that Bush43 pushed for negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and his "road map" had prerequisites that each side was required to meet.

The Bush requirement on Israel was that Netanyahu remove the settlements that even Netanyahu agreed were illegal.

Netanyahu AGREED to that road map, but then FAILED to remove the illegal settlements. Bush allowed the negotiation to continue, but Israel continued ethnic cleansing operations EVEN DURING NEGOTIATIONS!!!

NOW you tell me that you think Obama is the problem???

NOW you tell me that it is Obama who lied???

Yes Obama lied to Israeli diplomats prior to the UN vote.

It's bad form to lie to allies.

Do you anything to support this claim that you've now made at least 5 times in this thread?

Or are we just supposed to take your word for it?
Now we know the truth. Obama is an anti-Semite.
Why? Because he feels it's in the U.S. best interests to discontinue support of a foreign country which has been nothing but a burden and a headache for us?

I am by no means a fan of Obama, but I'd like you to tell me how our continued support of Israel has benefited our country?

It is sort of evident.
I will bless those that bless you..........
The following is chronology of statements by U.S. officials on U.S. policies toward Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
Statements from U.S. Government Officials Concerning Israeli Settlements | Churches for Middle East Peace

Label Obama what you will for standing up for long held American values.

Antisemitism is not a long held American value.

Obama lied to Israel. Bad optics for POTUS.
Obama has long stated that Israel's ethnic cleansing is a serious problem.

And, let's remember that has been US policy for DECADES.

Remember that Bush43 pushed for negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and his "road map" had prerequisites that each side was required to meet.

The Bush requirement on Israel was that Netanyahu remove the settlements that even Netanyahu agreed were illegal.

Netanyahu AGREED to that road map, but then FAILED to remove the illegal settlements. Bush allowed the negotiation to continue, but Israel continued ethnic cleansing operations EVEN DURING NEGOTIATIONS!!!

NOW you tell me that you think Obama is the problem???

NOW you tell me that it is Obama who lied???

Yes Obama lied to Israeli diplomats prior to the UN vote.

It's bad form to lie to allies.

Hell, he overthrew our ally in Egypt, just to set up the Muslim Brotherhood.....
Now we know the truth. Obama is an anti-Semite.
Why? Because he feels it's in the U.S. best interests to discontinue support of a foreign country which has been nothing but a burden and a headache for us?

I am by no means a fan of Obama, but I'd like you to tell me how our continued support of Israel has benefited our country?

I guess minorities who can't vote for you are less in need of assistance.

Snowflake logic.
Jews are .2% of the population of earth...but somehow they are the oppressive force.

Snowflake logic.

I thought snowflakes were concerned about minorities.

Remind me, how many Jews are there on earth relative to Islamics and Christians?

Jews are in the minority. They can't possibly do anything for themselves without the help of liberals.

Too bad the Jewish voting block in America isnt bigger, then Dems might try to pretend they are not antisemites.
That makes no sense, Colonel Anus, but that is you.
Jews are .2% of the population of earth...but somehow they are the oppressive force.

Snowflake logic.



You still haven't backed up your claims, clown shoes.

But it is cute watching you goyim pretend to be such protectors of Jews.
The following is chronology of statements by U.S. officials on U.S. policies toward Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
Statements from U.S. Government Officials Concerning Israeli Settlements | Churches for Middle East Peace

Label Obama what you will for standing up for long held American values.

Antisemitism is not a long held American value.

Obama lied to Israel. Bad optics for POTUS.
Obama has long stated that Israel's ethnic cleansing is a serious problem.

And, let's remember that has been US policy for DECADES.

Remember that Bush43 pushed for negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and his "road map" had prerequisites that each side was required to meet.

The Bush requirement on Israel was that Netanyahu remove the settlements that even Netanyahu agreed were illegal.

Netanyahu AGREED to that road map, but then FAILED to remove the illegal settlements. Bush allowed the negotiation to continue, but Israel continued ethnic cleansing operations EVEN DURING NEGOTIATIONS!!!

NOW you tell me that you think Obama is the problem???

NOW you tell me that it is Obama who lied???

Yes Obama lied to Israeli diplomats prior to the UN vote.

It's bad form to lie to allies.

Hell, he overthrew our ally in Egypt, just to set up the Muslim Brotherhood.....
No, this is absolutely false. The US did NOT overthrow our ally in Egypt. That was entirely a matter of the failed Egyptian government being overthrown by it's people.

Our position was consistently in favor of the Egyptian government right up to the point where salvaging the existing government was not possible.

Our influence in the formation of the new Egyptian government was substantially reduced BECAUSE we opposed the revolution to the bitter end.

The problem in Egypt was that Egypt had large numbers of well qualified workers, numerous college graduates, for example, and no economy capable of putting them to work. That had been a problem in Egypt for a long time - back several different leaders. Their economy was not capitalist in that the military controlled, in fact, owned, the corporations. Stuff we imported from Egypt was created by their military, not by a capitalist corporation that could grow or change as is required in a healthy economy.
Snowflakes have conditions on their concern for minorities. So transparent.

If Obama wants to screw Israel, that's fine. What is the point of lying to Israeli officials prior to the vote?
Anyone notice how nobody else on the Security Council stood up for Israels expanded settlements?

Guess the entire world is antisemetic
The idea that Likud is representative of Judaism as a whole is in itself somewhat anti-Semetic.
Jews are .2% of the population of earth...but somehow they are the oppressive force.

Snowflake logic.



You still haven't backed up your claims, clown shoes.

But it is cute watching you goyim pretend to be such protectors of Jews.

My claims are backed up by Benji. Who backs up yours?
Since his first political campaign, Netanyahu has run on a platform of existential threat from the outside. He's taken clear and consistent moves to make that threat seem as real and as relevant as possible.

Look for quotes from his cabinet. He chooses people who see Palestinians as vermin to be killed, occupying land that they see as theirs, due to their interpretation of Biblical times.

And, you don't have to look at their foreign policy. Israel is run as an apartheid state - just not as severely so as, say, South Africa.
Snowflakes have conditions on their concern for minorities. So transparent.

If Obama wants to screw Israel, that's fine. What is the point of lying to Israeli officials prior to the vote?

Israel isn't a "minority", clown shoes.

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