Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act

I know someone who has liver cancer from eating GM food.

How do they know that?

Pretty much this:

[ame=http://youtu.be/zJQ7FxLzhVs]Robin Hood - Men in tights Guessing - YouTube[/ame]

oops- maybe you should have watched the video I posted in 45 first. It's addressed right at the beginning, though not comprehensively.

Another thing that's going on-- anyone have a dog with an itch problem? Look how much corn is in your dog food. Tip of the day. I've already seen a dramatic difference in a friend's dog after weaning her off the corny food.
A Death Grip on Our Food Supply: Monsanto's Death Patents

>> More broadly, and unlikely to be addressed in the instant case, is whether Monsanto (or any other company) should be able to patent seeds – the core of global food supplies, and thus of sustenance for billions of people – in the first place. Activists will decry the fact that Monsanto is patenting life, and this is indeed an Orwellian (or perhaps a Huxleyan) prospect, to be sure. Yet I would submit that Monsanto is actually patenting death, which is potentially even more disconcerting.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food and/or consume it. In this sense, Monsanto gains enormous power to determine who is allowed to eat – and thus who lives or dies. Consider further that Monsanto’s patents also include technologies in which seeds are sold that cannot propagate themselves, resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

In the case currently before the Court, shades of the latter issue are present, with the question being whether the seeds of the seeds of Monsanto creations retain their exclusive patent rights – possibly in perpetuity. This sort of argument might give us cause to wonder whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process. Perverse slippery slopes aside, the permeation of patentable materials throughout the food chain is by now a clear and present danger.

These are troubling trends indeed. Monsanto wants the right to exert perpetual control, and with it the power to make decisions about who/what lives or dies...

These last two links, btw, are from here, where there's more.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food

You don't want to buy their higher yielding seeds? Don't.

resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

You don't want to buy their higher yielding seeds? Don't.

whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process.

I'm now resistant to Roundup.
Monsanto, come and get me!!
The Examiner is a Pub propaganda rag, to start with. First Dems needed that continuing resolution to get us out of this gd Pub Great World Recession. Baby steps, and you can be sure Pubs were MAINLY behind this. The ocean liner to Pub hell is turning slowly.

And Pelosi was right- people won't understand O-care till it's implemented. Pub dupes!!

Right now, franchHFW, the brunt of the expense of ACA will fall upon American workers with a full-time job.

Only 47% of Working Age Americans have Full-Time Jobs

Insurance companies will be unable to compete with the government, so that will leave a smaller and smaller percentage of workers working full-time to pay for the health care of people who haven't completed their educations yet and the health care of people who have retired until they die, which now can be over 30 years if they retire at age 65. The diabolical Democrats also have a plan under consideration at this point to beat up taxpayers for paying for all foreigners who come into this country, too. A million a year will be a thing of the past soon.

Just wait until ACA takes 20% of their present take home. Fewer people will be able to afford to work when the government is so generous to supply all the needs of those who are unemployed. It's not a matter of if but only when at this point of our sinking into a community-does-all society that we are becoming.

Everyone ALREADY gets care, dupe, just in the stupidest, cruelist way- ER care with 750k bankruptcies a year, no preventive care, people on welfare to get medicaid, ruining our global competitiveness etc etc etc. Pub dupes!!
well, for one Obama did not write it or vote for it to be sent to him ....

No, he just signed it and turned it into law. That makes him more culpable in my book. All he had to do was veto the damned thing - and he didn't. He signed it. He owns it.
A Death Grip on Our Food Supply: Monsanto's Death Patents

>> More broadly, and unlikely to be addressed in the instant case, is whether Monsanto (or any other company) should be able to patent seeds – the core of global food supplies, and thus of sustenance for billions of people – in the first place. Activists will decry the fact that Monsanto is patenting life, and this is indeed an Orwellian (or perhaps a Huxleyan) prospect, to be sure. Yet I would submit that Monsanto is actually patenting death, which is potentially even more disconcerting.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food and/or consume it. In this sense, Monsanto gains enormous power to determine who is allowed to eat – and thus who lives or dies. Consider further that Monsanto’s patents also include technologies in which seeds are sold that cannot propagate themselves, resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

In the case currently before the Court, shades of the latter issue are present, with the question being whether the seeds of the seeds of Monsanto creations retain their exclusive patent rights – possibly in perpetuity. This sort of argument might give us cause to wonder whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process. Perverse slippery slopes aside, the permeation of patentable materials throughout the food chain is by now a clear and present danger.

These are troubling trends indeed. Monsanto wants the right to exert perpetual control, and with it the power to make decisions about who/what lives or dies...

These last two links, btw, are from here, where there's more.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food

You don't want to buy their higher yielding seeds? Don't.

resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

You don't want to buy their higher yielding seeds? Don't.

whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process.

I'm now resistant to Roundup.
Monsanto, come and get me!!

:: slaps head:: You must be new to this. Sure you can "don't" buy them.. And then get your ass hauled to court by Monsanto lawyers suing you because your neighbor's Monsanto seeds down the road pollinated yours, and you're in court for "patent infringement".

You really don't know about this??

>> On the one side is Bowman, a single 75-year-old Indiana soybean farmer who is still tending the same acres of land as his father before him in rural south-western Indiana. On the other is a gigantic multibillion dollar agricultural business famed for its zealous protection of its commercial rights. << 75-year-old farmer v. Monsanto

>> Monsanto continues its lawsuit against a North Dakota family farm, despite an independent body’s ruling that it found no evidence of wrongdoing. Roger, Rodney and Greg Nelson grow soybeans, wheat and sugar beets on 8,000 acres outside of Amenia, ND, in the Red River Valley. (See February story about Nelson case)

"They (Monsanto) haven’t got any evidence," says Mark Fraase, the attorney representing the Nelsons. "They can’t gather any, yet they persist."

Monsanto would not comment on any aspect of this story.

The Nelsons are among the hundreds of farmers Monsanto is suing, usually on the grounds of patent infringement. However, growers have begun to fight back in the courts. << -- Monsanto Still Suing Nelsons, Other Growers

How can you not know about this? It's been going on for years.
A Death Grip on Our Food Supply: Monsanto's Death Patents

>> More broadly, and unlikely to be addressed in the instant case, is whether Monsanto (or any other company) should be able to patent seeds – the core of global food supplies, and thus of sustenance for billions of people – in the first place. Activists will decry the fact that Monsanto is patenting life, and this is indeed an Orwellian (or perhaps a Huxleyan) prospect, to be sure. Yet I would submit that Monsanto is actually patenting death, which is potentially even more disconcerting.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food and/or consume it. In this sense, Monsanto gains enormous power to determine who is allowed to eat – and thus who lives or dies. Consider further that Monsanto’s patents also include technologies in which seeds are sold that cannot propagate themselves, resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

In the case currently before the Court, shades of the latter issue are present, with the question being whether the seeds of the seeds of Monsanto creations retain their exclusive patent rights – possibly in perpetuity. This sort of argument might give us cause to wonder whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process. Perverse slippery slopes aside, the permeation of patentable materials throughout the food chain is by now a clear and present danger.

These are troubling trends indeed. Monsanto wants the right to exert perpetual control, and with it the power to make decisions about who/what lives or dies...

These last two links, btw, are from here, where there's more.

Not another idiot that hates science, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
well, for one Obama did not write it or vote for it to be sent to him ....

No, he just signed it and turned it into law. That makes him more culpable in my book. All he had to do was veto the damned thing - and he didn't. He signed it. He owns it.

Of course you're a brainwashed hater dupe. The country NEEDS this bill to end the GD Pub obstruction and the GD Pub Great World Recession. We can UN-exempt fekking Monsanto later- we needed Pub votes NOW. Dumbazzes lol.:eusa_whistle:
There's an easy solution which is better for one's health: don't eat packaged crap food that is full of corn and sugar. Buy fresh ingredients and cook for oneself.

Sugar, I understand. What's wrong with corn?

High fructose corn syrup is a sugar, and it's in everything (colloquially "everything", not literally). Plus it's made from corn, which has at this point probably been tainted by Monsanto. I say "probably" because the corporats who pull our politicians' strings have made sure we can't tell from an ingredient label.

High fructose corn syrup is not corn, it is a highly processed corn byproduct.
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

This is why I think you are an anti science whacko conspiracy nut. The simple fact is that everything we eat is a genetically modified organism.

"anti science whacko conspiracy nut"....what are you some kind of goofball?
Might want to read my post once again, and this time try to comprehend what the Bill is all about.....maybe then you won't look so foolish

It is about the anti science whacko conspiracy nuts going crazy over bullshit.

Did I miss something?
A Death Grip on Our Food Supply: Monsanto's Death Patents

>> More broadly, and unlikely to be addressed in the instant case, is whether Monsanto (or any other company) should be able to patent seeds – the core of global food supplies, and thus of sustenance for billions of people – in the first place. Activists will decry the fact that Monsanto is patenting life, and this is indeed an Orwellian (or perhaps a Huxleyan) prospect, to be sure. Yet I would submit that Monsanto is actually patenting death, which is potentially even more disconcerting.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food and/or consume it. In this sense, Monsanto gains enormous power to determine who is allowed to eat – and thus who lives or dies. Consider further that Monsanto’s patents also include technologies in which seeds are sold that cannot propagate themselves, resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

In the case currently before the Court, shades of the latter issue are present, with the question being whether the seeds of the seeds of Monsanto creations retain their exclusive patent rights – possibly in perpetuity. This sort of argument might give us cause to wonder whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process. Perverse slippery slopes aside, the permeation of patentable materials throughout the food chain is by now a clear and present danger.

These are troubling trends indeed. Monsanto wants the right to exert perpetual control, and with it the power to make decisions about who/what lives or dies...

These last two links, btw, are from here, where there's more.

Not another idiot that hates science, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Not another corporat booticker who can't bend over far enough or soon enough to grovel for his masters, what the fuck is wrong with you?
A Death Grip on Our Food Supply: Monsanto's Death Patents

>> More broadly, and unlikely to be addressed in the instant case, is whether Monsanto (or any other company) should be able to patent seeds – the core of global food supplies, and thus of sustenance for billions of people – in the first place. Activists will decry the fact that Monsanto is patenting life, and this is indeed an Orwellian (or perhaps a Huxleyan) prospect, to be sure. Yet I would submit that Monsanto is actually patenting death, which is potentially even more disconcerting.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food and/or consume it. In this sense, Monsanto gains enormous power to determine who is allowed to eat – and thus who lives or dies. Consider further that Monsanto’s patents also include technologies in which seeds are sold that cannot propagate themselves, resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

In the case currently before the Court, shades of the latter issue are present, with the question being whether the seeds of the seeds of Monsanto creations retain their exclusive patent rights – possibly in perpetuity. This sort of argument might give us cause to wonder whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process. Perverse slippery slopes aside, the permeation of patentable materials throughout the food chain is by now a clear and present danger.

These are troubling trends indeed. Monsanto wants the right to exert perpetual control, and with it the power to make decisions about who/what lives or dies...

These last two links, btw, are from here, where there's more.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food

You don't want to buy their higher yielding seeds? Don't.

resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

You don't want to buy their higher yielding seeds? Don't.

whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process.

I'm now resistant to Roundup.
Monsanto, come and get me!!

:: slaps head:: You must be new to this. Sure you can "don't" buy them.. And then get your ass hauled to court by Monsanto lawyers suing you because your neighbor's Monsanto seeds down the road pollinated yours, and you're in court for "patent infringement".

You really don't know about this??

>> On the one side is Bowman, a single 75-year-old Indiana soybean farmer who is still tending the same acres of land as his father before him in rural south-western Indiana. On the other is a gigantic multibillion dollar agricultural business famed for its zealous protection of its commercial rights. << 75-year-old farmer v. Monsanto

>> Monsanto continues its lawsuit against a North Dakota family farm, despite an independent body’s ruling that it found no evidence of wrongdoing. Roger, Rodney and Greg Nelson grow soybeans, wheat and sugar beets on 8,000 acres outside of Amenia, ND, in the Red River Valley. (See February story about Nelson case)

"They (Monsanto) haven’t got any evidence," says Mark Fraase, the attorney representing the Nelsons. "They can’t gather any, yet they persist."

Monsanto would not comment on any aspect of this story.

The Nelsons are among the hundreds of farmers Monsanto is suing, usually on the grounds of patent infringement. However, growers have begun to fight back in the courts. << -- Monsanto Still Suing Nelsons, Other Growers

How can you not know about this? It's been going on for years.

First, Monsato has already lost cross pollination lawsuits.

Second, this provision will do nothing to change that.

Third, all this does is allow farmers actually plant products that are approved by the FDA without hassle from the courts.

The anti science whack conspiracy nuts hate that, thanks for showing your true colors.

For the people that actually live in reality, here is some information about what this provision actually does.

On the other side, nine organizations have expressed strong support of Section 733. Those groups are the Agricultural Retailers Association; American Farm Bureau Federation; American Seed Trade Association; American Soybean Association; American Sugarbeet Growers Association; Biotechnology Industry Organization; National Association of Wheat Growers; National Corn Growers Association and National Cotton Council.
The activist groups’ contention is wrong. The claim is that farmers are planting unapproved seed whereas in reality the farmer protection provision is geared toward allowing farmers to proceed in planting, or at least harvesting biotech crops, after an initial registration/approval. Farmers are not planting crops that were unapproved/unregistered by the USDA.
The situation has developed that every biotech/GMO crop approval is challenged by activists, which could delay farmer planting for years as court challenges stretch on and on. As noted by lawyers who have been involved in court cases, biotech crops have not been found to be unsafe. Setbacks in court to biotech crops have occurred as the registration paperwork was found to not be completed to micro detail.

Anti-GMO groups protesting farmer assurance - Newsroom - Ag Professional
A Death Grip on Our Food Supply: Monsanto's Death Patents

>> More broadly, and unlikely to be addressed in the instant case, is whether Monsanto (or any other company) should be able to patent seeds – the core of global food supplies, and thus of sustenance for billions of people – in the first place. Activists will decry the fact that Monsanto is patenting life, and this is indeed an Orwellian (or perhaps a Huxleyan) prospect, to be sure. Yet I would submit that Monsanto is actually patenting death, which is potentially even more disconcerting.

Consider that by exerting this level of control over the food supply, Monsanto is rapidly creating a world in which people have to pay fealty to the corporation in order to grow food and/or consume it. In this sense, Monsanto gains enormous power to determine who is allowed to eat – and thus who lives or dies. Consider further that Monsanto’s patents also include technologies in which seeds are sold that cannot propagate themselves, resulting in plants terminating rather than perpetuating, requiring farmers to have to go back to the “company store” in order to replant their fields.

In the case currently before the Court, shades of the latter issue are present, with the question being whether the seeds of the seeds of Monsanto creations retain their exclusive patent rights – possibly in perpetuity. This sort of argument might give us cause to wonder whether an animal (or even a human being, someday?) who consumes these proprietary foods could be implicated in such assertions if they are somehow genetically altered in the process. Perverse slippery slopes aside, the permeation of patentable materials throughout the food chain is by now a clear and present danger.

These are troubling trends indeed. Monsanto wants the right to exert perpetual control, and with it the power to make decisions about who/what lives or dies...

These last two links, btw, are from here, where there's more.

Not another idiot that hates science, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Not another corporat booticker who can't bend over far enough or soon enough to grovel for his masters, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I believe in science and progress, what can I say?

Strange that those words are coming from a far right wing reactionary conservative, and are being delivered to a porgressive, isn't it?
well, for one Obama did not write it or vote for it to be sent to him ....

No, he just signed it and turned it into law. That makes him more culpable in my book. All he had to do was veto the damned thing - and he didn't. He signed it. He owns it.

Of course you're a brainwashed hater dupe. The country NEEDS this bill to end the GD Pub obstruction and the GD Pub Great World Recession. We can UN-exempt fekking Monsanto later- we needed Pub votes NOW. Dumbazzes lol.:eusa_whistle:

Further evidence that you are a corporate shill for the Monsanto corporation.

You little fuck are a curious study.
Not another idiot that hates science, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Not another corporat booticker who can't bend over far enough or soon enough to grovel for his masters, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I believe in science and progress, what can I say?

Strange that those words are coming from a far right wing reactionary conservative, and are being delivered to a porgressive, isn't it?

Not really- we just finally stumbled onto a subject you haven't been brainwashed on, and that you know about.
Last edited:
into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Obama Signs Continuing Resolution To Avoid Government Shutdown

well, for one Obama did not write it or vote for it to be sent to him ...

How the Monsanto Protection Act snuck into law - Salon.com

Since the act’s passing more than 250,000 people have signed a petition opposing the provision and a rally, consisting largely of farmers organized by the Food Democracy Now network, protested outside the White House Wednesday. Not only has anger been directed at the Monsanto Protection Act’s content, but the way in which the provision was passed through Congress without appropriate review by the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees. The biotech rider instead was introduced anonymously as the larger bill progressed — little wonder food activists are accusing lobbyists and Congress members of backroom dealings.
... was introduced anonymously

is that possible ?

where were the outraged Republicans ?????
this is what happens when you elect people who are busy trying to screw the other party over instead of actually reading the laws that they sign and vote for.

Poor legislation. From the Senate. What a surprise that is.......not.
Not another idiot that hates science, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Not another corporat booticker who can't bend over far enough or soon enough to grovel for his masters, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I believe in science and progress, what can I say?

Strange that those words are coming from a far right wing reactionary conservative, and are being delivered to a porgressive, isn't it?

Not surprising at all that they're coming from a narcissistic obsessive-compulsive contrarian who believes it's his duty to post umpteen times disagreeing with everyone about everything everywhere, apparently with the sole goal of getting his name on the internets as many times as possible.

This isn't a question of "science". It's about ethics. And playing God. I know you think that's you but it ain't, and it sure as hell ain't a Frankenstein company in St. Louis bent on taking over the planet.
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

It's not at all surprising that this is in the bill. If you get a chance, read the whole thing, I'm sure it will give you nightmares.

For you noobs, this is what happens when a House or Senate bill can be stopped dead in its tracks by an obstructionist merely saying that he'll filibuster the bill. The only way that this bill could be passed were if it were loaded with pork. You remember how much the republicans claimed they hated pork? Their true colors are now showing.

But there IS a ray of hope:

...immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is...

Hmmm... looks like they're only immune during the review process - but not after...

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