Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act

This is why I think you are an anti science whacko conspiracy nut. The simple fact is that everything we eat is a genetically modified organism.

"anti science whacko conspiracy nut"....what are you some kind of goofball?
Might want to read my post once again, and this time try to comprehend what the Bill is all about.....maybe then you won't look so foolish

It is about the anti science whacko conspiracy nuts going crazy over bullshit.

Did I miss something?

Yeah....you did. It more about being above the law if something happened and went terribly wrong. Not saying it is, but if it did, Monsanto would be immune.
Strange that you would think a corp. shouldn't be held accountable.
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No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved. Once it is approved, farmers and downstream purchasers need to be able to rely on the determination. Suppose Farmer Bob has planted an approved event. The corn is up, or in the bin, or on a boat to China. An anti-biotech advocacy group goes judge shopping and finds a left wing tool willing to overturn the event approval based on Luddite fantasies and fear mongering press releases. Suddenly everyone in the supply chain has tons of unapproved product, which has very likely been commingled with other varieties, and you’ve now got a major trade disruption. All this legislation does is allow USDA to throw a circuit breaker and buy time for a rational review. Remember that this is with regard to reconsideration of previously approved events that have now entered the supply chain.

Political risk is a growing problem in our brave new world, and a lot of it is judge driven. If an activity is regulated and you have the relevant permits, licenses, or approvals, you should be able to proceed in good faith without gunslinging activist judges changing the rules retroactively.

As to GMOs, most U.S. corn and soybeans have been GM for 15 years. The technology is also spreading rapidly around the world. Activist groups hate it not because it is unsafe (it’s not), but because it’s big corporate agriscience and is best adapted to modern hi tech farming. Those who are nostalgic for endless lines of peasants toiling in the fields hate modern agriculture. The rest of the world, however, is not obligated to remain poor in order to provide photo ops for vacationing westerners.

For its part, Europe doesn’t like biotech because Europe doesn’t want to compete with modern producers in the U.S., Argentina, and Brazil. Partly as a result, Europeans pay twice to three times what we do for food, measured as a percentage of disposable income. Sane people in Europe understand perfectly well that they’ve created a mythological bogeyman as a smokescreen for naked protectionism, but the politics have taken over and reform will be difficult.

Some here seem not to like biotech because they’ve bought in to some of the hobgoblin stories put about by the usual Luddite suspects. If you are one of these folks, the good news is that you have a perfectly simple solution. Buy organic. You will pay a stiff premium and incur the higher health risks attendant on premodern production methods, but that is your call to make.

Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act! Betrays America - It's Time to Label GMOs!
The Examiner is a Pub propaganda rag, to start with. First Dems needed that continuing resolution to get us out of this gd Pub Great World Recession. Baby steps, and you can be sure Pubs were MAINLY behind this. The ocean liner to Pub hell is turning slowly.

And Pelosi was right- people won't understand O-care till it's implemented. Pub dupes!!

Right now, franchHFW, the brunt of the expense of ACA will fall upon American workers with a full-time job.

Only 47% of Working Age Americans have Full-Time Jobs

Insurance companies will be unable to compete with the government, so that will leave a smaller and smaller percentage of workers working full-time to pay for the health care of people who haven't completed their educations yet and the health care of people who have retired until they die, which now can be over 30 years if they retire at age 65. The diabolical Democrats also have a plan under consideration at this point to beat up taxpayers for paying for all foreigners who come into this country, too. A million a year will be a thing of the past soon.

Just wait until ACA takes 20% of their present take home. Fewer people will be able to afford to work when the government is so generous to supply all the needs of those who are unemployed. It's not a matter of if but only when at this point of our sinking into a community-does-all society that we are becoming.

Everyone ALREADY gets care, dupe, just in the stupidest, cruelist way- ER care with 750k bankruptcies a year, no preventive care, people on welfare to get medicaid, ruining our global competitiveness etc etc etc. Pub dupes!!
You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Before Obama became President, I had health insurance. After he took office, and started shaking down Insurance companies and scaring business owners, my insurance provider replaced my $200 deductible per annum with a $2400 deductible per annum and raised my rate to boot. I succumbed to a disease process over 10 years ago and cannot work full time due to screaming out loud muscle cramps and 10 other syndromes that accompany my disease. The last two times I visited the social security offices in the area, I was chewed out for poor business performance by one social security officer, which resulted in screaming out loud stress situations nonstop for 6 weeks, and the second time, I spent 6 hours waiting for my turn in a different social security office that put white people in the back rows and ordered everybody else to be served first. I received my "turn" at 4:15, 15 minutes before they turned people away from their "help." I just wanted to be sure my taxes had been paid and pay any fines associated with late tax payments and not be in trouble with the federal government. It took an hour and a half to drive the long trip back home and another hour to wait to see what happened to my husband who has dementia issues and got confused about where he was supposed to be for dinner. I had screaming out loud pain issues for another 3 weeks after that incident. The government does not give a damn about retired people and are willing to make sure their lives are so inconvenienced, that if they have any issues with their health, they are to do their part to make them so miserable, they hope just maybe we'll die off so they can collect our inheritance instead of our children.

When old people start considering buying guns, you jackasses had better get out of our way when we're practicing our second amendment rights. :lmao:
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Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

So let's read the actual bill, shall we? Let's see if any of these claims hold up.

Here's the bill: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-113hr933enr/pdf/BILLS-113hr933enr.pdf

Section 735 reads as follows:

SEC. 735. In the event that a determination of non-regulated
status made pursuant to section 411 of the Plant Protection Act is or has been invalidated or vacated, the Secretary of Agriculture
shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon request
by a farmer, grower, farm operator, or producer, immediately grant
temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation in part, subject to
necessary and appropriate conditions consistent with section 411(a)
or 412(c) of the Plant Protection Act, which interim conditions
shall authorize the movement, introduction, continued cultivation,
commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities and
requirements, including measures designed to mitigate or minimize
potential adverse environmental effects, if any, relevant to the
Secretary’s evaluation of the petition for non-regulated status, while
ensuring that growers or other users are able to move, plant,
cultivate, introduce into commerce and carry out other authorized
activities in a timely manner: Provided, That all such conditions
shall be applicable only for the interim period necessary for the
Secretary to complete any required analyses or consultations related
to the petition for non-regulated status
: Provided further, That
nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the Secretary’s
authority under section 411, 412 and 414 of the Plant Protection

So, basically, if some hippie gets his panties in a twist over square tomatoes, he cannot force a farmer to stop planting square tomatoes WITHOUT EVIDENCE they are harmful to us or the environment.

He must PROVE they are harmful before the planting of them can be stopped.

Ain't that a bitch?
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

So let's read the actual bill, shall we? Let's see if any of these claims hold up.

Here's the bill: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-113hr933enr/pdf/BILLS-113hr933enr.pdf

Section 735 reads as follows:

SEC. 735. In the event that a determination of non-regulated
status made pursuant to section 411 of the Plant Protection Act is or has been invalidated or vacated, the Secretary of Agriculture
shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon request
by a farmer, grower, farm operator, or producer, immediately grant
temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation in part, subject to
necessary and appropriate conditions consistent with section 411(a)
or 412(c) of the Plant Protection Act, which interim conditions
shall authorize the movement, introduction, continued cultivation,
commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities and
requirements, including measures designed to mitigate or minimize
potential adverse environmental effects, if any, relevant to the
Secretary’s evaluation of the petition for non-regulated status, while
ensuring that growers or other users are able to move, plant,
cultivate, introduce into commerce and carry out other authorized
activities in a timely manner: Provided, That all such conditions
shall be applicable only for the interim period necessary for the
Secretary to complete any required analyses or consultations related
to the petition for non-regulated status
: Provided further, That
nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the Secretary’s
authority under section 411, 412 and 414 of the Plant Protection

So, basically, if some hippie gets his panties in a twist over square tomatoes, he cannot force a farmer to stop planting square tomatoes WITHOUT EVIDENCE they are harmful to us or the environment.

He must PROVE they are harmful before the planting of them can be stopped.

Ain't that a bitch?

G5000 - Do you think that Monsanto doesnt already have ways of going after people who attempt to study their patented food?

Because it would be hard to prove it if you arent allowed by law to investigate their products, right?

Serious question btw
Not another corporat booticker who can't bend over far enough or soon enough to grovel for his masters, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I believe in science and progress, what can I say?

Strange that those words are coming from a far right wing reactionary conservative, and are being delivered to a porgressive, isn't it?

Not surprising at all that they're coming from a narcissistic obsessive-compulsive contrarian who believes it's his duty to post umpteen times disagreeing with everyone about everything everywhere, apparently with the sole goal of getting his name on the internets as many times as possible.

This isn't a question of "science". It's about ethics. And playing God. I know you think that's you but it ain't, and it sure as hell ain't a Frankenstein company in St. Louis bent on taking over the planet.

That was funny, an unbeliever complaining about people playing God. What fracking difference does it make if people play something that does not exist?

By the way, did you real the link I provided? How many farmers do you personally know? Have you looked at anything other than the anti science conspiracy nut sites? Want to know what happens when an honest person looks at the science behind the anti GMO position?

Former Anti-GMO Activist Says Science Changed His Mind : NPR
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"anti science whacko conspiracy nut"....what are you some kind of goofball?
Might want to read my post once again, and this time try to comprehend what the Bill is all about.....maybe then you won't look so foolish

It is about the anti science whacko conspiracy nuts going crazy over bullshit.

Did I miss something?

Yeah....you did. It more about being above the law if something happened and went terribly wrong. Not saying it is, but if it did, Monsanto would be immune.
Strange that you would think a corp. shouldn't be held accountable.

Except they wouldn't.

Feel free to prove me wrong to linking to the actual text of the law and pointing out their immunity.
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

But...wouldnt a law forbidding the use of GMO crops be, whats the phrase right wingers use, "too much government regulation"????

The free market would allow GHO.
No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved. Once it is approved, farmers and downstream purchasers need to be able to rely on the determination. Suppose Farmer Bob has planted an approved event. The corn is up, or in the bin, or on a boat to China. An anti-biotech advocacy group goes judge shopping and finds a left wing tool willing to overturn the event approval based on Luddite fantasies and fear mongering press releases. Suddenly everyone in the supply chain has tons of unapproved product, which has very likely been commingled with other varieties, and you’ve now got a major trade disruption. All this legislation does is allow USDA to throw a circuit breaker and buy time for a rational review. Remember that this is with regard to reconsideration of previously approved events that have now entered the supply chain.

Political risk is a growing problem in our brave new world, and a lot of it is judge driven. If an activity is regulated and you have the relevant permits, licenses, or approvals, you should be able to proceed in good faith without gunslinging activist judges changing the rules retroactively.

As to GMOs, most U.S. corn and soybeans have been GM for 15 years. The technology is also spreading rapidly around the world. Activist groups hate it not because it is unsafe (it’s not), but because it’s big corporate agriscience and is best adapted to modern hi tech farming. Those who are nostalgic for endless lines of peasants toiling in the fields hate modern agriculture. The rest of the world, however, is not obligated to remain poor in order to provide photo ops for vacationing westerners.

For its part, Europe doesn’t like biotech because Europe doesn’t want to compete with modern producers in the U.S., Argentina, and Brazil. Partly as a result, Europeans pay twice to three times what we do for food, measured as a percentage of disposable income. Sane people in Europe understand perfectly well that they’ve created a mythological bogeyman as a smokescreen for naked protectionism, but the politics have taken over and reform will be difficult.

Some here seem not to like biotech because they’ve bought in to some of the hobgoblin stories put about by the usual Luddite suspects. If you are one of these folks, the good news is that you have a perfectly simple solution. Buy organic. You will pay a stiff premium and incur the higher health risks attendant on premodern production methods, but that is your call to make.

Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act! Betrays America - It's Time to Label GMOs!

Want to bet that facts aren't going to make a difference to these people?
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

But...wouldnt a law forbidding the use of GMO crops be, whats the phrase right wingers use, "too much government regulation"????

The free market would allow GHO.

Most of the anti GMO nuts are left wing.
It is about the anti science whacko conspiracy nuts going crazy over bullshit.

Did I miss something?

Yeah....you did. It more about being above the law if something happened and went terribly wrong. Not saying it is, but if it did, Monsanto would be immune.
Strange that you would think a corp. shouldn't be held accountable.

Except they wouldn't.

Feel free to prove me wrong to linking to the actual text of the law and pointing out their immunity.

The law doesn't give Monsanto immunity, this is what it says:

"But Obama ignored it, instead choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

Furor Growing Against Obama Over 'Monsanto Protection Act'

So basically the bill tells the courts to fuck off in a nice way when it comes to GMOs and GE crops and seeds. Even if studies show that there are harmful health risks involved. Obama must be really proud of himself, since "securing the future of our children" is what he campaigned. What an ass.
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

From now on, all our food should come with warning labels.

Caution, eating these fresh veggies may cause cancers.

god damn

Fyi; I hope libs now understand that obama is bought and paid for BY BIG EVUL CORPORATIONS.

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