Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act

Obama is a weak corporate shill. That's all he is and all he will ever be.

Yep Bush III.

And what about the republican led house and the dem led senate that passed the bill?

Most of them didn't know that provision of the bill was in there. But that only makes them look worse in my opinion. How can you sign a bill that effects the entire country, and you don't even know what you are signing. that is UNACCEPTABLE!!!
Obama is a weak corporate shill. That's all he is and all he will ever be.

Yep Bush III.

And what about the republican led house and the dem led senate that passed the bill?

Most of them didn't know that provision of the bill was in there. But that only makes them look worse in my opinion. How can you sign a bill that effects the entire country, and you don't even know what you are signing. that is UNACCEPTABLE!!!

they claim that they did not know the provision was in there.
If they are serious they can pass a bill removing it.

They will not because they are lying.

We have the best government that corporate money can buy.

But keep on believing it is all the liberals / right wingers fault. Be good little sheeple.
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Yeah....you did. It more about being above the law if something happened and went terribly wrong. Not saying it is, but if it did, Monsanto would be immune.
Strange that you would think a corp. shouldn't be held accountable.

Except they wouldn't.

Feel free to prove me wrong to linking to the actual text of the law and pointing out their immunity.

The law doesn't give Monsanto immunity, this is what it says:

"But Obama ignored it, instead choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

Furor Growing Against Obama Over 'Monsanto Protection Act'

So basically the bill tells the courts to fuck off in a nice way when it comes to GMOs and GE crops and seeds. Even if studies show that there are harmful health risks involved. Obama must be really proud of himself, since "securing the future of our children" is what he campaigned. What an ass.

Once again, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong. Until you do, you remain an anti science conspiracy nut.
Except they wouldn't.

Feel free to prove me wrong to linking to the actual text of the law and pointing out their immunity.

The law doesn't give Monsanto immunity, this is what it says:

"But Obama ignored it, instead choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

Furor Growing Against Obama Over 'Monsanto Protection Act'

So basically the bill tells the courts to fuck off in a nice way when it comes to GMOs and GE crops and seeds. Even if studies show that there are harmful health risks involved. Obama must be really proud of himself, since "securing the future of our children" is what he campaigned. What an ass.

Once again, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong. Until you do, you remain an anti science conspiracy nut.

The thing you fail to understand is that I'm concerned with the legal aspects of protection from the law....not the practice of growing GMO.
"Pending investigation"......we're still waiting for the pending investigations of what happened in Libya and Fast and Furious.
The law doesn't give Monsanto immunity, this is what it says:

"But Obama ignored it, instead choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

Furor Growing Against Obama Over 'Monsanto Protection Act'

So basically the bill tells the courts to fuck off in a nice way when it comes to GMOs and GE crops and seeds. Even if studies show that there are harmful health risks involved. Obama must be really proud of himself, since "securing the future of our children" is what he campaigned. What an ass.

Once again, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong. Until you do, you remain an anti science conspiracy nut.

The thing you fail to understand is that I'm concerned with the legal aspects of protection from the law....not the practice of growing GMO.
"Pending investigation"......we're still waiting for the pending investigations of what happened in Libya and Fast and Furious.

Let me clarify something here, what you are concerned about is not happening, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong.
No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved. Once it is approved, farmers and downstream purchasers need to be able to rely on the determination. Suppose Farmer Bob has planted an approved event. The corn is up, or in the bin, or on a boat to China. An anti-biotech advocacy group goes judge shopping and finds a left wing tool willing to overturn the event approval based on Luddite fantasies and fear mongering press releases. Suddenly everyone in the supply chain has tons of unapproved product, which has very likely been commingled with other varieties, and you’ve now got a major trade disruption. All this legislation does is allow USDA to throw a circuit breaker and buy time for a rational review. Remember that this is with regard to reconsideration of previously approved events that have now entered the supply chain.

Political risk is a growing problem in our brave new world, and a lot of it is judge driven. If an activity is regulated and you have the relevant permits, licenses, or approvals, you should be able to proceed in good faith without gunslinging activist judges changing the rules retroactively.

As to GMOs, most U.S. corn and soybeans have been GM for 15 years. The technology is also spreading rapidly around the world. Activist groups hate it not because it is unsafe (it’s not), but because it’s big corporate agriscience and is best adapted to modern hi tech farming. Those who are nostalgic for endless lines of peasants toiling in the fields hate modern agriculture. The rest of the world, however, is not obligated to remain poor in order to provide photo ops for vacationing westerners.

For its part, Europe doesn’t like biotech because Europe doesn’t want to compete with modern producers in the U.S., Argentina, and Brazil. Partly as a result, Europeans pay twice to three times what we do for food, measured as a percentage of disposable income. Sane people in Europe understand perfectly well that they’ve created a mythological bogeyman as a smokescreen for naked protectionism, but the politics have taken over and reform will be difficult.

Some here seem not to like biotech because they’ve bought in to some of the hobgoblin stories put about by the usual Luddite suspects. If you are one of these folks, the good news is that you have a perfectly simple solution. Buy organic. You will pay a stiff premium and incur the higher health risks attendant on premodern production methods, but that is your call to make.

Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act! Betrays America - It's Time to Label GMOs!

Ah, so that's it. You're still living in 1983 and believe we have choices. And that Monsanto hasn't yet polluted the gene pool.

Kind of explains the avatar.

>> No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved << yeah, by Ag Secs and other federal officials who came thorugh the DC revolving door after having been a CEO or lawyer for Monsanto. What a great plan that is - what could possibly go wrong... :bang3:
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No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved. Once it is approved, farmers and downstream purchasers need to be able to rely on the determination. Suppose Farmer Bob has planted an approved event. The corn is up, or in the bin, or on a boat to China. An anti-biotech advocacy group goes judge shopping and finds a left wing tool willing to overturn the event approval based on Luddite fantasies and fear mongering press releases. Suddenly everyone in the supply chain has tons of unapproved product, which has very likely been commingled with other varieties, and you’ve now got a major trade disruption. All this legislation does is allow USDA to throw a circuit breaker and buy time for a rational review. Remember that this is with regard to reconsideration of previously approved events that have now entered the supply chain.

Political risk is a growing problem in our brave new world, and a lot of it is judge driven. If an activity is regulated and you have the relevant permits, licenses, or approvals, you should be able to proceed in good faith without gunslinging activist judges changing the rules retroactively.

As to GMOs, most U.S. corn and soybeans have been GM for 15 years. The technology is also spreading rapidly around the world. Activist groups hate it not because it is unsafe (it’s not), but because it’s big corporate agriscience and is best adapted to modern hi tech farming. Those who are nostalgic for endless lines of peasants toiling in the fields hate modern agriculture. The rest of the world, however, is not obligated to remain poor in order to provide photo ops for vacationing westerners.

For its part, Europe doesn’t like biotech because Europe doesn’t want to compete with modern producers in the U.S., Argentina, and Brazil. Partly as a result, Europeans pay twice to three times what we do for food, measured as a percentage of disposable income. Sane people in Europe understand perfectly well that they’ve created a mythological bogeyman as a smokescreen for naked protectionism, but the politics have taken over and reform will be difficult.

Some here seem not to like biotech because they’ve bought in to some of the hobgoblin stories put about by the usual Luddite suspects. If you are one of these folks, the good news is that you have a perfectly simple solution. Buy organic. You will pay a stiff premium and incur the higher health risks attendant on premodern production methods, but that is your call to make.

Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act! Betrays America - It's Time to Label GMOs!

Ah, so that's it. You're still living in 1983 and believe we have choices. And that Monsanto hasn't yet polluted the gene pool.

Kind of explains the avatar.

>> No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved << yeah, by Ag Secs and other federal officials who came thorugh the DC revolving door after having been a CEO or lawyer for Monsanto. What a great plan that is - what could possibly go wrong... :bang3:

Evolution sucks, doesn't it?
I believe in science and progress, what can I say?

Strange that those words are coming from a far right wing reactionary conservative, and are being delivered to a porgressive, isn't it?

Not surprising at all that they're coming from a narcissistic obsessive-compulsive contrarian who believes it's his duty to post umpteen times disagreeing with everyone about everything everywhere, apparently with the sole goal of getting his name on the internets as many times as possible.

This isn't a question of "science". It's about ethics. And playing God. I know you think that's you but it ain't, and it sure as hell ain't a Frankenstein company in St. Louis bent on taking over the planet.

That was funny, an unbeliever complaining about people playing God. What fracking difference does it make if people play something that does not exist?

ah - "unbeliever"? What in the blue fuck could you possibly know about what I believe or unbelieve? You can't even read English. And I don't believe we've ever conversed on religion anyway. I wouldn't do that with someone of your, shall we say, caliber.

To the expression, "playing God" is not something that requires a belief in a deity on the part of either the observer or the observee. The verb is "playing". But I repeat myself about reading comprehension or lack thereof.
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No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved. Once it is approved, farmers and downstream purchasers need to be able to rely on the determination. Suppose Farmer Bob has planted an approved event. The corn is up, or in the bin, or on a boat to China. An anti-biotech advocacy group goes judge shopping and finds a left wing tool willing to overturn the event approval based on Luddite fantasies and fear mongering press releases. Suddenly everyone in the supply chain has tons of unapproved product, which has very likely been commingled with other varieties, and you’ve now got a major trade disruption. All this legislation does is allow USDA to throw a circuit breaker and buy time for a rational review. Remember that this is with regard to reconsideration of previously approved events that have now entered the supply chain.

Political risk is a growing problem in our brave new world, and a lot of it is judge driven. If an activity is regulated and you have the relevant permits, licenses, or approvals, you should be able to proceed in good faith without gunslinging activist judges changing the rules retroactively.

As to GMOs, most U.S. corn and soybeans have been GM for 15 years. The technology is also spreading rapidly around the world. Activist groups hate it not because it is unsafe (it’s not), but because it’s big corporate agriscience and is best adapted to modern hi tech farming. Those who are nostalgic for endless lines of peasants toiling in the fields hate modern agriculture. The rest of the world, however, is not obligated to remain poor in order to provide photo ops for vacationing westerners.

For its part, Europe doesn’t like biotech because Europe doesn’t want to compete with modern producers in the U.S., Argentina, and Brazil. Partly as a result, Europeans pay twice to three times what we do for food, measured as a percentage of disposable income. Sane people in Europe understand perfectly well that they’ve created a mythological bogeyman as a smokescreen for naked protectionism, but the politics have taken over and reform will be difficult.

Some here seem not to like biotech because they’ve bought in to some of the hobgoblin stories put about by the usual Luddite suspects. If you are one of these folks, the good news is that you have a perfectly simple solution. Buy organic. You will pay a stiff premium and incur the higher health risks attendant on premodern production methods, but that is your call to make.

Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act! Betrays America - It's Time to Label GMOs!

Ah, so that's it. You're still living in 1983 and believe we have choices. And that Monsanto hasn't yet polluted the gene pool.

Kind of explains the avatar.

>> No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved << yeah, by Ag Secs and other federal officials who came thorugh the DC revolving door after having been a CEO or lawyer for Monsanto. What a great plan that is - what could possibly go wrong... :bang3:

You should only eat food that hasn't been altered by man.
Let me know how that works out for you.
Except they wouldn't.

Feel free to prove me wrong to linking to the actual text of the law and pointing out their immunity.

The law doesn't give Monsanto immunity, this is what it says:

"But Obama ignored it, instead choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

Furor Growing Against Obama Over 'Monsanto Protection Act'

So basically the bill tells the courts to fuck off in a nice way when it comes to GMOs and GE crops and seeds. Even if studies show that there are harmful health risks involved. Obama must be really proud of himself, since "securing the future of our children" is what he campaigned. What an ass.

Once again, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong. Until you do, you remain an anti science conspiracy nut.

I'll do ya one better. I went to Monsanto's website and found a copy of a letter the company created regarding H.R. 933. It's not a long read, and it is quite shocking:

Here is the link to the letter found on their very own website:
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Documents/Letter to House for Section 733.pdf

Here is a link to their website if you cant access the previous link. On their main page, there is a link to news about H.R. 933 and that is where you can find he letter:
Monsanto | Monsanto Statement Regarding Farmer Assurance Provision in H.R.933
Not surprising at all that they're coming from a narcissistic obsessive-compulsive contrarian who believes it's his duty to post umpteen times disagreeing with everyone about everything everywhere, apparently with the sole goal of getting his name on the internets as many times as possible.

This isn't a question of "science". It's about ethics. And playing God. I know you think that's you but it ain't, and it sure as hell ain't a Frankenstein company in St. Louis bent on taking over the planet.

That was funny, an unbeliever complaining about people playing God. What fracking difference does it make if people play something that does not exist?

ah - "unbeliever"? What in the blue fuck could you possibly know about what I believe or unbelieve? You can't even read English. And I don't believe we've ever conversed on religion anyway. I wouldn't do that with someone of your, shall we say, caliber.

To the expression, "playing God" is not something that requires a belief in a deity on the part of either the observer or the observee. The verb is "playing". But I repeat myself about reading comprehension or lack thereof.

The only people I know who are afraid of scientists playing God, are theocons. That is always because they do not know what the fuck playing God means. Unless you are a moronic theocon that has been pretending to be a really stupid progressive you would not use the term the same way, so I thought it was funny that you used it the same way. My apologies for crediting you with a higher degree of intelligence than you deserved.

That, dear Pogo, is the proper way to insult someone.
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No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved. Once it is approved, farmers and downstream purchasers need to be able to rely on the determination. Suppose Farmer Bob has planted an approved event. The corn is up, or in the bin, or on a boat to China. An anti-biotech advocacy group goes judge shopping and finds a left wing tool willing to overturn the event approval based on Luddite fantasies and fear mongering press releases. Suddenly everyone in the supply chain has tons of unapproved product, which has very likely been commingled with other varieties, and you’ve now got a major trade disruption. All this legislation does is allow USDA to throw a circuit breaker and buy time for a rational review. Remember that this is with regard to reconsideration of previously approved events that have now entered the supply chain.

Political risk is a growing problem in our brave new world, and a lot of it is judge driven. If an activity is regulated and you have the relevant permits, licenses, or approvals, you should be able to proceed in good faith without gunslinging activist judges changing the rules retroactively.

As to GMOs, most U.S. corn and soybeans have been GM for 15 years. The technology is also spreading rapidly around the world. Activist groups hate it not because it is unsafe (it’s not), but because it’s big corporate agriscience and is best adapted to modern hi tech farming. Those who are nostalgic for endless lines of peasants toiling in the fields hate modern agriculture. The rest of the world, however, is not obligated to remain poor in order to provide photo ops for vacationing westerners.

For its part, Europe doesn’t like biotech because Europe doesn’t want to compete with modern producers in the U.S., Argentina, and Brazil. Partly as a result, Europeans pay twice to three times what we do for food, measured as a percentage of disposable income. Sane people in Europe understand perfectly well that they’ve created a mythological bogeyman as a smokescreen for naked protectionism, but the politics have taken over and reform will be difficult.

Some here seem not to like biotech because they’ve bought in to some of the hobgoblin stories put about by the usual Luddite suspects. If you are one of these folks, the good news is that you have a perfectly simple solution. Buy organic. You will pay a stiff premium and incur the higher health risks attendant on premodern production methods, but that is your call to make.

Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act! Betrays America - It's Time to Label GMOs!

Ah, so that's it. You're still living in 1983 and believe we have choices. And that Monsanto hasn't yet polluted the gene pool.

Kind of explains the avatar.

>> No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved << yeah, by Ag Secs and other federal officials who came thorugh the DC revolving door after having been a CEO or lawyer for Monsanto. What a great plan that is - what could possibly go wrong... :bang3:

You should only eat food that hasn't been altered by man.
Let me know how that works out for you.

Luddites never think things through, I wonder why he owns a computer if he is so adverse to science.
The law doesn't give Monsanto immunity, this is what it says:

"But Obama ignored it, instead choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

Furor Growing Against Obama Over 'Monsanto Protection Act'

So basically the bill tells the courts to fuck off in a nice way when it comes to GMOs and GE crops and seeds. Even if studies show that there are harmful health risks involved. Obama must be really proud of himself, since "securing the future of our children" is what he campaigned. What an ass.

Once again, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong. Until you do, you remain an anti science conspiracy nut.

I'll do ya one better. I went to Monsanto's website and found a copy of a letter the company created regarding H.R. 933. It's not a long read, and it is quite shocking:

Here is the link to the letter found on their very own website:
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Documents/Letter to House for Section 733.pdf

Here is a link to their website if you cant access the previous link. On their main page, there is a link to news about H.R. 933 and that is where you can find he letter:
Monsanto | Monsanto Statement Regarding Farmer Assurance Provision in H.R.933

That is not a letter from Monsato, it is a letter from various farmer's groups.

Is this an admission I am right?
Once again, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong. Until you do, you remain an anti science conspiracy nut.

I'll do ya one better. I went to Monsanto's website and found a copy of a letter the company created regarding H.R. 933. It's not a long read, and it is quite shocking:

Here is the link to the letter found on their very own website:
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Documents/Letter to House for Section 733.pdf

Here is a link to their website if you cant access the previous link. On their main page, there is a link to news about H.R. 933 and that is where you can find he letter:
Monsanto | Monsanto Statement Regarding Farmer Assurance Provision in H.R.933

That is not a letter from Monsato, it is a letter from various farmer's groups.

Is this an admission I am right?

haha you might have a hard time comprehending what was said, so I will highlight the important sentence you missed.

As a member of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), we were pleased to join major grower groups in supporting the Farmer Assurance Provision

They are saying that they are happy to join forces with these major growing groups to SUPPORT the Farmer Assurance Provision (Monsanto Protection Act can be found here)

including the American Farm Bureau Federation, the American Seed Trade Association, the American Soybean Association, the American Sugarbeet Growers Association, the National Corn Growers Association, the National Cotton Council, and several others.

These are the "major growing groups" they have joined forces with to support the legislation.

So, do you understand the letter now, if you even read it?

Here is a link that reports Monsanto's 7.7 million dollars in lobbying efforts to get Congress to support this legislation:

Monsanto's Deep Roots In Washington - OpenSecrets Blog

I think you can deduce that Monsanto bought immunity from the federal courts until a final multi year environmental report is concluded. Whenever the hell that will be.
G5000 - Do you think that Monsanto doesnt already have ways of going after people who attempt to study their patented food?

Because it would be hard to prove it if you arent allowed by law to investigate their products, right?

Serious question btw

Are you telling me you are absolutely clueless as to how you would perform a double blind study on square tomatoes?

You don't need anyone's permission to do so.
The law doesn't give Monsanto immunity, this is what it says:

"But Obama ignored it, instead choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

Furor Growing Against Obama Over 'Monsanto Protection Act'

So basically the bill tells the courts to fuck off in a nice way when it comes to GMOs and GE crops and seeds. Even if studies show that there are harmful health risks involved. Obama must be really proud of himself, since "securing the future of our children" is what he campaigned. What an ass.

Once again, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong. Until you do, you remain an anti science conspiracy nut.

I'll do ya one better. I went to Monsanto's website and found a copy of a letter the company created regarding H.R. 933. It's not a long read, and it is quite shocking:

Here is the link to the letter found on their very own website:
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Documents/Letter to House for Section 733.pdf

Here is a link to their website if you cant access the previous link. On their main page, there is a link to news about H.R. 933 and that is where you can find he letter:
Monsanto | Monsanto Statement Regarding Farmer Assurance Provision in H.R.933

A company spends years and millions of dollars to produce a square tomato. So, yeah, I'd be pretty happy if I were them that some hippy would not be able to flush all that effort down the shitter without any evidence square tomatoes are harmful.

Fuckin' A!

Show me a kid with a third arm growing out of his chest after eating a square tomato. Show me a double blind study that says square tomatoes are poison.
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G5000 - Do you think that Monsanto doesnt already have ways of going after people who attempt to study their patented food?

Because it would be hard to prove it if you arent allowed by law to investigate their products, right?

Serious question btw

Are you telling me you are absolutely clueless as to how you would perform a double blind study on square tomatoes?

You don't need anyone's permission to do so.

He's a moron. He thinks the Monsanto police will stop you from buying their square tomatoes.
G5000 - Do you think that Monsanto doesnt already have ways of going after people who attempt to study their patented food?

Because it would be hard to prove it if you arent allowed by law to investigate their products, right?

Serious question btw

Please quote the law where it says you are not allowed to investigate Monsanto products.

I quoted the entire provision. Please highlight the part that says you can't investigate their products.
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That was funny, an unbeliever complaining about people playing God. What fracking difference does it make if people play something that does not exist?

ah - "unbeliever"? What in the blue fuck could you possibly know about what I believe or unbelieve? You can't even read English. And I don't believe we've ever conversed on religion anyway. I wouldn't do that with someone of your, shall we say, caliber.

To the expression, "playing God" is not something that requires a belief in a deity on the part of either the observer or the observee. The verb is "playing". But I repeat myself about reading comprehension or lack thereof.

The only people I know who are afraid of scientists playing God, are theocons. That is always because they do not know what the fuck playing God means. Unless you are a moronic theocon that has been pretending to be a really stupid progressive you would not use the term the same way, so I thought it was funny that you used it the same way. My apologies for crediting you with a higher degree of intelligence than you deserved.

That, dear Pogo, is the proper way to insult someone.

Pfffft. Oh please. Now walk away from the mirror.... nice and slow...

Once again all you do is exhibit your self-enslavement to your own assumptions, which also tells us where they come from. "Theocons" :rofl: - yeah that's gonna sell.

To 'play God', for those of you just learning our language, means to assume the dominion of the Life Force, whether such humanoid hubris be declaring someone else's life to be completed, or even worse, proposing to redesign what Nature hath wrought.

Ah, so that's it. You're still living in 1983 and believe we have choices. And that Monsanto hasn't yet polluted the gene pool.

Kind of explains the avatar.

>> No biotech event is commercialized until it is tested and approved << yeah, by Ag Secs and other federal officials who came thorugh the DC revolving door after having been a CEO or lawyer for Monsanto. What a great plan that is - what could possibly go wrong... :bang3:

You should only eat food that hasn't been altered by man.
Let me know how that works out for you.

Luddites never think things through, I wonder why he owns a computer if he is so adverse to science.

Again, for those new to English, it's averse. And the ass-umption is your'n; I'm not at all averse to science. I am averse to fucking with Nature though, and there's a vast chasm of difference between that and working within what Nature has bestowed upon us, as in, say, crossbreeding.

Which answers Johnny Corso's point and observes that in his post above he utterly fails to address the issue of the fox minding the hen house, which was my whole point. You'd think a TV detective wouldn't let something that obvious slide right by him.
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Once again, feel free to quote the actual text of the bill to prove me wrong. Until you do, you remain an anti science conspiracy nut.

I'll do ya one better. I went to Monsanto's website and found a copy of a letter the company created regarding H.R. 933. It's not a long read, and it is quite shocking:

Here is the link to the letter found on their very own website:
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Documents/Letter to House for Section 733.pdf

Here is a link to their website if you cant access the previous link. On their main page, there is a link to news about H.R. 933 and that is where you can find he letter:
Monsanto | Monsanto Statement Regarding Farmer Assurance Provision in H.R.933

A company spends years and millions of dollars to produce a square tomato. So, yeah, I'd be pretty happy if I were them that some hippy would not be able to flush all that effort down the shitter without any evidence square tomatoes are harmful.

Fuckin' A!

Show me a kid with a third arm growing out of his chest after eating a square tomato. Show me a double blind study that says square tomatoes are poison.

You seem to have misunderstood what I was saying. I was responding to Quantum Windbag where he thought that Monsanto did not have immunity from the courts. After proving him wrong, I will address your input. I am not saying that GE foods will produce a "third arm" or that they are "poisons." I am all for science, and if Monsanto has discovered a way to make a square tomato, and it has no long-term health affects then fuckin great for them, and us. HOWEVER there has not been extensive, multi year evaluations and research to know for sure the effects this can have on us. The FDA has concluded that there are just too many variables to know definitively that this is safe. IF they as well as other environmentalist and medical organizations (mainly the AMA) say that everything is safe, with no implications of further health risks, I will be the first to buy their square tomatoes. BUT until that day comes, I (as well as millions of Americans) will choose to not endorse companies like Monsanto.

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