Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act

For those few who might actually be curious about the background, as opposed to those already pre-decided, watch this -- it tends to get taken down from YouTube, so watch it while you can...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvGddgHRQyg]The World According to Monsanto part 1 of 10 - YouTube[/ame]
Oh Goody! Now we get to experience the joy of living in the Reign of Terror of the Faceless Unaccountable Unionized Unelected Government Bureaucrats Who Have Benefits That Are Exempt From The Regulations They Force On The Rest Of Us!

What could possible go wrong with that?

Why nothing at all. Corporations will always be for the betterment of the USA.
G5000 - Do you think that Monsanto doesnt already have ways of going after people who attempt to study their patented food?

Because it would be hard to prove it if you arent allowed by law to investigate their products, right?

Serious question btw

Actually that's old news. I mean they've got a CEO installed in the FDA; they're not new to buying reputation.

This is old news but illustrative...

Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm

>> Monsanto, the massive biotechnology company being blamed for contributing to the dwindling bee population, has bought up one of the leading bee collapse research organizations. Recently banned from Poland with one of the primary reasons being that the company’s genetically modified corn may be devastating the dying bee population, it is evident that Monsanto is under serious fire for their role in the downfall of the vital insects. It is therefore quite apparent why Monsanto bought one of the largest bee research firms on the planet.

It can be found in public company reports hosted on mainstream media that Monsanto scooped up the Beeologics firm back in September 2011. During this time the correlation between Monsanto’s GM crops and the bee decline was not explored in the mainstream, and in fact it was hardly touched upon until Polish officials addressed the serious concern amid the monumental ban. Owning a major organization that focuses heavily on the bee collapse and is recognized by the USDA for their mission statement of “restoring bee health and protecting the future of insect pollination” could be very advantageous for Monsanto.

A second source:
>> Many beekeepers are losing massive colonies all over America. One such incidence is of Bret Adee in Central California who lost 40,000 hives in a matter of weeks, that’s 2 Billion bees. He was the largest beekeeper in America. A devastating Bee Holocaust. One of the keys to the mysteries of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is the understanding to why the bees are disappearing.

This same phenomenon happened in Europe a decade ago. It turns out that systemic pesticides, which are applied to the seed of a crop and stay within the plant throughout its lifespan, were also malignantly affecting the nervous system of bees. The beekeepers there rallied and, after hearing of the plight of the bees, the French Minister of Agriculture, Jean Glavany, banned systemic pesticides. Unfortunately, rationalism can be bought out in America.

Systemic Pesticides came into the United States around 2003, which is when CCD began happening. Now that Monsanto owns Beelogics, the flow of information coming from this research firm is practically negligible.


They are trying to save the bees, whatever will we do if they succeed?

>> A growing number of rootworms are now able to devour genetically modified corn specifically designed by Monsanto to kill those same pests. A new study shows that while the biotech giant may triumph in Congress, it will never be able to outsmart nature.

Western corn rootworms have been able to harmlessly consume the genetically modified maize, a research paper published in the latest issue of the journal GM Crops & Food reveals. A 2010 sample of the rootworm population had an elevenfold survival rate on the genetically modified corn compared to a control population. That’s eight times more than the year before, when the resistant population was first identified.

Experts are also noting that this year’s resistant rootworm populations are maturing earlier than expected. In fact, the time the bug’s larvae hatched was the earliest in decades.

... Studies in other states have also revealed that the rootworm population is becoming increasingly resistant to genetically modified corn. Last year, Iowa State University researcher Aaron Gassmann noted that a number of farmers reported discovering, much to their dismay, that a large number of rootworms survived after the consumption of their GM crops. Gassmann branded these pests “superbugs.”

Funny how evolution works, isn't it?
I find myself torn on this. I have yet to see text of the bill or evidence from the letter linked that makes Monsanto immune from all prosecution. This bill seems to provide a window to continue growing crops, if they have already been approved, after a case is brought against them. How this would work if something specifically dangerous can be shown to be involved through evidence I don't know; in that case this could be a dangerous bill.

I find many anti-GMO people to be.....overly enthusiastic about the subject. :tongue: If it's GMO, it's evil! seems to be the basic refrain. I find that fairly silly. I see no reason humans cannot create or modify a plant to be superior for us in some way without causing massive damage to the environment.

That said, I also can easily see big agra corporations finding any way possible to curtail or get around any regulatory measures intended to assure safety if it will affect their bottom line. I'm sure there are plenty of ethical people involved in the GMO industry, but there are also sure to be plenty of unethical people as well. And large companies will often have the wealth, influence and power to affect legislation in their favor or possibly avoid following laws or regulations.

It seems to me, though, that the real issue here might be whether or not the government is stringent enough in its approvals for GMOs to begin with. As this bill appears to deal with crops already having gone through that process, if one thinks there are likely to be problems, perhaps trying to have that approval process more detailed or lengthy is a better course.
G5000 - Do you think that Monsanto doesnt already have ways of going after people who attempt to study their patented food?

Because it would be hard to prove it if you arent allowed by law to investigate their products, right?

Serious question btw

Actually that's old news. I mean they've got a CEO installed in the FDA; they're not new to buying reputation.

This is old news but illustrative...

Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm

>> Monsanto, the massive biotechnology company being blamed for contributing to the dwindling bee population, has bought up one of the leading bee collapse research organizations. Recently banned from Poland with one of the primary reasons being that the company’s genetically modified corn may be devastating the dying bee population, it is evident that Monsanto is under serious fire for their role in the downfall of the vital insects. It is therefore quite apparent why Monsanto bought one of the largest bee research firms on the planet.

It can be found in public company reports hosted on mainstream media that Monsanto scooped up the Beeologics firm back in September 2011. During this time the correlation between Monsanto’s GM crops and the bee decline was not explored in the mainstream, and in fact it was hardly touched upon until Polish officials addressed the serious concern amid the monumental ban. Owning a major organization that focuses heavily on the bee collapse and is recognized by the USDA for their mission statement of “restoring bee health and protecting the future of insect pollination” could be very advantageous for Monsanto.

A second source:
>> Many beekeepers are losing massive colonies all over America. One such incidence is of Bret Adee in Central California who lost 40,000 hives in a matter of weeks, that’s 2 Billion bees. He was the largest beekeeper in America. A devastating Bee Holocaust. One of the keys to the mysteries of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is the understanding to why the bees are disappearing.

This same phenomenon happened in Europe a decade ago. It turns out that systemic pesticides, which are applied to the seed of a crop and stay within the plant throughout its lifespan, were also malignantly affecting the nervous system of bees. The beekeepers there rallied and, after hearing of the plight of the bees, the French Minister of Agriculture, Jean Glavany, banned systemic pesticides. Unfortunately, rationalism can be bought out in America.

Systemic Pesticides came into the United States around 2003, which is when CCD began happening. Now that Monsanto owns Beelogics, the flow of information coming from this research firm is practically negligible.


They are trying to save the bees, whatever will we do if they succeed?

I see you haven't pissed away any time on reading comprehension lessons.
Good to know there are some things we can always count on.
I find myself torn on this. I have yet to see text of the bill or evidence from the letter linked that makes Monsanto immune from all prosecution. This bill seems to provide a window to continue growing crops, if they have already been approved, after a case is brought against them. How this would work if something specifically dangerous can be shown to be involved through evidence I don't know; in that case this could be a dangerous bill.

I find many anti-GMO people to be.....overly enthusiastic about the subject. :tongue: If it's GMO, it's evil! seems to be the basic refrain. I find that fairly silly. I see no reason humans cannot create or modify a plant to be superior for us in some way without causing massive damage to the environment.

That said, I also can easily see big agra corporations finding any way possible to curtail or get around any regulatory measures intended to assure safety if it will affect their bottom line. I'm sure there are plenty of ethical people involved in the GMO industry, but there are also sure to be plenty of unethical people as well. And large companies will often have the wealth, influence and power to affect legislation in their favor or possibly avoid following laws or regulations.

It seems to me, though, that the real issue here might be whether or not the government is stringent enough in its approvals for GMOs to begin with. As this bill appears to deal with crops already having gone through that process, if one thinks there are likely to be problems, perhaps trying to have that approval process more detailed or lengthy is a better course.

-- assuming the "environment" includes our own health, well that's at the heart of the problem already:

>> Glyphosate, Roundup's active ingredient, has been linked to birth defects in birds and amphibians, as well as to cancer, endocrine disruption, damage to DNA, and reproductive and developmental damage in mammals. Roundup-Ready crops are genetically modified to withstand drenching with this weedkiller. << (much more at the article-- not that it's 13 pages long so there's a lot in there)

See also my video link a couple of posts back.

Consider also, as far as "regulation" (<< joke) that Monsanto, like other corporations, have thoroughly infected the DC revolving door regulatory farce:


(the story that accompanies is here with part one of it here)​

Consider also that other governments not under the "watchful eye" of those incestuous revolving door denizens have reacted accordingly:

>> Yet another nation has taken a stand against Monsanto&#8217;s genetically modified crops. Poland recently decreed that it will move to ban a strain of GMO maize known as MON810.

Poland&#8217;s announcement comes less than a month after seven countries blocked a proposal by the Danish EU presidency to allow the cultivation of genetically-modified plants in Europe. Just days after Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Ireland and Slovakia blocked the measure, the country of France took it a step further by imposing a temporary, &#8220;precautionary&#8221; ban on MON810.

... In addition to being linked to a plethora of health ailments, said Polish Agriculture Minister Marek Sawicki, the pollen originating from this GM strain may actually be devastating the country&#8217;s already dwindling bee population.

-- which takes us back to the story about buying bee silence...

Hope this helps. If not there's a lot more.
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Following up on that incestuous revolving-door regulation thingy...

>> You don’t need to have a degree in ethics to see the problem here. According a report by Examiner.com, “Monsanto’s Michael Taylor is the second highest-ranking official at the FDA, and as Food Safety Czar is responsible for implementing the day-to-day policies that govern the food safety laws for the U.S.”

Those “day-to-day” implementations seem to be targeted against the very type of people who pose threats to the anti-organic nature of Taylor’s former client. The report continues,

Not surprisingly, the person responsible for prioritizing armed raids on small dairies over holding agribusiness accountable is a former Monsanto attorney and chief super lobbyist. . . .

Taylor has been leading a departmental crusade against small raw milk dairy producers. So far several dairy farmers have been subject to a year-long undercover sting operation from the East Coast to California.

The hypocrisy and double-standard are open for all to see:

Incredibly, Michael Taylor and FDA inspectors have not arrested or fined the Iowa agribusinessman — Jack DeCoster — who was wholly responsible for the more than 500 million eggs that were recalled in 2010 salmonella-tainted egg recall Though this industrial agribusinessman endangered the health of millions. Michael Taylor actions show that he thinks Amish farmers producing fresh milk are more deserving targets. Under his leadership the FDA performs enforcement raids (with guns drawn) on the Amish.

Oh sorry folks, go back to somnabulistic episodes of "Amish Mafia" -- there's nothing here your TV wants you to see so who cares... :(
Following up on that incestuous revolving-door regulation thingy...

>> You don’t need to have a degree in ethics to see the problem here. According a report by Examiner.com, “Monsanto’s Michael Taylor is the second highest-ranking official at the FDA, and as Food Safety Czar is responsible for implementing the day-to-day policies that govern the food safety laws for the U.S.”

Those “day-to-day” implementations seem to be targeted against the very type of people who pose threats to the anti-organic nature of Taylor’s former client. The report continues,

Not surprisingly, the person responsible for prioritizing armed raids on small dairies over holding agribusiness accountable is a former Monsanto attorney and chief super lobbyist. . . .

Taylor has been leading a departmental crusade against small raw milk dairy producers. So far several dairy farmers have been subject to a year-long undercover sting operation from the East Coast to California.

The hypocrisy and double-standard are open for all to see:

Incredibly, Michael Taylor and FDA inspectors have not arrested or fined the Iowa agribusinessman — Jack DeCoster — who was wholly responsible for the more than 500 million eggs that were recalled in 2010 salmonella-tainted egg recall Though this industrial agribusinessman endangered the health of millions. Michael Taylor actions show that he thinks Amish farmers producing fresh milk are more deserving targets. Under his leadership the FDA performs enforcement raids (with guns drawn) on the Amish.

Oh sorry folks, go back to somnabulistic episodes of "Amish Mafia" -- there's nothing here your TV wants you to see so who cares... :(

Federal law has banned the sale of raw milk for decades, blaming Monsato for that makes no sense at all.

Tell me something, do you hate vaccines like the rest of the anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut jobs like Jim Carrey?
Oh, farmers- woe is them.

Da po wittle farmers.

They are paid for growing crops. They are paid for not growing crops. They are paid for when the crops don't grow, they are allowed price supports, they are given loan price guarantees and loan deficiency payments, they are guaranteed a 10% market for corn ethanol.

Poor, poor, pitiful farmers. FUCK THE PAUL HARVEY GOD MADE FARMERS.
Following up on that incestuous revolving-door regulation thingy...

>> You don&#8217;t need to have a degree in ethics to see the problem here. According a report by Examiner.com, &#8220;Monsanto&#8217;s Michael Taylor is the second highest-ranking official at the FDA, and as Food Safety Czar is responsible for implementing the day-to-day policies that govern the food safety laws for the U.S.&#8221;

Those &#8220;day-to-day&#8221; implementations seem to be targeted against the very type of people who pose threats to the anti-organic nature of Taylor&#8217;s former client. The report continues,

Not surprisingly, the person responsible for prioritizing armed raids on small dairies over holding agribusiness accountable is a former Monsanto attorney and chief super lobbyist. . . .

Taylor has been leading a departmental crusade against small raw milk dairy producers. So far several dairy farmers have been subject to a year-long undercover sting operation from the East Coast to California.

The hypocrisy and double-standard are open for all to see:

Incredibly, Michael Taylor and FDA inspectors have not arrested or fined the Iowa agribusinessman &#8212; Jack DeCoster &#8212; who was wholly responsible for the more than 500 million eggs that were recalled in 2010 salmonella-tainted egg recall Though this industrial agribusinessman endangered the health of millions. Michael Taylor actions show that he thinks Amish farmers producing fresh milk are more deserving targets. Under his leadership the FDA performs enforcement raids (with guns drawn) on the Amish.

Oh sorry folks, go back to somnabulistic episodes of "Amish Mafia" -- there's nothing here your TV wants you to see so who cares... :(

Federal law has banned the sale of raw milk for decades, blaming Monsato for that makes no sense at all.

Tell me something, do you hate vaccines like the rest of the anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut jobs like Jim Carrey?

Bury the previous gaffes and move on to more gainsaying, huh?

Well, to follow up on a previous comment:
Oh Goody! Now we get to experience the joy of living in the Reign of Terror of the Faceless Unaccountable Unionized Unelected Government Bureaucrats Who Have Benefits That Are Exempt From The Regulations They Force On The Rest Of Us!

What could possible go wrong with that?

Why nothing at all. Corporations will always be for the betterment of the USA.

... maybe windbags like Windbag are right. Maybe we're entirely too suspicious of Corporatia, which would never ever put profits over people. Jeepers Wally, let's look at some of the things Better Living Through Chemistry has blessed us with. Want to?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3ZLNSJu5g]DDT is Harmless to Humans 1946 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypgPz6OzXN4]Asbestos in homes 1959 - YouTube[/ame]

What a swell bunch of people corpora ... oh sorry, "Science" is.

Then there's this:

Recognize the name "Distaval"? No? It's known by another name -- Thalidomide

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vHCgJXAHrI]Thalidomide victims say apology not enough - YouTube[/ame]

There were over ten thousand babies born with birth defects because of that drug, in 46 countries.

But do you know who this is?

-- that's Frances Oldham Kelsey, receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from JFK. Why is she getting that award?
Because while with the FDA she stood up to Big Pharma and kept Thalidomide off the shelves in the U.S.

Damn anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut job. I hate 'em, don't you?

Jeepers Wally, you're sure right. We should always trust the corporations, they know what's best. What could possibly go wrong?

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Rapers and usurpers of the land, water, and air. The PAUL HARVEY farmers of America.

GOD made these fucking farming whores. GOD put them on the earth to rape and pillage our resources and poison our lands. For without GOD the American Farmer would not exist.

May GOD bless the American Fucking Farmers. The Farmers that set aside 40% of corn acres for the useless fuel ethanol, producing 20% excess that is EXPORTED.

FUCK the American Farmer. Whores and usurpers of American TIT.
Following up on that incestuous revolving-door regulation thingy...

>> You don’t need to have a degree in ethics to see the problem here. According a report by Examiner.com, “Monsanto’s Michael Taylor is the second highest-ranking official at the FDA, and as Food Safety Czar is responsible for implementing the day-to-day policies that govern the food safety laws for the U.S.”

Those “day-to-day” implementations seem to be targeted against the very type of people who pose threats to the anti-organic nature of Taylor’s former client. The report continues,

Not surprisingly, the person responsible for prioritizing armed raids on small dairies over holding agribusiness accountable is a former Monsanto attorney and chief super lobbyist. . . .

Taylor has been leading a departmental crusade against small raw milk dairy producers. So far several dairy farmers have been subject to a year-long undercover sting operation from the East Coast to California.

The hypocrisy and double-standard are open for all to see:

Incredibly, Michael Taylor and FDA inspectors have not arrested or fined the Iowa agribusinessman — Jack DeCoster — who was wholly responsible for the more than 500 million eggs that were recalled in 2010 salmonella-tainted egg recall Though this industrial agribusinessman endangered the health of millions. Michael Taylor actions show that he thinks Amish farmers producing fresh milk are more deserving targets. Under his leadership the FDA performs enforcement raids (with guns drawn) on the Amish.

Oh sorry folks, go back to somnabulistic episodes of "Amish Mafia" -- there's nothing here your TV wants you to see so who cares... :(

Federal law has banned the sale of raw milk for decades, blaming Monsato for that makes no sense at all.

Tell me something, do you hate vaccines like the rest of the anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut jobs like Jim Carrey?

Bury the previous gaffes and move on to more gainsaying, huh?

Well, to follow up on a previous comment:
Oh Goody! Now we get to experience the joy of living in the Reign of Terror of the Faceless Unaccountable Unionized Unelected Government Bureaucrats Who Have Benefits That Are Exempt From The Regulations They Force On The Rest Of Us!

What could possible go wrong with that?

Why nothing at all. Corporations will always be for the betterment of the USA.

... maybe windbags like Windbag are right. Maybe we're entirely too suspicious of Corporatia, which would never ever put profits over people. Jeepers Wally, let's look at some of the things Better Living Through Chemistry has blessed us with. Want to?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3ZLNSJu5g]DDT is Harmless to Humans 1946 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypgPz6OzXN4]Asbestos in homes 1959 - YouTube[/ame]

What a swell bunch of people corpor... oh sorry, "Science" is.

Then there's this:

Recognize the name "Distaval"? No? It's known by another name -- Thalidomide

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vHCgJXAHrI]Thalidomide victims say apology not enough - YouTube[/ame]

There were over ten thousand babies born with birth defects because of that drug, in 46 countries.

But do you know who this is?

-- that's Frances Oldham Kelsey, receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from JFK. Why? Because she stood up to Big Pharma and kept Thalidomide off the shelves in the U.S.

Damn anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut job. I hate 'em, don't you?

Jeepers Wally, you're sure right. We should always trust the corporations. What could possibly go wrong?

How many people did DDT kill?
Tit Farming. The teat that suckles the breast of America's Treasury.

You can Farm us now, or you can Farm us later... but Farm us before you SUCKLE.

Pesticides, herbicides, you-name-it cides. Spread open air and open ground. Poison the soil, the water, the air.

Do I give a fuck?

Nope. Because it IS the farmer. The farmer who's dad's dad's dad FARMED the land.

And we love them. Long time. Go boom-boom on them Farmers.

We FUCK them farmers. Long time. FUCK them.
Federal law has banned the sale of raw milk for decades, blaming Monsato for that makes no sense at all.

Tell me something, do you hate vaccines like the rest of the anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut jobs like Jim Carrey?

Bury the previous gaffes and move on to more gainsaying, huh?

Well, to follow up on a previous comment:
Why nothing at all. Corporations will always be for the betterment of the USA.

... maybe windbags like Windbag are right. Maybe we're entirely too suspicious of Corporatia, which would never ever put profits over people. Jeepers Wally, let's look at some of the things Better Living Through Chemistry has blessed us with. Want to?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3ZLNSJu5g]DDT is Harmless to Humans 1946 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypgPz6OzXN4]Asbestos in homes 1959 - YouTube[/ame]

What a swell bunch of people corpor... oh sorry, "Science" is.

Then there's this:

Recognize the name "Distaval"? No? It's known by another name -- Thalidomide

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vHCgJXAHrI]Thalidomide victims say apology not enough - YouTube[/ame]

There were over ten thousand babies born with birth defects because of that drug, in 46 countries.

But do you know who this is?

-- that's Frances Oldham Kelsey, receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from JFK. Why? Because she stood up to Big Pharma and kept Thalidomide off the shelves in the U.S.

Damn anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut job. I hate 'em, don't you?

Jeepers Wally, you're sure right. We should always trust the corporations. What could possibly go wrong?

How many people did DDT kill?

How many birds, fish and other wildlife did it wipe out? Impossible to know. Why do you need a number? I refer you to "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson for a proper perspective. I assume by now my reader is intelligent enough to know the story of DDT. Perhaps I assume too much.

I just happened to have a number for thalidomide, but if you're hung up on having numbers I'm sure you can Google mesothelioma while the rest of us actually get the point.
Here's a good one- a farmer friend recently lamented that he had "only" $455,000 in crop insurance payments due to him. He was in a quandary as to how to spend it. He had to spend it or lose it.

I AM.... in the wrong FUCKING business.
Monsanto is truly an evil entity. Take a look at the pictures I am going to post below here:



The above pictures or those of a female and male Monarch butterfly respectively. Some of you are wondering why I would bring this into a thread, but I will explain. In the 1970's, a dark empire known as Monsanto developed a chemical known as glyphosate. This is what lead to what we all know as Round Up, the weed killer. Due to this Monsanto creation, many people used it, including farmers, especially corn farmers and soy bean farmers. Well....well...Monsanto to the rescue, why they developed GMO corn and soy beans that were were Round Up proof. So, how does this involve the Monarch butterfly...well keep reading on.

The lefties think they are so environmentally friendly with their bio fuels, but bio fuels have lead to an increase in GMO corn farms and GMO soy bean farms, which of course benefits Monsanto. Monsanto sells them GMO corn seeds and soy bean seeds, and they profit off of glyphosate as well.

So, what is it that many of these farmers are killing with glyphosate? It is the milk weed. Milk weed abundance has been greatly reduced. And guess what, other weeds that we all hate are adapting to glyphosate and becoming super weeds that are also glyphosate-proof. So.....guess what weed the Monarch butterfly, as well as many other organisms need to keep their populations as they are...the milk weed. As of the time I am keying in this reply, for 2013, the number of Monarch butterflies migrating to Mexico is on 5% of the normal migration due to the destruction caused by Monsanto!!!

But do you think it ends there? What devestating impact will Monsanto's evil have on other wild life, humans and more with their path of destruction? This is truly an evil entity, and neither Democrat nor Republican speak out agains them nor do anything to say enough is enough. This is why I have absolutely no use or either of the two political parties.
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Following up on that incestuous revolving-door regulation thingy...

>> You don&#8217;t need to have a degree in ethics to see the problem here. According a report by Examiner.com, &#8220;Monsanto&#8217;s Michael Taylor is the second highest-ranking official at the FDA, and as Food Safety Czar is responsible for implementing the day-to-day policies that govern the food safety laws for the U.S.&#8221;

Those &#8220;day-to-day&#8221; implementations seem to be targeted against the very type of people who pose threats to the anti-organic nature of Taylor&#8217;s former client. The report continues,

Not surprisingly, the person responsible for prioritizing armed raids on small dairies over holding agribusiness accountable is a former Monsanto attorney and chief super lobbyist. . . .

Taylor has been leading a departmental crusade against small raw milk dairy producers. So far several dairy farmers have been subject to a year-long undercover sting operation from the East Coast to California.

The hypocrisy and double-standard are open for all to see:

Incredibly, Michael Taylor and FDA inspectors have not arrested or fined the Iowa agribusinessman &#8212; Jack DeCoster &#8212; who was wholly responsible for the more than 500 million eggs that were recalled in 2010 salmonella-tainted egg recall Though this industrial agribusinessman endangered the health of millions. Michael Taylor actions show that he thinks Amish farmers producing fresh milk are more deserving targets. Under his leadership the FDA performs enforcement raids (with guns drawn) on the Amish.

Oh sorry folks, go back to somnabulistic episodes of "Amish Mafia" -- there's nothing here your TV wants you to see so who cares... :(

Federal law has banned the sale of raw milk for decades, blaming Monsato for that makes no sense at all.

Tell me something, do you hate vaccines like the rest of the anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut jobs like Jim Carrey?

Bury the previous gaffes and move on to more gainsaying, huh?

Well, to follow up on a previous comment:
Oh Goody! Now we get to experience the joy of living in the Reign of Terror of the Faceless Unaccountable Unionized Unelected Government Bureaucrats Who Have Benefits That Are Exempt From The Regulations They Force On The Rest Of Us!

What could possible go wrong with that?

Why nothing at all. Corporations will always be for the betterment of the USA.

... maybe windbags like Windbag are right. Maybe we're entirely too suspicious of Corporatia, which would never ever put profits over people. Jeepers Wally, let's look at some of the things Better Living Through Chemistry has blessed us with. Want to?

What a swell bunch of people corpora ... oh sorry, "Science" is.

Then there's this:

Recognize the name "Distaval"? No? It's known by another name -- Thalidomide

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vHCgJXAHrI"]Thalidomide victims say apology not enough - YouTube[/ame]

There were over ten thousand babies born with birth defects because of that drug, in 46 countries.

But do you know who this is?

-- that's Frances Oldham Kelsey, receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from JFK. Why is she getting that award?
Because while with the FDA she stood up to Big Pharma and kept Thalidomide off the shelves in the U.S.

Damn anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut job. I hate 'em, don't you?

Jeepers Wally, you're sure right. We should always trust the corporations, they know what's best. What could possibly go wrong?


Is that a yes?
Bury the previous gaffes and move on to more gainsaying, huh?

Well, to follow up on a previous comment:

... maybe windbags like Windbag are right. Maybe we're entirely too suspicious of Corporatia, which would never ever put profits over people. Jeepers Wally, let's look at some of the things Better Living Through Chemistry has blessed us with. Want to?


DDT is Harmless to Humans 1946 - YouTube

Asbestos in homes 1959 - YouTube

What a swell bunch of people corpor... oh sorry, "Science" is.

Then there's this:

Recognize the name "Distaval"? No? It's known by another name -- Thalidomide

Thalidomide victims say apology not enough - YouTube

There were over ten thousand babies born with birth defects because of that drug, in 46 countries.

But do you know who this is?

-- that's Frances Oldham Kelsey, receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from JFK. Why? Because she stood up to Big Pharma and kept Thalidomide off the shelves in the U.S.

Damn anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut job. I hate 'em, don't you?

Jeepers Wally, you're sure right. We should always trust the corporations. What could possibly go wrong?

How many people did DDT kill?

How many birds, fish and other wildlife did it wipe out? Impossible to know. Why do you need a number? I refer you to "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson for a proper perspective. I assume by now my reader is intelligent enough to know the story of DDT. Perhaps I assume too much.

I just happened to have a number for thalidomide, but if you're hung up on having numbers I'm sure you can Google mesothelioma while the rest of us actually get the point.

Silent Spring? Well, that's a relief, I thought you might actually have a point there.

When you get a chance, let me know how many millions died, because idiots like you believed Silent Spring.

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