Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act

Monsanto is truly an evil entity. Take a look at the pictures I am going to post below here:



The above pictures or those of a female and male Monarch butterfly respectively. Some of you are wondering why I would bring this into a thread, but I will explain. In the 1970's, a dark empire known as Monsanto developed a chemical known as glyphosate. This is what lead to what we all know as Round Up, the weed killer. Due to this Monsanto creation, many people used it, including farmers, especially corn farmers and soy bean farmers. Well....well...Monsanto to the rescue, why they developed GMO corn and soy beans that were were Round Up proof. So, how does this involve the Monarch butterfly...well keep reading on.

The lefties think they are so environmentally friendly with their bio fuels, but bio fuels have lead to an increase in GMO corn farms and GMO soy bean farms, which of course benefits Monsanto. Monsanto sells them GMO corn seeds and soy bean seeds, and they profit off of glyphosate as well.

So, what is it that many of these farmers are killing with glyphosate? It is the milk weed. Milk weed abundance has been greatly reduced. And guess what, other weeds that we all hate are adapting to glyphosate and becoming super weeds that are also glyphosate-proof. So.....guess what weed the Monarch butterfly, as well as many other organisms need to keep their populations as they are...the milk weed. As of the time I am keying in this reply, for 2013, the number of Monarch butterflies migrating to Mexico is on 5% of the normal migration due to the destruction caused by Monsanto!!!

But do you think it ends there? What devestating impact will Monsanto's evil have on other wild life, humans and more with their path of destruction? This is truly an evil entity, and neither Democrat nor Republican speak out agains them nor do anything to say enough is enough. This is why I have absolutely no use or either of the two political parties.
Too bad for us, Locke. :doubt:

F R E E . M I L K W E E D . S E E D S

The above concerned association with the Monarch Foundation requests $3.00 for shipping for your free seeds and is doing all they can to bring back the Monarch from their low levels. Part of the problems are here. For example, we had milkweeds growing, and I faithfully mowed around them in the back pasture. Then for no reason, one day I went back there to mow, and my sweetie, who has dementia, had mowed them down. :(

Well, you can't cry over spilt milk, but next time, I hope they come up around the fenceline, where the tractor mower cannot go. :eusa_pray:

The goal of the foundation is to put a monarch butterfly-friendly plant in every yard.

You can help.
... maybe windbags like Windbag are right. Maybe we're entirely too suspicious of Corporatia, which would never ever put profits over people. Jeepers Wally, let's look at some of the things Better Living Through Chemistry has blessed us with. Want to?


DDT is Harmless to Humans 1946 - YouTube

Asbestos in homes 1959 - YouTube

What a swell bunch of people corpora ... oh sorry, "Science" is.

Then there's this:

Recognize the name "Distaval"? No? It's known by another name -- Thalidomide

Thalidomide victims say apology not enough - YouTube

There were over ten thousand babies born with birth defects because of that drug, in 46 countries.

But do you know who this is?

-- that's Frances Oldham Kelsey, receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from JFK. Why is she getting that award?
Because while with the FDA she stood up to Big Pharma and kept Thalidomide off the shelves in the U.S.

Damn anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut job. I hate 'em, don't you?

Jeepers Wally, you're sure right. We should always trust the corporations, they know what's best. What could possibly go wrong?

How many people did DDT kill?

How many birds, fish and other wildlife did it wipe out? Impossible to know. Why do you need a number? I refer you to "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson for a proper perspective. I assume by now my reader is intelligent enough to know the story of DDT. Perhaps I assume too much.

I just happened to have a number for thalidomide, but if you're hung up on having numbers I'm sure you can Google mesothelioma while the rest of us actually get the point.

Silent Spring? Well, that's a relief, I thought you might actually have a point there.

When you get a chance, let me know how many millions died, because idiots like you believed Silent Spring.

-- and that means.... what?

Beware of emptyhanded gainsaying. It will paint you into a corner.
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... maybe windbags like Windbag are right. Maybe we're entirely too suspicious of Corporatia, which would never ever put profits over people. Jeepers Wally, let's look at some of the things Better Living Through Chemistry has blessed us with. Want to?


DDT is Harmless to Humans 1946 - YouTube

Asbestos in homes 1959 - YouTube

What a swell bunch of people corpora ... oh sorry, "Science" is.

Then there's this:

Recognize the name "Distaval"? No? It's known by another name -- Thalidomide

Thalidomide victims say apology not enough - YouTube

There were over ten thousand babies born with birth defects because of that drug, in 46 countries.

But do you know who this is?

-- that's Frances Oldham Kelsey, receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from JFK. Why is she getting that award?
Because while with the FDA she stood up to Big Pharma and kept Thalidomide off the shelves in the U.S.

Damn anti science conspiracy nut whacko nut job. I hate 'em, don't you?

Jeepers Wally, you're sure right. We should always trust the corporations, they know what's best. What could possibly go wrong?

How many birds, fish and other wildlife did it wipe out? Impossible to know. Why do you need a number? I refer you to "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson for a proper perspective. I assume by now my reader is intelligent enough to know the story of DDT. Perhaps I assume too much.

I just happened to have a number for thalidomide, but if you're hung up on having numbers I'm sure you can Google mesothelioma while the rest of us actually get the point.

Silent Spring? Well, that's a relief, I thought you might actually have a point there.

When you get a chance, let me know how many millions died, because idiots like you believed Silent Spring.

-- and that means.... what?

Beware of emptyhanded gainsaying. It will paint you into a corner.

It means if you believed "Silent Spring", you're an idiot.
If you used "Silent Spring" as an excuse to ban DDT, you helped kill millions
who died of malaria. At least you're comfortable in your ignorance.
Silent Spring? Well, that's a relief, I thought you might actually have a point there.

When you get a chance, let me know how many millions died, because idiots like you believed Silent Spring.

-- and that means.... what?

Beware of emptyhanded gainsaying. It will paint you into a corner.

It means if you believed "Silent Spring", you're an idiot.
If you used "Silent Spring" as an excuse to ban DDT, you helped kill millions
who died of malaria. At least you're comfortable in your ignorance.

Ever wonder why none of the anti DDT crowd never mentions the government mandated over use of DDT that caused most of the problems they are whining about? Or how banning DDT made Monsato billions in profits?
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-- and that means.... what?

Beware of emptyhanded gainsaying. It will paint you into a corner.

It means if you believed "Silent Spring", you're an idiot.
If you used "Silent Spring" as an excuse to ban DDT, you helped kill millions
who died of malaria. At least you're comfortable in your ignorance.

Ever wonder why none of the anti DDT crowd ever mention the government mandated over use of DDT that caused most of the problems they are whining about? Or how banning DDT made Monsato billions in profits?

If they think at all, they're "Stage One Thinkers".

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Applied-Economics-Thinking-Beyond-Stage/dp/0465003451]Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One: Thomas Sowell: 9780465003457: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
Silent Spring? Well, that's a relief, I thought you might actually have a point there.

When you get a chance, let me know how many millions died, because idiots like you believed Silent Spring.

-- and that means.... what?

Beware of emptyhanded gainsaying. It will paint you into a corner.

It means if you believed "Silent Spring", you're an idiot.
If you used "Silent Spring" as an excuse to ban DDT, you helped kill millions
who died of malaria. At least you're comfortable in your ignorance.

So you have no answer but gainsaying. Just admit it and get it over with. The embarrassment will sting only until the next post.

.... which will have to wait because I'm gonna plop what I came with right here and save post space...

Obama Signature On Monsanto Protection Act Ignites Massive Activism

While Monsanto executives may be rejoicing behind the closed doors of their corporate offices, they have also just stabbed themselves in the heart with the blatant and cocky decision to go through with the Monsanto Protection Act. Obama’s social media profiles are being blown up with thousands of enraged activists and concerned citizens who are demanding answers.

Thanks to the alternative news covering every angle of the Protection Act and the absurd fact that Monsanto actually wrote the rider itself, people have now come to fully understand just how deep the corruption goes when it comes to Monsanto’s Big Food monopoly. And it doesn’t exempt the President.

It’s a well known fact that the Obama family actually eats from the White House organic garden which was planted in 2009 and has full time staffers who maintain and harvest organic produce that comes from the garden. Many high level politicians actually refuse to eat anything but organic, as they are fully aware of what’s in ‘conventional’, GMO-loaded items. Yet, despite this knowledge, they are quite eager to push Monsanto’s GMOs and ruthless business model on the citizens of the United States.

And the people are fully aware of the betrayal.

Scanning just a few comments amid the thousands calling out Obama for his signature on the spending bill that contained the Monsanto Protection Act, we find seriously frustrated activists and voters who can’t believe what they are seeing. Even many Obama campaigners who came to the realization that Obama didn’t represent what they thought he did. One specifically mentions how Obama promised to label GMOs in 2007 upon taking the seat of the President. A promise that never came to fruition. In fact, no real attempts were made at all.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WveF8YjYEE"]promised to label GMOs[/ame]
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into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.

Obama Signs Continuing Resolution To Avoid Government Shutdown

well, for one Obama did not write it or vote for it to be sent to him ...

How the Monsanto Protection Act snuck into law - Salon.com

Since the act’s passing more than 250,000 people have signed a petition opposing the provision and a rally, consisting largely of farmers organized by the Food Democracy Now network, protested outside the White House Wednesday. Not only has anger been directed at the Monsanto Protection Act’s content, but the way in which the provision was passed through Congress without appropriate review by the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees. The biotech rider instead was introduced anonymously as the larger bill progressed — little wonder food activists are accusing lobbyists and Congress members of backroom dealings.

... was introduced anonymously

is that possible ?

where were the outraged Republicans ?????

Dude, this isn't a rightie thing, nor is it a leftie thing, it's a government thing. The government sucks, yet we have become a nation that accepts this.

and yet, the first word in your thread title is "Obama" :rolleyes: If your thread was so non-partisan, why not use the term "President" :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle: Nice try/backpedalFAIL Dude :thup: .
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Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

It is amazing how in the pocket our government is to huge corporations.

-- and that means.... what?

Beware of emptyhanded gainsaying. It will paint you into a corner.

It means if you believed "Silent Spring", you're an idiot.
If you used "Silent Spring" as an excuse to ban DDT, you helped kill millions
who died of malaria. At least you're comfortable in your ignorance.

So you have no answer but gainsaying. Just admit it and get it over with. The embarrassment will sting only until the next post.

.... which will have to wait because I'm gonna plop what I came with right here and save post space...

Obama Signature On Monsanto Protection Act Ignites Massive Activism

While Monsanto executives may be rejoicing behind the closed doors of their corporate offices, they have also just stabbed themselves in the heart with the blatant and cocky decision to go through with the Monsanto Protection Act. Obama’s social media profiles are being blown up with thousands of enraged activists and concerned citizens who are demanding answers.

Thanks to the alternative news covering every angle of the Protection Act and the absurd fact that Monsanto actually wrote the rider itself, people have now come to fully understand just how deep the corruption goes when it comes to Monsanto’s Big Food monopoly. And it doesn’t exempt the President.

It’s a well known fact that the Obama family actually eats from the White House organic garden which was planted in 2009 and has full time staffers who maintain and harvest organic produce that comes from the garden. Many high level politicians actually refuse to eat anything but organic, as they are fully aware of what’s in ‘conventional’, GMO-loaded items. Yet, despite this knowledge, they are quite eager to push Monsanto’s GMOs and ruthless business model on the citizens of the United States.

And the people are fully aware of the betrayal.

Scanning just a few comments amid the thousands calling out Obama for his signature on the spending bill that contained the Monsanto Protection Act, we find seriously frustrated activists and voters who can’t believe what they are seeing. Even many Obama campaigners who came to the realization that Obama didn’t represent what they thought he did. One specifically mentions how Obama promised to label GMOs in 2007 upon taking the seat of the President. A promise that never came to fruition. In fact, no real attempts were made at all.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WveF8YjYEE"]promised to label GMOs[/ame]


Malaria - National Geographic Magazine

Soon after the program collapsed, mosquito control lost access to its crucial tool, DDT. The problem was overuse—not by malaria fighters but by farmers, especially cotton growers, trying to protect their crops. The spray was so cheap that many times the necessary doses were sometimes applied. The insecticide accumulated in the soil and tainted watercourses. Though nontoxic to humans, DDT harmed peregrine falcons, sea lions, and salmon. In 1962 Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, documenting this abuse and painting so damning a picture that the chemical was eventually outlawed by most of the world for agricultural use. Exceptions were made for malaria control, but DDT became nearly impossible to procure. "The ban on DDT," says Gwadz of the National Institutes of Health, "may have killed 20 million children."

At least the ban made idiots feel good.
Obama Signs Continuing Resolution To Avoid Government Shutdown

well, for one Obama did not write it or vote for it to be sent to him ...

... was introduced anonymously

is that possible ?

where were the outraged Republicans ?????

Dude, this isn't a rightie thing, nor is it a leftie thing, it's a government thing. The government sucks, yet we have become a nation that accepts this.

and yet, the first word in your thread title is "Obama" :rolleyes: If your thread was so non-partisan, why not use the term "President" :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle: Nice try/backpedalFAIL Dude :thup: .
Made for an interesting thread....don't ya think?

I tried a non partisan title in another thread and not one of you libs showed up for it?
Go figure :rolleyes:
Sadly, this would have happened even if Romney were elected. Corporations like Monsanto have paid for our politicians a long time ago.

I thought Obama wasn't a corporate whore, that he stood up for the little guy, you know the poor, the 99%.

Why did he sell us all out?
Sadly, this would have happened even if Romney were elected. Corporations like Monsanto have paid for our politicians a long time ago.

I thought Obama wasn't a corporate whore, that he stood up for the little guy, you know the poor, the 99%.

Why did he sell us all out?

Don't know where you got that idea but they're all corporate whores.

We don't have two political parties; we have one party that dresses up alternately in red or blue and pretends to have differences. Both of them are controlled by the same puppetmaster -- who's laughing hysterically at the way we piss away our energy on the red-blue game while never looking up to see the puppeteer.
First we recover from the Pub World Recession, then we UNEXEMPT Monsanto. This was the Pub price. All the single mothers on WICK and many others would have suffered too. God dupes are dumb.
It means if you believed "Silent Spring", you're an idiot.
If you used "Silent Spring" as an excuse to ban DDT, you helped kill millions
who died of malaria. At least you're comfortable in your ignorance.

So you have no answer but gainsaying. Just admit it and get it over with. The embarrassment will sting only until the next post.

.... which will have to wait because I'm gonna plop what I came with right here and save post space...

Obama Signature On Monsanto Protection Act Ignites Massive Activism

While Monsanto executives may be rejoicing behind the closed doors of their corporate offices, they have also just stabbed themselves in the heart with the blatant and cocky decision to go through with the Monsanto Protection Act. Obama’s social media profiles are being blown up with thousands of enraged activists and concerned citizens who are demanding answers.

Thanks to the alternative news covering every angle of the Protection Act and the absurd fact that Monsanto actually wrote the rider itself, people have now come to fully understand just how deep the corruption goes when it comes to Monsanto’s Big Food monopoly. And it doesn’t exempt the President.

It’s a well known fact that the Obama family actually eats from the White House organic garden which was planted in 2009 and has full time staffers who maintain and harvest organic produce that comes from the garden. Many high level politicians actually refuse to eat anything but organic, as they are fully aware of what’s in ‘conventional’, GMO-loaded items. Yet, despite this knowledge, they are quite eager to push Monsanto’s GMOs and ruthless business model on the citizens of the United States.

And the people are fully aware of the betrayal.

Scanning just a few comments amid the thousands calling out Obama for his signature on the spending bill that contained the Monsanto Protection Act, we find seriously frustrated activists and voters who can’t believe what they are seeing. Even many Obama campaigners who came to the realization that Obama didn’t represent what they thought he did. One specifically mentions how Obama promised to label GMOs in 2007 upon taking the seat of the President. A promise that never came to fruition. In fact, no real attempts were made at all.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WveF8YjYEE"]promised to label GMOs[/ame]


Malaria - National Geographic Magazine

Soon after the program collapsed, mosquito control lost access to its crucial tool, DDT. The problem was overuse—not by malaria fighters but by farmers, especially cotton growers, trying to protect their crops. The spray was so cheap that many times the necessary doses were sometimes applied. The insecticide accumulated in the soil and tainted watercourses. Though nontoxic to humans, DDT harmed peregrine falcons, sea lions, and salmon. In 1962 Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, documenting this abuse and painting so damning a picture that the chemical was eventually outlawed by most of the world for agricultural use. Exceptions were made for malaria control, but DDT became nearly impossible to procure. "The ban on DDT," says Gwadz of the National Institutes of Health, "may have killed 20 million children."

At least the ban made idiots feel good.
That's quite a good read, Toddsterpatriot. The survival of the anopheles mosquito perpetuates the disease, and DDT kills the mosquito and would save a lot of lives. There always seems to be the promise of a cure or vaccine on the horizon, but in the end, the disease comes back with a vengeance in Africa. From your article and on the last page is the conclusion, if you'd call it that:

When it comes to malaria, only one thing is guaranteed: Every evening in the rainy season across much of the world, Anopheles mosquitoes will take wing, alert to the odors and warmth of living bodies. A female Anopheles needs to drink blood every three days. In a single feeding, which lasts as long as ten minutes, she can ingest about two and a half times her pre-meal weight—in human terms, the equivalent of downing a bathtub-size milk shake.

If she happens to feed on a person infected with malaria, parasites will accompany the blood. Two weeks later, when the mosquito flies through the open window of a mud hut, seeking her next meal, she'll be loaded.

Inside the hut, a child is sleeping with her sister and parents on a blanket spread over the floor. The family is aware of the malaria threat; they know of the rainy season's dangers. They've hung a bed net from the ceiling. But it's a steamy night, and the child has tossed and turned a few times before dropping back to sleep. Her foot is sticking out of the net. The mosquito senses it, and dips down for a silent landing.

According to the World Health Organization, Malaria is still killing 3,000 African children every day. (2003) :(

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