Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act

And here is another piece of disturbing info on the whole issue:

Press Release

This is about how much foreign companies (pesticide companies) are bankrolling the opposition in California for GMO and GE foods to be labeled. It is interesting that the foreign companies are banned from doing their business in their own country, so they are using our country as guinea pigs. And our stupid Congress members are allowing these companies to do so.

It is just absolutely amazing how our government is catering to these corporations, ESPECIALLY FOREIGN COMPANIES!!
I'll do ya one better. I went to Monsanto's website and found a copy of a letter the company created regarding H.R. 933. It's not a long read, and it is quite shocking:

Here is the link to the letter found on their very own website:
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Documents/Letter to House for Section 733.pdf

Here is a link to their website if you cant access the previous link. On their main page, there is a link to news about H.R. 933 and that is where you can find he letter:
Monsanto | Monsanto Statement Regarding Farmer Assurance Provision in H.R.933

That is not a letter from Monsato, it is a letter from various farmer's groups.

Is this an admission I am right?

haha you might have a hard time comprehending what was said, so I will highlight the important sentence you missed.

As a member of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), we were pleased to join major grower groups in supporting the Farmer Assurance Provision

They are saying that they are happy to join forces with these major growing groups to SUPPORT the Farmer Assurance Provision (Monsanto Protection Act can be found here)

including the American Farm Bureau Federation, the American Seed Trade Association, the American Soybean Association, the American Sugarbeet Growers Association, the National Corn Growers Association, the National Cotton Council, and several others.

These are the "major growing groups" they have joined forces with to support the legislation.

So, do you understand the letter now, if you even read it?

Here is a link that reports Monsanto's 7.7 million dollars in lobbying efforts to get Congress to support this legislation:

Monsanto's Deep Roots In Washington - OpenSecrets Blog

I think you can deduce that Monsanto bought immunity from the federal courts until a final multi year environmental report is concluded. Whenever the hell that will be.

You left out a paragraph.

As we understand it, the point of the Farmer Assurance Provision is to strike a careful balance allowing farmers to continue to plant and cultivate their crops subject to appropriate environmental safeguards, while USDA conducts any necessary further environmental reviews. This letter, submitted by the industry in June 2012, provides additional information about what the provision is intended to accomplish.

Gee, look at that. They did not write the letter, which is exactly what I said.

Once again, is this an admission that I am right that you cannot find anything in the actual law to back up your claims?
ah - "unbeliever"? What in the blue fuck could you possibly know about what I believe or unbelieve? You can't even read English. And I don't believe we've ever conversed on religion anyway. I wouldn't do that with someone of your, shall we say, caliber.

To the expression, "playing God" is not something that requires a belief in a deity on the part of either the observer or the observee. The verb is "playing". But I repeat myself about reading comprehension or lack thereof.

The only people I know who are afraid of scientists playing God, are theocons. That is always because they do not know what the fuck playing God means. Unless you are a moronic theocon that has been pretending to be a really stupid progressive you would not use the term the same way, so I thought it was funny that you used it the same way. My apologies for crediting you with a higher degree of intelligence than you deserved.

That, dear Pogo, is the proper way to insult someone.

Pfffft. Oh please. Now walk away from the mirror.... nice and slow...

Once again all you do is exhibit your self-enslavement to your own assumptions, which also tells us where they come from. "Theocons" :rofl: - yeah that's gonna sell.

To 'play God', for those of you just learning our language, means to assume the dominion of the Life Force, whether such humanoid hubris be declaring someone else's life to be completed, or even worse, proposing to redesign what Nature hath wrought.

You should only eat food that hasn't been altered by man.
Let me know how that works out for you.

Luddites never think things through, I wonder why he owns a computer if he is so adverse to science.

Again, for those new to English, it's averse. And the ass-umption is your'n; I'm not at all averse to science. I am averse to fucking with Nature though, and there's a vast chasm of difference between that and working within what Nature has bestowed upon us, as in, say, crossbreeding.

Which answers Johnny Corso's point and observes that in his post above he utterly fails to address the issue of the fox minding the hen house, which was my whole point. You'd think a TV detective wouldn't let something that obvious slide right by him.

All of that, and you are still anti science. Can you explain what you have against progress? Do you just hate poor people, and prefer that the population outgrowing food production that they were so sure was gong to happen by now wipe them out?
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I'll do ya one better. I went to Monsanto's website and found a copy of a letter the company created regarding H.R. 933. It's not a long read, and it is quite shocking:

Here is the link to the letter found on their very own website:
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Documents/Letter to House for Section 733.pdf

Here is a link to their website if you cant access the previous link. On their main page, there is a link to news about H.R. 933 and that is where you can find he letter:
Monsanto | Monsanto Statement Regarding Farmer Assurance Provision in H.R.933

A company spends years and millions of dollars to produce a square tomato. So, yeah, I'd be pretty happy if I were them that some hippy would not be able to flush all that effort down the shitter without any evidence square tomatoes are harmful.

Fuckin' A!

Show me a kid with a third arm growing out of his chest after eating a square tomato. Show me a double blind study that says square tomatoes are poison.

You seem to have misunderstood what I was saying. I was responding to Quantum Windbag where he thought that Monsanto did not have immunity from the courts. After proving him wrong, I will address your input. I am not saying that GE foods will produce a "third arm" or that they are "poisons." I am all for science, and if Monsanto has discovered a way to make a square tomato, and it has no long-term health affects then fuckin great for them, and us. HOWEVER there has not been extensive, multi year evaluations and research to know for sure the effects this can have on us. The FDA has concluded that there are just too many variables to know definitively that this is safe. IF they as well as other environmentalist and medical organizations (mainly the AMA) say that everything is safe, with no implications of further health risks, I will be the first to buy their square tomatoes. BUT until that day comes, I (as well as millions of Americans) will choose to not endorse companies like Monsanto.

They do not have immunity, all you have to do is show me that anywhere in the law. Would it help if I provided a link?
And here is another piece of disturbing info on the whole issue:

Press Release

This is about how much foreign companies (pesticide companies) are bankrolling the opposition in California for GMO and GE foods to be labeled. It is interesting that the foreign companies are banned from doing their business in their own country, so they are using our country as guinea pigs. And our stupid Congress members are allowing these companies to do so.

It is just absolutely amazing how our government is catering to these corporations, ESPECIALLY FOREIGN COMPANIES!!

Why don't you get the FDA to loosen their restrictions on advertising organic products instead of imposing more regulations to fix the problem regulations caused?
It's not weird. He demonizes them in order to appeal to certain (low information) groups of his constituency - and then he collaborates with his corporate cronies to loot the nation.

So what you're saying is he doesn't hate corporations and businesses. Tell that to the right.

he only dislikes the ones that don't donate to him....
And here is another piece of disturbing info on the whole issue:

Press Release

This is about how much foreign companies (pesticide companies) are bankrolling the opposition in California for GMO and GE foods to be labeled. It is interesting that the foreign companies are banned from doing their business in their own country, so they are using our country as guinea pigs. And our stupid Congress members are allowing these companies to do so.

It is just absolutely amazing how our government is catering to these corporations, ESPECIALLY FOREIGN COMPANIES!!

Why don't you get the FDA to loosen their restrictions on advertising organic products instead of imposing more regulations to fix the problem regulations caused?

Local Food Sovereignty! Free Our Food From The Feds!

Voters here made their town the fifth in Hancock County to pass a local food sovereignty ordinance that thumbs its nose at state and federal regulations for direct-to-consumer sales of prepared foods and farm products.

In a referendum election on March 4, residents voted 112-64 to approve the “Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance,” which states that producers or processors of local foods are “exempt from licensure and inspection,” so long as the food is sold directly by the producer to a consumer.

The ordinance also makes it “unlawful for any law or regulation adopted by the state or federal government to interfere with the rights organized by this ordinance.”...

Brooksville becomes ninth Maine town to defy state on sales of local foods ? Hancock ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine
The Examiner is a Pub propaganda rag, to start with. First Dems needed that continuing resolution to get us out of this gd Pub Great World Recession. Baby steps, and you can be sure Pubs were MAINLY behind this. The ocean liner to Pub hell is turning slowly.

And Pelosi was right- people won't understand O-care till it's implemented. Pub dupes!!

once again Frankie.....never question.....just swallow their shit....and go back to sleep....
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

Doesn't surprise me. They put a rider on the Patriot Act protecting Ely Lilly, the makers of thermerosal from being sued specifically for causing autism. Our government doesn't protect the citizens, it protects the corporations and big business.
Right now, franchHFW, the brunt of the expense of ACA will fall upon American workers with a full-time job.

Only 47% of Working Age Americans have Full-Time Jobs

Insurance companies will be unable to compete with the government, so that will leave a smaller and smaller percentage of workers working full-time to pay for the health care of people who haven't completed their educations yet and the health care of people who have retired until they die, which now can be over 30 years if they retire at age 65. The diabolical Democrats also have a plan under consideration at this point to beat up taxpayers for paying for all foreigners who come into this country, too. A million a year will be a thing of the past soon.

Just wait until ACA takes 20% of their present take home. Fewer people will be able to afford to work when the government is so generous to supply all the needs of those who are unemployed. It's not a matter of if but only when at this point of our sinking into a community-does-all society that we are becoming.

Everyone ALREADY gets care, dupe, just in the stupidest, cruelist way- ER care with 750k bankruptcies a year, no preventive care, people on welfare to get medicaid, ruining our global competitiveness etc etc etc. Pub dupes!!
You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Before Obama became President, I had health insurance. After he took office, and started shaking down Insurance companies and scaring business owners, my insurance provider replaced my $200 deductible per annum with a $2400 deductible per annum and raised my rate to boot. I succumbed to a disease process over 10 years ago and cannot work full time due to screaming out loud muscle cramps and 10 other syndromes that accompany my disease. The last two times I visited the social security offices in the area, I was chewed out for poor business performance by one social security officer, which resulted in screaming out loud stress situations nonstop for 6 weeks, and the second time, I spent 6 hours waiting for my turn in a different social security office that put white people in the back rows and ordered everybody else to be served first. I received my "turn" at 4:15, 15 minutes before they turned people away from their "help." I just wanted to be sure my taxes had been paid and pay any fines associated with late tax payments and not be in trouble with the federal government. It took an hour and a half to drive the long trip back home and another hour to wait to see what happened to my husband who has dementia issues and got confused about where he was supposed to be for dinner. I had screaming out loud pain issues for another 3 weeks after that incident. The government does not give a damn about retired people and are willing to make sure their lives are so inconvenienced, that if they have any issues with their health, they are to do their part to make them so miserable, they hope just maybe we'll die off so they can collect our inheritance instead of our children.

When old people start considering buying guns, you jackasses had better get out of our way when we're practicing our second amendment rights. :lmao:

Franco is an old person.....he is like in his 80's....
This was a GOP amendment to a continuing resolution that will get us out of this gd Pub Great World Recession. We'll get Monsanto later, dupes. And I do mean dupes...
Oh Goody! Now we get to experience the joy of living in the Reign of Terror of the Faceless Unaccountable Unionized Unelected Government Bureaucrats Who Have Benefits That Are Exempt From The Regulations They Force On The Rest Of Us!

What could possible go wrong with that?
That was funny, an unbeliever complaining about people playing God. What fracking difference does it make if people play something that does not exist?

ah - "unbeliever"? What in the blue fuck could you possibly know about what I believe or unbelieve? You can't even read English. And I don't believe we've ever conversed on religion anyway. I wouldn't do that with someone of your, shall we say, caliber.

To the expression, "playing God" is not something that requires a belief in a deity on the part of either the observer or the observee. The verb is "playing". But I repeat myself about reading comprehension or lack thereof.
The only people I know who are afraid of scientists playing God, are theocons. That is always because they do not know what the fuck playing God means. Unless you are a moronic theocon that has been pretending to be a really stupid progressive you would not use the term the same way, so I thought it was funny that you used it the same way. My apologies for crediting you with a higher degree of intelligence than you deserved.

That, dear Pogo, is the proper way to insult someone.

Pfffft. Oh please. Now walk away from the mirror.... nice and slow...

Once again all you do is exhibit your self-enslavement to your own assumptions, which also tells us where they come from. "Theocons" :rofl: - yeah that's gonna sell.

To 'play God', for those of you just learning our language, means to assume the dominion of the Life Force, whether such humanoid hubris be declaring someone else's life to be completed, or even worse, proposing to redesign what Nature hath wrought.

Luddites never think things through, I wonder why he owns a computer if he is so adverse to science.

Again, for those new to English, it's "averse". And the ass-umption is your'n; I'm not at all averse to science. I am averse to fucking with Nature though, and there's a vast chasm of difference between that and working within what Nature has bestowed upon us, as in, say, crossbreeding.

Which answers Johnny Corso's point and observes that in his post above he utterly fails to address the issue of the fox minding the hen house, which was my whole point. You'd think a TV detective wouldn't let something that obvious slide right by him.

All of that, and you are still anti science. Can you explain what you have against progress? Do you just hate poor people, and prefer that the population outgrowing food production that they were so sure was gong to happen by now wipe them out?

I can not entertain your strawman. He eats too much. Matter of fact he just plain eats it.

Well, you asked about the ethical question, I answered, and all you have is this "anti-science" strawman. And no word on what is meant by "unbeliever".
Must suck to have nothing and still press the "Submit Reply" button just so you can make one more post.

Quantity over quality.... never thought of that.
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Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

Doesn't surprise me. They put a rider on the Patriot Act protecting Ely Lilly, the makers of thermerosal from being sued specifically for causing autism. Our government doesn't protect the citizens, it protects the corporations and big business.

Eli Lilly doesn't cause autism.
G5000 - Do you think that Monsanto doesnt already have ways of going after people who attempt to study their patented food?

Because it would be hard to prove it if you arent allowed by law to investigate their products, right?

Serious question btw

Actually that's old news. I mean they've got a CEO installed in the FDA; they're not new to buying reputation.

This is old news but illustrative...

Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm

>> Monsanto, the massive biotechnology company being blamed for contributing to the dwindling bee population, has bought up one of the leading bee collapse research organizations. Recently banned from Poland with one of the primary reasons being that the company’s genetically modified corn may be devastating the dying bee population, it is evident that Monsanto is under serious fire for their role in the downfall of the vital insects. It is therefore quite apparent why Monsanto bought one of the largest bee research firms on the planet.

It can be found in public company reports hosted on mainstream media that Monsanto scooped up the Beeologics firm back in September 2011. During this time the correlation between Monsanto’s GM crops and the bee decline was not explored in the mainstream, and in fact it was hardly touched upon until Polish officials addressed the serious concern amid the monumental ban. Owning a major organization that focuses heavily on the bee collapse and is recognized by the USDA for their mission statement of “restoring bee health and protecting the future of insect pollination” could be very advantageous for Monsanto.

A second source:
>> Many beekeepers are losing massive colonies all over America. One such incidence is of Bret Adee in Central California who lost 40,000 hives in a matter of weeks, that&#8217;s 2 Billion bees. He was the largest beekeeper in America. A devastating Bee Holocaust. One of the keys to the mysteries of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is the understanding to why the bees are disappearing.

This same phenomenon happened in Europe a decade ago. It turns out that systemic pesticides, which are applied to the seed of a crop and stay within the plant throughout its lifespan, were also malignantly affecting the nervous system of bees. The beekeepers there rallied and, after hearing of the plight of the bees, the French Minister of Agriculture, Jean Glavany, banned systemic pesticides. Unfortunately, rationalism can be bought out in America.

Systemic Pesticides came into the United States around 2003, which is when CCD began happening. Now that Monsanto owns Beelogics, the flow of information coming from this research firm is practically negligible.
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>> A growing number of rootworms are now able to devour genetically modified corn specifically designed by Monsanto to kill those same pests. A new study shows that while the biotech giant may triumph in Congress, it will never be able to outsmart nature.

Western corn rootworms have been able to harmlessly consume the genetically modified maize, a research paper published in the latest issue of the journal GM Crops & Food reveals. A 2010 sample of the rootworm population had an elevenfold survival rate on the genetically modified corn compared to a control population. That’s eight times more than the year before, when the resistant population was first identified.

Experts are also noting that this year’s resistant rootworm populations are maturing earlier than expected. In fact, the time the bug’s larvae hatched was the earliest in decades.

... Studies in other states have also revealed that the rootworm population is becoming increasingly resistant to genetically modified corn. Last year, Iowa State University researcher Aaron Gassmann noted that a number of farmers reported discovering, much to their dismay, that a large number of rootworms survived after the consumption of their GM crops. Gassmann branded these pests “superbugs.”

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