Obama signs trade legislation; Boehner, McConnell miss White House event

I'm so over the establishment gop. Think I'll do the same.

Don't think....do and let them know why. I just won't be able to vote in the primary which for that last four or five presidential elections were already settled by the time they got to my state.

I don't want to change but a message needs sent.
I'm so over the establishment gop. Think I'll do the same.

Don't think....do and let them know why. I just won't be able to vote in the primary which for that last four or five presidential elections were already settled by the time they got to my state.

I don't want to change but a message needs sent.

I will after I move, after the summer is over.
How many progressive republicans does it take to pass a trade bill?
The progressives fought this tooth and nail what do you say now? Obama and house Republicans are now BFFs. That has to grate on the progressives psychic.

I know what I did, I sent my voter registration in changing to an independent.

Obama signs trade legislation Boehner McConnell miss White House event - Washington Times

What I heard, and this sounds somewhat believable, is the lack of moderate dems who would have voted for this bill, made it necessary for Obama to seek out support for this bill from republican leadership. So I'm not surprised by how this thing played out.
The progressives fought this tooth and nail what do you say now? Obama and house Republicans are now BFFs. That has to grate on the progressives psychic.

I know what I did, I sent my voter registration in changing to an independent.

Obama signs trade legislation Boehner McConnell miss White House event - Washington Times

What I heard, and this sounds somewhat believable, is the lack of moderate dems who would have voted for this bill, made it necessary for Obama to seek out support for this bill from republican leadership. So I'm not surprised by how this thing played out.

How does that make you feel? Obama and his new BFFs?
I left the Democratic party after Clinton turned it into Republican Lite.

Obama is making the Democratic party even more useless. Why do we need two right wing parties?

No one has thought out how we will deal with the civil upset that will come when the majority of Americans realize that their future has been traded away for cheap foreign goods.
I left the Democratic party after Clinton turned it into Republican Lite.

Obama is making the Democratic party even more useless. Why do we need two right wing parties?

No one has thought out how we will deal with the civil upset that will come when the majority of Americans realize that their future has been traded away for cheap foreign goods.

47 percent will believe anything that the DNC tells them even if it is completely bad for them the DNC will promise to take care of them.

If this were a Republican president that thing never would have passed. Has to hurt being a democrat and watching that play out. The good thing for them is the SCOTUS' rulings came at the same time running smoke for them,. I don't think it was a coincidence.
The progressives fought this tooth and nail what do you say now? Obama and house Republicans are now BFFs. That has to grate on the progressives psychic.

I know what I did, I sent my voter registration in changing to an independent.

Obama signs trade legislation Boehner McConnell miss White House event - Washington Times

What I heard, and this sounds somewhat believable, is the lack of moderate dems who would have voted for this bill, made it necessary for Obama to seek out support for this bill from republican leadership. So I'm not surprised by how this thing played out.

How does that make you feel? Obama and his new BFFs?

Why should my feelings about this one issue matter ? Politics make for strange bedfellows. Always has, and always will.

As for Obama, I thought he was a whiner, but when he finally got past that stupid shit, and started to behave like a president, that's when I started thinking of him as our president. And he has my support.
He's failed in his role as commander in chief, militarily, but so too has the pentagon, and he's certainly not the first president to do that, nor the last.
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If this were a Republican president that thing never would have passed.

That is correct for the same reason Reagan could not have gotten NAFTA passed. Congressional Demos would block this kind of .1% legislation unless their own man was pushing it.

Will people ever realize that if you don't have a pile of cash you don't count in Washington?

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