Obama slammed by black Chicago residents: 'Worst president ever'

The main stream media's ratings are tanking?
Want to provide some sort of factual basis for your bullshit or just happy to be a Russian troll?

People who call other people Russian Trolls are just little punkass bitches who aren't worth wasting time on. Talk to me when you grow up you little bitch
Wait until you see the names hurled at blacks by libs when Trump gets 25% of their vote. Just like they screamed when they had their slaves taken away.

How do you figure that? Where does this come from, besides your ass?

Here's something you can chew on:

Analyzing Black Support for President Trump

"""Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019."""
The main stream media's ratings are tanking?
Want to provide some sort of factual basis for your bullshit or just happy to be a Russian troll?

People who call other people Russian Trolls are just little punkass bitches who aren't worth wasting time on. Talk to me when you grow up you little bitch

Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck.

ME: Oh yes, these are the little things we forget over time. That's what the bombardment of fake news does to people. But the good folks at the Black Republican Blog have not forgotten:

Sunday, August 04, 2019
FLASHBACK: Obama slammed by black Chicago residents: 'Worst president ever'

BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG: FLASHBACK: Obama slammed by black Chicago residents: 'Worst president ever'

Black residents of Chicago’s South Side, who recently rallied to decry a spate of violence in the city, ripped President Obama for ignoring their plight while pushing for funding for illegal immigrants at their expense.

Yes, this is why 95% of blacks voted for Obama and 92% voted against Trump

Puleeeze, don't tell them the truth!

ME: The studies have been posted from multiple sources many times in this forum: Peel 20% of blacks away from the Democrat party and the party is dead. Why are Dems screaming racism at the tops of their luungs now? This is why:

Trump Support Up This Week Among Black Voters
Trump Support Up This Week Among Black Voters - Rasmussen Reports®
".....this week’s surveying for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found a bump in black support for the president. Even with the +/-9 margin of error for the smaller sample, it’s a bump that has held up nearly all week

The main stream media's ratings are tanking?
Want to provide some sort of factual basis for your bullshit or just happy to be a Russian troll?

People who call other people Russian Trolls are just little punkass bitches who aren't worth wasting time on. Talk to me when you grow up you little bitch
Wait until you see the names hurled at blacks by libs when Trump gets 25% of their vote. Just like they screamed when they had their slaves taken away.

How do you figure that? Where does this come from, besides your ass?

Here's something you can chew on:

Analyzing Black Support for President Trump

"""Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019."""
Do you realize how many closeted black Trump supporters Trump has. Do you realize how many closeted Trump supporters there are??

How the F can someone get 20k in a venue and have 10k people freezing their A off in rain outside watching the TV screen?

If Biden gets 100 it means at capacity.
Obama was the worse president in the history of America. If the media reported the news
Too bad we don’t have an expert from the black community, to advise us about a different perspective.

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